Current Louisiana gun law recognizes residents’ right to carry a firearm openly, but requires a permit to carry concealed. The second part of that equation could change. From

House Bill 68 by Baton Rouge lawmaker, Rep. Barry Ivey, would do away with the permitting process. That means anywhere a person can legally carry a gun openly, they could also carry a concealed gun without a permit. Convicted felons would still not be allowed to carry.

Under HB 68 the permitting process would remain in place. It simply wouldn’t be mandatory. A commenter at legiscan writes that it is the House Administration of Criminal Justice committee that has killed the bill in the past. She notes that the requirements for a permit chill the exercise of the right to bear arms for many.

This bill has been shot down multiple times in the past years by the House Administration of Criminal Justice. It is time to let the poeple you represent vote on what’s right for them and let this bill pass on to a vote of the people. Instead we have politicians who think they know what’s best for you or police who don’t want to deal with any hassle.

Guess what, criminals are going to conceal anyway so this only affects law abiding citizens and the state because they count on this money. The only help we need on this one is to let us vote. There are a lot of good people in this state that can’t afford to take time off work ( not open on weekends)not to mention the $500.00 fee to get a lifetime concealed permit.

Louisiana has had “shall issue” concealed carry permitting since 1996. Several incremental improvements in the law have been passed since then. Honorably discharged veterans are exempt from fees for the five year license. People who have had felony convictions expunged can obtain permits. A lifetime permit is offered.

But those improvements still require the permit, which isn’t consistent with the Louisiana Constitutional Amendment. From the Constitution on the State of Louisiana:

Section 11. The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms is fundamental and shall not be infringed. Any restriction on this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.

It’s hard to see that the requirement for a permit to conceal carry would pass the strict scrutiny standard. Thirteen other states do not require permits, and their crime rates are generally lower than that of Louisiana, proving that the permits lower crime would be difficult.

Passage of HB  68 seems unlikely this year. But New Hampshire and North Dakota have passed Constitutional Carry bills, and Alabama, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin bills are in play.

Montana passed a “permitless” carry bill for the third time this year. The bill would have extended “permitless” carry to the ne percent of the state where a permit is required. It was vetoed for a second time by Governor Bullock. South Dakota passed a Constitutional Carry bill for the second time, only to have it vetoed the second time by Governor Daugaard.

©2017 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included. Gun Watch


  1. I do not understand why state legislators are so afraid to override a governor’s veto.

  2. At first glance I can’t help but notice that the building in the picture seems destined to lend itself to the anti-gun “penis compensation” meme.

    Just sayin’.

    • That’s exactly what I was thinking. Maybe they’d quit whining about phallic symbols if we had more buildings shaped like boobies.

    • That’s the state capitol building.

      As long as we’re making extremely old, tired observations for the sake of comedy, though: What are your thoughts on airline food? I hear it’s not as good as regular food, and that’s pretty darn funny!

  3. Meanwhile, here in Texas the concealed handgun license training lobby is working overtime to defeat constitutional carry. Texas politicians, not surprisingly, will demonstrate their usual willingness to be bought-and-paid-for. Money talks in Texas politics.

    • I love living in Texas but our representatives DO often forget whom put them in office. From time to time, have to politely remind them “we the people” put you in office, we can take you out of office.

      We did finally get Open Carry after way to long. Think will pass reducing fee for RTC. Still a Right should not cost any $ to exercise!

  4. This pace keeps up and 40 states will be free to carry concealed leaving about 10 places that think their residents are untrustworthy on a grand scale.

  5. Flame me if you must but let me qualify my statements by saying I absolutely know the 2d Amendment guarantees our right to keep and bear arms, however I am not a fan of permit less care in my home state! This especially holds true after attending several excellent training classes. There are too many people that do not understand the legal and civil ramifications of shooting someone. Granted 4 hours of class room is not going to make you a lawyer but at the minimum it provides some basis for rational/practical application of defending ones self. Additionally, holding a permit out to apolice officer can defuse a tense situation. While I know the permit card does not make us saints, the officer will know you have done your best to act as a responsible citizen … especially if your handgun is visible. Finally, Louisiana is ripe with civil lawyers doing their best to squeeze every bit of water from each and every stone. If you have exercised due diligence by seeking training and going through the permit process you remove two potential avenues of attack. While this will not automatically release you from the potential of civil litigation if you have to use your weapon for self defense, it may be just enough to plant the seed of doubt in a jury member ‘s mind!

    • Virtual D, everything you say is a good idea, but should it be law and required? That’s the question.

      It’s a good idea to be knowledgeable about history and current events and facts and political positions, etc. before casting your vote, but should we require citizens take a test before they are allowed to vote so we can keep stupid people and political idiots from voting?

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