Magpul just announced via Facebook that they are planning to install an express lane for Colorado customers to buy PMAGs directly from the factory, and will be offering flat rate $5 shipping anywhere in the state. Thanks to the impending legislation that would make simple possession of an inanimate object a crime, Magpul is going to do its best to get these mags into the hands of as many Colorado residents as possible before the ban goes into effect. Their limit will be 10 per customer, with full details to follow. Make the jump for the full skinny . . .
We are proud to announce that within a matter of days we will be going live with a new program. Due to a bill currently moving through the Colorado legislature, there is the possibility that Colorado residents’ ability to purchase standard capacity magazines will soon be infringed. Before that happens, and Magpul is forced to leave the state in order to keep to our principles, we will be doing our best to get standard capacity PMAGs into the hands of any Colorado resident that wants them.
Verified Colorado residents will be able to purchase up to ten (10) standard capacity AR/M4 magazines directly from Magpul, and will be given immediate flat-rate $5 shipping, bypassing our current order queue.
Our customers outside of Colorado, please know that our PMAG production will continue at an ever-increasing rate until we do relocate, shipments to our distributors in other states will continue, and that we do not expect relocation to significantly impact PMAG production. We are also aware that Colorado is not the only state with existing or pending magazine capacity restrictions; we are working on programs for other affected states as well.
Full details and instructions will be announced when we are able to go live; please watch here for the coming announcement.
This made me smile. Good on them.
Same here, except I can’t stop, and might break out into a giggle any second.
Fandango for Magpul!!! Way to go!
Magpul is awesome. I cant afford (or find) many more PMAGS, but I might just have to pick up a MOE hand guard to support this great company.
I’m so glad they are doing this!!! I’m not even in CO. This is such a great idea!
Awesome! Hope the mags stay within CO, but I suspect many of them will turn up for sale at jacked up prices.
I wish schumer would fall down a flight of stairs and go completely brain dead, instead of mostly brain dead like he is now.
I like this. This is a Berlin Airlift for Colorado. Maybe Liberator pistols (thinking in modern terms, Hi-point pistols) should be included in each box too.
if the government can airlift drugs, maybe we can airlift magazines 😀
Sounds almost like an insurrection.
“God forbid we shoud be twenty years without a revolution!”
— Thomas Jefferson
Starting to catch steam. Thank God there’s hope for this country yet.
Good job, push the pols to the wall, then see them scramble when the counties take a hit….hope that as many of the employees of magpul and the sub-contractors can also relocate.
I heart Magpul.
Very excited to see this news. Magpul continues to impress me. CO customer for life right here!
I don’t even have a AR or other magazine fed rifle, and I’m thinking of buying a few Magpul mags for family that does.
I’ve loaded up on PMAGs (and non-Magpul mags too) so I really don’t need any more, but as a CO resident I’ll buy 10 (and keep them) as my show of support for our very-likely and soon-to-be departed supplier of all that is good about guns. I’ve been wanting to unload some of my off-brands anyway, so this is just what I’ve been waiting for. Hope they’re not too expensive though. Primary Arms just had them for $12.99 today and sold out in minutes.
Great gesture, Magpul!
It’ll be sad for CO if they leave, but it seems Magpul is intent on one last classy move in support of the community that it’s called home until now.
Well at least he didn’t pull a PG-county and shoot the dog.
If some POS gets out of Attica ten years after shooting a 7/11 clerk and is henceforth barred from owning a gun, is that a gun control law or a gun-related subsection of another law?
Or a rapist? Or someone with a history of extreme violence but who hadn’t previously used a gun – preferring brass knuckles?
I don’t want such people to have unrestricted access to a salad fork.
I therefor support gun control, within reason. No, not the myriad laws we have, but some.
Does anyone here really not? Within reason?
If we are realistic, that takes a few rounds out of the other side’s clip.
If there is a pool of data… no big deal? That is until certain people get their hands on it.
Think of your credit card info on a business’s servers — it’s there because you bought something — a malicious hacker could get to it and use it.
So the government will have all this information about your guns. You think, “no big deal.” That would be true if everyone was a moral person all of the time. Eventually there will be people who are not moral that will use the info for their gain.
That is a lot of human beings you have to trust. Yet watch over forever. It would be like hanging a gun, flashlight, your house keys and a sign saying “I trust you, always!” on your front door.
Good job nailing his two-faced lying ass to the wall.
HELL yes…
Sequester Schmequester.
The damn thing is only 3% of the annual federal budget.
Wake up people. There’s still 97% to go.
Glen Beck was doing a personal ad for them on his radio show this morning, which don’t come cheap. Keep up the boycott, they are definitely feeling it.
“Chuck You Schumer” …………can go do exactly that.
Amendment 27 just passed! The beginning of the end.
I listened to the whole session! It was truly fascinating. I am a young dude, new to politics, new to IL (Chicago) and even newer to the 2A camp, so this debate is of particular significance to me. I feel very grateful toward everyone involved but especially to Phelps, Reboletti, Sacia, and all the others who spoke up for us… I really enjoyed listening to them argue their points and call this ridiculous exercise out for what it was. What a relief it was when amendment 27 passed. The beginning of the end indeed! I am not at all sure where it will go from here, but I have faith we will end up with something favorable. What do you think?
I keep saying this, but OhGodOhGod I hope they move to Utah. Though I will need to work on my interview composure, I’m afraid at this point it would be me blubbering and bawling like a little girl “I’m so proud of you guys! Pleeeeease let me come work for a company I can be proud of!!”
If you do get hired by them some day….I want some clear gen3’s….just copy the Lancer material and make some good clear 30 round Gen 3’s ( love the lancers by the way )
Just like many of the gloom and doom “sequester” predictions — the Obama Administration is full of cr**! If they cannot find effing 2% to cut across the board, they are just totally full of sh** — while I applaud this problem, it is just more BS from the useless Obama Administration — when will people see what a total joke of president and administration we have. Seriously FOAD!
Yeah, the story is from San Antonio and that gun shop is a joke to SA shooters. Before the current price gouging episode, their prices were always twice that of legitimate gun shops/retailers. This shop makes their living taking advantage of those who don’t know any better…
The determination of independent minded individuals will always trump the ignorance of an elitist-run tyrannical government.
I think I’ll move to CO temporarily…
Great to hear Magpul is standing up for our rights. I will continue to support them in the future!
The problem with Lower-than-Dirt is that they already tainted their own reputation, and that leaves a bad after-taste in many gun owners. I’ve personally have not bought anything from them in the past, and most likely never will–unless they were the last resort (I doubt that). I would rather buy from a local gun shop and support my local economy than to buy from them.
It will take a whole lot more than just donating to a 2A cause for them to get back in the consumer’s good graces.
Why doesn’t the magpul website say anything about this?
It’s on their Facebook page right now.
Facebook sucks. Put it up on the website and I’ll buy.
Maybe when we don’t enjoy so much privilege at the expense of others just for being born, this will be worth caring about. Until then, I don’t really feel the need to get bent out of shape about being theoretically almost slightly discriminated against in a purely abstract fashion.
“I,m not anti-gun, I,m pro Kindergartner”. “I,m not pro-Zyklon-B, I,m anti Pelvic Ashtray”. You stupid, effing, libtards.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I will start the emailing I guess. And you can believe if anyone breaks in my home, these people will be held responsible.
This whole sequester business is kabuki theater. The cuts are miniscule compared to what actually NEEDS to be cut from the Federal “budget” (in quotes because we haven’t had an actual budget for years now).
It is not that big of a deal. They are trying to keep the people panicked. Panicked people are easier to lead, because they don’t think. They act like prey–they react instead of reason. Panicked people just yell “SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!”. So the powers that be do something. They do the somethings they want to do, and a little bit more of this country dies.
There was an FBI agent who bugged his superior’s office. He was fired. Another left an agency issued shotgun and laptop in his car overnight; both of which got stolen. He was suspended for five days.
This being a local story here, there is more to it than what was reported here. There was another in the class that had written a paper about his time spent hunting, got the same treatment. Supposedly, the teacher apologized, but not very well.
Well done. Exactly the simple kind of audio/video illustration that we need to get across to the general public. I’d like to see a video of Smokin’ Joe shooting a 12 G.
More AR firing footage is required to drive home the point.
1st in line to the Oval Office.
I agree that I support no gun laws. You may ask about felons and such being able to get them…to that I say this: If someone is on the street that would be dangerous WITH a gun…that means they are dangerous WITHOUT a gun…which means they have no business being out on the street. Maybe if our prisons were not like luxury resorts with gyms, cable TV, etc. etc. we could afford to keep criminals behind bars. If they are not a threat, let them free and let them have guns…if they are a threat, they rot in prison until that threat passes…
Anyone know if this was recorded? I wanted to watch but missed the live feed.
With the conversation going on about letting college students with CCWs carry on campus, I’d love to see another scenario:
Classroom of 20-25 students, 1 or 2 carrying concealed, professor unarmed. Have normal traffic of students through the classroom. Without announcement or prior warning, have a shooter enter the classroom and open fire.
Seeing the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of randomly armed students in a chaotic situation such as this would be very interesting, and could help convince colleges to allow concealed carry.
Since nobody claims that Canada is run by jackbooted thugs, why did they use their registry to confiscate various types of firearms while the registry was in effect?
Here’s hoping it sticks.
I’ve been burglarized while away from home three times in my life. On the first occasion, a neighbor tried to intervene and got beaten up for his effort. No injuries on the other two occasions although I came home on one occasion and scared them away before they could load up all the loot.
As if those events are not enough to justify being armed, the same week of the Newtown school shooting, a fugitive trying to escape from local authorities tried to force his way into the rural residence of relatives. Both relatives were armed and they held him until the police came to take him away.
I hope you get the replacement ammo, and that this isn’t a scam for the U.S. “Government” to acquire more ammo intended for civilian use.
I’m not saying it is. I hope you’re right. But unless you have a ton of SS-109 ammo, I’ve have opted for that. Might come in handy, if you know what I mean.
I’m really hoping I don’t end up having to move there for school…
Hey, MAGPUL. . .
Scoot on over to Mississippi where the citizens do not tolerate infringement. We just passed a improved version of an “Open Carry Law.” A holster in plain sight no longer “conceals” the firearm. 18 years old and not a felon.