Generally, a sign that says ‘Gun-Free Zone’ turns a location into an appealing target for criminals. On the other hand, a sign like ‘Smith & Wesson Spoken Here’ — which might as well read ‘This is NOT a Gun-Free Zone’ — is thought to deter crime.

In this case, 24-year-old Christian Herbert decided to break into a rural Utah home in spite of at least two warning signs: the second sign, posted directly above the S&W sign with crossed revolvers above, features a smoking 1911 and reads ‘It Takes Courage to Be Free: That’s What It Means to Be American.’

Image via Walmart

Once Herbert managed to force his way into the home, the homeowners shot him in short order. Then they called the police, who sent help as quickly as possible. According to a neighbor, “The sheriff deputy come up on a pickup… like he was shot out of a cannon.”

As described by Lt. Del Schlosser, the homeowners “are a little bit elderly, they do have some disabilities… They did fear for their lives and they did shoot at [the invader].” Whoever pulled the trigger (is it wishful thinking to imagine them both firing their home carry guns in unison?) made contact several times.

However, the story doesn’t end there. After being shot multiple times, Herbert stripped naked and walked outside the home, where he was met by four deputies standing at the ready with tasers. It required the combined effort of all four of them to subdue the man, before he could finally be taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. And a toxicology report. 

As of the latest reports, Herbert is still alive. No one else was harmed during this incident.

Here is a brief newsreel from Fox 13:


  1. I’d love to see that tox report!! I know most drugs DO make one stupid. He must Jupiter high.

      • Even if you are and aren’t uber devout. Know a woman who was raised in an LDS household, has family in the area and goes to church regularly that went to Salt Lake City for college. She considered it offputting and transferred to a college in her home state after a year or two.

        I’d say this is a good thing because it keeps the Democrats out, but they still produce politicans like Hatch and Romney.

    • IMNSHO ‘protected by Glock’, etc on your truck seems to be a ‘please break in and steal my stuff’ sign, rather that whatever it is actually meant to convey.

  2. Don’t know if the perp had already reproduced. But he’s pretty much doing what Darwin predicted.

  3. Walks around naked, still up and about after taking several hits, apparently immune to tasers.

    I wonder if the guy was looking for Sarah Conner?

  4. I think Ma & Pa need to up their caliber selection, but this still qualifies as a “Feel Good” story.

    • “”Well they are a little bit elderly, they do have some disabilities that keep them from being able to defend themselves like you or I…””

      Is that sheriff out of his mind?

      Getting shot and then being hit by 4 tasers barely slowed down the criminal, and yet the sheriff is implying that less elderly and less physically disabled people should have been able to take down the scumbag with their fists?

      • No, the deputy was helping set up a defense for a couple of “older people”, so that they might not be tried in the press, forcing the DA to file charges.

        While ANYONE should be able to shoot a person that breaks into their home(or car, other property), many end up charged with a crime doing so. Having a member of LE putting his/her seal of approval on the shooting could stop the ambulance chasers from even trying.

        • “While ANYONE should be able to shoot a person that breaks into their home(or car, other property), many end up charged with a crime doing so. Having a member of LE putting his/her seal of approval on the shooting could stop the ambulance chasers from even trying.”

          The problem is now anyone younger/ less infirm will be a target for press attacks / prosecution/lawsuits because Sheriff so and so…

  5. It might work for an elderly couple but anyone who is in good physical condition with a sign like those who shoots an intruder has just given ammunition to the prosecutor to indict you because you “were just looking for the chance to shoot someone”.

    • Except there’s been no proven conviction on said grounds. This topic is largely lawyer fear mongering. This mythical hypothetical over zealous prosecutor commonly referred to here on TTAG, would also prosecute you for owning a gun, flying the Gadsden flag, being an NRA member, having a “round in the chamber”, and voting republican.

  6. My elderly neighbors in my apartment/townhome complex in rural Va had an intoxicated man enter their home suddenly, walked right through the front door. I don’t believe any guns were involved but the retiree I think put the hurt on home intruder. Several police cars, marked and unmarked, showed up with an ambulance.

    • I’m glad the old guy was tough enough to get the job done. Most aren’t. Locked doors at least slow down drunks long enough for the police to arrive.

      • You ain’t been paying attention at TTAG. Plenty of stories of the old guys and gals getting the job done.

        Pussies die young.

      • Locked doors slow down the drunks long enough for you to draw your weapon

        Fixed it for you.

      • How tough you gotta be to pull a trigger. A 92 yo did it in KY and we’ve seen several cases of kids shooting the bad guys.

  7. Respect your elders , and the disabled. These values were instilled in me from an early age. This fool not so much It seems he got that lesson via Smith and Wesson. Glad the folks are ok & were armed to ensure such.

  8. Fvck the helicopter ride for the scum bucket.
    Put him in the back seat of the cop car and observe all speed limits to the local vetinarian

  9. Thanks to Libertarians you can get High legally. And thanks to the second amendment you can legally shoot a drug user who breaks into your home. (smile)

  10. So one of the perennial arguments on gun forums is caliber and how many rounds it usually takes to get the job done. People point to stats and say: “Oh, you only need 3 or 4 rounds of .38 ball according to the FBI and Joe the Plumber”.

    Well guess what? Stats don’t mean doodly squat in real life, because no gunfight is ever “usual”.

    Keep that in mind when you decide to defend your life with some low capacity mouse gun.

    • Without being flippant, Gunny, better a frail eldster have ‘a’ gun, than no gun at all. Even some soft-shooting .380s are too much for a frail septa/octa-generarian.

      Much like the CC’ers who own a ‘super-mega man-slayer’, but either won’t train with it, or won’t carry it because ‘too heavy’, ‘too whatever’.

      I agree with pack the most you can handle, but better to have something than nothing.

      • I understand that and agree. Hell, I’m almost 74, but I can still handle a shotgun and my .41 mag and be fast and accurate. My EDC is a full size 9mm that carries 17+1 of Hornady 135gr Critical Duty, and a spare mag. And I drill with it at least a couple times/month.

        But I see way too many folks (men and women) that are young and healthy that get a .22 wheel gun or a .380 single stack because it’s light and easy to carry concealed. And 9 times out of 10 they don’t even go shoot the damn thing with any regularity. People like that are just asking for trouble.

        I’ve been in a few gunfights in my life in warzones and in a couple of US big cities, so maybe that makes me a bit judgmental, but it also gives me a better handle on how fast and nasty things can get, and how to deal with it.

  11. He had to be a total MORON or just so naive thinking that S&W Talked Here meant that they talk about S&W.
    I did know a Woman who was so naive that she thought that oral sex was when people talked about sex. LOL

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