It’s not every day I receive an email with the above headline in the subject bar [h/t PetitionForRedress]. True story! “An Atascadero, [CA] man accused of gunning down his neighbor has believed he was a werewolf for about 20 years,” reports. “The District Attorney’s Office says Mark Andrews, 51, committed murder when he shot Colleen Barga-Milbury, 52, twice on May 22, 2013. But Andrews has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.” Ya think? That said, the explanation raises several important unanswered questions . . .

Why was Mr. Andrews allowed to spend two decades in society laboring under the impression that he was a werewolf? Especially when his schizophrenic fixed delusion manifested itself as a danger long before he murdered his neighbor? To wit:

In 2009, according to court records, Andrews believed a different neighbor was a vampire. Andrews left mounds of dirt and flour on that neighbor’s door and once pounded on the neighbor’s door, calling her a “bitch,” though she didn’t answer.

At his home, according to police reports, police found two lists of names, several marked “hate with death.”

Murphy testified that she asked Andrews why he didn’t kill the neighbor from 2009.

“God didn’t tell him to kill her,” she said . . .

During his cross-examination, he suggested that various people who had interactions with Andrews before and after the murder did not detect psychotic behavior, including police who interviewed him after the shooting, jail staff and the defendant’s treating psychiatrist, who had described Andrews as relatively stable three months earlier.

Murphy said sometimes schizophrenics can control their symptoms and appear more normal, especially if they are taking their medications. Andrews’ mother, Carol Andrews, has said that her son was not taking his medications regularly closer to the time of the killing, Murphy said.

Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Jared Lee Loughner, Mark Andrews. Once again, we’re looking at a mentally ill killer who didn’t receive the care and supervision needed to render them safe for society – or determine that such a thing was not possible and institutionalize them before they could take innocent life.

It’s not about the gun. California’s highly touted, unconstitutional “gun violence restraining order” did not and could not have prevented this incident. These cases are all about the failure of our mental health care and law enforcement systems to take responsibility for those who clearly can’t take responsibility for themselves. Not to mention their relatives’ failure to step up.


  1. Silver bullets, wooden stakes, sunlight……..the options……makes one wanna howl…..for Halloween?

    • What I’ve never understood about vampire movies/TV shows, is that no one has ever thought of taking a hollow point and wedging a piece of wood inside it…. Hell of a lot easier than getting within arm’s reach of a creature which is many times stronger and faster than you.

    • I occurs to me that this guy may as well be in the CA legislature and that Atascadero is the location of the mental health facility shown in Terminator 2.

  2. I believe Atascadero is where the state mental hospital is located. Think of it like a more secure looney bin inside a larger open air looney bin.

    He wont have to go far anyway. Same zip code.

  3. I’ve long believed that insanity should only be a defense if its externally induced. If you’re mentally ill enough to start killing people, you should be locked up.

  4. “…who had described Andrews as relatively stable three months earlier.

    So this passes for ‘relatively stable’ in CA? Yeah, I wanna move there.

    • We’ve all seen some of the legislation, (and legislators) that come out of California… We probably could consider him relatively stable in comparison.

  5. I couldn’t help but hum the song “clap for the wolf man” by the Guess Who, while reading this.
    My bad.

  6. These cases are all about the failure of our mental health care and law enforcement systems to take responsibility for those who clearly can’t take responsibility for themselves. Not to mention their relatives’ failure to step up.

    I would add another dimension to this: all systems, no matter how good they are, will fail at some point — thus it is our personal responsibility to be prepared for the fallout. And being prepared for sociopaths and schizophrenics means being armed.

  7. 1) In Bram Stokers novel they used a Bowie Knife, not a wooden stake.
    2) Insanity is a legal defense. You can still be severely mentally ill, but cognizant of the effects of your actions, and be held responsible for them. You have to be dissociated and psychotic to have the insanity defense bear out, that is why it is so hard to prove.

  8. I had a computer repairman sent by Dell show up at my house that had as good vampire costume as I had ever seen before. Strange contacts, fangs that looked real, skin so pale it was almost translucent. I was astonished that he had been hired by anyone as anything a but a vampire until diagnosed and replace boards in my notebook so fast it went along with the costume. That encounter went a ways towards lessening my prejudices against vampires.

  9. Is Congress infested with vampires? I have always considered some of them as low life blood sucking evil doers

  10. I have an ex-wife who was a vampire-she sucked all my money. Oh well the land of fruits and nuts…”he seemed stable to me”.

  11. Little old lady got mutilated late last night
    Werewolves of London again.

    One of my favorite lines.

  12. Fark-ready headline of the day. Though I didn’t see this at (might have missed it).

  13. I blame the “taste” of modern teens.

    Werewolves and vampyres got on just fine before Twilight.

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