A man who intended to carry out an attack on a North Texas church has been arrested in White Settlement, according to an incident report from the Fort Worth Fire Department. Police found the man in the Texas suburb parked in a van filled with firearms and live explosives.
The suspect has yet to be named by authorities because he has been hospitalized since his detainment and police have not yet been able to charge him formally. White Settlement police say, however, that he will be charged upon release with possessing prohibited weapons, unlawful carrying of a weapon, and resisting arrest, search, or transport.
On Tuesday, November 26, at around 5:30 AM, White Settlement police received a call from a resident on Jason Lane reporting a suspicious white van in the area (gotta keep an eye on those white vans). Officers arrived on the scene to find a visibly disturbed man inside the vehicle who seemed to be experiencing a mental health crisis. According to police, the man had a handgun in his lap and what appeared to be an explosive device on the passenger seat.

After making initial contact and speaking with the man for a bit, officers were able to get him out of the van, quickly distancing him from the weapons.
According to authorities, officers detained the suspect immediately and called the Fort Worth Fire Department Bomb Squad to examine and ultimately remove the explosive devices found in the van. Inside the vehicle authorities also found an AR-15 equipped with a magnified optic, a 9mm AR-Style pistol with a drum magazine, a Smith & Wesson M&P handgun, additional magazines and ammunition and body armor.

According to an incident report CBS News Texas was able to obtain from the Fort Worth Fire Department, bomb squad personnel determined that three of the eight explosive devices found in the van were “indeed destructive devices.”
It’s not clear which church the man wanted to target in North Texas or the existence of a motive outside of a mental episode, according to reports. Police say, however, that the suspect has family members who live in the neighborhood where he was found parked in his van, although the suspect himself is from Oklahoma.
The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and the ATF are assisting local authorities with the investigation, and there is a possibility additional federal charges may be filed.
Thankfully this situation ended before anyone could be seriously hurt thanks to a vigilant resident who knows his neighborhood well enough to spot a suspicious vehicle, and hats off to the local police who defused the scene without incident.
Mentally disturbed man- Tampon Tim?
It has nothing to do with mental illness…It has everything to do with just being Evil. Nothing more..Nothing less. Allowing it to be defined as a medical condition is nothing more than excusing it. All Evil needs to be successful is for good people to do nothing to stop it.
So many people need to be committed.
The Left closed insane asylums to signal their virtue.
The Right went along with it to save money (but of coarse any money “saved” was just diverted to fatten other parts of government).
We need to build a bunch of funny farms.
An associate of dacian, miner, and jsled?
The storage of weapons inside a christian church is discussed in the bible. Unfortunately most Christians haven’t read that part yet.
Is he an a.th.eis.t or a Muslim???
Both of them have a problem with the 1st amendment.
I assume he’s one of those Christian Nationalist terrorists the FBI has been focusing on for the past four years. I recall the Puppet claiming something about those types being the greatest threat to our country, although I believe he said democracy. The consultants told them to keep saying threat to democracy.
For Progressives, politics is their religion.
Uh, except “atheists” GAVE you the First Amendment, via the Enlightenment. It sure wasn’t the Pope. You’re welcome.
Objectivists are the strongest proponents of Capitalism and Freedom… and we’re all agnostic at minimum.
Moslems have a playbook… agnostics and atheists don’t. Merely being unconvinced of the supernatural doesn’t necessarily extend to politics.
I second that sentiment. Not knowing what happens after death doesnt make anyone an antithesis to spirituality.
Well said!
I hasten to point out, however, that there is a hard line between agnosticism and atheism – the former is an admission of scientific reality, the latter just another faith based belief system (ie, religion).
Logic can’t handle the God Concept on either side of the “exists, yes or no?” question. This is because it can’t be reduced to a binary proposition. God by definition can do anything – that includes existing and not existing simultaneously.
Atheism is working up a playbook, too. As Lenin would tell you…
Yeah, but there’s no book or meetings. Where is this playbook? I was satisfied there were no supernatural whatever in 1981 at 14… still haven’t been provided with the handbook.
Hard-core Libertarian and Objectivist since. Imagine what you want, but have fun trying to find the meetings. I’d go… but there aren’t any and funny thing about people who are unconvinced about organized religion– it’s kinda hard to convince us to go be organized. Think about that for a few minutes.
And look around with newly opened eyes… about 25% of your acquaintances don’t believe in the supernatural.
I take it that you use Objectivist as a term that includes both agnosticism and atheism? My point is that logic can’t be used on the God Question. It follows that any declaritive statement about the nature of God (does exist, doesn’t exist, etc) is faith-based. Therefore, atheism is faith-based, and not objective, objectively speaking. It is a hard fact that really irritates atheists…
Sidebar – Handbooks written by atheists and for atheists include but are certainly not limited to – Mao’s Little Red Book, Das Kapital, Rules for Radicals, need I go on?
“My point is that logic can’t be used on the God Question“
That’s quite the admission.
“Therefore, atheism is faith-based“
Nope. Atheists don’t make any claims about the existence of God(s), we’re just waiting on evidence for the claims the religionists make about their particular deities
And atheism isn’t a religion, it’s merely the position of not believing the God claims.
No doctrine, no leaders, no holy scripture, no miracles or virgin birth, no faith required.
“Atheists don’t make any claims about the existence of God(s)”
Sure they do. They claim God does not exist. That is a faith based statement. You wouldn’t be trying to pretend atheism is a synonym for agnosticism, would you?
Nice try. Not.
“Hard-core Libertarian and Objectivist since.”
Well, that explains a lot in your musings.
“Objectivists are the strongest proponents of Capitalism and Freedom… and we’re all agnostic at minimum.”
Holy Schrödinger’s cat Batman!
One can’t be an agnostic and Objectivist.
An agnostic believes that its impossible to know whether there is a God.
Objectivism is a philosophy of reality, reason, egoism, and capitalism that is centered on the objectivist being their own ‘heroic’ being with their own happiness as the moral purpose of their life and reason as their only absolute. In other words, self worship as their own God.
It can’t be impossible for you to know whether you exist if you are your own God.
What you are describing is atheism. Not objectivism or agnostic.
@XZX It’s interesting that you aren’t accounting for the fact that that something could possibly exist that is beyond your comprehension. If the Creator of the universe did exist, then why would you think you could understand him? Do you think you would be an equal? Wouldn’t that be arrogant? How would you, XZX, go about creating the universe?
Never said something couldn’t exist. We merely posit that we are unconvinced for now.
I shouldn’t way “we”– there is no “we”. Not that I speak for anyone but me, but come on– don’t act like I’m the weird one for NOT believing in things without evidence. That’s on you.
I know. That comment wasn’t addressed to you. It’s specifically addressed to @XZX.
You haven’t talked to many Christians or looked very far beyond your own beliefs if you think all Christians aren’t interested in evidence. I never said, implied, or thought you were weird.
@dude – I have no idea how you got to any of that from my comment.
It is as if I posted about eating pizza in Naples and now you want to know why I think apples are evil.
Simple explanation. I was writing it before I read it. I still had edit time, but my VPN decided to crap out as I was trying to delete my comment. I’m sure this sort of thing never happens on the net. Overall, I think oranges are good.
*writing my reply before I fully read yours.
Even my initial explanation didn’t make sense.
Better than apples. Murcotts can even hang in the with a good watermelon.
So God is either Schrödinger’s cat or a function of quantum physics?
@Mark N
Good one, but I didn’t say that, either. The Agnostic confesses his Ignorance and lack of Talent , the Atheist claims to know the nature of God, usually citing “preponderance of evidence”. I point out that the concept of a Supreme Being is not amenable to manipulation by logic, because the question “Does God exist?” cannot be reduced to a yes/no answer. It follows that atheism is faith-based and atheists are not Objectivists.
I made no statement as to the Nature of God. As a militant Agnostic, I would not do that.
“the Atheist claims to know the nature of God“
No, the atheists make no claims.
We just don’t think belief is warranted until sufficient evidence is presented.
Are you still flapping your gums like you are relevant?
“So God is either Schrödinger’s cat or a function of quantum physics?”
There is no function of quantum physics.
Chris could be more specific and call them anti-Christian atheists which is what he was referring to.
But he didn’t, and that’s important. I’m OK with Nativity scenes. Not OK with burning me at the stake though.
Please Christians understand the difference. We’re not all anti-Christianity, though some kooky “atheists” are. Most of us actually believe in freedom of religion… don’t want to support it via taxes, Christian or Muslim or whatever… but aren’t antagonistic. And are way happier with Christian vs. Muslim. There really isn’t much of an argument there. Christian/Buddhism– sure– which is better for humanity? Moslem? Really no debate there. We’re on your side, believe it or not. As much or more than the current Pope.
I understand that some atheists/agnostics are on the side of liberty, just like many religious people are not. It is weird though that, as you’re lecturing me on the topic subgroups and prejudices, you’re talking about Christians wanting to burn you at the stake. Yes, some cultures are much better than others.
You didn’t just wake up one day with these original thoughts of liberty. You’re a product of your culture, just like your enlightenment heroes who learned from and expanded on ideas from people that were famously not atheists. It’s also worth noting that the founding document of the greatest country that has ever existed acknowledges God three times.
Yep, and my type is all cool with that. Please don’t change things and start burning us at the stake. You have before, you know. Doctrine of the Congregation of the Faith and whatnot.
Beyond that… believe it or not, most of us are good with the Christian agenda, even if we grumble about having to pay for it. Cross on a hill? Yawn.
“You have before, you know.”
No. I have not. You’re asking me not to group all atheists together (which I never do) while you are grouping all Christians together. This is the second time I’ve had to point that out.
I know that plenty are cool with it. Richard Dawkins said he considers himself to be a cultural Christian.
This was my orginal comment.
“Is he an a.th.eis.t or a Muslim???
Both of them have a problem with the 1st amendment.”
This flew over everyone’s head. This is a secular question/statement. I didn’t ask about the belief people have or don’t have.
Both the ath.eists and the Muslims don’t not support the 1st amendment. Prove me wrong.
Would atheists support christians protesting and or block the entrance to abortion clinics?? Like the anti-war crowd who protest and block military recruiting centers.
The atheists have no history of supporting that. The atheists supported the government when churches were forced to close. In 2020/2021.
But they did support BLM protests and gay pride parades during those years.
Everyone knows Muslims don’t support the 1st amendment. They will try to cut off your head. Which is the ath.eist don’t say anything negative about the Islamic faith.
But the atheists do like to attack christians.
The Libertarian Tom Woods publicly said, he knows of only one atheist writer/activist, who spoke up for the christians, who were forced out of their churches. By government threats of violence. Because they thought the public would catch and spread the flue.
“founding document of the greatest country that has ever existed acknowledges God three times“
Really? Where is the name of Jehovah mentioned in the declaration or the constitution?
I carry wherever I go. My 7 oz P32 keltec with a laser site works just fine, for protecting the flock. And the flock doesn’t need to know about that.
Amen. Concealed means concealed. My “church gun” is a diminutive gen 1 Ruger LCP. Not much gun, but easy to deep conceal in church clothes, and FAR better than throwing hymnals.
“… and FAR better than throwing hymnals.”
(Laugh out loud.)
Also, as I was reading your sentence, my brain immediately projected that you were going to write, “and FAR better than harsh words,” which is how many people complete that type of thought.
Did he not see how the last Church shooting(attempted) in Texas went down?
It wasn’t just Texas. It was also in White Settlement, Texas (Jack Wilson making the head shot with his .357 SIG).
A caliber that begs for a full length slide/barrel…… even when placed on a subcompact grip because fuck buying gimped compliant mags when you don’t have to.
A christian pastor stopped a terrorist attack on his church, using only his 5 shot 38 special revolver. Because the over one dozen attackers armed with select fire weapons and hand grenades, they don’t like being shot at either.
In the good old days. When drugs were legal. Churches use to organize shooting competitions. Some Churches even had a gun range on church property.
The pastor would say a blessing for all the hunters before the left out for their hunts. And he would bless their guns as well.
Any game that harvested was also blessed back at the church. Guns and religion go together like bread and butter.
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
(snicker again)
Jimbo you are on a roll today!
Seems to be a lot of violence perpetrated against churches and the people who are in them.
I do not know why but if it saves just one life,,,,,,,,
Holy holy holy Sacred Bomb through you we see the light, our spirits are lifted high
Grant us pieces on earth and forgive us our short fuzzes.
Forever and ever amen.
Thought you sll might enjoy this:
Knott and Shott got into a gunfight. Knott was shot and Shott was not. Therefore it was better to be Shott than Knott. But what if the shot Shott shot didn’t hit Knott but Shott? Then the shot Shott shot shot Shott.
“Then the shot Shott shot shot Shott.”
always liked those word twisters.
I almost spit out my salad that was so funny!
That was good–I laughed out loud. Thank you: I needed that!
Lifesavor, that’s some heavy shot man.
“FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and the ATF are assisting” ? The JBTs bringing donuts to local police matter?
Part of their job description is justifying their existence.
For neiowa: Any involvement of explosives or “destructive devices” will automatically elevate the situation to be a federal issue and bring in the BATFE to determine if federal charges are appropriate. If the overall situation appears to the local/state authorities to potentially be an incident related to political terrorism, the same occurs with the FBI. Note that the specific laws in both these areas that require federal involvement were actually passed by congress and approved by the president (yep, the same elected guys and gals you and I did or didn’t vote for).
When it comes to people with mental health issues the problem is that there are very few state hospitals to take people like this in. The ACLU some 30+ years ago sued that the hospitals did not measure up to be in code to house any prisoners, so the states just dumped them into the streets and society be damned. This guy will not be held forever and if declared incompetent, his family will probably want nothing to do with him, which would leave him with no resources. Hopefully he gets the help and any medications that he needs.
I remember when this happened.
And yep, crime skyrocketed once the asylums were closed.
A big part of the issue was that once the asylums were closed, the funding fr mental health treatment went with it, and families could not afford to pay out of pocket for private placements. All Hail St. Reagan. Cut the funding and pass the buck to the justice system.
And over 40 years Dems not Reps would fix it. One because it cost too much, the other because it violated the right of the insane to wander the streets. Both because our trillions are better used waging endless wars abroad than doing anything productive at home.
How do we know that the man in the white van was planning to attack a church? Both the title and first line of this story say that, and yet there are no quotes of such in any of the references/sources.
The church attack is in the CBS news link. The police probably knew which church and didn’t want to say.
Man with Guns and Explosives was looking for Alchohol and Tobacco.
, wrong church dude, that’d be Saint Margarita of BreakingHearts
this is something I expect Miner49er to do one day….running thru a church all dressed up in his latest new dress and matching heels shooting people screaming “TRUMPPPPPPP!” and trying to cite Bible verses out of context and completely citing them wrong by cherry picking them.
dacian. Or miner. Fascists hate to lose and they get a little petulant about it.
“this is something I expect Miner49er to do one day….running thru a church all dressed up in his latest new dress and matching heels shooting people“
I believe this is what the psychologists call ‘projection’.
You would know.
“I believe this is what the psychologists call ‘projection’.”
No moron Miner49er. ‘expecting something’ is not projection – its anticipation.
Officers arrived on the scene to find a visibly disturbed man inside the vehicle who seemed to be experiencing a mental health crisis. Interesting some of the “mental health “ issues of today were the demonic possession back in the day.
They still ARE. This world is on a fast track to hell. Satan knows his time is short.
“I also believe that many cases truly are the result of abnormally strong demonic influence“
A belief held without evidence…
I said that you live in fear of these “demons”.
And you live in fear of the skydaddy. Lol making shit up is fun isn’t it.
I believe that some cases truly are a mental health breakdown–and many of those are probably chemical problems in their brains.
I also believe that many cases truly are the result of abnormally strong demonic influence–possibly even full blown “possession” in some cases.
“This world is on a fast track to hell”.
It is not the world it’s the major inhabitants whom are on a fast track to hell and they are content with taking down everything along with them.
Flint U235.
Yay we did it.🎈
I get a lot of information on DGU’s around the country that doesn’t make the news, thousands of them. These come from combing through police reports mostly, some come from state level reports. My wife has access to these data bases and reports and sources for her research contracts. Sometimes there are these weird instances involving DGU’s. One such weird incident happened yesterday, from a police report …
A man coming home from work at 4AM, lets call him John, pulls into his drive way and gets out of the car. He is suddenly hit from behind and knocked to the ground, he rolls over while drawing his firearm, comes back up into a sitting position ready and sees… a huge teddy bear standing there in the semi-dark area. Teddy bear, lets call him Teddy, is just standing there looking at John and swaying back and forth singing some kind of weird song that seems made up as he goes along singing it. John is ready to fire..all this has happened in maybe a few seconds, but John pauses and doesn’t pull the trigger as he senses something isn’t right here as Teddy isn’t really pressing an attack.
Now, its not clear exactly what John sensed about Teddy in those few seconds but he didn’t pull the trigger because of it. But it turns out that Teddy is an young adult man with some mental health issues, 6′ 2″ 210 lbs, 22 years old, his sleeping outfit is a full body teddy bear sleeper costume complete with a hood with teddy bear ears. I guess this makes him look like a big teddy bear. Teddy had gotten up the day before and wandered away from home still dressed in his teddy bear sleeper. He had been reported missing, and he was wandering around the general area ranging a few miles.
From what I can tell from other related reports there were a few sightings of a giant teddy bear called into police. I can only imagine what they thought when a caller says “Uhhh…there’s this giant teddy bear …”
Anyway, John doesn’t fire and realizes Teddy needs help when he realizes the song Teddy is singing goes like this “home…wheres home … find home …” mixed in with some other lyrics. John talks to Teddy, Teddy in his own way tells John he is lost. John has called police who come to get Teddy.
That’s a happy ending 40Cal.
The school shooting you have not heard of. And why is that???
From 6 December 24 The daily wire.
“Shooter At Christian School Sought ‘Child Executions’ In Response To ‘Oppression Of Palestinians’ ”
In rural California. You are not safe. It’s was homosexual law maker who forced the schools to disarm.
The school shooting you have not heard of. And why is that???
From 6 December 24 The daily wire.
“Shooter At Christian School Sought ‘Child Executions’ In Response To ‘Oppression Of Palestinians’ “