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Mandalay Bay Shooting: Why He Did It, Why He Stopped

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Stephen Paddock (courtesy Eric Paddock)

Stephen Paddock did the unthinkable. He broke out two windows on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, aimed a rifle at a crowd of 22 thousand open air concert goers and fired into their midst. His attack killed 58 people and wounded 546, some of whom remain critically injured, many lifelong. Why did he do it?

The answer is all about Stephen Paddock’s personality. But first let’s look at all the things he wasn’t . . .

Stephen Paddock Wasn’t An ISIS Operative

Various fighting forces have defeated or back-footed ISIS in their former Middle Eastern “safe havens.” The terrorists’ claim that Mr. Paddock killed in their name reflects ISIS’s growing desperation. Nothing more.

There’s no evidence linking the Islamic terrorist organization to the 64-year-old Silver State killer, or indications that he “self-radicalized.” If Mr. Paddock had been a radical Islamic terrorist, he would’ve announced his religious affiliation or left behind a statement of some sort identifying his “cause.”

Stephen Paddock Wasn’t A Gun Control Advocate

Mr. Paddock’s heinous act was a gift to the civilian disarmament industrial complex. But there’s no evidence that Mr. Paddock was a homicidal anti-gun crusader (like LA cop turned mass murderer Christopher Dorner). Mr. Paddock had no known known affiliation with a gun control organization, nor did he make any pronouncements about gun control on social media.

Stephen Paddock Wasn’t An Antifa Operative

It’s safe to assume that a large portion of the 22 thousand people attending the Route 91 Harvest country music festival were Republican-leaning conservatives. But there’s no evidence Mr. Paddock engaged in progressive political activity prior to his attack.

Months before the Mandalay Bay attack, Mr. Paddock reserved multiple suites in the Ogden hotel overlooking Vegas’ Life is Beautiful Festival. He also booked a room in the Blackstone Hotel overlooking Chicago’s Lollapalooza gathering. Neither of those events attract a “right-wing” or conservative crowd.

So Why Did He Do It?

Assuming the police aren’t covering up evidence pointing to any of the motivations listed above, we’re left with a simple fact: Mr. Paddock’s motives were personal. But how can you call the killer’s attack “personal” when he shot at a swirling mass of strangers from 32 floors up and hundreds of yards away?

You can’t. The Mandalay Bay shooting was an act of indiscriminate slaughter, the kind of attack that can only be carried out by a man who lacks the ability to create or maintain emotional connections with other people. Soon after the Mandalay Bay shooting cnn.com offered these insights into Mr. Paddock’s personality:

“Steve was a private guy — that’s why you can’t find any motive,” his younger brother Eric told reporters . . .

He met [his girlfriend Marilou] Danley after he started buying up properties around Reno, Nevada, in 2012. She worked as a hostess for high rollers at Club Paradise at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa.

Some people, including Eric Paddock, said they were a devoted couple, but others sensed a cold disconnect between them.

For someone who led such an adventurous life, Paddock didn’t seem to like other people much. If he was often generous with friends and loved ones, he was taciturn with others.

Real estate agents said he paid cash for the Mesquite house. Neighbors seldom saw him, and when they did, he rarely waved. He erected a privacy fence, telling a neighbor that he didn’t want to see anybody and he didn’t want anybody seeing him . . .

He favored a private suite reserved for high-bet video poker players, tucked away from the main casino floor, behind low walls lined with slot machines.

According to CNN, law enforcement labeled the killer’s bank-robbing father “a dangerous psychopath with suicidal tendencies.” And there you have it. Like father, like son. Stephen Paddock was a psychopath.

While the definition of psychopathy is subject to debate, experts agree that psychopathy has a genetic component, and that psychopaths lack the ability to experience empathy with their fellow man. They’re beyond selfish. They’re emotionally disconnected from human society.

Most psychopaths aren’t violent. Some are. Psychopaths are fully capable of committing horrific crimes without hesitation, guilt or remorse.

Experts connect psychopathy with antisocial personality and obsessive–compulsive disorders. The former accounts for Mr. Paddock’s lack of a social conscience (enabling mass murder). The latter explains his decision to bring 23 firearms into his hotel room, including 12 equipped with bump fire stocks.

And now the two questions vexing victims, investigators, media pundits and the nation at large: why did he do it and why did he stop?

“He was a gambler, that was his job,” Stephen Paddock’s brother Eric told nytimes.com. “He was a wealthy guy, playing video poker, who went cruising all the time and lived in a hotel room.”

The Las Vegas Gaming Commission revealed that Mr. Paddock made 16 “transactions” of $10lk or more with various casinos leading up to his death. Before his suicide, Mr. Paddock transferred $100k to his girlfriend’s bank in the Philippines.

The police and casinos have refused to disclose whether Mr. Paddock ended his life as a debtor. Given that he’d been gambling for over thirty years, it’s entirely possible that Stephen Paddock was that most valued of casino customers: a successful gambler. By which I mean one who didn’t go bankrupt. A man who parlayed real estate speculation into decades of video poker.

And got bored.

At some point, months before the Mandalay Bay attack, Mr. Paddock found a new, more interesting and more challenging pursuit than flipping houses or endless rounds of soulless, isolated, all-night video poker: mass murder.

Over a period of years, Stephen Paddock acquired dozens of firearms (in three states) and thousand of rounds of ammunition. He equipped twelve rifles with bump fire stocks, secured a stack of 100-round magazines and practiced firing his weapons.

As stated above, he scouted multiple locations (that we know about). When Stephen Paddock eventually settled on the Mandalay Bay hotel, he ferried firearms and ammo to his suite, readied a hammer to break the windows, secured a nearby door with hardware and placed wifi-enabled cameras in the hallway.

When security guard Jesus Campos interrupted Mr. Paddock’s final preparations, the killer repelled the threat by shooting through his door. Some time after — reported as both six minutes and forty seconds — he broke two windows and opened fire on the crowd below.

Ten minutes after he started, Stephen Paddock stopped shooting. He did so for the same reason the gambler ended his marathon video poker sessions: he was done. He’d done what he’d set out to do. More to the point, he quit while he was ahead.

The psychopath with suicidal tendencies wanted to die by his own hand. He didn’t want arriving police to shoot him to death or, worse, take him alive. That would be “losing.” So he stopped shooting at the crowd and killed himself before the first police officers arrived at his door.

Some pundits have suggested the former IRS worker was motivated by a desire for notoriety/immortality, achieved by racking up the highest-ever body count for a single shooter in the U.S. I doubt it. Mr. Paddock was a psychopath, a self-made killer who didn’t care what anyone thought of him before, during or after his attack.

I believe Stephen Paddock viewed mass murder as something to do. An interesting and challenging way to vent some personal frustrations and end his cold monotonous life. Such is the banality of evil, against which we should always be vigilant.

Photo of author

Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Mandalay Bay Shooting: Why He Did It, Why He Stopped”

  1. Still. Great elevated position, great enfilade, 22,000 potential targets.

    And he only scored 58 kills. Whatever he set out to do, he failed.

    Breivik scored more without bumpstock and such target rich environment. Paddock should have at least doubled Breivik.

    • Well… you are not wrong… Not that saying the idea of killing more people is a good thing, but I am picking up what you are putting down.

      • Well, I can concur on why he started, but I would quibble that he *may* have stopped when there were no longer huge contiguous targets impossible to miss. People scattered, and he could no longer kill with efficiency, so he was done. Similarly, I would *suspect* that most kills were in the first minute or 2, when he was shooting across a solid mass of heads, wherever the bullet arrived was likely to be a head shot.

    • I think we should all be greatful that the sunuvabitch didn’t learn riflemanship in San Diego Ca. Or in Parris Island S.C. If he had decent training, and eschewed the BS bump stock and stuck with semi-auto/disciplimed fire, he could have killed over 500 and wounded 59. As sick as it sounds, if this psycho HAD BEEN a Marine, I’d be embarrased.

  2. Not buying it… The guy was rich enough to afford _real_ machine guns and _more_… I’ll wait for the official report after the next Congressional election :p

    • I thought that at first, but it makes sense if you assume he didn’t want to wait a year to do the attack for what ever reason. Assuming he hadnt spent years thinking about doing something like this.

  3. ““Democrats need to find courage and learn to speak to the issue,” said Ladd Everitt…”

    Please, please, *please* find that ‘courage’, Leftists.

    That will win us elections for a *long* time.

    TTAG’ers, if you want to help the Leftists commit political suicide, hit the comment sections in Leftist blogs and *loudly* demand they run on gun control.

    You love the comment section here, use that skill to stab them in the back…

  4. ” ASSUMING NO COVER-UP ” …… WTF , stopped reading there. There are plenty of facts , begging plenty of unanswered questions , that no TIN – FOIL is needed on this absolute CLUSTER !

    Gun Running ? , F & F deal gone bad ? , FBI – MOB informant in Vegas goes sideways ….. pick one.

  5. I’ve pretty much come to the same conclusion. Some information would have leaked out by now. As has been discussed here before, the withholding of information and shifting timeline make things look suspicious. But it’s most likely a lot of CYA by local law enforcement and the Mandalay Bay. The lawsuits have already started, and are going to knock a big chunk out of profits.

    The human psyche requires an answer to the why of a disaster. As a people, we are simply unable to accept the fact that pure evil exists, and evil people do things simply for the sake of evil. Evil is an inevitable and unfortunate result of free will.

  6. “Here’s What We Know”

    Not certain about much, don’t know where you were able to draw such conclusive conclusions.

    Someone (forgive my inability to provide the Post-er’s I.D., right now) had a great comment yesterday regarding the pictures of the crime scene, with the weapons’ barrels not melted into the furniture or carpeting.

    Whole thing is a pile of crap.

    • Wheres the thousand or so empty casings why no melted carpet.No one needs that many guns just clips .Who puts up a do not disturb sign for days any hotel would send security after a day .the plot was to shoot the fuel tanks and burn thousands .why were the exits blocked at the venue .Why were there police reports of a second shooter. How about 2 complete different meals by room service .Bet the other shooter can awnser most of this I call bd

      • How about the cabbie video with definitely multiple points of origin for weapons sounds [one of which sounds like it’s coming from directly overhead (right from on top of the MB portico)]???

        • Still clearly echoes, Joe.

          I got nothing for the room service thing, although Occam’s razor says he was just really hungry for his last meals.

      • He likely brought that many guns for the sake of helping “prove” the anti gunners arguments.

        I don’t remember ever getting security sent to the room because of a want to not have people coming into the room where your important stuff is.

        The exits were blocked in order to force people to go through the front where they will be searched for weapons. They also put cars at the gates to stop vehicle based terror attacks. The gates were opened when the panic and fleeing occurred, hence the need to fire 2 shots at Gate 6 and Gate 5. His plan was most definitely to get the crowd to run down Ali Baba Ln. and to the parking lot next to the tanks, hence his effort to acquire tracers and do calculations.

        There was a lot of 911 calls of multiple shooters because thousands of people fled to neighboring buildings to hide. When a hundred people come running through a casino yelling there is a shooter it’s going to cause panic and calls for help as if it was happening at that location although it was actually happening 800m away. When people seen Route 91 victims with blood on them running all over the place, they are not going to assume it was at that venue blocks away. Human imagination can create all kinds of delusions when the prevailing fear is death.

        If you are going to hide 2 cameras on a cart pointing at different locations, you want the cart to be big and you want a lot of plates to place the cameras under. Plus, a large cart gets in the way.

  7. “Is it too hard to believe that they are also good people, who also want the best for America, that at best disagree with us…”
    Denton, I’m not really sure they want the best for America, at least not the America envisioned by our founders and by most Americans. Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do. They seem focused on gaining and retaining power over all of us. That power is much easier to wield if we are not armed.

  8. Everything is so messed up with this story, I’m not even sure he killed anyone.

    The arms dealer for the government (Fast And Furious 2) seems more plausible as if he was actually selling guns to terror groups so the Fed’s could “see where they go.”

    It’s been almost 3 weeks, what was on his computer? Where is the surveillance camera footage? Where is the girlfriend with multiple identities? What about the 2 Mexican girls in the crowd saying people were going to die?

  9. As a former slot machine tech at one of the largest, most successful casinos in the world, I can with authority, state that nobody is making a living at playing slot machines. It’ a pastime. Nothing more. All the comps do is relieve some of the sting of loosing. There is nothing magical about slot machines. They are programmed to return most of the money that goes through them to the player as winnings and the house keeps a small amount. Over and over again. If you play long enough, they get it all. There is nothing diabolical or sneaky. And there is no such thing as a professional slot player.

    • He was playing video poker. And if you pick the right machines, with the right promotions, you can find payouts slightly above 100% (most have payouts in the 90% range). But that assumes you know your odds down cold, are a disciplined player, etc.

      So it is possible he was that, but that does not translate in making a living (certainly not a high roller living). That translates in spending time on a video machine for hours, for comps and a small payout.

      I guess he could have been laundering money, but video poker seems an odd way to do that.

  10. Say what you will about Schumer (and I have nothing good to say about him), but the man is a very good politician. And like what Dyspeptic pointed out, he has not forgotten what happened to the Democrats in 1994. He is a Democrat party loyalist.

  11. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) tweeted Wednesday night that the country should be talking about answers to gun violence.

    Jesus, we’ve been talking about it for 240 years!! Say something salient or STFU!!

  12. Gee and here I thought he was a classic case of demon possession. Pure evil…I guess the gubmint doesn’t have an evil test yet. Has ANYONE (with credibility) figured out his political leanings yet?!? Mr. Jesus Campos further muddies the water…

  13. Why did he go to all the effort (and risk of detection) to shlep 23 firearms to his room? Why only 12 with bump fire stocks? Did he shoot all of these firearms during his rampage?

    Did he run out of pre loaded magazines?

    Still a lot of questions.

      • You’re merely running with more speculation…who said anything about the guy having OCD?

        I think you need to go back and re-edit this story and put quite a few “allegedly” ‘s in there.

        What we do have is a dead guy and some guns. People outside shot and murdered. Correlation does not equal causation. Nobody saw this actual guy pull the trigger and there’s no footage of him firing any weapon…in fact there’s not even any footage of muzzle flashes coming from the 32nd floor.

        We have few real answers here. That’s why everyone wants their burning questions answered truthfully. Because there’s so many and no hard facts being given. No real investigation going on.

  14. I do not generally subscribe to conspiracy theories, but…..in order to accept Mr. Farago’s explanation one has to subscribe to two “facts.” First, that the Mandalay murderer was a neophyte virtuoso at the art of long-range killing. Second, that Las Vegas law enforcement and the lead FBI careerists are virtuoso nincompoops. I find the second finding more plausible than the first. But both are pretty implausible.

    First, the murderer scouted multiple kill zones, chose an optimal position for his task at the selected kill zone, planned his operation over a fairly lengthy period, infiltrated that position with multiple weapons while remaining undetected, and executed his plan to high effect. He did all of this with no apparent training in the art of rifle-shooting. He apparently managed to keep all planning and preparation hidden. And, he eats a bullet before law enforcement arrives. Neat.

    Second, Las Vegas law enforcement bungles their fast reaction. Then, Las Vegas law enforcement bungles the most basic element of crime investigation, establishing the timeline. Then, Las Vegas law enforcement and the FBI bungle the timeline, again. Then, the FBI fails to secure a key, crime-scene location, namely the murderer’s home, and that crime scene location is entered illicitly. Then, a key witness “disappears” suddenly from a post-shooting meeting involving his union reps and then, “re-appears” on the Ellen DeGeneres show of all places. Amazing.

    I have no idea what the whole truth is behind the Mandalay murders. I doubt that I will ever know. And, I am not disposed to speculate about things I may never be able to know. However, I am not inclined to accept what I am being told, either. That is unfortunate.

    • “First, that the Mandalay murderer was a neophyte virtuoso at the art of long-range killing.”

      I think it’s well established that he could have done a lot more harm if he’d really known what he was doing. So I don’t think this is a fact that’s in evidence at all.

      “Second, that Las Vegas law enforcement and the lead FBI careerists are virtuoso nincompoops”

      Could be corruption too, it’s Vegas after all. Either way, quite plausible.

  15. Saunders warned that even though polls might show that various gun control proposals have strong support, the minority of people who oppose them often wield more political clout because they are more motivated.

    Well, that and your polls are compete BS.

  16. Two shotguns “locked” to the wall in the bedroom. A backup pistol stuffed between the mattress and box spring and my EDC gussied up on the bed side table at night.

    Everything else goes in the safe because I don’t have insurance riders on my gun collection.

  17. “A deeply divided City Council narrowly passed the new law which ”
    “requires gun owners to secure their firearms in a gun safe, ”
    “lock box or with a trigger lock whenever they’re not home.”

    That seems poorly worded.

    So you would have to put a trigger lock on a gun you have with you
    when you are not at home ?

  18. This is California, and there is one thing I have observed about California is this: Because California has so many stupid laws, many Californians ignore most laws. Sometimes, they view People who follow the rules as weak. Strange, but understandable. Has anyone else made the same observation?

  19. ” Assuming the police aren’t covering up evidence pointing to any of the motivations listed above …” and on this rests the entire discussion. I would add , or the police aren’t mistaken about any of their assumptions. those are some important assumptions.

  20. I wouldn’t leave $500 in cash sitting on my nightstand, why the hell would I leave a $500 gun sitting on my nightstand?

    If you have a gun, you need a safe.

  21. Why don’t they make it illegal to break into someone’s house and steal their guns? Talk about blaming the victim. Should all car keys be locked up to prevent auto thefts? Should women be required to wear chastity belts to prevent rapes?

  22. The violence interrupters just tell the guys to go somewhere else before shooting the victims(?). I don’t believe that they are making an overall difference to the problem, but they are putting money in thier pockets.

  23. Yeah he might as well try and talk about violence in Chicago. Because if he starts talking about the violence in his native South Africa the talk get’s a little uncomfortable, in terms of what racial demographic is trying to target the other.

  24. Sort of…handguns go in a drawer that’s very hard to pull out if pushed in. A trick drawer.No little kids. Maverick behind a door. When I get an AR it will change. Not at all sure about a safe. I’ll figure it out…any suggestions?

    • If you don’t need to have the AR ready to go, pull the bolt and lock it up. Also, I like the magazine well locks for transportation.

    • For years I’ve wanted to park a Civil War cannon under the oak tree at the corner of my lot. Light it off on July 4 and New Year’s Eve (no projectile, just a pound or two of powder and a wad.)

  25. If a gun is not going with me when I leave, it’s typically locked up. No kids at home anymore, but I still do it to deter thieves should they get past my big Rottweiler. But that’s a choice I make of my own accord. I do not recognize the authority of nor will I comply with any level of government attempting to mandate what I do with my firearms in the privacy of my own home.

  26. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That kind of double-think gets Republicans in trouble every single time and gets us the 1986 Hughes Amendment results. Further gun control bills cannot advance anywhere anytime for any reason. The SAFE act must proceed.

    Why aren’t we talking about the million to two million defensive gun uses each year? Even if only half would have otherwise resulted in a serious crime, that’s at least 500,000 Americans who are better off than they would have been assaulted, raped or dead. Why aren’t we praising people not only in the police, but in normal society who use the force of arms to stave off criminals and generally protect the helpless?

    Gun controllers want to bathe in the blood of those who die in senseless acts but apparently revel in lawless criminals being allowed to prey upon the citizenry. They are monsters of the worst kind.

  27. This is such a setup and a lot of people aren’t seeing. Are you people crazy. Did you hear at least 2 different gunshots. I did!!! This has a professional job written all over it.

    • Professional job?
      You HAVE to be kidding!
      It was a kindergartner type job!

      Killed 58, wounded 468 or so?
      Fired approx 1000 rounds.

      A professional would have had one dead, some actually multiples and numerous wounded for every round!
      And would have used NO bump stocks!
      That, right there, shows just how “unprofessional” he was!
      Or whoever else the idiots want to dream up, that supposedly did it in his stead!

  28. There was a case on Forensic Files, I think, where a teen or pre-teen was killed by a stray range bullet. The kid was in a rec. center building maybe 150 to 300 yds downrange. They brought an expert in, who declared the safety of the range the worst he’d seen.

    The range was holding a speed shooting competition and the one entrant had a 1911 with an extremely light trigger pull. During at least one of trigger pulls, the gun muzzle recoiled up and the trigger got pulled again. I think they recreated the event and the second firing was so quick that you could barely distinguish it from the first.

    The second bullet passed through a gap in the above berm barriers, entered the building at a soft point (maybe a duct) high up and would have continued rising above everyone’s head except… The bullet rose up into some soft ceiling tiles that re-directed it downward, creating a long crease in the tiles.

  29. It depends. Lets forget that they are guns for a second.

    They are extremely pilferable, valuable, and have a ready black market. I lock up any guns that I’m not likely to use. I keep a shotgun out and loaded, my trusty M&P9c and my M&P Bodyguard. Everything else I lock up, not for safety, but for the same reason I have my phone encrypted I don’t want to make it easy for a thief. The fact that they are guns is hardly a consideration. I live alone with my two dogs and a cat, I wouldn’t leave other valuables laying around that aren’t in everyday use, nor do I do so with guns.

    We don’t need a law on this.

  30. Another turncoat fudd selling out and grovelling before the gun grabbers while trying to sound “reasonable”.

    I hate the phrase “we as gun owners must”.

    No. The only acceptable use of that phrase is “We as gun owners must be against and actively resist any further infringements of our rights and actively push for repeal of all draconian, unconstitutional, and illegal gun control laws.”

    Anyone who doesn’t and presents him or herself as a “reasonable gun owner” is nothing more than a sellout who does more harm than good.

    And furthermore. The anti gunners have said what they want and that is complete and total disarmament and confiscation.

    The author of this article is a fool.

  31. Denton – I appreciate your comments. Not everything is a conspiracy, and plenty of people live in the “sincere but wrong” category.

    Screaming (at Denton, at them or at us) doesn’t really help, but this is the internet, and that’s how it rolls.

  32. For America to heal and move forward on this issue, we need to be willing to compromise and take emotion off the table. Can we do that?

    Not gonna happen. The other side is too used to our side capitulating.

  33. You had me till 6. Aside from creating a defacto gun registry, it’s an OUTRIGHT BAN on 24% of the population owning firearms through no fault of their own and an unknown further percent being banned from owning handguns (also through no fault of their own).


    Bump-fire stocks only exist because the NFA/GCA exist.

    I shouldn’t have to go through any more trouble to get a silencer than I do a AR-Upper. UBCs are a non-starter – simply NOPE. Let not take two steps back just so we can say we’ve taken a step forwards.

    Call me an absolutist, if you must. I’ll gladly accept the moniker. But know this – In thier end-game all of us become either absolutists or disarmed.

  35. They picked a giraffe so that drunk guests can’t mate with it.

    TERRIBLY SORRY, that’s a gross mis-characterization.

    Some of the guests would be sober.

    • Was anyone else really shocked that an alien does not understand our nation, culture, rights, and our love of them?

      Too hell with this empty headed fool

  36. Smart woman. She avoids making any comments that might endanger her career or put her at odds with the folks back home. A potential politician in the making? Or maybe just a future entrepeneur.

  37. Well, she is Israeli. Israelis seem quite comfortable leaving important jobs to their government. I believe that there is some room for improvement.

  38. I’m willing to advance a consensus opinion – leave me and my guns the hell alone, and you finite have to buy or carry any if that’s your preference.

  39. I just went and posted.my disapproval of Hugh Hewitts ammo idea on his Facebook. I encourage all of follow the links provided and comment directly on then original story if.possible. Here we are just preaching to the choir.

  40. I want to know how not a single image from the casino has been leaked from any of the thousands of video cameras and hours of footage of him lugging in cases, checking in, looking at his watch, standing by the elevator, tipping the maître d’..

    not. one. image.

    yet crime scene photos with his head squirting like a broken ketchup bottle were leaked.

  41. Self defense insurance is nothing more than a way an individual can prearrange assistance to defend themselves from malicious prosecution, and the lawyers who put their morals in their wallets to represent the family of a dead scumbag. There are too many famous examples of malicious prosecution not to acknowledge the danger, even in an area that isn’t controlled by anti-gun politicians.

  42. It amazes me that there are so many shit for brains that think they are coming up with something new.
    I remember back In the early 80’s FFL’s had to keep a log book on all sales of ammunition that could be used in a handgun. Any time someone bought ammunition in a caliber that could be used in a handgun, they had to prove they were 21 or older. Calibers that could be used in both handguns and long guns, you could buy at, 18 or older if you first stated it was for use in a long gun. All the information on a customers drivers license, and what caliber ammunition they purchased,had to be written in black ink in a bound A&D book. It was a pain in the ass and totally useless. It was done away with after a couple of years, I think that was a Federal requirement, but I don’t remember for sure. I was working in a sporting goods store here in in Texas!! It was as stupid as when Obama wanted anyone who sold a gun or two to have an FFL! I guess he was unaware of how hard Bill Clinton had worked to reduce the number of FFl’s!!!! Dumb shits one and all!!!!

  43. The meta data could be the key. Software already exists to automatically stitch photos and videos together into a 4D model. It’s not perfect, but other software exists to deconvolute many crappy photos into a good one. These, combined with the position and pointing metadata from the phones of hundreds of people would allow a very good reconstruction of the scene. Using the reconstructed scene, they could use predictive modeling of human behavior (again, software that already exists) to sort out whose movements were anomolous prior to, during, and after the shooting to identify a list of persons in need of a good debriefing.

  44. FU Dunst

    “What’s preventing them from collaborating across their beliefs is the polarized structure of the conversation. ” . . . That, and the fact that you FUCKING MADE THEM UP OUT OF WHOLE CLOTH”
    134% of the people phsically, mentally, and spritually unable to achive breakaway velocity from the sucking gravity well of the FING POS (D) said that they know they suck satan’s ass and they can’t wait to do more in tbat capacity, but that armed citizenry really F’s with their ability to do their POS tyranny and oppression.

    78% of US Citizens admit that the POS (D) are the Problem, and that they have to go. The other 22% would say the exact same thing, but they done told you enough times, and your a stupid POS whose not worth additional effort.

  45. My M249S slide hammer cratered and broke into three pieces at about the 300-400 round mark.

    I have SBR’d the rifle and have NO interest in sending it to them. Because of this, they will not replace or even sell me a replacement hammer.

    I am a machinist and was able to make my own replacement with improvements to avoid another premature failure – so I’m set. Still VERY disappointed, but not entirely surprised at the incompetence of FN customer service.

  46. Based upon his known history, he is more likely a sociopath – I doubt he would have made it as long as he did with no criminal history if he were a psychopath. The simple fact that he sent the girlfriend $100,000 indicates this – the psychopath would not have done it. Meh, apples and apples, they’re both wackadoodle. Doubt we’ll ever know exactly why he did this but we do know he never expected to survive it.

  47. I learned to carry open when I was a seventeen years old Marine,had access to all kinds of weapons I find I can carry now without a thought.

  48. Eh, no offense but S&W is not the quality it used to be. They resisted polymer frames for the longest time until glock stole the market and their ceo demanded they deliberately copy the glock 17 by throwing one on the table during a meeting and screaming at everybody about it. So, yeah they’re not on my list of companies to support.


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