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Maryland Gun Control: Keeping Up With New York and California

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Reader Steve W. writes:

Greetings from a long-time reader. I want to draw some attention to some of the gun control bills that have been proposed here in Maryland. Often when restrictive gun states are mentioned, my home-state is overlooked in favor of New York or California. Well we have several new bills being introduced and voted on this April in Maryland.

Here’s a brief summary:

SB737/HB786- Maryland already requires a handgun license (HQL) to attempt to buy (not carry) a handgun. This bill would require residents to acquire a long-gun license to buy any long-gun. We would have to get two separate licenses to buy firearms in Maryland.Crazy, expensive, and time-consuming.

HB612- Maryland has always considered heavy-barreled AR-15s to be sporting rifles, not “assault rifles.” After Sandy Hook, Maryland passed an assault weapons ban but did not include HBARs. This new law would ban HBAR rifles from purchase. It would also penalize anyone who bought an HBAR legally after the 2013 ban. Owners would have until October 1 to turn them in or become a criminal.

HB740/SB882- This would criminalize homemade firearms, namely 80% lowers and pistols. It not only criminalizes the act going forward, it bans any gun not made by a firearms manufacturer. Owners would have until October to turn them in, destroy them, or become a criminal.

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