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Maryland main man Martin O’Malley made it official yesterday, joining some of his fellow east coast Democrat governors, in what the Washington Post describes as a “major victory.” What’s the big win? Making the now laughably-named Free State one of the most difficult in which an individual can exercise his RKBA. In addition to banning virtually all semi-auto rifles and mags that hold more than ten rounds, “under Maryland’s law, those seeking to buy any gun other than a hunting rifle or shotgun will need to first obtain a license, a process that will include submitting fingerprints, passing classroom and firing-range training, and undergoing more extensive background checks.” The NRA has pledged a lawsuit and supporters of the new restrictions vow to launch a PR campaign to raise public support. After the fact. And in Maryland, that apparently works.

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  1. That pictureof him reminded me of another picture that I saw. It was of Benito Mussolini.

    • +1 The symbolism we’re seeing these days isn’t lost on me ether… Communists and Fascists just love those reflective poses… It’s a big red flag… I’m thinking this is what abomination looks, feels and sounds like… I’d say obamanation but that’s just a subset of this evil…

    • I knew I had seen that smug look before! All of you Slave staters ready to head to the flyover states yet? The water is just fine.

  2. Anyone who doesn’t grasp the strategy by now doesn’t want to. They aim to pick us off, state by state by state.

    The result inevitably will be a kind of partitioning of America, Euro-style.

    The other result, inevitably, is horrendous civil war. Try not to fret too much, though. Always remember they SHOVED us into it – this is what they want, and they aim to get it.

    The ultimate goal is not disarmament. This is MUCH more ambitious: they aim to destroy America from the roots up, and tear it into little, controllable pieces.

    THESE ARE THE ONES WHO HATE OUR FREEDOMS, not that other crap:

    • I can’t understand how this is even possible. Is there anyone left in that state with balls?

      • LOTS of people and several originations worked their asses off to defeat this. We did what we could but the fix was in from the beginning. No
        Matter what we said they ignores it. No matter how many people showed up to testify against it they downplayed it. The whole affair was very eye opening as to how crooked this state is.

        • LOTS of people and several originations worked their asses off to defeat this. We did what we could but the fix was in from the beginning. No
          Matter what we said they ignores it. No matter how many people showed up to testify against it they downplayed it. The whole affair was very eye opening as to how crooked this state is.

          All the wailing and gnashing of teeth and rending of clothing in the world will avail you naught when 50%+1 of The People are worthless moochers and those that ‘profit’ from them. If there’s a sizable ‘independent’ vote that could be swayed, perhaps it’s worth it to fight, but in many of those coastal states the insane leeches are in control of the asylum and there’s nothing to be done but leave them to their squalor. Especially since staying and paying your taxes only enables them.

      • As soon as they get numerical superiority buying off the voters they make their move. This is why a Constitution exists, and why the law has to be upheld.
        MD is an extension of Washington DC all the way from north of Baltimore down to Quantico over to Annapolis. The Eastern Shore is held captive by the large number of voters over in AA and PGC.

        It’s not possible to drive with a firearm from PA to VA without passing through MD or WVA. There is a 1 mile section where 70 goes through, you could do it in 1 minute but technically would be breaking the law even if you were legal in VA and PA.
        MD is a big win for them because of geography. Its a big state really that stretches from the Atlantic to the mountains. Jersey is like an island compared to MD.

    • The effects are at the state level, but I believe its really the major metros where the progremssives congregate and have their power. The big cities are like breeding grounds for liberal thinking. They hold the rest of the states hostage, like in Illinois and California. The “original” civil war was very much a division of urban and rural as well.

    • The effects are at the state level, but I believe its really the major metros where the progressives congregate and have their power. The big cities are like breeding grounds for liberal thinking. They hold the rest of the states hostage, like in Illinois and California. The “original” civil war was very much a division of urban and rural as well.

  3. Is it just me, or do most of these petty tyrants have a “D” after their names?

    • These aren’t just democrats for the most part, they are progressives. They can be voted out. It won’t happen in some states. It will take a lot in others. I don’t feel like civil war is inevitable yet. I think many people are starting to wake up. Of course, if we beat them back, they’ll just return under another name in 30 or 40 years. They always have. Still, I’m waiting to see what 2014 and 2016 bring.

      Maybe it’s easy for me to say. I live in a relatively free state, so I have time to change my mind.

      • I ain’t gonna hold my breathe….2014 and 2016 ain’t gonna bring anything…..except a new year.

    • “The state’s Second Amendment Protection Act, which expressly restates our commitment to these rights, was approved by wide, bi-partisan margins in the Kansas Legislature. The measure was adopted by a vote of 35 to 4 in the Kansas Senate with the Democrat Senate Minority Leader supporting the bill. The measure was adopted by a vote of 96 to 24 in the Kansas House of Representatives. Again, the Democrat House Minority Leader voted for the bill. This is not a partisan issue in Kansas.”

  4. The other result, inevitably, is horrendous civil war.

    I consider myself a pretty levelheaded person in general, but that possibility is looking less and less horrendous every day, compared to the alternative.

    • I made fun of people who tossed around the “civil war” epithet, just as little as a couple of years ago. However, the administration has really peen pushing all of the wrong buttons in the last year. They appear to be pushing them intentionally, and repeatedly. I really don’t believe that this is a very far-fetched scenario any longer.

      • There was dramatic news today – an admission, really – the the United States Military is proactively preparing for civil insurrection. It’s my belief, also, that they will take steps to ensure that insurrection takes place. The wheels are coming off the bus; people are awakening left and right (in both meanings), and the administration is pushing the panic button.

        They seem to be of the belief that, if they don’t act very soon, they’ll lose. And losing means long prison sentences for many, and maybe the noose of firing squad for some.

        Like many, I didn’t actually believe this a short couple of years ago; I feared it COULD happen, but I didn’t believe it was immanent. I feel very different now.

  5. We all knew(or suspected) that the biggest threat to our freedoms as it pertains to the 2A would come from the blue states. These people, as I have said before, elected liberal democrats. This cannot come as a shock to anyone.

    • and gun owners will continue to vote for these liberal democrats….i have yet to hear ANYTHING from gun owners on the left…….

  6. Don’t say after the fact. It is not accurate. Grassroots organizations like Maryland Shall Issue, the Associated Guns Clubs of Baltimore and the NRA worked their collective butts off to defeat this bill. Largest ever protests in Annapolis against this bill. So many people showed up to testify against this bill that the Fire Marshall had to shut down the building. Legislators were overwhelmed with letters and emails against this bill. Trust me we didn’t just sit by and do nothing. However at the end of the day the fact remains that Maryland is an overwhelmingly blue state thanks to four decades of one-party rule. The courts are the next recourse against this unconstitutional, oppressive and utterly ridiculous bill. Those of us behind enemy lines will continue to fight. And please don’t call Governor O’Tax-me our “main man!”

    • I saw how hard you guys fought. You fought the good fight. But these gun-snatchers are the exact opposite of populist – they’re flat-out, full-bore DESPOTS and fellow travelers.

      Maryland, come to Virginia. We have big water here also, and lots more mountains and piedmont.

  7. I assume u mean the federal courts Charlie, can’t imagine the state courts would have a problem with this.

    • What we need is a federal court to stop beating around the bush by saying things like “reasonable” or “some restrictions”.

      They need to explicitly say (in some legal way) “States shall pass NO laws except for these conditions”… and then maybe things like minimal training to get a shall issue CCW permit (but not for mere ownership), etc. that really most of us support in some way or another.

      In other words, define what the heck they consider a reasonable limitation.

      • It’s this: “reasonable” is miles beyond what is reasonable on any given day. Today, “reasonable” is (this); tomorrow, it’s WAY, WAY more than today’s.

        It’s like incrementalism on steroids.

    • Federal court? Dream on. A federal trial court held that Maryland’s “may issue” for CCW was unconstitutional; the existence of the second amendment right is all that is needed to justify carrying a firearm. Then the Circuit Court of Appeals shot that down. See Woollard v. Maryland. There will probably be a petition for review field with SCOTUS, but I think the plaintiffs (Alan Gura is counsel) is hoping to delay filing until after Moore v. Madigan.

    • WA and OR would be the most vulnerable of the choices, but they have already turned back attempts to limit their freedoms.

    • Personal Guess VA they have been getting more purple thanks to the growth of the Federal Government bring more zombies into that state.


    • The grabbers are active in PA, for sure. Bloomberg buying Kathleen Kane the AG office in PA has me worried sick, frankly. But we are also active here. I could be wrong, but I don’t see the grabbers making much headway in PA in the near future.

    • Rhode Island is going to be next – they are trying to shove through some similar laws. This is a blue state as well, so I see no hope.

  8. Marty is sorely mistaken if he believes CA and NJ are going to allow him to upstage them as worst slave state. Enjoy it while you can buddy!

  9. “banning virtually all semi-auto rifles and mag that hold more than ten rounds”

    1. the bill is utterly ridiculous; but
    2. Look at the list of the 45 specific models and specific configurations of those models that they banned. I won’t say any more than that other than whats not on the list is cash and carry
    3. buying a 20 round magazine in maryland is illegal.

    Just to be clear, i support the organizations with $$$ that will work to overturn this, but if you have a problem getting suitably tooled up in maryland with a cash and carry semi-auto rifle then well, you are not a regular reader of TTAG.

  10. The state-by-state strategy makes sense for the gungrabbers since they lost in Congress. However, it also makes it easier for 2A groups like the NRA to unseat gungrabbers. It takes a lot less mass to tilt a state election and unelect a governor than it does to unelect a President.

    Still, Obama is not just a lame duck, he’s also a wounded animal. I expect him to continue to strike out viciously and blindly against the Constitution whenever he can, until his abominable administration finally comes to an end.

    • You may be making a strategic mistake here. Obama and his treasonous fellow travelers do not intend for his regime to end, ever.

      • +1000000

        I have been of this thinking for a couple years now, but it’s REALLY become obvious since the coron… I mean inauguration.

        I TOTALLY believe and expect that the Obamanoids will do whatever it takes to make him President-for-Life Obama.

        F*^K. I just had a shiver.

  11. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Martin O’Malley, honorary Deputy Mayor of New York, and Presidential wanna-be. I had a chance to speak to him about regional transportation, and in one breath he flipped my concern to HIS world view. Oh, and this is the same fellow who wanted to close and develop Pimloco Race Track because the only race that’s run there is the Triple Crown.

    We have the best government that money can buy. Maryland is DOOMED!

  12. Odd, this post has been up about an hour and neither Truthy or rtempleton have dropped in to defend O’Malley. I guess maybe they are down at the Hillary for President HQ stuffing envelopes.

    • Jerry, chill. Because Benghazi is going to make Hitlery a hundred-to-one shot to get the nomination.

      • Got to disagree with you on Benghazi. Nothing will come of it. There are no longer repercussions for the misdeeds of the Ruling Class.

  13. The gun grabbers are going to start doing ads in MD for a reason. The entire state house is up for election / re-election comes 2014. There are already active companions to unseat several of these anti-gun legislator. Also there are only 3 named guns that anyone cares about. Those are the M1A, AR15, and AK47. Half of the named list isn’t even still produced anymore. The CopyCat is going to be more of a problem in that it requires the rifles to be at least 29″ inches long but it doesn’t say anything else so you can take a gun add a huge muzzle on it or a fake silencer and get it over 29″ then it can be bought inside the state. So the long gun part isn’t as bad as people might thing.

    The handgun stuff though is a piece of work. You have to have a permit to buy. You do not have to have a permit to own. In order to get the permit then you have to be fingerprints, training, pay a fee every 5 years. But from current reading stuff you already have doesn’t require a permit and if you aren’t planing on buying anymore guns you don’t have to renew the permit to keep them. There are question about how this will effect rental guns or how you are going to be able to handle guns to get the live fire training.

    The mag limit is crazy. There is no law against owning mag larger then 10 rounds only a law against buying or transferring them. So you can drive out of state buy a 30 rounder and drive back in and that is perfectly legal. However you can’t mail them or buy then that would be illegal.

    Maryland is one screwed up state but New Jersey, New York, and Illinois are much worse at least for right now.


  14. I am fairly new (under 1 yr.) to the debate about 2A, although I have been aware of greed, power, and corruption at the government level for years. I am in Massachusetts, ughhh.
    Since the full court press of this administration to shave away at our Bill of Rights, it has woken me up. My point is, attacking us state by state is also creating an awakening, by millions that were not paying as close attention. For every person that is “anti-gun rights”, there are countless others that are awake now, and are HUGE supporters of 2A.

  15. “under Maryland’s law, those seeking to buy any gun other than a hunting rifle or shotgun will need to first obtain a license, a process that will include submitting fingerprints, passing classroom and firing-range training, and undergoing more extensive background checks.”

    And now Maryland is more restrictive than Canada.

  16. Maryland originally was a slave state, so it’s back where it started. The difference is that Maryland just expanded the definition to include everybody, regardless of race. How egalitarian.

    • Not exactly. The primary goal of the fingerprint law is to catch the “girlfriends” of the gang members and prevent them from making straw purchases… because you know, photo ID background checks a waiting period ballistic fingerprinting handgun registry and extra checks for handguns was not sufficient I guess. Most of these alleged straw purchasers are black.

  17. one of the things that has been confusing me about our new stupidity here in the “free state” is the part of sb281 that outlaw’s “cop killing” bullets, but somehow i have not been able to find an explination on what those are.

    • Think armor piercing. I can’t remember the language exactly but I think it said something about not being lead core. Now possession and use isn’t illegal but if you posses it while commuting a crime it’s an extra charge. It’s a horseshit definition for a horseshit provision in the bill .

  18. Why are they going after law abiding citizens? Are they in bed with the gangs and criminals? Do they want crime to go up to justify spending money? O’Malley wants to run for the POTUS. I usually never vote Republicans, but this will/has changed. I do hope the Republicans come up with some good people, f’n better than McCain/Palin and Romeny/and the POS. Otherwise, I will vote independent.

  19. “Are they in bed with the gangs and criminals? Do they want crime to go up to justify spending money? ”
    Every ammendment that punished criminals or increased penalties for violent crime was shot down. We were told the state ” couldn’t afford” to jail criminals. Ammendments getting rid of early release for violent offenders were hot down but they couldn’t criminalize gun owners quick enough.

  20. it’s not really NOW. this law was bound to take effect come 10.01 whether or not O’Malley signed it.

  21. Omalley is and always has been a jerk. All you have to do is listen to him once to realize that he is an empty suit.

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