The state of Maryland and City of Baltimore have filed a lawsuit against gunmaker Glock for criminals illegally converting the company’s guns to fire full-auto, even though it’s not the company’s fault.
Earlier this week, Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown and Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott filed the lawsuit. According to a report at, the lawsuit alleges that Glock violated the state’s Gun Industry Accountability Act and contributed to the “gun violence crisis” (anti-gun code for blaming guns for criminal violence).
“Since 1990, Glock has manufactured a pistol that can easily be converted into a machine gun,” Brown told the news outlet.
Of course, converting a Glock to full-auto wasn’t a big thing back in 1990, or 2000 or 2010. But criminals nowadays seem more prone to convert the pistols despite the fact that they commit a serious felony when they do so.
At issue is the so-called “Glock switch,” a piece of metal or plastic that can be used to illegally convert Glock pistols to fire full-auto, as opposed to the normal, as-manufactured-and-sold semi-auto function of the popular handguns. In a nutshell, a “Glock switch,” or “Glock auto-sear,” is a small piece of metal or plastic that someone could make and illegally attach to the rear of the slide of a Glock to convert it to full-auto fire. The switch works by applying force to the trigger bar to prevent it from limiting fire to one round of ammunition per trigger pull.
The name is deliberately misleading because Glock does not manufacture the switches. Additionally, converting any firearm to fire fully automatic is a federal felony, and even possessing a “Glock switch” could result in a federal prison sentence of up to 10 years.
Not surprisingly, gun-control advocates want to sue the company, which has committed no crime, instead of arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating those who break the law. Go figure.
According to the lawsuit, Glock has claimed it cannot fix the problem. And to be honest, it would have to completely redesign one of the most well-known and reliable striker-fired pistols ever designed to do so. And despite liberal prosecutors saying otherwise it’s not their fault that criminals misuse their product.
It would be like someone souping up a Ford F150 pickup and speeding around town well in excess of the speed limit and running over people, then prosecutors suing Ford for making pickups that could be modified. Who knew Ford was so evil?
Incidentally, Baltimore and Maryland aren’t the only ones targeting Glock. Last December, AGs from New Jersey and Minnesota also sued the company over criminals using “Glock switches” to make the guns full-auto. Earlier in the year, Chicago also filed such a suit, accusing Glock of contributing to the city’s runaway violence.
Interestingly, between early October 2024 and last November’s presidential election, talk of how evil Glocks are became all but nonexistent. That’s because Vice President Kamala Harris, while trying to woo gun owners to vote for her, claimed she owned a Glock pistol. She never said whether she had affixed a “Glock switch” to the gun, but did tell Oprah Winfrey, “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot.”
The problem with the white libertarians, white liberals, and white leftists, is they refuse to hold black criminals accountable. And that includes black liberals too.
If the gun laws regarding Glock switches were actually enforced and sentences imposed, rather than dismissing those crimes in a plea bargain, I suspect use of these devices would likely drop. Is this an issue where the state courts are not enforcing federal gun laws, and the feds have not stepped in on a parallel prosecution?
Mark N., you are spot on. In MD, Baltimore in particular, laws are either not enforced at all or pled down to laughable sanctions, esp with regards to certain protected groups, because we dont want too many of a certain group in jail, it’s racist…
Due to recent law changes prohibiting the arrest of juveniles below 13 (except for a few violent felonies specifically enumerated by law) we now have packs of feral juveniles doing the tiktok Kia/Hyundai thefts and carjacking people at gunpoint for sport, and typically let go the same day they are arrested as long as no one was actually shot. Grand Theft Auto is NOT one of the arrestable crimes under 13 (carjacking is, the difference is the use/implication of violence). During the height of the tiktok Kia/Hyundai craze, some individual police precincts were having 60+ vehicles stolen in a single night! Beyond the theft, these cars are running around at high speeds, often without lights or a person who can actually drive, and they cause tons of wrecks and injuries to innocent folks – police generally won’t chase a straight stolen auto anymore because the risk to the public is too high. Its is mostly juveniles at this point, because they know they will not do any time. Many of these kids are armed, and law enforcement in the region seizes switched Glocks weekly. Juvenile detention centers aren’t a thing in MD, only a few ‘alternative schools’ which are always at capacity. Never heard of ATF stepping in to enforce federal laws like the NFA…those only get enforced on the middle class who have something to lose and thus the system has leverage on them.
The white libertarians white liberals and the white left, all said there are too many people being locked up in America.
And so the jails were emptied. At their request.
Glock should request information on each and every decision to prosecute as part of their discovery. It’s likely they could prove a reckless pattern of non-prosecution.
Follow the $$$, thugs won’t win these lawfare lawyers the lottery.
Laws against the ownership and use of “glock switches” are already on the books. Wonder why the ne’ er-do-wells don’ t just obey the law!
Or why the law isn’t enforced either at all or against a certain criminal element to the same level as a melanine-impoverished non-criminal.
Next up : The 13 usual State Attorney’s General file suit against Oneida, a major producer of flatware, as being directly responsible for the rampant nationwide obesity crisis.
News at 11
If I were Glock I would refuse to sell or service any firearms for Maryland agencies.
Absolutely to the point where a “Barretting” of these states should happen. At this point ALL police contracts should include waivers to end their contracts without penalty if they are sued by a state for negligent use of their products.
At the very least I would have no trouble pointing out in court that these states are totally fine purchasing such weapons for their own officers.
Unfortunately for the democrat party leadership in Maryland, there are no white criminals they can blame this on.
But , you can blame the white.Democrats , who disagree with the christians when the christian said, a father is necessary in the home. That his love and discipline are indeed very necessary in the home.
This is This the same as suing Chevy for a someone driving a Chevy while drunk or high
Is Glock countersuing for legal fees and brand damages? If not? Why not? It’s the only way these attorneys will ever learn.
If Glock successfully sued, it would be the taxpayers who pay. Maybe the taxpayers would learn something? Not holding my breath, but you never know.
If they’re in the People’s Republic of Maryland, odds are they voted for this. Let them enjoy the fruits of victory.
It’s the bullets fault.
Hmmm. I would think that the prosecutors will have the burden of proving that Glocks can readily be modified to prevent use of the switches. If it is true, as Glock says, that the design cannot be revised to do so, I wonder what kind of experts the prosecutors will call.
Biden’s ATF Policy: Zero Tolerance DOWN // How Biden Weaponized ATF and What That Now Means.
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The TV show Law & Order had an episode almost identical to this. spree killer shot up a college campus and McCoy charged the gun company because it’s gun was to easy to modify. The jury convicted, but the judge set it aside.
Are the Iraqi Christians going to sue glock? I saw video of ISIS terrorists murdering people with glocks 15 years ago. Blaming an inanimate for human beings performing evil acts is foolish.