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Massachusetts Governor Healey Subverts Democratic Process And The Second Amendment

Darwin Nercesian - comments 46 comments

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey plans to implement a wide-ranging gun law immediately today. The state’s Constitution provides for a campaign to prevent laws from taking effect until voters can weigh in by submitting enough signatures to place the law on a future ballot, however, this provision is void if the measure has an emergency preamble attached, which is exactly what Healey now plans to do. 

Healy initially signed the law on July 25th and it was set to take effect on October 23rd. At an event in Somerville on Tuesday, Healey stated that she decided to approve emergency language for the gun law two months after signing it into law because, “this is just when we were able to process it and look through it, review the legislation.” 

Suggesting this is simply when they could get around to it combined with the fact that Massachusetts already has one of the lowest rates of firearms violence in the country flies in the face of any legitimate move to attach an emergency preamble and isn’t fooling anyone.

Gun rights groups are still able to collect just over 37,000 signatures which will place a question before voters in 2026 asking them to repeal the gun law, but the damage will be done by then, which is Governor Healey’s deliberate intent.

Owner of Cape Cod Gun Works and chairman of the Civil Rights Coalition, Toby Leary says that Healey is set to demonstrate “pure tyranny at its finest” by threatening to put 400 gun stores out of business with a flick of her pen.

“She … is literally interfering with the democratic process that is unfolding, a constitutional process that is unfolding. She had two months to do this before…If it was such an immediate need and a dire threat to this state, why did they wait until they knew that we were going to be successful in our campaign? This is only an effort to silence the voices of the 85,000 people that will be involved in this campaign,” Leary told the Herald Tuesday morning.

The coalition includes local NRA affiliates, gun stores and sportsmen clubs across the state. According to Leary, they have cleared the signature threshold already, however, he states that organizers are considering a legal challenge to Healey’s emergency declaration in court.

“We might just seek a preliminary injunction because this law is so unconstitutional…It’s not going to be hard to show how people will be irreparably harmed, and we might seek a preliminary injunction for those reasons,” Leary said. 

The law bans people under 21 from owning semiautomatic rifles or shotguns. It also takes aim at so-called “ghost guns,” requiring serialization of all firearms and bans technology that converts semiautomatic weapons to fire fully automatic, a provision suspiciously and likely intentionally left exceedingly vague by legal standards. The bill also implements a host of new training and licensing requirements to own and carry firearms in the state. 

Opponents are also concerned that overarching provisions of the law will overwhelm state agencies causing them to be ill-equipped to deal with its immediate implementation.

“The systems aren’t in place, and nobody understands what the hell they’re supposed to be doing…It’s a mess, and it’s going to be a mess, and even the police officers have no clue what they’re supposed to do or what they’re supposed to enforce,” said Jim Wallace, executive director of the local NRA affiliate, Gun Owners Action League.

Governor Healey of Massachusetts is yet another Democrat official willing to eviscerate the rights of the people whose interests and liberties she is obligated to represent. She also joins many Democratic lawmakers in deliberate contempt of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, as such unconstitutional behavior against Second Amendment rights has been addressed at the highest levels. 

“By invoking an emergency preamble to this flawed law targeting firearm ownership, Gov. Healey is deliberately subverting the democratic process and trampling on the people’s right to petition,” said Amy Carnevale, MassGOP Chair said in a statement to the Herald.

I’m sure there will be updates to this breaking situation as it continues to unfold. 

46 thoughts on “Massachusetts Governor Healey Subverts Democratic Process And The Second Amendment”

  1. There are many libertarians liberals and leftists who are so happy, to have a white les.bi@n as governor. I’m happy for you to. You guys run your state as you wish.

  2. There are many libertarians, liberals and leftists who are very happy, to have a white les.bia.n as governor. I’m happy for you too. You guys run your state as you wish.

    • Learn something about history beyond what Hollywood has taught you through their trash movies

      • There is no difference to the victims. Do you care what the thug that is murdering you claims his party is?

        Only a true moron cannot see this truth.

        • Who said anything about a victim caring about what party their murderer is. No one. But back to the point. Calling fascism a left ideology is something only the ignorant or the retarded say. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are an ignorant person who is presenting himself as a wise historian.

          • Oh great the school project retards are back trying to push fascism as anything other than a far left style of government. Give you a hint when the government is centralized let alone controls private business it is left wing to start.

          • Truth. Though if we are talking history, “left wing” and “right wing” referred to opposing versions of Marxist collectivist authoritarianism. The way “right wing” is used now seems to refer to any group that opposes Marxism.

          • The trouble is getting through the baby steps to get that far let alone the Frankfort school and how it has very powerful international bankers/industry/other consolidated wealth entities pushing the program in it’s myriad of totally unrelated offshoots (and yes it was an offshoot of previous similar programs). In the end commie is as commie does whatever name they try to call themselves.

          • I give this a 1 in 4 of making it past moderation, but if we are going to talk history, let’s talk history.

            Both Fascists and NAZIs were Marxists, albeit heretical Marxists.

            Mussolini, a socialist in good standing, like many of his contemporaries was dismayed that the great workers’ uprising that Marx and Engels predicted never materialized. Through WWI, Mussolini saw the swelling nationalism in Europe as a vehicle to take control of government and impose the principles of Marxism from the top down, using trade unions as a key political power base. Corporations were nominally separate under Mussolini’s government, but worked closely with and helped impose the ideology of the ruling Party. This arrangement might sound vaguely familiar to many modern Americans.

            Of course, the differences between Fascism other strains of Marxism are very salient and important to Marxists, and academics argue endlessly about key distinctions. From where I sit, they look pretty similar.

            I remember being fed the “right” vs. “left” continuum in high school, pictured as a continuum curving around to meet at the ends, with the avatars of “left” and “right,” the USSR and Nazi Germany, being similar in many ways. If you have a 1-D model that has to curve around and meet at the ends to fit reality, there’s at least one other salient continuum underneath.

            Here, it’s the totalitarian vs. anarchist continuum, and fascists and most other Marxists are close neighbors on that continuum.

            Modern American Progressives aren’t Maoists, Bolsheviks, Fascists, or any other previous strain of Marxist, collectivist authoritarian. They are their own thing unique to this time and place. Same family though.

            And what they call the “political right” in the USA is closer to the middle of that totalitarian-anarchist continuum. Some policies that Dems support are in fact more liberal in the classic sense of the word, and many in the GOP take more authoritarian positions on particular issues. But on balance, the GOP is the more liberal party in the classic sense of the word.

            “Right-wing” and “left-wing” are in common usage, but the historical “right wing” has no significant power in the USA.

  3. Until these states put actual criminal and/or civil teeth into the laws for their politicians, the left leaning politicians will continue to do this.

    Passing laws that are by default unconstitutional should come with a prison sentence.

    • On the other hand Free Speech is subverted on this site and anyone who had a good reply moderated knows it.

      The obvious perception about Gun Control in MA? Gun Control is sugar and spice and everything nice. That perception is the problem and it circles back to Gun Owners failure to Define Gun Control by its History for the Public.

      No MA legislator stood and said, We know there is a crime problem but should we circumvent a Constitutional Right and blindly turn to Gun Control an agenda History Confirms is Rooted in Racism and Genocide?

      Well no one said that and no one requested it to be said leaving no viable pushback and the MA Gov. free to proceed…and gun talkers licking their wounds.

  4. Subverting democracy is the only way to defend democracy. Just ask Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr. or all the dem primary voters.

    Really, the greatest threat to democracy is democracy itself. Once we can get rid of democracy democracy will be saved.

    • “Really, the greatest threat to democracy is democracy itself.”

      A condition the founders fully understood, and established a republic, anyway. Hence, “If you can keep it”.

    • Naysayer,

      Exactly. I typed a similar response on this site a day or two ago.

      (Someone commented that we should share our opinion with our elected representative/s. My reply: our elected representatives will effectively ignore our correspondence unless we are trying to send them a LOT of money for their next election campaign.)

  5. Typical , the Dems hate the constitution for the very reason it was made. In subverting/bypassing it their intent is clear. Power doesn’t corrupt , it brings out the true nature of people and we see the true nature in the elitist oligarchs that want to tell people what to do while they do anything they want.

  6. Governor Healey of Massachusetts is yet another Democrat official willing to eviscerate the rights of the people whose interests and liberties she is obligated to represent could not care less about.

    An even more accurate statement is that Governor Healey is doing what many/most of the Ruling Class do: whatever they want for whatever selfish/evil ends they desire.

  7. I would leave a reply but the underlying software that this site uses withheld my last brief comment (all two sentences of it) which does not have even a hint of anything distasteful or profane.

    Adding insult to injury, most of my comment was simply quoting this article. Isn’t it rich that this site sends a comment to moderation limbo when the comment is mostly a quote from its own article?

  8. There is a legal concept for implementing laws the violate the Constitution: “I got it one piece at a time, and it did’t cost me a dime…”

  9. Subverting the Bill of Rights is now considered a net positive amongst the hive mind.
    We’ve known for a very long time that the Dems push this phychosis onto people, especially the youth with “skulls full of mush” project mockingbird still in play.
    Give up just a small margin of freedom for a margin of imaginary safety sold to everyone.

  10. I wonder what a certain bunch of rebellious rabble rousers from the Boston area a couple centuries ago would have thought about the current Massachusetts governor.

  11. Dear Mass Fudds, I’m sorry to hear that you are sad about having the whole FID licensing / training regulations attached to your break action shotguns. Us handgun and MSR owners asked for your support when they came for our preferred firearms, but you declined. We warned your that you would be next, but you didn’t believe us. …

  12. On the other hand Free Speech is subverted on this site and anyone who had a good reply moderated knows it.

    The obvious perception about Gun Control in MA? Gun Control is sugar and spice and everything nice. That perception is the problem and it circles back to Gun Owners failure to Define Gun Control by its History for the Public.

    No MA legislator stood and said, We know there is a crime problem but should we circumvent a Constitutional Right and blindly turn to Gun Control an agenda History Confirms is Rooted in Racism and Genocide?

    Well no one said that and no one requested it to be said leaving no viable pushback and the MA Gov. free to proceed…and gun talkers licking their wounds.

      • Taxachusetts may have banned slavery early but they imported and kept European Whites as indentured servants ….. the mother of Col. Robert Gould Shaw (of the movie “Glory”) had Irish girls, she treated them brutally. The elitist abolitionist Gould-Shaw clan like all Progressives split their time between Boston and Staten Iśland in fact Robert Gould-Shaw’s gravesite is located in the latter (mommy wasn’t going to allow him to spend eternity lying next to Coloreds).

        • Amazing how twisted the nuances can get and how most would struggle to give a fuck let alone understand them. Have quite a bit of colored family members in South Carolina on the Irish side of the family. Amazing how long one can remain in indentured servitude when their children are always slaves via the one drop rule. Fucking Levi.

  13. I do not understand why anyone goes along with local yokel politicians making “laws” that supersede the US Constitution.

  14. I have a cousin that lived in Boston. A couple of years ago he bought a summer house in NH. It didn’t take very long before he moved his residence to NH. He still owns his place in Boston out of convenience, but he seldom goes there. This is the thing, he has a CCW for MA that is still valid. I don’t think I need to talk about carrying in NH.


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