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Massachusetts’ lawful gun owners will have more red tape to navigate as a bill signed into law this week by Democrat Gov. Maura Healey will further infringe on their right to keep and bear arms as protected by the Second Amendment.

On Thursday, Gov. Healey signed the sweeping 116-page anti-gun measure, H. 4885, into law, making already restrictive Massachusetts even more unfriendly for lawful gun ownership. In fact, the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) called the measure “radical” and one of the “most extreme gun control bills in the country.”

“With Governor Healey’s signature, Massachusetts has enacted one of the most egregious and freedom-restricting laws in the history of the Commonwealth,” Randy Kozuch, NRA-ILA executive director, said in a statement following the signing. “We are thankful for the bipartisan group of legislators who stood against gun registries and the banning of commonly owned firearms and standard magazines. NRA will be challenging this law to restore the rights guaranteed to Bay Staters by the U.S. Constitution.”

The measure makes a number of changes that will affect gun owners. It raises the age to own a semi-automatic rifle or shotgun to 21 years old, expands definitions for modifications and parts that convert a semi-auto into a full-auto firearm and bans them, prohibits so-called “ghost guns” and also expends the list of places where carrying a firearm is banned to include government buildings, polling places and schools.

The law also adds more firearms to the commonwealth’s banned list of so-called “assault weapons,” makes the state’s “red-flag” law even more unconstitutional enabling more categories of people to report gun owners, requires standardized safety training, including a live fire component, for all firearm license applicants, establishes a worthless commission to study the funding structure for violence prevention services and establishes an equally worthless commission to study the status, feasibility and utility of smart guns and microstamping.

Of course, you can always tell how bad a piece of firearms legislation is by looking at what gun-ban advocates say about them. And this one is no exception to that rule.

“For years, we’ve been on the frontlines, advocating for our lawmakers to enact this gun safety bill into law, and we couldn’t be more excited to finally see our hard work pay off as the Governor signs this critical legislation into law,” said Maxine Slattery a Massachusetts Moms Demand Action volunteer.

“From a prohibition on deadly ghost guns, to strengthening our state’s red flag law, and keeping firearms out polling places ahead of the 2024 elections, this bill included many common sense gun safety measures that will further strengthen our defenses against gun violence,” she continued. “We know there’s not one gun safety measure that will keep our communities safe, and that’s why we’re grateful to our lawmakers for getting this bill enacted into law and providing us with yet another tool to keep our communities safe.”

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    • Exactly, just look at California which already has these laws.

      But that is not the point of these laws, is it?

    • Likewise, the trillions we’ve blown on climate initiatives, and retarded energy policies, will have a net zero effect on the climate. That’s why it’s always vague promises of changing something in the distant future, despite them always being wrong about their previous predictions that we can check them on.

      It’s easy to run on and virtue signal. There’s always a gun to take. There’s always some extra carbon to get rid of. There’s an endless supply of life to snuff out in the womb. That’s why they run on it. Well, that and racism, secksism*, various phobias, etc. Then they gaslight you about being accepting and inclusive. The intentionally sacrilegious and provocative Olympic opening was a “celebration of community tolerance.” Deal with it bigot. #Kommielaforprez

      *avoiding moderation

    • No, they’ll make it worse. Starting by making de facto felons out of at least some current legal owners.

      Beyond that, criminals aren’t going to obey these laws any more than they obey ones already on the books. So the proportion of armed criminal to armed citizen goes up. To me, that sure sounds like a recipe for increasing crime, as it just got less likely for a criminal to face ballistic repercussions to attempted robbery, rape, assault, etc.

    • Exactly, they think criminals are going to follow their laws and register their illegal guns, typical democrats punish the people not the criminals!!

  1. How things have changed,. I grew up in Western Mass and when I hit 14, my grandmother bought me a Nylon 66… with S&H Green Stamps.

  2. From another article: “It also expands who can seek an ERPO to include licensing authorities, law enforcement agencies, and health care providers, in addition to a family or household member.”

    So, basically, if an LEO takes a dislike to you, he can have your guns taken away unilaterally. No due process.

    • Cloudbuster,

      So, basically, if an LEO takes a dislike to you, he can have your guns taken away unilaterally. No due process.

      A woman who is a rape victim (and known to carry a firearm following her rape) rebuffs a creepy cop who asks her to have $ex with him. Creepy cop responds, “It would be a shame if I had to administer a red-flag order against you and tell the local lowlifes that you are no longer armed.”

      That very scenario is entirely possible–dare I even say probable. Democrats don’t care: it is better to pass feel-good laws and thus consign women to rape than allow them to defend themselves.

      • “a creepy cop who asks her to have $ex with him“

        Don’t worry, Trump will be giving him immunity from prosecution when he’s elected…

        “Trump Promises To Give Police ‘Immunity From Prosecution’
        The pledge, while mostly legally illiterate, offers a reminder of the former president’s outlook on government accountability.
        BILLY BINION | 5.3.2024 4:15 PM

        Former President Donald Trump this week made his way to Wisconsin, a battleground state crucial to both his 2016 win and 2020 loss. The stakes, in other words, are high. So he made a few big promises to match.
        One such promise: “We’re going to give our police their power back,” he told rallygoers in Waukesha, “and we are going to give them immunity from prosecution.”

  3. No problem to avoid the commie states when travelling. At 73, I do not travel without a firearm on the belt.

  4. I would like 1 of these anti gun politicians to demonstrate exactly how their foolish laws will in any way actually prevent someone who has evil or criminal intent from arming themselves.
    Not pipe dream fantasies, but real world facts.
    Anyone with 2 working brain cells understands the truth. None of these laws, licensing schemes, protective orders, confiscation schemes, outright bans, or other restrictions will have the stated effect on crime or safety. Because those who rationalize the irrational, or have a desire to inflict harm or simply use a weapon, firearm or not, to commit some crime will not be prevented from doing so by words on paper.
    All such laws do is prevent the potential victims of said crimes from being able to protect themselves from the predators. Whether they be criminals or power hungry politicians.

    • Real world facts don’t interest their emotional followers, pipe dream fantasies do. They understand their constituency.

  5. So another anti-civil rights h0.m0sexu.@l governor, signs another anti-civil rights law. Taking away the rights of law abiding Americans.

    Racist white h0.msex.u@l fas.cis.m is no different than the [email protected] pr0g.res.sive liberalism of the Klu Klux Klan.

    And people should remember all the libertarians liberals and leftists gun owners, who celebrated the election of this [email protected] white [email protected].

    So fa.scis.m came into america with a smiling face, in a [email protected] orientation.

    Now you can call me a h0.m0p.h0be or some other name that makes you feel better.

    In the past on TTAG we talked about why it is that christians are the biggest supporters of the 2A. And ath.eists and and g.@ys are the 2A biggest enemies.

    • It’s “GO WOKE, GO BROKE” for TTAG. You’d think Howlett would take a cue from all the f!a.g.!g.o!t.ry going on at Disney and its effect on the bottom line.

      Oh well. I’m heading out to saner pastures. Most will probably celebrate, but, personally, I don’t GAF.

      Ta Ta!

    • I forgot. Let me use some terms that will get me into trouble, with the overly sensitive feelings of some people.

      It’s big city white liberals and liberal New York jews, that are the primary leaders in the anti-civil rights movement. And now you can add h0m.0sexu.@ls and ath.eists to that list.

      Owning guns doesn’t make you pro
      civil-rights. But voting for right wing christians, who have sex in the missionary position with the lights turned out, and have a solid provable track record of supporting the 2A.

      Your vote now does make you a real 2A supporter.

      “Nat.ional Divo.rce”

      And there seem to be many people who actually believe americans, are just going to sit down, and just accept having their human rights being taking away.

      Only to be replaced with the distractions of b.utt se.x and

  6. John Adams is rolling over in his grave. Massachusetts, once the cradle of American freedom, has become the anthesis of that dream.

  7. Massachusetts is replicating the British Tyranny of the 1770’s, except now the guv is Marxist. Safety for the elite. Violence toward the citizen.

  8. I forgot. Let me use some terms that will get me into trouble, with the overly sensitive feelings of some people.

    It’s big city white liberals and liberal New York jews, that are the primary leaders in the anti-civil rights movement. And now you can add h0m.0sexu.@ls and ath.eists to that list.

    Owning guns doesn’t make you pro
    civil-rights. But voting for right wing christians, who have sex in the missionary position with the lights turned out, and have a solid provable track record of supporting the 2A.

    Your vote now does make you a real 2A supporter.

    “Nat.ional Divo.rce”

    And there seem to be many people who actually believe americans, are just going to sit down, and just accept having their human rights being taking away.

    Only to be replaced with the distractions of b.utt se.x and

  9. Thank Donald Trump for the Under-21 Purchase Ban. He championed that after Parkland and Las Vegas. Gun-Grabbers can tell gun-owners in MA that if Trump even approves of it, they’re screwed.

    • He shouldn’t have championed it.

      However, even though he did, it wasn’t his idea first. Nor was he ever the loudest champion. Nor did he manage to influence any legislature to make it happen.

      Like Trump does, he talks. So does every other politician. This bill pales in comparison to what 4 years of Harris in the WH would yield.

    • As everyone knows, Democrats always wait to follow Trump’s lead. Thank you for this valuable insight.

  10. I have two comments:

    1. “Massachusetts’ lawful gun owners” – seems like an oxymoron to me, like keeping an “open secret.”
    2. The people of the once great commonwealth of Massachusetts, long ago the welcoming home of freedom-loving patriots, must like and approve of what they’re doing. They keep voting the a$$holes into office. I feel for the small remnant of patriots left.

  11. Well, it looks like they just made it safer for the CRIMINALS in Massachusetts. Not so much for the gun owners. Wonder when the citizens there are going to get tired of their “elected” officials taking away their rights?

  12. We now have a proliferation of low information voters who can neither parse a sentence or intelligently parse, interpret correctly or validate an argument or a position. Seems they are not alone-
    It seems that politicians DO have an immeasurable amount of self love and a raging ego. But close to ZERO common sense, or interpretive intelligence. They listen to, then follow, the most outrageous scams, gossip or Old Wives Tales that vibrate their eardrums.
    Was she the thickest and slowest girl in her class in high school???

    Acting like it now…with fatal consequences for the rest if us…

  13. Wellll, the People’s’ Republic of MA loves to flip the bird at the SCOTUS.

    This is exponential flippery.

    I’m so glad that I left.


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