Philando Castile traffic stop shooting
Video image taken from a camera in a police cruiser captures the July 6, 2016, police shooting of Philando Castile during a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, Minn. (St. Anthony Police Department via AP)

In a recent video, Wilson Combat hosted Massad Ayoob, who provided advice based on the tragic death of Philando Castile. For those unfamiliar, a police officer shot and killed Castile while he was lawfully carrying a concealed pistol with a permit. His death resulted in a politically and racially-charged multi-way feud between the “back the blue” crowd, gun rights activists, and people concerned with the rate of police killings of African Americans.

Many of weren’t sure where to stand on this, especially early on when details were sketchy and incomplete. Some seemed to be on all three sides.

As Ayoob points out, he’s been on both sides of the car window. Before he got into law enforcement, he was a civilian gun owner. After leaving law enforcement, he still considers himself part of the civilian gun owning community. More importantly, he’s been an extremely valuable member of that community, teaching many extremely valuable lessons to his students based on decades of experience.

His take on the shooting is that it was tragic, but largely driven by the Castile’s decisions. While he was initially stopped because he met the description of a robbery suspect, he wasn’t the robber. He initially attempted to notify the police officer that he had a gun (as any responsible permit holder would), but he did it by saying, “I have a gun,” which is an easy statement to misconstrue (Is it a threat or a good guy trying to notify?).

The police officer tried to tell him to not take the gun out, but Castile already had his hand on the gun and was trying to unholster it. This frightened the police office, who had pulled over someone he thought was a robbery suspect and whose car smelled of marijuana. The cop thought Castile was going to shoot him and did what any Han Solo would do, he shot first.

Ayoob tells us that his first piece of advice to concealed carriers is to not approach notification the way Castile did. Instead of saying, “I have a gun,” he recommends instead saying that you have a permit or license to carry. That identifies you as a card-carrying good guy from the start, instead of simply announcing that you’re armed. One is a lot less sketchy-sounding to the average cop than the other.

I know what everyone’s big concern with Ayoob’s advice is going to be. I read the YouTube comments, and believe me, you aren’t the first to say something like, “Hey, what about constitutional carry?” While Ayoob advises that you tell cops you have a permit, it’s 2022, and half the states don’t require a permit anymore. And a number of states that still require a one don’t require one in your car (and haven’t for a long time now).

As an instructor and someone who has been in law enforcement myself (even if only as a volunteer), I’d say that his advice is still generally sound, but needs to be adapted slightly if you’re lawfully carrying without a permit.

You still don’t want to say, “I have a gun.” Instead, you should say something like, “I’m lawfully carrying a pistol.” or “I have a holstered gun I’m carrying under the new constitutional carry law.”

This both notifies the officer and gives you a chance to show that you give a crap about the law (with the possible exception of the speed limit–you got pulled over, right?). It’s non-confrontational and shows that you want to be a responsible armed citizen.

What you do next is crucial, though. If you’ve taken a class from a competent instructor, they’ll tell you that you should keep your hands on the steering wheel in plain view unless told to do something else.

When you do what you’re told, do it slowly and describe what you’re going to do ahead of time to minimize surprises. For example, if told to get your license and registration, don’t dive for the glovebox and try to quickly give it to the officer. From his or her point of view, that would be potentially scary.

Instead, say something like, “My registration and insurance are in the glove box. I’m going to retrieve them,” and then slowly do that, giving the cop plenty of opportunity to tell you to stop if they get jumpy about it. It’s also worth pointing out that you shouldn’t store guns or ammunition in the same compartment where you keep papers you might need for a traffic stop, for obvious reasons.

Mirror Police side rear view rearview mirror

Most importantly, though, don’t try to hand the cop your gun. Don’t even touch it. Don’t put your hand anywhere near it. If they want to take it from you during a traffic stop, they’ll have you step out and remove it themselves so there’s no mistake about your intent.

If they should ask you to give them the gun, I’d tell them that you don’t think that’s a very good idea — because it isn’t. This general “don’t touch the gun” rule applies regardless of whether you’ve got a permit or not.

Want some more tips for safe traffic stops with a firearm? I’d recommend getting training from a good instructor, but Wilson Combat and Massad Ayoob have another great video that covers this topic more broadly . . .


  1. “while he was lawfully carrying a concealed pistol with a permit”

    He was not lawfully carrying. He was smoking marijuana, which is a federal and possibly a state crime. A Permit does not authorize you to carry during the commission of a crime. He likely lied about his marijuana use when he bought the gun, and when he applied for a permit. That’s between 2 and 4 additional Federal and state felonies, depending on the particular laws of his state of residence.

    • folly crap…You sound like an outhouse lawyer making mountains out of molehills. Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? A court of law is not you sitting in your underwear with a sandwich and bag of Doritos. BTW…The penalty for smoking pot is not execution by cop.

      • Exactly! And the way the agenda based racist (reminds me of the LBJ ‘target focused’ days) 4473 questions are formatted, just about half of everybody who fills one out is ‘lying’ and therefore committing a crime with their answers!

        • Confession through projection? I doubt half the population are wife beating dope heads…

        • Why are they racist? Is the assumption that there’s some race/ethnicity that always uses drugs or has felonies? Wouldn’t that assumption be pretty goddamn racist?

      • Stop looking in my window you creeper! i don’t know what fantasies you have about me in my underwear but i am not interested.

        I support the legalization of drugs, and the elimination of all gun laws. But unless/until that happens possession and use of marijuana is still a crime. A crime that prohibits one from owning or carrying a firearm or getting a permit.

        It is not a molehill. People keep saying that he was “lawfully carrying” when he wasn’t just like they keep repeating “hands up don’t shoot” and many other lies whenever a black guy gets himself offed. It contributes to the false narrative that cops are hunting black people.

        Stating the facts as they are does not make me a racist and frankly your constantly running to that accusation for everyone and anyone who disagrees with you puts you in the same position as the democrats and the left.

        Castille was not shot for possessing pot, smoking pot, or lying on any of the government forms he lied on. He was not shot for being black or hispanic or otherwise not white. He was shot for reaching for a gun in the presence of a cop when specifically told not to. No one was judge, jury, and executioner. The cop had a reasonable fear for his life and defended himself. That had nothing to do with Castille’s crimes or potential crimes. It was a separate issue. Anyone else of any color would have been shot in the same situation.

        jfkjr I highly doubt half of all people lie on 4473’s. The questions are pretty straightforward. Many of us are US citizens, have never been convicted of a prohibiting offense, are not under indictment for one, and don’t use drugs. That’s basically what the questions amount to. If you have any statistics or research proving your assertion please present it.

      • Debbie, where was unsername:Castille’s Folly wrong?

        In your juvenile whining and exasperation you failed to address what he said, but instead attempted to address what you felt. Your feefees don’t matter, little sister.

    • #1 lie LEOs tell, is that they “think” they smelled Marijuana. This makes you automatically guilty. I have had that said to me – I quit in 1984 and I will gladly tell them that and why I quit.

      • When I worked as a court reporter I used to joke that we could use a fill-in-the-blanks form for the arresting officer’s testimony at preliminary hearings for the probable cause element.

        “Upon approaching the car Officer ________ testified he (smelled the odor of marijuana) (Observed the driver’s pupils were dilated)(Observed burnt marijuana seeds on the floorboards of a 15 y.o. car) (observed the passengers seemed to be euphoric)

        Occasionally there would be a new and novel P.C. initiator — I mean other than a carload of teenagers or young males, especially if they were a minority group which unfortunately the Supremes had ruled that was not P.C. to make a stop.

        I also used to joke that the automotive industry should conduct a study to determine how marijuana smoke had a deleterious effect on automotive wiring. Perhaps the National Safety Council should get involved as that was proving dangerous to other motorists. It was amazing that the damaging m.j. smoke mostly deteriorated the wiring in the rear of the car. It also caused excessive wear on the rear tires of automobiles which sharp eyed officers could spot while drive 45 – 55 mph at night on busy streets.

  2. “attempted to notify the police officer that he had a gun (as any responsible permit holder would)”

    I didn’t realize I was irresponsible. It isn’t the law in my state to notify them. I’m not telling them anything unless they ask. I assume they can see your carry permit when they run your license. I’ve been pulled over a few times since I had my permit. No one mentioned it except the time I was still digging my license out while the cop was at my window, and he saw my carry permit.

    I suggest keeping your registration and proof of insurance on your visor so you don’t have to reach and dig through your glove box or center console. I like to have everything in my hand before the cop reaches my vehicle. It isn’t complicated.

    • The registration and insurance card should be kept on your person.

      They’re easy to steal from an unsecured car; they contain personal identifying information on them.

      • In Washington, because of vehicle thefts, you are no longer required to keep paper documents in the vehicle. You can put copies on your phone. This also saves you if you have a garage door opener because the perps don’t get your address.

        • You going to give the popo your phone so he can take it to his car to “run it”? BS

          My wife used to carry her car reg/insurance in her damn purse. Then when I drove the thing the car reg/insurance in her damn purse and NOT in the car (where needed).

  3. There are several errors if not outright lies in this piece. Philando Castile did not say, “I have a gun.” The direct quote, which was recorded so don’t bother questioning objective fact, was, “Sir, I have to tell you I do have a firearm on me.” The claim is also made that he had his hand on his firearm and was attempting to unholster it. Castile was attempting to take out his wallet to show his permit, and officer Yanez ASSUMED he was reaching for his weapon. Officer Yanez told him not to pull it out, to which Castile responded he wasn’t, at which point officer Yanez drew his weapon and fired seven times. Officer Yanez admitted in court that he never saw a firearm and made the assumption that Castile was reaching for his firearm because he thought Castile’s grip was wider than a wallet.

    • it also ignores that the officer told him it was a traffic stop for a moving violation not a felony stop. The officer yelling get the fuck out of thr car and waiting for backup probably would have saved his life.

    • Jeronimo! was afeared ’cause he was carrying while colored. My take? Don’t drive while high. No sympathy. Oh & I am not convinced Castile was “legal” no matter how much I hear the screaming…

    • The panty wetting cop certainly did “Stupid Shit”.

      I’m bored with hearing this “life on the line everyday” BS from the police lobby.

  4. Here in South Carolina we have a duty to inform. Not a big deal if you ask me but some have an issue with it. I figure it’s always a good thing to inform so there are no miscommunications.

    I took one of Massad Ayoob’s classes and it was well worth the money. He is, beyond any doubt, the best expert witness you can have on your side during a DGU trial.

    • In PA you are not required to inform, and I do not. It’s never been an issue. However on PAFOA forums you can read numerous accounts of people who did inform and things went downhill from there. Downhill ranging from the cop took the gun for the duration of the stop to the cop returned the gun unloaded and disassembled. In PA staties, and at this point most local cops can see your LTCF when they pull up your DL. A few jurisdictions probably still can’t but it’s rare. According to my wife’s cousin, who is a statie, If they see you have a License to Carry Firearms they generally assume you are alright.

      Like another poster said previously, I like to have my documents out before the cop gets to the window and my hands in plain view on the steering wheel.

  5. There is absolutely NO REASON to notify at all, unless it is required in that particular state or the officer has asked you to get out of the car.

    Otherwise, STFU, be polite and do what you are told.

    Notifying the officer unnecessarily escalates a mundane traffic stop into a “Man with a gun”.

    • Agreed. In my state, there is no “duty to inform”. In fact; it is not even legal for an LEO to ask if you are armed, unless you are being lawfully detained/arrested. During traffic stops and LEO contacts, keep your mouth shut and your firearm holstered.

  6. Why would you not already have your license, registration and proof of insurance in hand by the time the cop gets to your window? The first thing they’re going to say is ‘Papers please’ (to paraphrase).

    Personally I’m not telling the cop about my sidearm unless he asks me to step out of the car, which has yet to happen, but I suppose if I match the description of a robbery suspect…

    • Because the policeman may see you shuffling around inside of your car while he’s approaching and assume that you may be getting your weapon.

      • if that officer can see your hands in plain view and doesn’t see a firearm anywhere then I wouldnt worry about that.

      • “…the policeman may see you shuffling around inside of your car while he’s approaching and assume that you may be getting your weapon.”

        Or hiding drugs.

        My MO at night it to immediately turn on my dome light, then pull over, keeping my hands on the wheel…

  7. I agree with almost everything in the article. Dude covered the rest in his comment. When I did a traffic stop my thing was if I didn’t ask, don’t volunteer. If I did ask, don’t lie.

  8. I have lots of respect for Massad however the cop was standing so he had the tactical advantage and the person he shot was seated. Add insult to injury the person he killed appears to had a kid in the vehicle. There was no deadly threat to the cop and IMO he overreacted and murdered a man. Cop was made aware of the firearm by the driver and dollars to donuts the cop never saw the business end headed his way. Like how often does what appears to be a stoned “robbery suspect” tell a cop from the start they have a gun? Like f-ing never.
    If they can put a female cop in prison for mistaking a Glock for a taser then the cop should be held accountable if not criminal then civil or both. My advice is…Never let a cop that you don’t know stop you in an area where there are no witnesses. Call 911 and keep driving until you find a safe place to stop.

    • “If they can put a female cop in prison for mistaking a Glock for a taser then the cop should be held accountable if not criminal then civil or both.”

      But you realize that the female cop should not have been put in prison. That case was the stereotypical “miscarriage of justice.”

    • you truly are a dip s hit… keep your advice to yourself before an innocent person gets hurt….
      “debbie w”…. get a clue…. or is that racist too?

    • If you ever wonder just how high everyone in the car was just ask yourself why a child of four wasn’t screaming it’s head off after the shots were fired.
      Lots of mistakes on both sides in this case.

    • I lived in a small county area and I had a few friends and myself pulled over because of a robbery suspect that had “long hair and drove a Chevy”. I heard this excuse for 6 years. It was used to pull over any man who might have had long hair at one time driving any Chevy or GM product that had any red on it or that might have been painted.
      I had a 65 El Camino, my friends had a couple of Chevy and GM trucks, a ’57 Chevy, a 70s Nova and a ’72 SS Chevelle. They pulled over primer painted vans, they were intentionally vague about what type of Chevy and the race of the long haired “man”. They used this excuse for the 6 years I lived there.
      If they want a reason to pull you over, they will invent one.

  9. I delivered newspapers in the middle of the night for nearly 20 years. When you drive around at zero dark thirty 7 days a week tend to get to get pilled over a lot, even if you follow every traffic law to the letter. I got in the habit of keeping my DL, CPL, registration and proof of insurance all together for quick access. By the time any cop made it to my door I had them in hand with the CPL on top. If you get pulled over they will at minimum ask to see your drivers license. Makes sense to have it ready before they even ask.

  10. Why tell the cop you’re carrying at all? Unless you’re being searched it isn’t going to come up and they’ll ask you when then go to search you.

    Whether doing something illegal or not don’t ever offer intel to the cops. You’re goal is to get the interaction over with ASAP. Don’t go blurting out “I have a gun/permit” I have a key of coke in the glove box” “I have various pieces of dead hookers in the trunk.”

    Getting through a traffic stop is easy as long as you keep your mouth shut and avoid wrestling the cops.

    • Considering the times in which we live, every police officer should be approaching every potential criminal event with extreme caution for his/her own safety. The bad guy/gal is not going to admit to having a firearm even if asked. The good citizen is not the problem. Present the carry permit along with the driver’s license and let the officer ask further questions. Carry license and driver’s license can be in hand when the officer walks up and merely hand both to him/her when asked and and place both hands on top of the steering wheel and keep them there until the officer walks away or you are told otherwise. Practice the boy scout motto, “Be Prepared”. One must play safely in order to stay safe and live to drive away.

      • I’d prefer to keep my hands on the steering wheel in plain sight while the officer approaches, and then respond to his request to produce my license and registration, so that he can watch my deliberate actions.

        • alien, the point I was trying to make above is to avoid as much unnecessary movement as possible when the officer has walked up to the vehicle. Some men carry license etc in a wallet in their left rear pants pocket which makes their left hand go completely out of sight when retrieving the wallet and women carry a purse/bag which also makes a hand(s) disappear while digging for license etc. It is best, if time permits, to have things handy or in hand when the officer walks up and thus avoid any extra movement while seated in the vehicle.

        • Hush —

          ” … the point I was trying to make above is to avoid as much unnecessary movement as possible when the officer has walked up to the vehicle.”

          I get you, and I agree to an extent. I just prefer to take it farther.

          As the officer is walking up to the car, he’s observing what’s going on inside. If he sees a driver bending over to reach into the glove box to retrieve his papers, the officer would be justified in thinking that the driver might, just might, be getting his gun (as mentioned in the article).

          If the officer wants to see my papers, he’ll ask me. Then I will comply with his request, advise him that my papers are in my front pocket and I am slowly reaching in to retrieve them.

    • if you have both licenses out and ready for the cop as they approach with your hands in plain view then you might be asked if your carrying but it likely to be a non-issue. Just leave it holstered and keep your hands away from it.

      Quanell X has already put it out there that its “open season” on the cops and it’s been made clear that they don’t have the backing of many city leaders across this nation. Their job is hard enough. everyone should just expect them to go into every interaction with a much heightened sense of nervousness.

    • Your dead hookers are in pieces? Why didn’t I think of that? That would make them so much easier to store and transport. I feel like an idiot. Thanks for cluing me in on that idea.

      • “I feel like an idiot.”

        Anyone commenting with a name like ‘ded huka kolecta’ can rest assured they are indeed an idiot. 🙂

  11. On an academic note:

    Am I missing something here? The most obvious way to avoid this situation, oughta be to simply avoid traffic stops. If you’re gonna drive, then obey the traffic laws. Unusual circumstances aside, such as weird working hours, resemblance to a suspect, DUI checkpoint (even have those any more?), etc., you’ve eliminated most of the opportunities for interaction with the police.

    But, if you wanna speed, text while driving, blow through red lights, etc., then, better take precautions because the “3 Stupids” rule may catch you out.

    \academic note

    • It’s easy to miss some speed limit signs. I’ve been traveling along a highway with a 50-55 mph limit, and suddenly hit some Podunk town with a 25-30 mph limit. The local cops are always waiting for the non-locals with radar. I actually got out of two of these. He saw that I was from out of state. I said I didn’t notice the speed limit change. He probably sensed the honesty, and let me go. On the other one, I was from out of town (but in state). It went from 55 to 40. It was dark and rainy, and I was barely going over 50. Again, I was honest about not seeing it, and he let me go.

      If you’ve never been pulled over, then you’re either young or you don’t drive that much. That’s the rule. I’m sure there are some exceptions. I’m sure we’ve all lost our balance and fell even though we never intended to.

    • As I mentioned in an earier comment, I delivered newspapers in the dead of night, 7 days a week for nearly 20 years. I got pilled over on average once every other month for “erratic” driving or some other made up excusebecause the cops were to lazy to watch me for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes (my average time between tossing papers) to see what I was doing, out in the middle of the night. You don’t need to do anything other than be behind the wheel to get pulled over by a cop that hasn’t taken the time to think long enough to realize he/she is wasting thier time (and your’s too).

    • Many jurisdictions have “traps” to pull over people to write tickets and generate income, believe it or not. Places that have a speed change sign behind a bush, so you may not see it and do not know if it is there if you are not a local.
      I remember going for a temp job in Martinez, Ca. I was walking around, from work drop off to where I had rented a room for 2 months. I bought a car with my 3rd paycheck and was pulled over 5 times in 2 days – I was definitely on the Sheriff dept.’s radar.
      I finally went into the station and identified myself. I apologized for NOT coming in earlier, I did not know they were worried about me.

  12. pull over and park
    turn the engine of have you drivers license and carry license out and ready
    have both hands on the steering wheel
    do what the cop tells you
    be polite and say as little as possible
    if your being stopped for illegitimate reasons then deal with it later
    check your attitude

    The people that need to see this video and learn it’s lessons the most, never will.

  13. For over 3 decades I have carried I was the sole investigator in my field in my area so EVERY officer knew me for 4 counties around.

    REGARDLESS This is my process
    1. Stop vehicle, turn off engine, open windows on side the officer is coming up on so he can see clearly through the vehicle. At night i turn on the interior light.
    2. My hands with my license, and my registration are on the steering wheel.
    3. The Only time I have had to get out of my vehicle (I had a back light that had been damaged I was unaware of) I told the deputy…”I have a loaded (Describe weapon) on my right hip I am going to get out slowly with my hands on top of my head, please carefully take what ever actions you need to make you feel safe. ”

    In one case the Deputy said “LOL just get out let me show you something”

    The reality is…you can get pulled for anything but you need to remember these LEOs are working alone usually a few minutes from backup they need to be INCONTROL from moment one.

  14. Some states that issue CCW permits require you to inform the officer that you are armed if a contact should occur. Then again, I don’t worry about it much because I keep my vehicles in roadworthy condition and don’t drive like an Idiot or liberal, (you know, not on my phone and doing everything but driving). I also am a responsible citizen, so there’s that. .

  15. Good article, but the only thing I’m increasingly seeing in articles is the use of the word “civilian” when describing a non-sworn member of the community. That’s a military term. LEOs are civilians themselves, and usually fellow members of the community they’re serving.

    Certain inaccurate terms have a way of entrenching themselves into even POTG conversations, such as “ghost guns” to name another one.

  16. Want to survive a traffic stop while legally armed and carrying a CCW license? Try not to be black. Cops are conditioned to shudder in fear at the sight of a black male and are trained black men all want to murder them. As a black man myself, I have seen many times cop sees the color of my face through my side mirror and his hand goes to rest on his holstered Glock, not even a relaxed placement but almost gripping it like they do before an old western quick draw. If you’re black and stopped by a cop, roll down ALL YOUR WINDOWS AND SUNROOF before turning off your car and turn on your dome lights and if possible, put both hands high up through the sunroof or through your driver side window with your fingers extended out. Even then, it’s not a guarantee you’ll survive.

    • Aside from the respect I have for you and the state specific shirt I wear, I’m wondering about the other side of that. The biggest problems are coming from the black community. Wether it’s drugs, prostitution, shootings, or other types of violence. Other races are contributing to this nightmare but it could be downgraded to a bad dream if not for the insanity of the black race that seem to have been commandeered by the Democrats and their leftist controllers.

      Most of the issues that blacks have with bad cops are a direct result of Democrat controlled cities.

      Much has changed over the decades and much hasn’t but if you want to be black while being armed then the solution is the same one that deals with all the other forms of destruction visited upon the black race. You MUST learn to think for yourselves and get away from the Democrat party. They ARE bringing you down.



  18. I’ve told this on here before, but I’m going to repeat it. I hadn’t had my carry permit very long, and was all proud of myself, had an interaction with an officer and when I informed him of my status as I was told to do, he looked me right in the face and said “Did I fucking ask you that?”

    Point proven. Haven’t had the opportunity, but I’ll not be telling them shit.

    • Just hand over your drivers license and your carry license both. If your asked if you are carrying then be honest.

      In some states, your required to notify but the best thing you can do is say as little as possible, be respectful, and be compliant. Getting upset and arguing (particularly while armed) is NOT going to help. Keep your hands away from your firearm. Don’t run.

      If it’s an illegitimate stop then you will get a chance to deal with that later.

      These people are not royalty to be bowed down to but they are men and women that are armed and charged by government to do a job. Most will do their job properly. Yes, some of them are racist. Even though many actually will adhere to constitutional principles, that cannot be relied on.

  19. In the past on this website I have stated my thoughts on traffic stops. You would be wise to recognize that an extremely skittish or trigger-happy cop can justify drawing and shooting you for virtually all movements.

    Let me repeat that for emphasis: an extremely skittish or trigger-happy cop can claim that virtually any movement is justification to shoot you.

    Reaching to your visor to grab your license, registration, and proof of insurance? Cop can say he/she thought you were reaching for a handgun up there.

    Reaching for the passenger seat for your license? Cop can say that he/she thought you were reaching for a handgun on the seat.

    Of course reaching anywhere on your body–cop can say that he/she thought you were reaching for a handgun on your chest, thigh, back, abdomen, hip, ankle, and so-on and so-forth.

    Best you can do is secure your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance long before you stop, have them in hand, and have your hands on the top of the steering wheel.

    Back to that reaching thing–do NOT reach for the window button (or crank) to open your window as the cop is walking up to your car. (Cop can say that he/she thought you were reaching for a handgun there.) You better open your window before the police officer even exits his/her car so that you can have your hands plainly visible on the top of your steering wheel while he/she is still a long ways behind your car.

  20. Philando was trying to be the good citizen. wait for commands, answer truthfully, and dont volunteer info.

  21. I’ve lived in states that require informing an officer if you are legally armed. So, it has been a habit to inform them I am legally armed. But, I keep my hands in plain sight and don’t reach for a wallet, or into the glove box without making damn sure the officer knows that is what I am doing. My old 1911 has had the serial numbers nearly worn off from being run so many times. And no, I have no dope on me or in the car, no warrants for my arrest, and have a permit and my vehicle is insured and the registration is up to date. Could it be a sudden movement frightened the cop? No, I am not defending the cops, nor am I defending the victim.

  22. I will usually inform just as a courtesy. When they run my plate the dispatcher tells them anyway. Typically Ill hand him the license and CC permit (after being asked), and tell him “I have a concealed revolver on my right side. I’ll not be reaching for it.”
    They’ve always been cool with me and never a ticket.

  23. All this obsessing over the exact wording used by Castile, to notify the cop that he was carrying, misses the point entirely. It’s not tenable to have cops shooting innocent civilians because the latter lacked sufficiently precise communication skills. Precise communication is the duty of the officer, and he failed in this case. Castile was reaching for his documents, not his gun. When he was told “don’t reach for it”, he was complying – he didn’t reach for his gun, he reached for his license. If you’re going to open fire at the slightest misunderstanding, at the vet least it’s on you to avoid any such misunderstanding.

    • When a man with a gun pointing it you says stop….you stop. If you don’t stop…well….

      We are not talking about a criminal. It was a LEO saying stop. When a LEO says stop and you don’t then it’s on YOU. At that point it no longer matters if your going for your gun or your wallet.

      • But he didn’t say stop. He said “Don’t reach for it”, and “Don’t pull it out”. At no point did Castile reach for or pull out his gun. He complied. If the cop had said “stop” instead, things may have gone very differently, but as it is, Castile gets to suffer to consequences of the officer’s imprecise communication, while the officer gets the benefit of the doubt.

    • Ever since hearing about this incident, my thought has been that cop was too nervous in the service. He should not be someone carrying a firearm. He should have been tried for voluntary manslaughter or whatever the state he is in considers that particular crime. He got a freebie this time. His department should find some way to take him out of patrol and put him on some duty where he has limited contact with the public like managing the evidence locker or making sure the patrol cars have all the items they are supposed to carry and making sure their maintenance is maintained at the proper intervals.

  24. quote—————–The police officer tried to tell him to not take the gun out, but Castile already had his hand on the gun and was trying to unholster it. ————-quote

    Complete bullshit. Castile was trying to do as ordered and give the mad dog untrained cop his drivers license not his gun. The cop was fired over this and would not have been fired if the above had been true.

    The only thing Castile might have done is kept his hands on his head and asked to be handcuffed and even that may not have saved him from this untrained and out of control cop who had no business even being a cop.

    I myself have had such experiences with cops. I once knew the cops were on the way so I removed my gun and put it in the car. When the cops arrived I was out of the car in plain view and informed them I had a ccw and gave them the card. The untrained cop then had a complete look of panic and horror on his face. I was afraid he was going to shoot me on the spot even though I told him the gun was in my car and not on me.

    All this taught me that you are far more likely to be shot if you carry a gun than if you do not. Most people will be stopped by cops in their life while most will never be robbed. The odds favor you being killed by a cop.

    And the advice asking the cop to reach into your gun box is never to be done. Tell the cop its in the glove box but that you would rather he get it and rather he handcuff you first and tell him why.

    Take no chances with a cop, assume he is a moron because he probably is.

    • “All this taught me that you are far more likely to be shot if you carry a gun than if you do not.”

      So you gave up your weapon and CWP, and you don’t carry anymore, correct?

      You’ll be much “safer” that way, right?

  25. YOU Have no idea as whatbthe state of the Officers traing was or wwaqs not and you haave no bloody eveidence that the poor bugger that got shot wqas merley reaching for his wallet either. The fact is that the Officer had every right to be afraid when every other m person and other dog is armed and apparently lookin to shoot somebody on the slightest pretense and wher Officers are shot every day for the most minor traffic violation .
    I am NOT suggesting it was the right thing to do BUT one should at least understand the reasoning behind what was after all a split second decision.
    I used and carried all types of weaponry in the UK Services both as a ARMOURER and Smallarms Instructor innthem Royal Air Force and in the UK Armry Reserves so I do have some inkling as to the difficult descisions faced by Officers making those split second descisions and I’ve had to make one ot two myself.
    Fortuneately I came down on the side of righteousness but I suspect that was due to both training and discipline. But make no mistake if I had at any time been under what I perceived as a real and present ARMED threat I WOULD HAVE FIRED and I would have had the backing from above to do so.

  26. In any contact with police, my number one goal has always been to live through it.
    As John Farnham says, “Don’t go to stupid places with stupid people and do stupid things”.
    If you are dead, later arguments about coulda, woulda, shoulda, don’t mean squat.

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