A handgun went off during a police safety talk at a kindergarten in the central Chinese city of Zhengzhou on Thursday, injuring four adults and one child, police said.” You may remember that the central committee recently relented, agreeing to issue some of Shanghai’s flatfeet six-shooters, the better to nip mass stabbings in the bud. Looks like the new program’s been extended to the Middle Kingdom’s flyover country, too. “The injuries were minor, the statement said. It said two police officers involved were confined as an internal punishment by the department, and that a deputy director, a squad chief and an instructor had been suspended.” There’s apparently no truth to the rumor that the Chinese brass had hired Lee Paige to train their officers on the finer points of safe gun handling and community outreach. 


  1. If nobody has a gun why don’t they just give ’em bigger knives than the so-called badguys?

    • …but it’s controlled chaos so it works. It’s not like here in the west when certain people can’t drive while others can, causing huge problems. When everyone breaks the law, it tends to equalize everything.

  2. “…injuring four adults and one child…” Now that’s what I call going off!

  3. …and it just ‘went off’ huh? Damn guns, have to keep an eye on them. They tend to like to jump out of their holsters and just go off sometimes.

    • They have that weird safety on them, too. That takes quite a leap to believe it just went off.

        • Every gun should have Four Safeties. Also called the four rules of gun safety. Always follow them, and your gun will never hurt anyone.

  4. Considering I hear they’re armed with 9mm REVOLVERS… I’m very interested to know how it just “went off” much less got that many people.

  5. “There’s apparently no truth to the rumor that the Chinese brass had hired Lee Paige to train their officers on the finer points of safe gun handling and community outreach. ”

    Didn’t hire him–just used his video as a training aid on gun handling in a classroom environment without reading the disclaimer.

    • Yep; Lee Paige, “I (A DEA agent) am the only one professional enough to carry this gun” (BANG) Thought bubble (Sh-T! I just shot myself in the leg!)

      This video never gets old, Figures it was a DEA agent.

  6. “the bullet struck the ground, sending up sparks and cement that hit the arms and legs of bystanders”

    I guess it’s possible…

    • with that puny round?

      “oh yeah, im *cough* injured.”

      I think throwing the gun at the assailant would be more effective.

      • Good thing they weren’t .45ACP revolvers or half of the people in the building would be dead.

  7. I’m guessing some kind of frangible ammo or shot shells with pieces/BBs bouncing all over the place.

  8. This is still better than responding to 39 dead bombing victims by requiring owners of lighters and matches to be registered with their government. Seriously, heard it on NPR. Even THEY thought that was a bit silly. Just a bit though.

    • Which country was that? The lighters and matches registration.

      I wouldn’t trust NPR, wouldn’t trust anyone in the media.

  9. And a firearm has never discharged acidentally during a training class in America? Come on people dont act like your s**** don’t stink.

  10. “I am the onry one in this loom professiono enough…”

    (Oh, c’mon! You knew someone was gonna say it!)

  11. I am glad they suspended the ones responsible, unlike in western countries where all that happens is that they get a two week paid vacation.

    • With China, I can’t help but wonder whether “suspended” was a mistranslation.

      “Suspended with pay?”

      “No. Just with rope. “

      • I don’t know, just know that when you mess up you should take the consequences of it. Unlike the cops in the western world. Here in Norway a couple of cops left a FA MP5 (with two mags in it) on the front seat of their car while getting coffee, they also let the door stay open. What happened to them? Nothing. Yet, when I buy a gun I need to buy a safe for it or suffer the consequences (fine or losing gun-rights, not sure which).

        Also it doesn’t help that 60% of cops aren’t qualified to use guns (or was it 40%, I am not sure). No matter which number it was it isn’t good news IMO.

  12. What a depressing state of affairs when China has better discipline then our own LE officers.

    I doubt they’ll have to deal with a defamation suit afterward either.

  13. Remember to not insert bullets (a) into slot (d). After then safe making fingers for enjoyment of new firearm.
    Holster must use when not in hand. (Figure 3).
    Many years of happy enjoyment!
    Bang Ding Ow Ltd.

  14. “… two police officers involved were confined as an internal punishment by the department, and that a deputy director, a squad chief and an instructor had been suspended.”

    As in jailed, I suspect. Obviously there’s no police union in the Workers Paradise.

  15. Damn, I hope I don’t get shot by these guys while i’m there. My question is how does one ND with the Norinco revolver? Don’t these things also have a manual safety?

  16. I’m sure I won’t be the first to say this, but…

    Guns don’t just go off. Some outside force can cause a gun to fire, such as a cop’s booger picking appendage. I could even accept that a hot chamber “cooked one off”, but despite AP’s BS reporting, this sounds like a negligent discharge caused by the cop that was handling it.

  17. “A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free State…” The founders knew that you can’t just create people who know how to shoot out of thin air. They need to come from a community that has trained them for many years.

    The Chinese don’t have such a community, so they are having trouble finding people who can handle guns correctly.

  18. “Went off”, like all on its own? Wow, it’s a fvcking epidemic. My G19 Gen 4 just “went off” the other day, taking the key to my spare car as it was screaming something about being tired of all my crap and needing a deck of smokes. It came back six hours later smelling like it had been ‘well-used’, threw an open pack of Trojans and a half-smoked deck of Camel non-filters on the coffee table, mumbled something about cleaning the back seat in the morning, then went to sleep on my night stand.
    I think my Walther PPS is going to be getting more use these days.

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