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“We have to pass stronger gun laws in this state,” Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel told U.S. News after another bloody week in the City of Big Shoulders (and even bigger body counts). “We’re not talking about repealing conceal/carry, but making sure we have a tougher set of laws dealing with assault weapons and other types of guns.” Well of course you are. Something must be done! Last weekend’s tally: nine dead, 37 wounded removes any doubt! And what better way to tackle the problem of gang-banger-on-gang-banger shootings than banning assault weapons ‘n stuff, leaving untouched Prairie staters’ right to carry a concealed weapon to protect themselves from the ballistic mayhem. Wait, what? Isn’t Chicago . . .

in Illinois (despite the fervent wishes of so many downstaters)? As far as I know the Land of Lincoln remains the only state of the fifty-seven [sic] without at least some form of concealed carry.

I guess when you have the toughest, strictest and mostest gun rights-abrogating firearms laws in the country, no one can keep track of ’em all, least of all the man in charge. No wonder it’s safer in Aleppo than it is in Avalon Park these days.

You have to wonder if, late at night when they’re all alone in city hall, feet kicked up, quaffing a couple of cold ones and shooting the shit after yet another bloody day on the city’s streets, could the Godfather and Commish McCarthy do the unthinkable? Something that they’d never dare speak of in public?

Is it even possible that they at least consider the latest embarrassingly high body count means that the current compliment of copious common sense gun laws already on the books has long since passed the point of diminishing returns?

That when the Mayor himself has no idea that it’s not legal to pack heat in his city, it may be time to stop swimming upstream and allow his battle fatigued citizens to, you know, protect themselves?

Nah. That’s just kooky talk best left to “gun rights extremists.”

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    • Just as bright as he is apparently!! Oh wait, money and upper crust politicians put him in office. I don’t believe the common man had much say so in his appointment, I mean election to that orifice!!!
      Maybe the few good citizens of Chicago, those still alive or not in jail for practicing their Constitutional Rights to defense of home and others, could move out of Chicago and let Rahm and the good Police Chief clean up the town by themselves with nothing but their “Magic Fix It All” gun laws!!
      Wonder how long those two would last??!!
      Just my opinion!!

    • and the people who elected him

      A minority. Out of 2.7 million people in Chicago, only 323,000 voted for him.

      • When you exclude felons and t hose under 18 the number is far less. Maybe 1.5 million potential voters. Rahm got 55% of the votes cast so that is about 700000 total votes in an election that goes automaticly to the machine backed candidate. So I think it is fair to say that an overwhelming majority of the population supported his election. They just didn’t care to come out and vote.

        • According to the 2010 census there were 699,363 people aged 19 or younger. I really doubt there are half a million convicted felons in Chicago. And felons in Illinois can get their voting rights restored.

          And how do you come to the conclusion that people who abstain from voting support Emanuel? Or that because ~16% of the adult population voted for him, that it was a majority?

          That also ignores that Chicago elections are ripe with fraud, that people in Chicago vote multiple times, that the dead vote, and that voters registered themselves as living in vacant lots, schools, parks or railroad viaducts.

        • According to the 2010 census there were 699,363 people aged 19 or younger. I really doubt there are half a million convicted felons in Chicago. And felons in Illinois can get their voting rights restored.

          And how do you come to the conclusion that people who abstain from voting support Emanuel? Or that because ~16% of the adult population voted for him, that it was a majority?

          That also ignores that Chicago elections are ripe with fraud, that people in Chicago vote multiple times, that the dead vote, and that voters registered themselves as living in vacant lots, schools, parks or railroad viaducts.

        • So let’s go through your calculations. If there are roughly 700,000 under 19s so we will say there 600, 000 under 18. That gets you down to 2.1 million. I would bet there are 100,000 convicted felons in Chicago so that gets you to 2 million. What about immigrants, legal and illegal? And Finally, not everybody registers to vote. So I think 1.5 million registered voters is a pretty good upper limit on the [legally ellegable] voting pool.

        • people who abstain from the process allow the 16% to become the majority. a small number of people working together can exert influence beyond their numbers. the larger mass that step out of the process are simply sheep waiting to be sheared. the only way to straighten the windy city out is to roll up your sleeves and get active.

        • people who abstain from the process allow the 16% to become the majority.

          The people who abstain are the majority.

          a small number of people working together can exert influence beyond their numbers.

          Then they’re arent the majority, but rather a minority.

          the larger mass that step out of the process are simply sheep waiting to be sheared.

          The large mass who abstains are the same people do things like refusing to cooperate with the police. Read second city cop, one of the CPDs largest complaints when it comes to the populace is people refusing to sign complaints. If you read our local papers, you can see stories about stores (and corner dealers) selling cigarettes to get out of the absurd taxes here. Those are just two examples of those who abstain, actively working against the system.

          the only way to straighten the windy city out is to roll up your sleeves and get active.

          lol youre naive. When has politics anywhere been straightened out? By becoming active, you simply exacerbate the problem, and lend the corrupt politicians your voice and legitimacy.

        • both of our outlooks are colored by our agendas matt.i want a country with a system that works properly and you want a country with no system. likely, niether one of us will get our wishes, but for the sake of my family i’ll keep plugging at it.

  1. Rahm only got interested in the goings on in the ghetto when the ghetto began to reach out and touch the important parts of the city like the Gold Coast and Streeterville, and the constant drumbeat reporting of how Chicago had passed such islands of serenity like Mogadishu in violence started to degrade the City’s image. The City establishment really doesn’t have a problem with gang on gang violence. It’s just “those people” doing what “those people” do.

    Tom Kane, the fictional mayor in the series “Boss,” got it right when he said of his political adversary’s defense of a rundown gang infested city housing project that it was all about votes and money. That is how the Democratic Party sees America’s inner cities — a place to make a little cash and a captive population to vote for them.

  2. Can he be so ignorant not to know Illinois Law on OC/CC?

    The kid in the upper right looks like he is half-asleep, bored, or on drugs.

    • Without searching i will go out on a limb and say zero! But, remember this is the person who coined the phrase “never let a [good] crises go to waste” See, in this context, he is pushing an agenda and making believe he cares and is doing something all at the same time deflecting from the real problems — its excellent spin and he is a master.

    • And certainly none were carried out by law-abiding concealed carriers, since there are none in the state.

  3. My wife was born & raised in Chicago and only in the last 15 years did she move away from there to come live with me in NH. She has told me that over her entire life there living in the inner city that EVERYONE she knew had their own guns for protection sans permit, it was just a matter of keeping them hidden from the po-po.
    That was one of the reasons she decided to leave that commie hellhole.

  4. Got in dirty, is dirty and a fraud. The Israelis knew it when he visited the Wall, but the meathead Chicagoans could not or would not see it. Good job, you got what you wanted voters. Too bad the rest of us in this state hell hole have to put up with him as well.

  5. Did you know that “Rahm Emanuel” translates into “Horse’s A$$” in ancient Aramaic? Okay, it doesn’t. But it does in modern English.

  6. I lived in Chicago for a year during Mayor Daley Sr’s time and I remember at election time, the mantra was “vote early, vote often”. The neighborhood bosses work really hard in the “hood” to get folks to the polls. The machine does what it is designed to do, elect approved “machine” politicians. As to the mayor not knowing that Illinois residents can’t conceal & carry, I’d bet that there are LOTS of things that the mayor doesn’t know, unless it’s written down in front of him or being whispered in his ear piece. I’m not saying he is stupid, just that his focus isn’t on the issues of the taxpayers. He is focused on his own perceived status as mayor, and can he use that status to jump up to senator, or governor, with the long term goal being the white house. In short, everything is all about him and what it will do for him.

  7. Rahm Emanuel for President 2016 — he already has all the attributes the democrates like especially the ability to ignore the truth and lie. With his wonderfull record in Chicago, he is fit to lead the country — or maybe Obama once retired will show Chicago what he can do given the bang up job he has done thus far.

  8. Another thing that was overlooked is that Cook County, where Chicago is, has an AWB. So not only did he not know about concealed carry but he’s also railing against another thing that’s illegal.

    • no, what he’s railing for is a nationwide awb, that way those evil rifles can’t find their way to his utopian paradise. remember he’s a dem, so gun control is always going to be the top of the agenda. remember clinton’s awb got it’s first breath of life amongst ca dems. and with enough high profile dems in enough offices that nationwide awb can be brought back and made permanent.

      • I’ll oppose the anti-gun / anti – freedom machine as much as I can in CA, and thankfully many others will as well. Chicago needs a to help them fight for their gun rights. Does anyone here know of an Illinois / Chicago gun rights organization? How about NY?

  9. Simply put he has a crime problem.
    Rather than own up to it and admit it he would rather push a tired agenda which does nothing. Not really news except the whole banning guns thing. then again what would you expect from him.

  10. In some parts of the country, the only thing you need to win an election is a “(D)” after your name. Chicago is one of those places. Until that changes, nothing else will change.

  11. Aside from th eutter stupidity of the remark about not repealing concealed carry in a state that has no such law, just what does he mean by “tougher” gun laws? Last I checked, citizens in Chicago cannot have handguns yet, even after McDonald, and murder is still illegal. So we have a situation where in each of these cases each shooter violated multiple state and local laws (illegal possession, assault and battery, attempted murder, murder, etc etc)–how are we going to make their conduct even more “illegaler”? If the criminal laws in effect now with the potential for life in prison without parole is not enough to stop these bad boys from illegally acquiring and using firearms, how is it possible that “tougher” laws will have any effect?

    • Mark, in Chicago, a person cannot keep a gun outside their immediate home – even their own garages. This was part of a package of laws the Chicago City Council passed by a 45-0 vote, NOT ONE WEEK (emphasis added) after SCOTUS handed down its ruling in McDonald v. Chicago, in 2010.

  12. By his logic, the rest of the country without the strict gun laws of Chicago should be teeming with violence. That violence is infiltrating the perfect society legislated by him and other Dems in their infinite wisdom. Funny how facts and reality don’t bear this out.

  13. Perhaps he’s speaking of repealing CC in the 49 other states. He had momentary relapse into national “impotence”.

  14. Hmmm

    Rahm is a dual citizen and in late 1990 decided to return to Israel and joined the IDF instead of serving in the US Military during the first Gulf war. In short, way back in 1990 he proved that when push came to shove he allegence is to Israel and not the US. So to even entertain the notion that a traitor like him would be considered for President is not just sickening it is a national security issue. Of course his position in the White House was clearly a national security issue………….

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