Walther’s PPQ is currently the top of their pistol lineup, although this 15-round 9mm has street price of only around $600. I have to say I loved its grip design and striker-fired trigger, and even in my frozen hands it ‘rescued’ the hostage target most of the time. (And never killed it, which is probably more important.) Strongly reminiscent of the H&K P30, the PPQ seems to offer a lot of value (and if my few test rounds are any guide, a lot of performance) for the money.
But That’s Not All!
A couple of hundred bucks down the price ladder you’ll find the hammer-fired Walther PPX. The rep described it as a ‘double-action only’ pistol, but the sear or hammer is partially set by the slide during firing. This makes the trigger pull shorter and lighter than a true ‘DAO’ pistol, and deprives it of a second-strike ability. For less than four bills, this looks like another outstanding value even though it is less refined than the PPQ. I wish the two guns shared magazines, but they don’t.
Do I have to mention that we’re angling for test guns in both models? Didn’t think so, but I did anyway.