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Despite their freedom-loving content and zippy graphics, watching NRA commentators commenting can be like watching paint dry. On a sailboat. In Belgium. Sorry, but there it is. Someone at America’s oldest civil rights organization must have got the memo. Colion Noir’s new talk show promises to be interesting. More important, funny. Noir does funny. And now former Navy SEAL and mucho macho gun guy Dom Rasso’s Media+Lab raises his game, with this firearms-oriented Hollywood Mythbusters show. I pronounce it a hit. A big hit. So big it might get picked up by a cable net. Or not. In fact, it doesn’t matter. With the NRA’s name on it, it’s all good. Click this link on Wednesdays, starting May 5.

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  1. BTW, is SEAL, not Seal. One is a cute little animal. One is a commando.

  2. I am suitably impressed with their upcoming content line up. It’s a step forward anyway

  3. I don’t watch much TV, but this looks to be worth watching.

    The Reacher movie wasn’t too bad–especially seeing that it was written by a Canadian and produced by Hollywood. It’ll be interesting to see a professional’s take.

    • The Reacher movie wasn’t too bad–especially seeing that it was written by a Canadian, produced by Hollywood and starred a midget.

      Really, Tom Cruise could be a dashboard ornament on Reacher’s next stolen car.

  4. Saw the preview for this and NOIR on thegunwire and man, I like Dom Raso’s videos a lot thus far, this looks to be pretty entertaining as well.

  5. Between Noir, with Colion Noir’s funny and intelligent commentary, and that leggy cohost, and this Media+Lab, it looks like this push for “coolness” by the NRA with “Freestyle” is beginning to look promising.

  6. Sign me up. How are all these NRA shows going to be distributed? Via web I hope.

  7. I watched Triggers when it came out which I found entertaining and kind of fits this genre. They went over the history of certain weapons and how they were employed on the battlefield. While a little cheesy, I still enjoyed that show. Now this show looks awesome and I look forward to it. Looks like the NRA media people woke up just a little bit more.

  8. After all these years, the NRA finally steps up its game. Better late than never.

    And I’m thinking Dom could easily take on A list celebs and their BS made for Hollywood “tactics.”

  9. Holy crap that is actually brilliant. An NRA sponsored show to debunk Hollywood crap about weapons and fighting. This gives me hope. I just sent them $100 because of Bloomberg, and if this keeps up I’ll be happy. Now they just need to fix Sarah Palin with some duct tape on her mouth and keep her in a closet and we’ll be in bidniz.

    • Yeah, this and NOIR – TTAG hasn’t let us know where we can watch these, yet. As far as I know, there’s no NRA channel on cable… Hmm… Available online?

  10. What can a navy seal tell you about hand to hand combat more than say a MMA fighter or any fighter who trains in actual combat technique as a specialty?

    So sick of we got a _________ (fill in spec operator) to be the authority on ________ shows.

    What does this have to do about increasing or pushing respect for the 2nd amendment?

      • Who looks at hollywood for reality. Its entertainment.
        I like Commando, Bloodsport, Running Man, Demolition Man, and etc. I don’t expect realism from movies or tv.

  11. Robert Farago’s Colion Noir bromance rears (no pun intended) it’s latent head.

    • For that matter, how is sailing boring? I sailed for years and even on a down wind leg of a race, boring is not a word I would use. And Belgium? How of some of the most awesome beer in the world? Shenanigans.

  12. OK, I’m in. Now WHERE are these two shows going to be broadcast? Is it on the web only? Or will it be on one of the outdoor/sportsman channels?

  13. The problem I have with Dom Raso is that he’s fine about thugs with badges committing unconstitutional acts just plain out terrorizing people because, hey, “they have families to feed”. I just get a bad taste in my mouth whenever I see his face now.

  14. Thanks to all of you that are enjoying Media Lab!!!

    Kissmywookie, those were not even close to my words… Of course I do not support unconstitutional acts. Have you took the time to watch any of my other videos…?

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