In a shocking turn of events, Fort Wayne, Indiana, police have determined that a high school football player, initially reported as a tragic victim and the lone person to die from a mass shooting at a weekend Halloween party, was in fact the aggressor who entered the party and began shooting. Willie Ivy III, 17, opened fire after forcing his way into the crowded party, injuring nine people ranging in ages from 14 to 20 before an armed partygoer returned fire, killing him in what authorities have determined was an act of justifiable self-defense. Interestingly, despite the intense initial coverage surrounding Ivy’s death portraying him as a loving, ambitious member of his school football team and another tragic case of an innocent black youth caught up in gun violence, when it was learned he was the one who opened fire first, media attention of the case went comparatively dark.
Follow-up articles merely mentioned he was the shooter and noted that police weren’t going to charge the man who shot him. Was it a case of the narrative no longer fit what the media wanted to sell or had the news cycle merely gone cold on the topic? It’s hard to say. But after all the positive coverage of the young “victim,” once the truth was discovered, an examination of what caused this otherwise seemingly good kid to carry a gun into a party and begin gunning down innocent victims begs for some follow-up from the local media.
The incident began this past Saturday night at a home in Fort Wayne, where dozens of teenagers had gathered for a Halloween party promoted on social media. With the party already out of control, the homeowner reportedly locked herself in her room, opting not to call the police. Partygoers were patted down for weapons at the front entrance, but Ivy and a group of friends bypassed the check by entering through the back door. When two attendees attempted to stop them from entering, Ivy allegedly pulled a handgun and began firing as he moved from the back door through the kitchen and into the living room, where more partygoers were gathered. He reportedly continued firing indiscriminately as he moved through the house.
“Shots were fired at random,” Captain Jeremy Webb of the Fort Wayne Police Department told local news, describing the “utter chaos” that greeted first responders.
“As Ivy continued shooting, one partygoer, also armed, returned fire, fatally striking Ivy and ending the attack,” Webb said. Evidence confirmed that Ivy’s weapon was responsible for all nine injuries.
In a statement, the Allen County Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that no charges would be filed against the partygoer who shot Ivy, citing Indiana’s clear self-defense laws.
“This was an undeniable act of self-defense in a life-threatening situation,” said Webb, highlighting that Ivy’s death prevented further bloodshed.
Initially, media coverage centered on Ivy’s death and his identity as a North Side High School football player, with statements from family members grieving his passing. Ivy’s father, who traveled from Memphis, reflected on a final phone conversation with his son, where they said “I love you” before he left for the party.
“He was supposed to make it—he was supposed to go to college, he was supposed to watch over his sisters,” Ivy’s father told 21 Alive News.
“There’s no doubt about him being a loved child and he showed that in his actions with his friends and his family,” Vickii Ivy, the shooter’s aunt, said. “He just had this spirit of love for everybody that was around him.” She noted that he “did not follow or go to trouble.”
It’s clear the kid was loved and had the opportunity to do something with his life, and no doubt it can only be one extreme level of pain to lose a child to violence and an entirely different level of pain to discover the child you loved and thought you knew, was the one who initiated the violence that led to his end. It must be particularly painful to learn he caused undue pain and suffering among so many others in his final moments.
But that is the real story in Fort Wayne. That is the story the media needs to be covering. But until today’s journalists, as well as leaders, are willing to discuss the painful truths behind the extreme violence in many of our communities, no amount of gun laws they might want to pass will solve a single problem. What made a young man from a loving family engage in such violence when he apparently had so much going for him? How did he get the gun at 17, and why did he carry it into a party? These are the questions that need to be answered. Where’s the media when the real questions need to be asked?
Indiana Prosecutors Say Mass Shooting at Halloween Party Stopped By Armed Citizen.
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Why? We need to have a discussion about our history of slavery and Jim Crow. We should have a conversation about reparations. People with money can enter parties through the front door. They don’t have to shoot their way in from the back! It’s time we let our boys and girls enter through the front door. I was raised in a middle class family.
STFU you rave baiting p.o.s. not a word you said makes any logical sense
…. if I had a son, he’d look like Willie.
What about a person who is half white, half black? Do they owe themselves money?
The lawyers will handle it in the parents’ divorce.
Reparations should be paid by the democratic party. They fought a civil war to keep slavery. They birthed the klan and they fought hard to keep segregation in place.
The dems should be banned from public office and the assests of their leadership and their party holdings should be seized for reparations payments.
Isn’t harris a descendent of slave owners?
“Isn’t harris a descendent of slave owners?“
That may be true, just like the Jefferson’s in Virginia, white overseers in Jamaica often raped the young black slave girls in order to produce more slaves babies to sell down the river.
It’s interesting a white person would bring up the sexual slavery of Kamala Harris’s ancestors, I think that’s very progressive of you to acknowledge the criminal history of white culture.
A whole culture has a criminal history? So you’d be fine with surrendering your acres in WV to a fund, since you claim to be a democrat, to atone for that whole white, democratic culture, right?
Since you’ve voiced your support of collective guilt.
Only white people had slaves. And every white family had their own black slaves. Schools should teach history from The 1619 Project.
Jews did the transatlantic slave trade.
Seriously????? That’s the BEST you’ve got????
That is almost as pathetic as you are – but not quite. First of all, you complete, drooling @$$clown, slavery has existed in EVERY culture in human history. Every. Freakin’. One. Slavery STILL exists – usually de facto, but there are still a few countries that have de jure slavery (under different names, of course, but every flavor of indentured servitude is slavery, if you scratch off the cheap paint job).
The “white culture” is unique, to my knowledge, in that it is the ONLY culture I am aware of that literally fought wars to END slavery. What black or brown cultures did that? (Pro tip: fighting a war to protect your own tribe from being enslaved =/= fighting a war to end slavery).
In addition to being an anti-american, Leftist/fascist liar, you are an historical illiterate. Oh, and WHO, exactly, were the slavers that went out into the hinterlands to capture and enslave members of weaker tribes. In Africa, as just one example, the Ashanti were generally the ones who caught, or paid for others to catch, then sold to British, American, and Portuguese slave ships (there were others, but those were the big three). The other big slave sellers?? Arabs. Last time I looked, Arabs were distinctly NOT white.
And Kamal-toe the Ho’s “suffering” from slavery came from what, exactly. That her great, great grandaddy OWNED slaves???? THAT’S what entitles her to reparations???
Stick it up your bonus hole, you lying sh*tbag.
speaking of slavery…
Kamala Harris, the Califorina AG who championed slave ownership.
While Harris was California’s AG in 2014, attorneys representing California inmates argued the state was slow to comply with a court order, which said non-violent repeat offenders were to be eligible for parole (meaning in this case release) after serving half their sentence to reduce overcrowding. This order meant that people to which this applied were legally free people, but the problem was they were still being held in a state of custody (illegal custody and not given ‘parole’ – e.g. their freedom, not a parole hearing thing – because of the court order) at the direction of AG Harris while arguments could be made in court to keep them in custody.
Harris’ office countered that allowing some offenders out of prison so quickly would hurt their labor programs – specifically, one that allowed certain prisoners to be used to fight wildfires.
In violation of a court order these people were held in state custody, with Harris knowingly violating the order and at her direction to argue against the release. Now granted, the argument against the release was insane and Harris did direct her lawyers not to make that specific argument again (even though it was true because this is what those illegally captive people were being used for) …but the fact remains that Harris willfully and knowingly violated the court order (to argue against the release) thus intentionally and knowingly held people in illegal captivity for the purpose of forced labor or in other words what is known as slavery.
Black people should be focused on getting reparations from jews.
they owned all the slaves.
All those plantations in the south were owned by Jews?
…except for that time in Egypt. Everyone’s had their turn. Only someone with a racist grievance agenda would turn a blind eye to that.
Not all but a shockingly high number. Synergy is a grand thing with the garment industry of the 19th century. And I know damn well several of my distant relatives were owned by the Levi’s. With all that said it was about 2% of the population that made up 40odd % of the slave owners. Somehow most of this never makes it many history books.
Penxv is obviously a moron.
In recent centuries the world slave trade (for the entire history of the US) has been the “business” of islam. In regards to black slaves, to the Western hemisphere, this was with the complicity of tribal africans. The mohammadians continue their slave trade today.
“continue their slave trade today.”
…Along with Latinos aided and abetted by border czar Kamala. Wait, isn’t Kamala black? So here we have a black person, in a position of power, still making the slave trade possible. Someone should tell Miner49er.
and if he’d of married a man it wood looklike Michelle.
He’s baiting you and you bit.
You missed the sarc
The history of slavery and Jim Crow is clear for all to see. If those voting dem oc rat actually read and discussed the history, they might see the truth and cast their support in another direction. As far as reparations are concerned. No one has any responsibility for what any of their ancestors did or didn’t do. Besides how is it determined who did or didn’t do what? How much should the reparations be? No one living owes a penny for what occurred in centuries past. Reparations is just another word for “we want something for nothing”. The only discussion needed is “why don’t you just get over it”?
339,078 Union soldiers died fighting in the Civil War. Reparations paid.
To their DIRECT descendants, NOT several generations removed.
Well said. Those numbers are crazy for a nation that wasn’t yet one hundred years old
RE: ragner…”339,078 Union soldiers died fighting in the Civil War. Reparations paid.”
Reparations Not Paid…It’s genuine misinformation like yours that provides a key to get out of jail for the democRat Party…The Party That Owns The Legacy of Slavery And Other Race Based Atrocities. As it stands the democRat party knows America is so History illiterate the guilty as sin democRat Party can call for everyone to pay Reparations without fear of pushback.
Anything short of Singling Out the democRat Party and holding the Party Monetarily Liable for Reparations is an insult to 339,078 Union Soldiers and The Party of Lincoln.
RE: Debbie W. –
Can you truly be that naïve? My numbers are factual and no “misinformation” is provided or implied. The Union soldiers paid the price of freedom for the former slaves. Any reparations paid by the (D) party of slavery will be made at the cost of hardworking American people. Democrats only know how to take, not make.
So please stop assigning fault with everyone’s comment that you fail to understand. Learn context and relevancy. You frequently attack commenters because of your inability to understand the point. I have been silent about this until now.
Not if we remove the democratic party from public office and seize their assets. The dems own buildings and other assets. Seize the money and properties of folks like harris, biden, aoc and miner49er and the rest of the dem office holders.
Put that money into a fund. Whatever that funds grows to without any input from the public treasury becomes the reparations fund.
I’m willing to bet that 90% of the blacks in this country would support the plan.
Ragnar – The (1st) American Civil War had little to do with black slavery. Even for that POS Lincoln.
speaking of slavery…
Kamala Harris, the Califorina AG who championed slave ownership.
While Harris was California’s AG in 2014, attorneys representing California inmates argued the state was slow to comply with a court order, which said non-violent repeat offenders were to be eligible for parole (meaning in this case release) after serving half their sentence to reduce overcrowding. This order meant that people to which this applied were legally free people, but the problem was they were still being held in a state of custody (illegal custody and not given ‘parole’ – e.g. their freedom, not a parole hearing thing – because of the court order) at the direction of AG Harris while arguments could be made in court to keep them in custody.
Harris’ office countered that allowing some offenders out of prison so quickly would hurt their labor programs – specifically, one that allowed certain prisoners to be used to fight wildfires.
In violation of a court order these people were held in state custody, with Harris knowingly violating the order and at her direction to argue against the release. Now granted, the argument against the release was insane and Harris did direct her lawyers not to make that specific argument again (even though it was true because this is what those illegally captive people were being used for) …but the fact remains that Harris willfully and knowingly violated the court order (to argue against the release) thus intentionally and knowingly held people in illegal captivity for the purpose of forced labor or in other words what is known as slavery.
hush…RE: “The history of slavery and Jim Crow is clear for all to see”
Outside of myself and a few others HISTORY on this forum is Crickets. And when the History of Gun Control is mentioned it is most often barked at by the dumbest dumbfuk Gun talking blowbags on the planet.
So unless you want to cease with the clear for all to see crap and Defend The Second Amendment by Defining an Agenda that predates the Second Amendment and is Rooted in Racism and Genocide called Gun Control you need to hush the f up.
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Debbie W….RE: My comment was relative to “reparations”. The first 2 sentences were merely a statement of fact. Every comment does not have to nor is required to defend the 2A per it’s roots. I am not your enemy and have in the past defended your comments. Please decide whom your friends are on TTAG.
Hush…Yes you have spoken up and not connecting you to the few others who do speak up on this forum was my bad:)
Instead of harvesting cotton their chosen demographic is now harvesting votes.
“No one has any responsibility for what any of their ancestors did or didn’t do“
Debbie will be glad to hear that the Democrats of today have no responsibility for the slavery that occurred in the past.
You negated that with your claim to a culture of guilt. You made her argument that the dems need to atone for their rancid past.
And you being a dem brings weight to the argument.
No, I’d be willing to forgive the Dimocrats for their FEIRCE devotions to slavery (roughly 700,000 Americans died for or against the “peculiar institution”) – maybe, IF they would admit their legacy, and stop trying to CONTINUE subjugating the “lesser races” by their policies. You know, the ones YOU advocate for all the time.
Guys, “Que Mala” is a play on words suggesting that “Kamala” Harris is evil, or at least a clueless pawn of evil. He/she is parroting Harris, so of course it doesn’t make sense.
The above report told us that the homeowner had barricaded herself inside a room because the party was out of hand without any indication of summoning assistance. I would think that the homeowner is now in legal jeopardy to the deceased’s estate as well as the defender for allowing those conditions to exist and for failure to take action to abate them. Societal economics is not a legal defense. Should we expect the hospital ladies’ auxiliary to shoot their way into the next Lions Club meeting because they weren’t personally invited or came thru the wrong door? Good guy – 1, bad guy – 0.
“ Was it a case of the narrative no longer fit what the media wanted to sell or had the news cycle merely gone cold on the topic? ”
The latter partially, but mostly the former. As I said yesterday, it doesn’t matter that the truth has come out today, the lie yesterday has done its job and the narrative is set. Now that it is no longer useful, it will be abandoned for the next lie to keep the narrative. That is how the propaganda machine works.
Whether it’s the fast moving news cycle prohibiting any deep dives, the deliberate injection of ideological messaging or a reporters innocent ignorance of a subject “news” has become, or perhaps always was, pretty damn useless.
At least it made the news at all, we barely report the majority of our shootings. But it’s hard to spin gang related violence as being a lawful gun owner problem.
Violent young brown football player shoots 9 & is killed. Got it. Coincidentally I just saw a YouTube video about the best place to live in Indiana. You guessed it:Fort Wayne🙄
It used to be Mishawaka. Just outside of South Bend, but I’m sure you know where it’s at. The best community anyone could ever ask for. My childhood in Indiana was a dream. I miss those days.
was it random shooting or a extremely poor shot
Bellum omnium contra omnes. Thomas Hobbes was right.
“Hereby it is manifest that during the time men live without a common Power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called War; and such a war as is of every man against every man. In such condition there is no place for Industry, because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continual Fear, and danger of violent death; And the life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”
He was supposed to make it,
He was supposed to go to college, He was supposed to watch over his sisters…. Oh well, Dad, He was a punk.
Wonder how many libs are eating crow following this story. Sick of the innocent victim stories involving black people.
Btw as an athlete why is he out at a party?
But Willie was a good boy my ass.
“ Wonder how many libs are eating crow following this story.”
Answer- none. They have no shame and will lie with conviction. Even with the truth staring them in the face as they lie, they never admit fault; ever. True Orwellian double-think.
But has his coach weighed in on how excellent his character was?
I have to wonder why he had to enter and start shooting. Was he kicked out earlier and had to get his revenge? did his girlfriend dump him for another boy? Or was it simply that he was a “star” and did not get the invite he believed he was owed?
Willie was a true prince among kings.
If your going to take LSD and go to a Halloween party it would be my suggestion to leave the guns at home.
All them scary monsters so I just started blasting.
No mo’ Skittles, Purple Drank, & Swishers for that homicidal chile of Kamala
Doug – are you part of the MSM? “injuring nine people ranging in ages from 14 to 20”
If you are SHOT, your are wounded not injured.
Often there are injuries related to crowds trampling those that fall and/or running into unyielding objects. Not saying that’s what happened here (no details yet) but in more than a few mass shootings the crowds did more damage than the shooter.
A wound is an injury that results when the skin or other tissues of the body are damaged.
There are four main types:
1. Abrasion: An abrasion occurs when something rubs roughly against the skin damaging the skin’s surface. These are often referred to as “scrapes,” “rug burns,” “road rash” or “turf burns.”
2. Laceration: A laceration is a cut, commonly from a sharp object. It can also occur when blunt force splits the skin.
3. Avulsion: An avulsion occurs when a portion of the skin, and sometimes the underlying tissue, is partially or completely torn away.
4. Puncture: A puncture wound occurs when an object, such as a nail, animal’s tooth, or gunshot, pierces the skin. Puncture wounds may not bleed much unless a blood vessel has been injured, but may also cause life-threatening bleeding.
Injure (injury) vs. Wound (wounded, wounding)
Both are verbs, concerned with causing/resulting-in physical damage but they indicate different kinds of damage and also differ grammatically.
The main grammatical difference between injury and wound are: “Injury” is sometimes used as a reflexive verb (but not always), and “wound’ is not used in reflexive verb form. If the nature of the ‘wound’ or ‘injury’ (even from gunshot) is unknown (e.g. was it a ‘puncture’ or ‘laceration’ or ‘avulsion’ ?) then its correct grammatically to just use ‘injury’ or ‘injured’.
but also to add:
‘Wound’ typically implies an intentional and deliberate act. ‘Wound’, if used in a passive voice grammatically, is used to highlight the person that has been injured rather than the ‘thing’ causing the injury.
So if Doug did not know the nature of the wounds, by the way he wrote it – grammatically either ‘wound’ or ‘injuring’ could have been used and either would have been correct.
correction for: “grammatically either ‘wound’ or ‘injuring’ could have been used and either would have been correct.”
‘wound’ should have been ‘wounding’
correction for: “Injure (injury) vs. Wound (wounded, wounding)
Both are verbs, concerned with causing/resulting-in physical damage but they indicate different kinds of damage and also differ grammatically.”
should have been…
Injure (injury) vs. Wound (wounded, wounding) – Concerned with causing/resulting-in physical damage but they indicate different kinds of damage and also differ grammatically.
We don’t need to know anything more about this criminal or his thinking. He committed many crimes of violence and he lost his worthless life because of it. There should be nothing but shame surrounding his memory, and I don’t care if he helped little old ladies across the street or he was an altar boy on Sundays.
This young criminal should disappear from history. His name should not appear anywhere. His face should not appear in the school yearbook, and his number should not appear on the bulletin board featuring the football team.
He was a minor, so his parents were still responsible for him. There needs to be hell to pay. His father should pay the medical bills for every person wounded or injured by his offspring’s behaviors. Yes, even if it puts him in the poorhouse for the rest of his life.
Whomever’s gun he used, that person should be up on charges for allowing their firearm to be used in a crime. Remember, he was a minor. That was somebody’s gun, probably not his.
Everybody surrounding this criminal should be made to share the pain of those who were hurt. We need a Grady Judd type of press conference, with the pictures of all those to blame being shown in front of the cameras.
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