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Horacio Ortiz González (courtesy

Republished with permission from

The Sixth District Judge located in Uruapan, Horacio Ortiz González [above], denied the release of the 70 autodefensas who were arrested along with José Manuel Mireles, the former coordinator of the autodefensas and communitarios in the state, on June 27, 2014, in the community of La Mira, Michoacán. They are accused for the illegal possession of arms for the exclusive use by the Mexican Army. Likewise, the judge refused to release 30 more autodefensas arrested on May 9, 2014 . . .

Ignacio Mendoza, the lawyer for hundreds of autodefensas, says that the judge acted “cowardly and narrow” because he resorted to the same legal argument that allowed the freedom of Cemeí Verdia, who was accused for the same offense, and released on July 28.

The litigant asserts that the argument allowed the release of José Manuel Farfán, an autodefensa from the municipality of Turicato on February 2015.

The lawyer of Mireles and Verdía, the latter still imprisoned for the crime of murder, states that the release was achieved in the case because “they cannot enforce gun laws in Michoacán in that time period because of the rule of law was broken for civilians and authorities.”

“And if this judge is proceeding in this way with 100 autodefensas, then he should also proceed the same way against the 7,000 autodefensas who are armed and against the officials who legalized them, they allowed them to use weapons, they converted them into Fuerza Rurales, and they used them.”

The lawyer gave the news to the 100 autodefensas who are detained in the prisons Francisco J. Mujica and David Franco Rodríguez, also known as “El Mil Cumbres”.

Ignacio Mendoza says that they will appeal the judge’s decision.  Meanwhile, the autodefensas involved received the news with dismay, but said that they will continue to demand their release.

Anibal Barajas, a civil guard detained in La Mira, assures: “I am ready to continue with the lawyer and of course I want to appeal, we have fallen spirits, but we must continue.”

Eleazar Rubio, for his part stated: “We ask the new governor, Silvano Aureoles, for his intervention, because we did all the work and we gave him our electoral support and how he turns his back on us.  We are here because we fight for the wellbeing of our families.”

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  1. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but if there was ever a country that might actually and truly benefit from US nation building/intervention, it’s Mexico. I live on the border, in Texas, and see/hear the Mexican corruption everyday. Most of the people are truly good people, but because they’re disarmed, they’re mostly helpless. Very sad.

    • Screw the Mideast. Let’s roll through Mexico and Central America. They are failed states whose people suffer under the yoke of Narco Terrorists and their corrupt government stooges. Solving the border crisis is easy… Move our border south…all the way to panama.

      • We did, every fifty years or so like clockwork, right up until we got distracted by the Cold War. Lawlessness and barbarity have grown like garden weeds ever since, to the point they now encroach upon our own lands.

      • A big reason for them being failed states is the US’s non-stop meddling during the first half of the 20th century. Supplying guns to terrorist organizations, funding rebels to overthrow governments, etc. (Basically the same thing the US has done in the Middle East for the last 60 years or so.) In the latter half of the 20th century, Americans put billions and billions of dollars directly into the hands of the largest and most brutal criminal organizations of all time, who live all across Central and South America. Even today, the US government AND American citizens still fully support the cartels, who are destroying the area.

        I’m not saying we shouldn’t intervene, but make no mistake that the primary reasons these countries are so fucked up is 100% the fault of the United States.

    • Our US nation building has had such a positive impact on those other countries we blessed with our help, I’m sure Mexico would be forever grateful /sacr

      • Yeah because Germany and Japan are complete shit holes right?

        Hate on the ability of the USA to currently build nations but don’t just be a blind hater ignorant of the actual historical facts of the matter. Our more recent efforts failed because of the lack of willingness on the part of politicians to set aside politics and complete the damned mission and because the American people as a whole are feckless, ignorant, easily led sheep prone to jump on the bandwagon of any telegenic demagogue that comes around.

        We do well fighting totalitarian facist dictators of countries that attack other countries and brilliant at converting those externally hostile holes into proper first world nations replete with free elections and constitutional protections for every man. We do poorly fighting the internal squabbles of primitives and every time we attempt to build a nation from a place filled by tribe affiliating primitives we fail. Perhaps identifying those places that need external help and keeping them separate from those with internal issues which external forces cannot usefully help would be a good idea, rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater and admitting defeat in the face of many potential victories.

    • The only reason that Mexico is in a position to benefit from our ‘nationbuilding’ is because we’ve spent so much time and money interfering with that country trying to stamp out drug trafficking.

      Legalize the drugs and the power of the narcos goes away. Once that power is gone the incentives to fight among themselves for that power go away. You don’t see alcohol sellers in this country committing mass murder today – but that’s exactly what happened during Prohibition.

  2. A reason why the 2A is so important to fight for and defend. The people of Mexico are at the mercy of a corrupt and lawless government that works for its own interests.

  3. It’s hard to believe that this the same nation that produced Emiliano Zapata.

    Mexico has become a narco state. It’s time for the Mexican people to take their country back from the gangsters that now run it.

    • To be fair, Mexico has been a Narco State since the 80s, at most generous.

      What changed was the election of Calderon who (for whatever reason) went to war with the cartels – all of whom have infiltrated and permeate the very forces he needed to use against them. Plomo o oro is the driver of a government corrupt from bottom to top. When the gov stayed in it’s place and shut up, violence was far less.

      Nieto is just another useful idiot, continuing this pointless ‘war on drugs’. Prohibition never works, and chasing “bad” guys during it, only leads to the spectacular rise in deaths we saw under Calderon.

  4. Nothing will be achieved in Mexico until the autodenfensas take folks like this judge and hang him in the town square. The adf’s are still thinking like victims. Defense and negotiating will get them and their loved ones murdered.

    Either attack. Or shut up and take the raping.

    • Nothing will be achieved in Mexico until the autodenfensas take folks like this judge and hang him in the town square. The [autodefensas] are still thinking like victims. Defense and negotiating will get them and their loved ones murdered.

      Unfortunately I believe you are spot on.

      This (the situation in Mexico) is what happens when good people do nothing.

      My heart goes out to the plight of the good people of Mexico.

  5. Unlike Afghanistan, the Mexican people have the moral strength to clean up their country. I’ve done my part, I’ve taught many Mexicans about how to safely handle guns, and about the more guns less crime idea.

    I grew up in cali and understand the whole “guns are foreign and dangerous” mentality… I was so brainwashed…. I now make it my mission to convert Mexicans to the Texas way of thinking. If you speak Spanish, and have no reason to, people oddly respect your opinion.

    Hearts and minds, one Mexican at a time 🙂

  6. Interesting post from TTAG. I feel it’s important to understand the horrible issues plaguing Mexico. The level of depraved, inhuman violence in that nation probably surpasses any other place on Earth. The main reason for it can certainly be attributed to America’s obsession with narcotics. We have the money and we buy the drugs. When you point at the gang violence in Chicago, LA, DC, New York, etc you can see where the parallels are. If we’re to convince people of the importance of constitutional concealed carry, Mexico needs to be part of the debate. If the common people in Mexico were allowed to, and could afford to arm themselves, the violence would decrease at an unprecedented rate.

    • So you want us to convince Mexico to fix its gun laws when we can’t convince Washington DC to do the same?


      • That does seem to be the case.

        If the U.S. Government can dick around with your rights and we remain in this weirdo deadlock stalemate that plays out in court battle after court battle, we really have no solid ground to tell other people to stand up, when we’re kinda sorta mealy mouthed about our own constitutional rights.

        • Darenger,

          It is true that many states/people can carry openly without serious concern for state imposed sanctions.

          Having said that, consider the following states and their populations:
          39 million — California
          27 million — Texas
          20 million — Florida
          13 million — Illinois
          20 million — New York
          5 million — South Carolina
          124 million — total of these six states

          And what do those six states have in common? Those states criminalize the open carry of handguns with or without any sort of license. That’s right: 40% — just shy of HALF — of the United States population cannot carry a handgun openly without sanction from their states. This is particularly egregious because courts in the United States have consistently held that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution ONLY protects our right to carry a firearm openly in public.

          Of course the great state of Texas will no longer criminalize open carry on January 1st, 2016 (as long as you have a carry license). That still leaves 97 million people in the United States — 30% of our population — who cannot carry openly with or without a handgun license.

          And of the 70% of the United States population that can carry a handgun openly, how many of them must have a state issued license to avoid state sanctions? In other words, how many truly still have their right in tact and can carry without a license? Answer: about half.

          Given that only about half of the population in the United States still have their right in tact, I’d say we have almost as much work ahead of us as the good people of Mexico.

          Disclaimer: I am not disparaging anyone’s efforts to motivate and help the good people of Mexico. I am pointing out the huge problem that we have here in the hope that people appreciate how much harder the road will be for the good people of Mexico to finally end their government imposed sanctions on their natural right to defend themselves.

      • Mexican politicians will not change Mexican gun laws. Their gun laws are the way they are because the Mexican government is firmly committed to its own self-preservation. If the constitutional convention (following the civil war) could have succeeded they would have removed from their constitution the right to keep arms at the same time that they removed the right to bear arms.
        The aspiration that might be within the realm of possibility is for ordinary Mexicans to decide that they will defy the law and bear arms concealed. Then, eventually, to keep arms reserved for the military. And, eventually, to bear long-arms as autodefensas as is the case in Michoacan. Should autodefensas become the norm throughout the country then change might be possible.
        Thereupon, it might be possible to restore Mexican society to some form of self-government.

  7. I believe that the instability in Mexico poses more of a National Security risk to the US than any terrorist group operating in the Mideast. The Cartels and Mexican gangs have quietly made it to the Northeast with opioid deaths of otherwise normal every day kids almost daily these days. It is an epidemic.

    The highest priority should be securing the border with a wall 100′ high and 100′ deep. The only reason that the border is insecure and with the chaos in Mexico is because the US wants it to be so. The real question is why?

    • “The only reason that the border is insecure and with the chaos in Mexico is because the US wants it to be so. The real question is why?”

      Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!!!!! We have a winner!

      And the answer to “why?” is simple. Democrats welcome all illegal immigrants future voters with open arms. And, both Democrats and Republicans love the chaos because they claim it justifies all the enforcement agencies … who exist to secure the interests of the ruling class and represent an additional giant voting bloc. (The million plus government employees are never going to vote for candidates who will end their jobs.)

      But we will keep telling ourselves that politicians really care and are really looking out for our best interests. That and I have beachfront property for sale in the middle of the Mojave desert.

  8. Derp actually compared Japan and Germany to Iraq/Afghanistan/Mexico. FFS, Japanese and Germans rebuilt their countries because they’re Japanese and Germans, Iraqis and Afghans and Mexicans will fail because they’re Iraqis and Afghans and Mexicans. Japan and Germany were civilized BEFORE they were reduced to rubble. See the difference?

    It’s called Human BioDiversity, or HBD.

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