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Via Borderland Beat:

El Diario and various media outlets reported last summer, during July and August, that the entire police force of Guadalupe y Calvo deserted when gunmen from the Sinaloa cartel overtook the area. “Last night the municipal police ran out, everyone left, like 40 policemen, including commanders and principals, all surrendered their weapons and left because the gunmen threatened them and right now there is nobody to care for citizens.” “We are very afraid, no police and we are at the mercy of thugs, because there are just a few of the Judicial police who we do not want to leave…

“Here the army does nothing, there are armed people everywhere, we know that there are many of Sinaloa gunmen but they do not stop them . . .We need help, the authorities know that the citizens of Guadalupe y Calvo are in danger.”

Towns people also said that for months the criminal group of Joaquin  El Chapo” Guzman Loera,” was maintaining control of Guadalupe y Calvo, and that between 26 and 29 of July they took up arms to all agents, who charged 10,000 pesos per weapon to recover.

This information was denied by the Attorney General. In a statement, the agency reported that “there is no evidence on that group, no incidents have been reported, while they continued the ordinary coordinating with state forces military personnel stationed in the region of Chihuahua.

Friday and Saturday was the same repeat insecurity scenario in Guadalupe y Calvo In what’s become an all too common turn of events for the community of Guadalupe y Calvo, who once again submitted to the violent gunmen who blocked streets, killed citizens. They burned two houses and fought in skirmishes until Sat. morning. Eleven people died in different neighborhoods and there’s an unknown number of wounded.

Around 19:00 pm, masked men armed with assault rifles, closed streets around a town plaza, entered two homes and executed two men,  later set fire to two houses that were located in the same area.

Throughout the night, without the support of military, municipal or ministerial police officers, clashes continued at several points in the town, where the dead and wounded were left behind.

In the morning, three more people were killed outside wake visiting facility which already had the bodies of the first victims.

The situation was considered a security emergency. General Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, official Mayor of Sedena from the Office of National Defense ordered troops to the mountainous area

At noon on Saturday Dec. 8th, convoys of soldiers from the 42nd Military Zone based in Parral were moving towards the town of Guadalupe y Calvo.

Sources in the Southern Zone, based in Parral, confirmed the death of eleven people, and noted that it would be from clashes between rival drug groups and claims arising from the breach of agreements at the end of the year.

The village is in an area considered a ‘war’ zone between drug gangs from the Sierra, which are contesting the routes for the smuggling of drugs.

Due to the number of men,  and the type of weapons used by those who were assaulting the town, the Ministry of Defense ordered to take over the safeguarding operation of the people of Guadalupe y Calvo and the prosecution of the criminals.

The village has endured various similar versions of this same story, as recently as a month ago a commando kidnapped a young man, son of one of the strongest candidates PRI municipal president.

The ten thousand villagers are terrified by the lack of security, and dismayed by the death toll of the clashes. Among the victims of the most recent flare up was a 17 year old.

Universal reports in summary, at least eleven people were shot dead by suspected criminals in the northern Mexican town of Guadalupe y Calvo , located in the Sierra Tarahumara, the state of Chihuahua, northern Mexico, authorities reported today.

Friday night six people were killed in two separate events and five others yesterday, apparently by the presence of a criminal group in the town, home to 10,000 people. In the first incident occurred on Friday, three men aged 17, 22 and 37 years were killed by gunmen and were attacked hours later two more than 35 years each, and one of 40, told EFE spokesman Prosecution Chihuahua, Carlos Gonzalez.

Villagers polled by Reuters said the access roads to the town were closed by gunmen who apparently entered several houses to kidnap local people. One of the kidnapped men was later found dead and identified as Rogelio Ponce Rodríguez, 40.

Local residents reported that one of the groups that took over the town fled in the direction of the highest parts of the Sierra…

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  1. It’s a good thing that Mexico has such strict gun control laws. God only knows what could happen if the average citizen was armed – why, there might be incidents of vigilante justice!

    Question: Why would any American with a brain want to take a vacation in Mexico, unless they had full-time Secret Service protection (like Obama’s daughter)?

    • Because central Mexico is nothing like these border towns. It’s like saying why vacation in Europe when Greece is rioting? Why vacation in Colorado when Chicago has such a dangerous crime rate? Mexico is a very diverse place, just like everywhere else.

  2. Even if had a CC and OC permit to bring ANY type of firearms with me to Mexico along with a dozen or more other armed American friends I would not cross OUR southern border.

  3. Wonder how many of those 40 police that deserted became employees of the cartel as soon as they handed in their badges?

    If this level of madness were happening anywhere else we would call it a civil war.

    • Not to mention there would be US involvement. Even though that nonsense has crossed over to our side of the border more than once and we’d be justified if we stepped in, we won’t because we wouldn’t want to upset Americans of Mexican decent that vote.

      • The USA is very involved.

        USA Citizens finance the cartels voluntarily through drug purchases. USA Citizens finance the anti-drug crusade involuntarily through taxes. The USA Government keeps the cartels’ profits high through anti-drug laws and the prisons and law enforcement profitable by conviction of USA Citizens.

        In a lot of ways being born in a country with USA just north of your border with it’s insane policies is just about the worst thing that ever happened to those people, as a group.

        Not to mention just purely criminal activity our Government engages in. Like helping the cartels illegally launder money in our banking system and then helping them illegally purchase guns with that money and then helping them to illegally smuggle them across the border. I wonder what percentage of those guns used to take over that city are from ‘fast and furious’.

        The whole thing is sickening.

        • I knew someone would make it our fault that Mexico is a toilet. I suppose we taught those cartels how to manufacture/harvest the drugs in the first place. I also suppose we had a hand in disarming the population and making them utterly powerless. Most of all, I’d imagine that we are the ones made their entire government corrupt.

          While I do agree that there are some shady dealins’ going on, not limited to Fast n Furious, we are not to blame for the current state of Mexico. Any country whose own president could encourage his own citizens to illegally immigrate to the US is a parasite.

          Further, the continual anti-American sentiment that suggests we are to blame for every woe throughout the planet is getting very old.

        • The US just fined HSBC $1.9B for laundering Mexican Cartel money. Where do you get off claiming that the US government supports laundering Cartel money?

  4. The reality is that if S ever HTF the police and local military are going to be doing whatever any other sane, prepared person is going to do:

    Getting to their families and protecting their homes or bugging out complete. Nobody is going to be running around trying to put out fires and trying to protect other people’s neighborhoods when their own family is on the line in some other part of the city.

  5. The drug cartels of Mexico are proof that history isn’t done yet. Remember that part in the history books where the barbarians break through the gates, and go on a violent orgy of death, rape and destruction? It’s going to happen again.

    The Mexican drug cartels are our modern day barbarians.

    They are to us, what the Visigoths, and the Huns were to the Roman empire. They are to us, what the Mongols were to the citizens of Baghdad. They are what the Turks were to the Byzantine.

    Our Armed forces shouldn’t be running around the sands of Iraq and Afghanistan. They should be running around the sands of the American Southwest, hunting down these animals, and putting them in shallow graves, or just leaving them for the vultures.

    It is only a matter of time before one of these drug cartels decides to seriously move out of Mexico, and take over a suburb of San Diego, California, or San Antonio, Texas, or Santa Fe, New Mexico, or Phoenix, Arizona . They will do what barbarians have always done throughout the history of humankind:

    They will kill the men/cops, rape the women/girls, and enslave everyone else. It has happened before, it is happening right now in Mexico, and unless major changes happen, it will happen to us.

    • What a whole lot of nonsense. They’re modern day gangsters that we’ve helped become rich off prohibition, not barbarians looking to take over.

      Take their money and you take their power.

  6. If Fast and Furious were done by any other administration besides obama they would be criminally charged and calls would be made for the president to be impeached.

  7. Clearly, what’s needed is more gun control and harsher laws cracking down on drug possession/selling.

  8. Prohibition is the root cause. The reason it’s so severe there is due to the combination of firearm and drug prohibition. Prohibit firearms in the US and watch how quickly we become just like Mexico. Look to firearm prohibited areas like Chicago and D.C. for a preview.

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