A press release from MG Arms:

Everything old becomes new again so why not bring back our favorite custom guns.

Classic Cars!! Classic Motorcycles!! Everyone wants a classic. Everything old becomes new again so why not bring back our favorite custom guns.

Revolvers have always been our true love to build and in our opinion, classic single-action revolvers are the best. Carol and Kerry have hunted around to world with big caliber revolvers built by MG Arms and we are proud and excited to bring two of our revolvers back on a limited production run.

First, the DragonFly was designed to be the lightest big caliber, single- action revolver on the market. Weighing just over 1 pound in .38 Special or .44 Special makes this a great and fun revolver to carry. New titanium barrel, new titanium cylinder and a better set of adjustable sights makes the new MG Arms DragonFly the best light weight single action revolver on the market.

Second, the DragonSlayer is a handgun hunter’s dream. Easy, light, and small enough to actually carry. Made in the biggest and most powerful calibers in the handgun world. Big enough to kill the largest of game animals and small enough that it doesn’t need a bipod for support. The DragonSlayer takes hunting to a new realm in getting up close and personal with the game animals you hunt.

Offered in .45 Colt+P, .454 Casull, .475 & .500 Linebaugh, the DragonSlayer can deliver the punch you want on any animal you are hunting.

For more information, please visit our website www.mgarmsinc.com.

Dragonfly MSRP = $1295

Dragon Slayer MSRP = $1895


  1. I’ve had a Freedom Arms Premier .454 Casull for about 30 years. Easy to pack on your hip, not interested in an even-lighter one. Prices are similar, I don’t see how anyone can beat the machining, fit and finish of the Freedom Arms folks.

    • Craig, I don’t see how anyone else could either. At least with a single action revolver. I, too, owned a Freedom Arms in .454 Casull. 7 1/2″. Most accurate handgun I ever shot. Decided the caliber was a bit much for N FL. Traded it for a Python. Would like to have another in .44 Mag, but it would have to be a deal as I have a 4″ 629 Mountain Gun and a 6″ 629 that shoot just fine. Anything lighter than that Freedom Arms in .454 would be brutal. And I’m not recoil sensitive.

      • I don’t even care for the titanium S&W J and N frames. My airweight 442 is perfect. (Didn’t they build something even lighter than titanium?) Too much sugar for a dime. No thanks.

        • I have a scandium 340 PD with a titanium cylinder and a pressed in stainless barrel.

          Its a .357 magnum and it weighs 11 oz. Its a miserable little gun. I won it at a raffle at an IDPA match.

          One thing to remember is that the “scandium” guns are really aluminum. They have about .3% scandium added to the alloy which greatly improves aluminum’s fatigue properties. Scandium itself is mind bogglingly expensive at about $120,000 per kilogram.

    • I was unloading a friend’s Freedom Arms .454, and the ejector tube sliced my finger open and got blood everywhere. The fit and finish could be better; to be specific, they shouldn’t make a part knife-sharp if it is intended to have fingers sliding across it.

      • If you were unloading it, as opposed to ejecting empties, those rounds should have just dropped out of the chambers into your palm.

    • I have only been able to handle a Freedom Arms revolver one time, decades ago. It was beautiful. I thought that fit, finish, and craftsmanship were the finest I had ever seen. Decades later I still think that is so.

      Good on you for having one; treat her right!

      • I have a shooting buddy that has one in .454 and a 5 something inch barrel. Beautiful gun, shoots great but it really gets the point of its power across with just a couple rounds.

        Firing it one handed is a challenge.

  2. “Limited Production of 25 revolvers per year.”

    I’ll buy something else. Something that is actually available. Thanks.

    • Even if it wasn’t, I’d pass. I’d love to have a SA revolver for fun. I’d rather have it in .357 than .38 or .44 special, but that’s not the deal breaker. It’s the price. You can get a good SA revolver for run at the range for much less. If I wanted a gun for packing and hiking, the SP101 fills the need much better. Handgun hunting might be a different issue, but I don’t do that.

  3. I can’t say a care much for the black-with-rust-bands finish.

    Still, a SA in .44 Spl sounds kind of neat.

  4. The Dragonfly is interesting for its 21oz weight. Says it’s also available in 32 H&R.

    The front looks freaky though.

    Not a terrible price for a low production gun if it works well.

  5. That light .44 special is interesting. It would have recoil because of its weight but those single action style grips would help with that. Throw in some shot loads and it would be a good trail gun.

    • “…good trail gun.”

      Might be, and each to their own. But I’d rather have an sp101 in .357 for a trail gun.

  6. Can you imagine shooting a 21 ounce revolver in .500 Linebaugh? 😱😱 I’d break something important I think, lol. “Better make this shot count, I can only do it once before heading off to get my thumbs reattached!”

  7. Looks like a lower quality Magnum Research BFR.
    We need a LIGHTER big bore/high power revolver, was the findings of ZERO firearm focus groups, ever.
    I shot a friend’s 454 casull a few times, not enjoyable.
    The Gun stores in Texas have used “fired a few times” big bore revolvers stacked like cordwood, I wonder why?

    • I just had a thought. Would putting the barrel aligned to the bottom chamber, like a Mateba or Chiappa Rhino, make a .454 Casull revolver more controllable?

      • It would reduce the considerable muzzle rise. But it wouldn’t make it hurt any less.

        In fact, it might make it hurt more. I have Super Blackhawk in .454. The Bisley grip seems to roll the gun up. I would bet it would hurt more if it didn’t roll up.

        I’ve been shooting a while. I can shoot my 6″ N frame .44 mag with no problems.

        The .454 still takes getting used to. My first shot will invariably be right in the bullseye. But in the course of shooting even 3 shots, the string gets lower as I anticipate the recoil and push the gun.

        • Those big revolvers need a totally different shooting style to absorb the recoil. The wrist roll/elbow bend.
          Even the 50AE DEagle (largest semi-auto mag fed handgun legally produced) shooting style won’t work on the revolvers. Do the push (don hand) pull (non Dom hand), both wrists locked, elbows relaxed to absorb the recoil, and the revolver will proceed to smack you in the forehead (fivehead for those with receding hairlines).
          I avoid the big revolvers, and enjoy the stainless/ported 50AE DEagle.
          My two sons and I had one range day back in March where over 300 rds were run thru the DEagle. Fun

    • Agreed. .454 is where things start to get painful. I can shoot .44 mag of all kinds and my hand doesn’t even get sore until I surpass 100 or so. .454 that threshold happens fairly quick.

    • You are correct on the BFR, I have one in 45-70 with the 7.5 inch barrel. Great fun to shoot, much less harsh then .44 Mag or .454.

  8. Gives the raiders something to fear and only a pound in your inventory as you traverse the wastes.

    And if you come across Feral Ghouls… well. VATS.

        • It’s nerdspeak. He says that he prefers to play games like Elder Scrolls.

          In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (commonly just called “Skyrim”) the NPCs have a stock line where they say “I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow to the knee”.

          Just because all the games I reviewed for TTAG contained guns, because this is TTAG not TTAVG or TTAMMORPG, doesn’t mean I don’t play other games.

          My wife and have run large guilds in various MMOs and clans in shooter games.

      • Agreed. Playing Oblivion now (for the first time). In many ways it’s an even better game than Skyrim. Tried fallout 4. Just couldn’t get into it. Each to their own.

  9. This gunm would not work as well as a super Blackhawk when using your gunm as a paperweight or boat anchor.

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