Michael Bloomberg big brother
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)

It’s good to have a bottomless bank account. Well, we hear it is. Anti-gun financier and presidential vanity candidate Michael Bloomberg has dropped $200 million dollars on his drive for the Democrat nomination so far. And he’s only been in the race since the middle of November.

To put that in perspective, the rest of the field has spent $222 million. Combined.

Gun rights supporters are watching the hoplophobic hypocrite‘s campaign with particular interest since he’s not only used his billions to fund gun control electoral campaigns across the country, but he’s also the owner and proprietor of Everytown for Gun Safety.

Bloomberg gives John Feinblatt his anti-gun talking points and it’s his hand that makes Shannon Watts‘ mouth move every time she sits down for another fawning media profile.

But according to The Daily Beast, Daddy Bloombucks isn’t exactly on track for electoral success. At least not yet.

Just eight weeks out from Super Tuesday, the richest trove of delegates on the primary calendar, the billionaire Democrat is not on track to pick up a single one—despite dropping gobs of cash and saturating the airwaves—internal polling data shared exclusively with The Daily Beast from a rival presidential campaign reveals.

The Democratic National Committee’s primary rules stipulate that a candidate must win 15 percent of the vote statewide or 15 percent by any congressional district in order to collect any delegates. Internal models do not show Bloomberg above 10 percent in any of the first four early voting states—Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina, where he is intentionally ceding by bypassing campaigning there–or any district in the 15 delegate-rich states set to vote on March 3.

According to the Politico, he’s dumped a huge portion of that $200 million pile of cash into states like California, Texas and Florida. And it hasn’t really moved the needle much so far.

More from the Daily Beast . . .

“Based on polling I’ve seen, both public and private, Bloomberg isn’t on track to pick up a single delegate on the Super Tuesday states, even places he’s got endorsements,” one unattached top strategist familiar with the delegate process told The Daily Beast. “Not nearly enough to get to 15 percent right now.”

The internal models  are particularly problematic given that Bloomberg’s unconventional primary strategy rests on a strong Super Tuesday showing. Having decided to opt out of competing in the first four states—a tactic none of his rivals have used—his campaign is strategizing around the March 3 event’s potential to kick off a wave of successes that will ultimately translate into a win for the Democratic nomination. Flooding the airwaves with ads and investing heavily in staffers, including top operatives in key states, have factored largely into the campaign’s calculus for winning large amounts of the delegates up for grabs on that day.

We can confirm a fecal ton of the diminutive demagogue‘s cash is being spent on Lone Star State media. You can’t watch even a half a playoff football without seeing Mike’s warm, welcoming smile or hearing tales of his famous compassion for the everyman.

So while no one is more pleased to see that he seems to be stuffing wads of cash down an electoral rat hole than we are, it’s probably too soon to do any victory dances.

Keep in mind that Bloomberg is worth an estimated $54 billion. Hillary Clinton set an all-time record in the last presidential cycle by spending $768 million on her failed campaign. Bloomberg is on pace to pass that before the Democrats’ convention and could double that amount without even breaking a sweat.

So we can’t take any joy at Michael Bloomberg’s apparent lack of traction just yet. When you have as many piasters on hand as he does, you’ve always got a chance.


  1. Bloomturd can spend a billion dollars,that can’t change the fact he is a Totalitarian leftard and it can’t remove his stench.

    • That’s completely besides the point.

      *Massive* piles of cash were spent towards the end of the 2016 election. It had no measurable effect on the eventual outcome. Ask the campaign professionals, they will verify it.

      What does matter is the level of skill in manipulating what is seen on the internet, and Trump gave a master’s class lesson of that in 2016.

      Every time Trump said something outrageous (and he did that frequently and often 🙂 ) the press responded like a dog to someone who says “Look! A squirrel!” and *immediately* stampeded over to him to chase it.

      Example – Trump’s campaign should have been sunk the moment he insulted the ‘Gold Star’ mother of a dead soldier. Trump grabbed the metaphorical colorful ball and threw it as far as he could, and like a stupid dog, the press lunged at it. Lather, rinse, repeat, all the way to the upstairs resident quarters of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.

      Don’t sweat the money being dumped by the truckload for ads by Bloomie, it simply won’t matter a whit, either way, thanks to the predictable dogs chasing the colorful balls of television ratings.

      Suckers… 😉

      • I believe one of the reasons why the establishment hacks in DC hate Trump is that he beat Hillary with half the money she spent.

        Trump exposed the GOP establishment hacks and consultants who get fat every four years as complete frauds. He completely tossed out their models for elections, and the GOP field now knows it. Bush won in ’00 and ’04 with a team he brought in from Texas, McCain and Romney both lost with DC-centric teams of consultants and hacks, but huge spending.

        Trump proved that these hacks are complete idiots and grifters, and everyone in conservative politics can see it.

  2. I think you got the Hillary election budget wrong.

    Besides that, here’s to hoping that Bloomie is Jeb! 2.0

  3. Bloomberg does have some honorable goals as he realizes Trump has already done so much damage to freedom and the separation of powers in this country that it will take decades to try and get it all back. Bloomberg realizes that Trump has lost the support of all our Allies who are no longer cooperating with us, or aiding us with intelligence because they do not trust his big mouth. When Trump was laughed at during the last meeting with the European Powers and Canada it showed just how much our former Allies hate and loath him.

    Bloomberg has a double barrel strategy and he has stated even if he does not get the nomination (highly likely he will) that he will turn over his vast political machine to whomever gets the Democratic Nomination. That will be a hard combination to beat.

    Bloomberg in a debate with Trump would absolutely annihilate him. I seriously doubt that Trump will even enter any of the debates this time around because he has so many screw ups the Dems can attack him on he knows he would come out in the debates looking like the fool he actually is.

    Trumps latest fiasco that pushed us to the brink of war and got 178 innocent people killed, many of which were Canadians, now has Canada hating his guts too. Not a good thing when Canada sits right on our border. It would not surprise me if Canada might try a little election year meddling too, just to make sure Trump does not get elected. And Moscow Mitch was the one that refused to buy new tamper proof election machines in hopes Putin would once again come to his aid and help win the election. Well election year tampering works both ways and the Chinese are not anxious to see trump re-elected either. I would not be surprised if they try a little election year tampering too. What goes around comes around Comrade Moscow Mitch. You will regret not buying new voting machines you low life piece of slime.

      • Ha! I just bought the site! I may not be able to buy the election this year, but Vlad and I have won this battle! There are some things in life money cannot buy, for everything else, there is Bloomberg for President 2020!

    • “Bloomberg does have some honorable goals as he realizes Trump has already done so much damage to freedom and the separation of powers in this country that it will take decades to try and get it all back. Bloomberg realizes that Trump has lost the support of all our Allies who are no longer cooperating with us, or aiding us with intelligence because they do not trust his big mouth. When Trump was laughed at during the last meeting with the European Powers and Canada it showed just how much our former Allies hate and loath him.

      Bloomberg has a double barrel strategy and he has stated even if he does not get the nomination (highly likely he will) that he will turn over his vast political machine to whomever gets the Democratic Nomination. That will be a hard combination to beat.

      Bloomberg in a debate with Trump would absolutely annihilate him. I seriously doubt that Trump will even enter any of the debates this time around because he has so many screw ups the Dems can attack him on he knows he would come out in the debates looking like the fool he actually is.

      Trumps latest fiasco that pushed us to the brink of war and got 178 innocent people killed, many of which were Canadians, now has Canada hating his guts too. Not a good thing when Canada sits right on our border. It would not surprise me if Canada might try a little election year meddling too, just to make sure Trump does not get elected. And Moscow Mitch was the one that refused to buy new tamper proof election machines in hopes Putin would once again come to his aid and help win the election. Well election year tampering works both ways and the Chinese are not anxious to see trump re-elected either. I would not be surprised if they try a little election year tampering too. What goes around comes around Comrade Moscow Mitch. You will regret not buying new voting machines you low life piece of slime.”


      • ditto, ditto

        Fake Vlad, (to chicken shit to post with his own moniker), learned a new slang word. He seems to want to practice with it. I used to do this too when I was back in grade school.

      • Now you got Ing doing it. It’ll be wall to wall music videos around here in a bit. Not that I’m complaining.

  4. “….it’s his hand that makes Shannon Watts‘ mouth move…”

    Boy I’ll bet that’s right.

  5. A white billionaire. The darling of the socialists? If he is then it’s what I’ve been saying all along. The left has gone so far to the left that now they popped up on the right. Fascists. Through and through.

    • Mussolini, formerly the newsrag editor for Italy’s Socialist Party, founded the Fascist Party. Fascists are only mere microns to the right of Socialists, because they want their nation to keep the money – instead of contributing it to GlobSoc.

      This is on Wikipedia, so it *must* be true! /s

    • “A white billionaire. The darling of the socialists?”

      Bingo, we need to harp on that as loudly and long as possible. Bitch as loud as possible publicly in Leftist comment sections about the unfairness of someone like a rich old white guy getting the nomination. If they do nominate an OFWG, start demanding the Leftists “Teach the Progressives a lesson” by sitting out the 2020 election.

      Psychological warfare. Leftists have no problems using it against us, we should use it against them…

    • Champagne socialists are totally cool with the folks in charge living large. Just ask millionaire Bernie as he flies private between his three homes or what about Obama “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.” I guess he’s only another hundred million away before it’s “enough.”

      • He’s as white as you. If you two stood side by side on a corner and I saw you I would think 2 white guys.

  6. The other big news is that he has committed to keeping his team in place through November, regardless of how he does.

    He’s not stupid. He knows what he is doing.

    His ad blitz is destroying the loonies and the fringe candidates, and is dooming the moderate candidates. He is assuring that the Dems will nominate a communist, either Bernie or Warren.

    In other words, a candidate who cannot possibly beat Trump.

    When he fails to get the nomination, he will go scorched Earth on the Dems, and position himself as the ideal alternative to Trump. Both are party-switching New York billionaires. But Bloomberg is actually rich, and doesn’t have a thousandth of Trump’s baggage.

    Given the choice between a communist, an impeached Trump, or a successful mayor and hugely successful businessman who can position himself as a bridge between the irrevocably divided partisan system… I can imagine a lot of disaffected people from both parties buying into that idea. Especially after 10 more months of wall to wall media propaganda paid for by his billions.

    • Bloomberg does not have a thousandth of Trumps baggage? Better think again! You have been following MSNBC and CNN too much to listen to all the complaints against him. Trump will go with an add campaign that will shred Bloomberg for all his totalitarian views and nannyisms.

  7. Would rather Bloomberg get cancer than end up President. Morally bankrupt egomaniac who hates this country.

    • He may be ill already. It’s not unthinkable that a terminally ill Bloomberg would blow huge amounts of money on a vanity candidacy allowing him to give his own eulogy.

      He has already described in the past his anti-gun jihad as a means of lobbying God for entrance to Heaven. Perhaps this alleged presidential campaign is really just his closing sales pitch to St. Peter and not in his mind a real political campaign at all?

  8. Eh. He comes across as an angry unlikable grandpa that you are glad you only have to see once a year.

    Biden comes across as that goofball neighbor who shakes his fist and yells to get ON his lawn so you can hear him better and you avoid like the plague.

    Lizzie comes off as the screwball auntie who gives socks for Christmas and birthday presents.

    AOC …. on and on it goes. Clowns all over.

  9. Bloomberg will set the agenda, frame the narrative, and back the actual leaders, and eventual nominee. He doesn’t actually need to win anything.

    • Just like he did in Virginia. Put all his money to others so they can carry his torch

  10. anybody that believes what mikey is shoveling should be advised that all politicians lie, I like the tomato sauce commercial that states life long spaghetti lovers, and the camera switches to two infants that are less than 6 months, any information can be twisted into whatever pie chart possible———anyone the says things were great in nyc when he was mayor is being paid—everything in his ads are total lies——-here is something to think about, to mikey our President is poor, and mikey did nothing for nyc workers, only for his real estate buddies——–so what does he care about working people——the only thing he possibly has going for him is the health care, but that is probably because his buddies are running the programs—–sorry to rant, but this guy will destroy this Country…

  11. Well, I guess we’ll find out once and for all whether the presidency truly can be bought. It will be a very informative outcome either way.

  12. The man makes me nauseous. I’d sleep with Shannon before I could stomach him being president…which he won’t be. His ads I can’t stand to watch. They are SO PHONY and set up. They show the creep dressed in every day casual slacks and light jacket. My ass! He’s trying to present a “one of you” image.
    It won’t work Bloombag. People don’t like the man. They resent him and his nanny narcissistic ways.
    He can spend every last penny he has, liquidate all his holdings and he still won’t be president. All he’s going to do is help Trump win which I can hardly wait to watch election night. It’s going to be as exciting as 2016 was.

  13. If a Jewish billionaire could buy his way into the Democratic field, Tom Steyer would have already done so.

    The problem for Steyer and Bloomberg is there in the open for all to see. You can see it manifested in the attacks on Jews around NYC – and who is attacking them. You can see it on college campuses in all the earnest little liberals and their “BDS” campaigns against Israel. BTW, Bloomberg is a big supporter of Israel, so he’s not going to make inroads on the college campus scene.

    Bloomberg is going to spend a ton of money, trying to prevent Warren and Sanders’ ideas for a wealth tax from gaining a foothold. He could have gotten into the race long ago if he wanted – but notice that he did not enter the race until Warren started running her mouth about a wealth tax.

  14. Who really believes that he wants the democrat nomination? He is setting himself up as the candidate of candidates. I posted before to not dismiss him so casually.

    • When he gets his one party system and installs himself as Supreme Secretary of the Inner Sanctum of the Council of Ministers (or whatever he will call it) he will be laughing at all of us lowly losers.

  15. Trumps eradication of anti-pollution laws both recent and older ones on the books for years will be another nail in his coffin for re-election. The Dems will expose what he did out of blind greed and rake him over the coals with or without him in the debates (he probably will not even show up).

    • jobs are everything…you got one you’re happy…you don’t?…you won’t be…you gotta’ eat before you worry about all that other crap…

      • Wrong the jobs people have today are SHIT JOBS THAT PAY PART TIME MINIMUM WAGE. And if you think people are happy being economic slaves your living in a Trump dream world.

        • “Wrong the jobs people have today are SHIT JOBS THAT PAY PART TIME MINIMUM WAGE. And if you think people are happy being economic slaves your living in a Trump dream world.”


    • “Trumps eradication of anti-pollution laws both recent and older ones on the books for years will be another nail in his coffin for re-election. The Dems will expose what he did out of blind greed and rake him over the coals with or without him in the debates (he probably will not even show up).”


  16. “$200 million dollars”
    $200 million dollars could cover a lot of people’s deductibles and copayments. It could provide a lot of life saving medication not covered by Obamacare. It could provide a lot of warm lunches and new pairs of maybe some warm blankets. Or even a shitload of ammunition.

    • Sorry I mimicked the author redundancy, “$200 million,” and autocorrect ate a few words. “…pairs of shoes and even maybe…”

  17. And I’m sure the left is outraged about this. I mean, they’re always talking about how big money shouldn’t play the role it does in American politics… oh wait, that only applies to Republicans

  18. Lost count of how many ads I had to endure on my visit to family in OKC for Christmas. But, it was just the same ad over and over and over. Apparently, there’s one nurse who thinks he did great with health care in NYC. One nurse, one issue. Is that all he could buy for $200M????

    • Do wonder how much he paid the One nurse? Bet she is living high on the old hog now.

  19. I would like to throw a thought of my own out there. What’s his Internet Spend? Everyone is going on about his TV spend but I really question if the medium is dying for engagement and Bloomberg is doing this the “old man way.” I mean look at the debates. They’re flat out dying. He said he was going to skip this round and go on Colbert instead. I can’t blame him he can’t get kneecapped on Colbert and it’s done nothing for the other candidates than give Republicans sound bytes should they win.

  20. ….Their own little world

    Bloomberg can spend as much as he likes. It will never have any effect on my vote. Clinton’s money made no difference to me and neither will his.

  21. The more he spends the less we see of the others on the airwaves. He’s at 1 percent so that shows it’s not working.
    Most likely the dnc will select Joe in a back room snubbing Bernie again.
    Don will eat Joe alive in the debates.

  22. This little dweb of a human?? Could walk down the road hand everyone a hundred dollar bill and not be able to buy 1 vote.
    His money only shows what he is. An arrogant miserable little narrow minded puissant.
    He cant buy a position of Dog Catcher.
    Nationally people see him for what he is. A Napoleonic misguided prick. A waste of our oxygen.

  23. The political commercial with the nurse from New York, talking about how great Bloomberg is and what he wants to do. Take a look at the expression on her face, it’s not a look of anyone that believes what they are saying. She looks digusted.

  24. Just another example that you can’t throw money at a social problem. He can spend his money however he deems necessary, doesn’t mean I’m going to vote for him because he never paid me and as an average citizen, he doesn’t trust me. Regardless of how he feels about the second amendment, even if he were favorable, it still wouldn’t change the fact that he’s not fit to run a country because to him, money is the only thing that matters and history has shown that you can’t buy your way in and out of everything.

  25. Does Bloomie’s spending on gun issues, astroturf orgs, and campaigns in far lands count as campaign spending? I’m gonna go with “yes”, after Trump’s charity donations were counted. (In the blather-sphere, but that’s what counts now, right?)

    Let the subpoena cannons commence.

  26. Democrats will display their hypocrisy if they vote for after bitching about a billionaire running but if they elect him or some of these other tyrants in training they will deserve the for president the impositions on life they will get. Then they will feel funny wishing Trump was back.

  27. My only thought is…imagine the gun collection I could have with that much money and other toys. I could have my own tank even

  28. He can spend his money most any way he likes. The important question is and remains as follows. How many of The Public will he sucker?

  29. I know there are a lot of greeted people out there, but also there’s a lot of people who would rather have their rights to remain free, not everyone can be bought. And more people know that if a dummcaic, I meant a stupid no good democrat gets in office, America is DOOMED, and Freedom will be a thing of the past.

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