Home » Blogs » Michigan And Hawaii Launch Tip Lines To Encourage Anonymous Snitching On Gun Owners

Michigan And Hawaii Launch Tip Lines To Encourage Anonymous Snitching On Gun Owners

Darwin Nercesian - comments 47 comments

Michigan and Hawaii, both Democrat-led states, have launched taxpayer-funded tip lines for individuals looking to report perceived firearms violations anonymously. While these dumpster fire states claim the lines are aimed at lawbreakers, Second Amendment groups are reasonably skeptical, as they should be, because such a system can easily be abused. Let’s face it, we know that the weaponization of this service against law-abiding gun owners is exactly what they are intended for.  

On Thursday, October 10, Hawaii’s Democrat Governor Josh Green announced the state’s Department of Law Enforcement had established a confidential “Gun Tip Line for people to make anonymous reports of illegal gun ownership and gun crimes,” where tipsters can either call, text or drop a dime via the DLE’s website or a downloadable app where they can submit photographs and videos to back up their report. 

The governor’s office went even further during the brown shirt recruiting exercise saying, “People reporting tips are encouraged to leave detailed information including the names of those in possession of illegal guns or committing gun crimes, a location where those people may be found and a description of the guns.” Sure, what could go wrong when hiring unpaid, untrained, overzealous, anti-Second Amendment sycophants typically knowing very little about firearms to play the role of a detective, spying on and recording their neighbors? 

Meanwhile, Gretchen “Lockdown” Whitmer, known for hosting the most oppressive COVID lockdowns in America while still having more deaths per capita than any neighboring Midwestern states, signed House Bill 5503, a measure passed off as an education funding bill that allocates $1 million in School Aid Funding to support an anonymous tip line for students to report firearms thought to be “improperly stored.” 

The bill goes on to mandate that Michigan’s Department of Education develop materials concerning improper storage of firearms, including tip line usage, and distribute those materials to school districts across the state. The Gestapo may not pay you for your work, but you will receive free training, whether you want it or not. 

As the NRA-ILA points out, language regarding the tip line was added to the bill as an amendment that was then swiftly passed by the Democrat-controlled legislature. 

“The expedited pace and the silencing of opposition when the bill came up for a floor vote underscores the reality that this was a political move and another attack on gun owners,” says the NRA.

These tiplines will ultimately create a situation that will lead to wasted resources, unwarranted confrontations with law enforcement and what could amount to unconstitutional searches of homes, businesses and other private property based on vendettas and other nefarious agendas. Not only does this negatively impact the community’s relationship with authorities, but those who abuse the tip lines will undoubtedly drive wedges within communities as well, drawing lines at a time when we need to be working together to strengthen and solidify those connections. 

47 thoughts on “Michigan And Hawaii Launch Tip Lines To Encourage Anonymous Snitching On Gun Owners”

  1. I’d hope that there would be some penalty for filing false claims … but I know which hand would fill up faster.

    • Frankly, folks from all over the country should call to lay a dime on Democrat politicians in those states. Over and over again. I hear Gretchen Whitmer has illegally purchased several guns recently

    • … just about time for some fucking idiot like Jsled or Minor to pop in and tell us ” There’s nothing fascist about programs like this if you’re not hiding anything. I’d be okay with my door getting kicked in at 0’dark-thirty and getting accidently killed in a botched multi-jurisdictional operation, there’s bound to be a learning curve, right? “

      • Do you remember back in the day those people were against the Patriot Act ostensibly for the same reasons? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

        Turns out they were never against the Patriot Act at all. Or warrantless surveillance or indefinite detainment for that matter. They were just against Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld doing it. But now they all love Bush and Cheney so they must have liked all these things all along.

      • The face of their beloved Gun Control…connect the h…
        h ttp://youtube.com/post/Ugkx6pimD698Sdel4Z6mkrue6y_TWmSVGifX?feature=shared

    • All you need do is look for the few Harris-Walnutz yard signs and use that as your guide.

      Georgia may be an official swing state, but I have only seen a few of those yard signs, though her campaign is renting a bunch of the large bill board type and every last one of them has at least one lie on it, usually more. Oddly, not a one of them mention Tampon Tim!

    • My first thought is to call in to the hot line every last democrat who voted for this bill. Start with them and all the other liberals first.

    • I remember downunder an anti-gun group proposed a “dob in a gun owner” to the police. The police said don’t because it would be a massive waste of time and resources.

    • And don’t forget that her running mate “Speedloader Walz” set up a similar program in Mn. to report people flaunting his mask decree during his lengthly ” Covid Emergency”

      • “… one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.

        —- Tampon Tim Walz, 2024”

        (Socialism and neighborliness are wholly mutually exclusive propositions.

        Socialism is a forced economic system under which the government usurps total control of a nation’s means of production, distribution, and exchange (i.e., buying and selling). All the essential elements of economic activity are owned by the government and controlled by un-elected bureaucrats. There is no free market, no free choice by consumers as to what they will buy or not or at what prices. Individuals are told by government agents where to work, how to work, and what they will be paid to work if paid at all. In every real way, socialism imparts government-enforced slavery on the working class in that all freedom of choice is removed from one’s economic activities.

        Remember Comrade Kamala’s false claim that ‘price gouging’ was the cause of the economy increasing prices we are suffering now because of biden-nomics, and she was going to fix that by having government mandated price controls. Yeah that socialism she wanted to implement.

        Now ya know what Comrade Kamala and Comrade Tampon Tim both are and want to do. A couple of marx -ist socia – lists.

        Neighborliness is the antithesis of socialism. Neighborliness involves the voluntary cooperation of individuals freely helping one another without an expectation of economic benefit, solely for the purposes of making the world a better place (or at least one’s small corner of the world). The best example of this is the teaching of Jesus in Luke 10:25-37. There we are told the story of a man who happens upon another who was robbed, beaten, and left for dead. The former treated the injured man’s wounds, brought him to an inn, took care of him, and paid the innkeeper from his own pocket. This was done out of the goodness of the man’s heart, without expectation of return, and without any government intervention, force, or coercion of any kind.)

        Voluntary action is the essential definition of neighborliness. By contrast, socialism is government tyranny by force.

        • In his defense I will say that abject poverty is very cozy and neighborly what with generations of a family all living in the same 500 sq. ft. government provided flat and eating meals from the same ration box and boarding the same government bus to work in the same government owned factory.

          It’s all very neighborly and comfy.

        • I’ve distilled these -isms down to the following, which has made it simple to understand:

          Socialism – benevolence through compulsion
          Communism – production through compulsion

          Re. socialism — benevolence through compulsion — when compelled, both parties are harmed, both the giver and the receiver. a) the giver’s rights are violated through (unjust) compelling force and b) the giver is not incentivized to appreciate or improve their self in any way. Socialism is lose-lose, but it does definitely concentrate power in the (uninvolved) controlling class, which is a win for them at the expense of everyone else.

          At the end of the day, all this political crap is about 1 of 2 things:

          – People that want to control other people (liberals).
          – People that want to control themselves (conservatives).

  2. In the film fahrenheit 451 the government encourages people to tell on each other. When they find someone reading a book. Any book.

    That person is then arrested and the book burned. Like when the government bans the bible in schools. And then, has it burned. Like what happened in Afghanistan.

    What are atheists so afraid of a book that they would ban it???
    Books about guns are banned in schools. Except they do want books about le.gal bu.tt se.x in schools.

    • Atheists are afraid of the bible because of it’s teachings on morality and ethics. To poli-tic-al atheists a country can become strong by abandoning such “weaknesses” and will point to the CCP.

      In CCP (not China) Confucian ethics were replaced by party ethics. Note the CCP is a party with a military and a country.

      • It’s just a book. A collection of paper pages and ink. Like books on cooking or books on how to grow a garden.

        It’s not the word of God. The atheists don’t believe in that silly Christianity.

        So why are they soooo… terrified of a simple book???

        I think is does have to do with morality. Which they hate very much.

  3. A federal government lawmaker asked the public to not allow Trump supporters in restaurants. And tell them that they are not welcome.

    And the libertarians said nothing. The liberals said nothing. But the Left agreed with her statements.

  4. Naturally there will be no punishment for fraudulent tips and legal gun owners will have all their rights violated, this is all by design

  5. Does California or DC have one of these? Someone should call and tell them Kamala Harris has said she smokes weed and is in possession of a Glock.

  6. “… those who abuse the tip lines will undoubtedly drive wedges within communities as well, drawing lines at a time when we need to be working together to strengthen and solidify those connections.”

    That there, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a “two-fer”, meaning Democrats get two benefits for the “price” of one.

    Those two benefits of a anonymous tip lines:
    1) Democrats gain another avenue to suppress their political opponents.
    2) Democrats divide and hence weaken the populace which strengthens Democrats’ ability to do as they wish.

    • Be aware the Dims will be waging war against anyone they deem a “militia”. A recent memo from Biden/HARRIS authorizes lethal force against pretty much anyone they don’t like. SEE: Guns & Gadgets on YouTube for details. And you thought January 6 was a big deal!🙄

  7. Warning:

    Everyone (who have children living at home who still attend K-12 school), these anonymous tip lines represent a huge legal jeopardy for you. Every guest of every age who enters your home could be a tipster if they see ANY firearm in your home, regardless of how you store it. That applies to an unloaded antique shotgun hanging on a wall, an unloaded rifle in a safe, or even a handgun in a holster on your hip. If that guest can see your firearm and they want to jam you up, they can call the tip line and claim that you left it unattended and accessible to your child (regardless of whether that was true). And because they can describe that firearm accurately, their tip becomes credible.

    Note that this tip line legal jeopardy also applies to hunting shotguns and rifles that someone outside of your immediate family sees outside of your home (either in person or even just a photo of your last hunt). If an observer can accurately describe your firearm, he/she can submit a “credible” report to the tip line and you will have an uphill battle defending yourself if a prosecutor comes calling.

  8. September 08, 1976: Crime Stoppers was born. 48 years ago, talk about late to the ball. Sounds like somebody’s niece and nephew needed a job and they needed some political mileage, and cover, for a duplicative program.

  9. This snitching on gun owners angers me greatly. Does no one remember Cuba?
    I suppose snitching on your neighbors is better then being drug into the street and gunned down.
    Long Live the Democracy.
    Harris/Walz 2024

  10. Seems like the time to Throw The Bums Out has arrived. The question remaining is as follows. Will the voters recognize the referenced arrival and take appropriate action at the polls.


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