I feel compelled to say upfront that what you’re about to read is real. You’re not being punk’d. We’re not even close to April Fools Day. Michigan lawmakers have donned their clown shoes and makeup as if participating in a “dumbest legislature” competition and have proposed a bill that targets what it calls “deceptively colored firearms.” Given that the introduction of such tomfoolery occurs during a lame-duck session, this level of stupidity on the taxpayer dime is still egregiously unacceptable. If you can’t watch the 2006 film Idiocracy due to its outrageous depiction of human absurdity, this will be a difficult read.
Senate Bill 1134 seeks to regulate firearms by restricting the finish to consist primarily of government-approved colors: black, brown, dark gray, dark green, silver, steel or nickel. The proposed law states that any substantial portion of a firearm painted in other hues would violate the ban, explicitly defining that portion as more than 50% of the firearm’s exterior, including key parts like the receiver or slide. Ironically, this measure would criminalize the use of red, white and blue, making firearms adorned by the flag of the United States of America illegal. Let that one sit with you.
SB 1134 prohibits the sale, purchase, ownership and even transportation of items described as “deceptive coloring products” intended to modify the color of a firearm, including paints, coatings or similar materials. Firearm modifications that include non-approved colors would also be considered illegal, introducing another layer of legal ignorance by criminalizing artistic expression. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as the left is no stranger when it comes to attacks on both the First and Second Amendments.
Consequences of violating the proposed law involve misdemeanor charges punishable by up to one year in prison, a $500 fine or both, with the severity of this punishment raising serious concerns about criminalizing lawful firearm ownership by means of such arbitrary regulation, particularly among hobbyists and collectors who often personalize their firearms.
Of course, exemptions exist, but hearing them isn’t likely to make this story more palatable. Those exceptions include antique firearms, guns with handles made of or resembling ivory, and firearms or related products covered by a grandfather clause for individuals who owned them before the bill’s enactment. Transfer of these exempt items, however, would require surrender to law enforcement or modification to comply with the new law.
Unsurprisingly, as with many gun control measures, exemptions also exist for law enforcement and government entities. Firearms owned or used by the state or its representatives would not be subject to color restrictions, a double standard that citizens have become accustomed to, and one example that demonstrates why many Americans see the country as having a multi-tiered justice system.
SB 1134 also addresses what it refers to as “covert firearms,” defined as being constructed so they are not immediately recognizable as firearms. The intent here may be to target weapons disguised as everyday objects, however, the language, which I believe is intentionally ambiguous, could lead to unforeseen consequences for an otherwise law-abiding citizen, not to mention would still be unconstitutional.
Why is a bill like this necessary in the first place? Supporters argue that banning brightly colored firearms enhances public safety, claiming that deceptively colored firearms may cause law enforcement or civilians difficulty distinguishing between toys and real guns. This idea lacks accountability, with no clear evidence linking firearm color to public safety. Without tangible safety benefits, SB 1134 is nothing more than a solution looking for a problem, or looking to do what the left does best, infringe upon the Constitutional rights of Americans.
As with any infringement upon Constitutionally protected rights, SB 1134, if passed, will face significant legal challenges at the cost of taxpayers. Think about it. We pay them a salary so they can come up with hair-brained schemes to erode our liberties while burning through more of our hard-earned money as the country slips further into debt. It’s time for a change.
Let’s put a name to the intellectually devoid degenerate who decided this proposition gave meaning to their elected position. The winner is SB 1134’s sponsor, a member of the Michigan Senate, Dayna Lynn Polehanki. This makes sense to her for some reason. Perhaps it is as simple as the proverbial chipping away of your rights. Maybe she is just an agitator looking to instill more political polarization. It’s quite possible she was dropped on her head as a child. In any event, this bill is either dead on arrival or dies after it is challenged at our expense, begging the question, is this what we really elected these clowns for?
What colors are not approved?
Red, White and Blue!
Someone forgot to tell the Gun Control busy bodies their clown show singles out and discriminates against the Rainbow Coalition and LGBTQ firearm owners.
“Someone forgot to tell the Gun Control busy bodies…”
Speaking of bodies being busy, wanna get together and watch the sparks fly? 🙂
AH HA HA HA HA!!!!! :0)
Be careful you might get something that penicillin can’t get rid of
* Sigh *
What’s wrong with you, Michigan? Thank you for voting for Trump, but man oh man, you still got lots of ‘splaining to do.
I’m a life-long resident of Michigan, and I couldn’t agree with you more. When the fools in this state turned over the State Senate, House, and governor’s mansion to Democrat control, this outrageous brand of stupidity was all but guaranteed. Thank God a modicum of sanity will be restored in January with a Republican majority in the state House, albeit razor thin.
I would not count on anything different happening after January 2025:
1) Democrats will single out two or three squishy Republicans,
2) Un-invite them from Lansing high-society until they play ball,
and then
3) Those two or three Republicans will vote with Democrats.
I truly hope that I am wrong. I fear that I am not.
Wait, Lansing has “high society”?
What, pray tell does THAT look like?
Formal dinners (black tie affairs) at local fast food joints.
The pepto-bismol pink rifle, what manufacturer hand guard is that?
A legislature is like an HOA. They make stupid rules and everyone hates them.
Damn the luck, and I just had my HiPoint gold plated for that up and coming Wolverine hunt.
Well you got po-leece shooting kids with air soft & bb gats so it’s a “safety measure”🙄😀
Cops shoot people holding wallets, keys, phones or nothing at all.
If this were a safety measure they’d mandate all guns be day-glow orange so as not to be confused with any random object cops will shoot for holding.
Xdduly elected official,
All humor aside, it is totally possible that someone has a gold-plated firearm which becomes illegal to transfer as well.
I was just thinking about all the gold and diamond 1911 .38 supers from south of the border. A law like this should scare them away!
Looks like an infringement of the First Amendment, to me. If I want to paint my firearm to make a political statement, the state of Michigan shouldn’t be able to infringe.
“The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.
— George Washington, first inaugural address, April 30, 1789”
The democrats have been trying to put out that ‘sacred fire of liberty’ any way they can, including trying to censor and suppress first amendment free speech.
look her up, the images suggest a hard working polehanki. as in caked joy rag.
How you been, man? How’s the electricity distributing business in ‘Chi-town’? 😉
racist democrats, if your gun isn’t the right ‘color’ ya can’t exercise the constitutional right.
Clearly, they believe that Black Guns Matter.
With leftists if it’s not about the crotch it’s about color.
This reminds me of the hulabaloo Duracoat created with their Bloomberg collection.
Dems going to ban rainbows, this will be fun, it’s time for popcorn.
I guess hunters can forget about snow camo options for their hunting rifles.
How many times does it need to be explained?
This senate bill is garbage. Note that this senate bill, if it becomes law, will outlaw polymer pistols with “exotic” polymer colors such as baby-blue, pink, and purple that several manufacturers produce.
I think I know how/why Michigan has gone so far off the deep end in the last several years: the Marshall Sandstone aquifer–a massive geologic feature that covers much of the population of Michigan’s lower peninsula. That massive sandstone aquifer has a LOT of arsenic deposits and countless fresh water wells have dangerously high arsenic levels as a result.
Or maybe it is excess Red Dye food coloring from cereal manufacturing that is getting into the groundwater. Or something.
For Michigan, it’s the public education.
Government schools. And it started in the 1960s. Then it got worse in the 1970s. And creeped into the state college system in the 80s.
I also saw yellow or tan colors were not on the list so no FDE, unless you can claim it is a very light brown.
Good catch.
And how about the “dark gray” designation? At what level does something cross over from “light gray” or “medium gray” to “dark gray”?
Perhaps they can select a few crayons out of a box to show us exactly what colors are permissible.
How about suppressors which the federal government arbitrarily and capriciously designated as firearms? Does Michigan consider suppressors to be firearms as well? If so, suppressors with the “wrong” color will be illegal as well.
I reiterate my previous comment: this bill is utter and complete garbage.
What happens if I put my rifle in a storage “sock” that is one of the verboten colors? Or if I apply verboten colored tape to my rifle?
And how about firearms with exotic wood colors/finishes like “cocobolo red” or laminate wood with orange and yellow color layers?
This is an attack on women who want to own guns. This is just another attack against female gun ownership.
And it is an attack on the concept of individualism.
There is nothing wrong with a woman who wants to own a pink gun. Or color that gun whatever she chooses to.
Anyone who wants to personalize their firearm. Make it more of what they want it to be. That is what the anti civil rights goons want to destroy, what they want to stop.
And painting your gun different colors. No matter what those colors are is big business. There’s a lot of money being made by companies, supplying these different color options.
This is also just another way to attack the financial viability, of the firearm’s business.
Next they will go after the firearms engraving business. Those of you that would like to have, different images of animals. Perhaps a lion. The engraving of bears or ducks. That too can also be made illegal.
So instead of attacking the canvas makers that provide canvas for painters.
The gun can be the “canvas” that you want to express yourself on artistically. That they want to make illegal.
I have seen some beautifully engraved guns. As well as firearms that have been “painted” in wonderful color patterns. In old style camouflage or in a new 21st color pattern.
This is an attack on your 1st amendment civil rights. It’s no different when the government tells you what colors you can’t use. And backs it up with the threat of jail. Or a fine. And Government private property confiscation of the offending color patterns.
What is sad and makes me angry is how the “gun community” mistreats this issue.
And pink colored AR-15 will stop the threat. Just like a black colored one.
From 2022 Blair White.
“Revealing my insane customized gun collection. 2022”
YouTube video 10 minutes long.
that’s what the gov carries
The actual bill conains the following text:
Sec. 224g. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,
an individual shall not do any of the following:
(c) Sell, purchase, transfer, own, possess, carry, or
transport a deceptive coloring product.
Coloring products could include paints, dyes, sharpies and crayons. Is this an anti-gun bill or an anti-Sherwin Williams bill?
Nice catch! 🙂
oh for FU¢K sakes! really?!! Darwin was indeed on to something. Let the stupid weed themselves out.
Syria has the answer to tyrannical governments just like the Founding Patriots did.
I guess I will have to paint it black with an orange flash hider then.
Cerekote an A2 ‘bird cage’ flash hider blaze orange…
Before we get too deep in the weeds, or someone says something REALLY stupid, may I just ask a question??
WTAF difference does it make what goddamn COLOR the gun is????? Will you be less dead if someone kills you with a “scary black gun” as opposed to a rainbow–flag gun?? If neon color guns are outlawed, tell me how that will impact the rate of “gun crime” or deaths from gunshots.
Leftist/fascists are stupid, and unable to engage actual, rational discussions, but . . . we should NOT buy into the idiocy. DON’T let them redefine basic terms to suit their agenda. DO NOT let them focus on cosmetics and surface issues instead of dealing with the REAL issues. The color of a gun a criminal uses to commit a crime is, quite literally, the least important issue there is. But that is “on brand” for Leftist/fascists (since they know f*ck-all about firearms in the first place (cf, MajorIdiot and damian the demented and jsled and Prince Albert). They are simply INCAPABLE of having a rational discussion about firearms, so they wave their arms and shout passionately and convince themselves that they made a great argument because they shouted louder and they (and the other people in their bubble) believed it.
Just mock them for their stupidity – they are neither willing, nor prepared, to engage in rational, informed discussion (homo sapiens v. homo motus). As the old saying goes, “You can’t rationally argue some position that the other person didn’t rationally arrive at”. I don’t blame MajorIdiot or dacian or jsled or Prince Albert for being stupid (they can’t help it, can they??), but I will call them out for lying. I have disagreed with almost every regular commenter on this site, but I RESPECT all of them (with a few glaring exceptions) and enjoy their POV, even when I disagree with it. OTOH, when you aren’t approaching the commentary and arguments in good faith, don’t expect me to treat you with civility.
What COLOR a gun is???? AYFKMRN?????
Because like liberal progressive democrats say when it’s concerns something they want to say or do. It their right to free speech and free expression. You wasted 5 minutes of your life spewing the same excuse gobbledygook they do when it’s something they don’t like or agree with.
Lol the fact that you conflate leftists with fascists shows your ignorance here. Especially if you label Democrats as leftists, which they aren’t. They’re center-right. People in these spaces always develop selective amnesia and conveniently forget that it was Republicans and Ronald Reagan that got us where we are today with these stupid gun laws after they went after the original Black Panther Party for Self Defense (actual leftists) in the 60s and 70s after passing the Mulford Act in California that other states across the country began to copy. The Black Panther Party for Self Defense spearheaded the modern gun rights movement. It wasn’t any of your racist “patriot” founding genocidal fathers. Thank God for groups like the National African American Gun Association to provide push-back for many of the things that come out of the ignorant firearms community.
Stepin Fetchit,
Hee, hee, hee!!! My POINT (which you were too dense (racist??) to grasp) is that . . . . the color doesn’t matter. You, and all your other Leftist/fascist fellow travelers (which YES includes the Dimocrat Party – go look up the definition of fascism, then look at the stated policy positions of the modern Dimocrats, and tell me how that is NOT objectively fascistic) are panicked that your race card is about to be declined, because its overdrawn. You’ve experimented with misogyny as a replacement, but then you effed that up by proudly declaring that ANY guy could magically become a girl by putting on a dress and lipstick. How’s that workin’ out for ya???
Wake the eff UP, clown – the whole “racism/sexism/homophobia/xenophobia” scam is played out, and has about as much traction as old tires with the cord showing through. The Leftist/fascist/Dimocrats (and YES, they are largely interchangeable) have been flogging that equine (along with the monkey) for decades and they are panicked that the scam may be over. Cry me a frickin’ river, loser.
being from Michigan this is another stupid move. Old Gretch is just trying to dip her toes deeper into that left party in hopes of 2028, because she’s done in Michigan.
Better headline….
Michigan bans LGBTQ flag colors!
Congratulations, Michigan; you’ve just outlawed paint.
All new houses in Michigan will have to remain unpainted wood.
“SB 1134 prohibits the sale, purchase, ownership and even transportation of items described as “deceptive coloring products” intended to modify the color of a firearm, including paints, coatings or similar materials.”
Pfui. Suburban Detroit Karen histrionics.
What is the meaning of “suburban Detroit”?
Because if you’re counting places like Royal Oak, Novi, Troy, or Westland, those aren’t near Detroit. They are the places people moved so that they wouldn’t have to live IN Detroit.
And I thought most of the houses “in” Detroit were all bulldozed some years ago because there weren’t enough police and fire coverage.
This is another graphic illustration of the phrase “nothing better to do” furnished by another useless legislature.
“Women and kids are getting into firearms, that is just lies the gun companies tell you”.
“Too many women and kids are getting into guns and they could become single issue voters in the future. We have to find a way to slow this down”
……same people
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