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Michigan Using Gun-Free Zones To Subvert The Right To Carry

Darwin Nercesian - comments 36 comments

On November 14th, the Michigan Senate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety passed SB 857 and SB 858 making the bills eligible for votes on the Senate floor. The pair of measures would expand “gun-free zones” in Michigan, prohibiting gun owners from carrying firearms in the State Capitol Building, the Binsfeld Senate Office Building and the Anderson House Office Building, with an exception, of course, for legislators, because “rules for thee, not for me,” and all that second-class citizen stuff. 

SB 858 originally banned carrying a firearm in any location with a liquor license, including businesses that serve and sell liquor. This broad expansion would have prohibited carrying in commonly frequented establishments including gas stations, pharmacies, hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, big box retailers and many others, drastically limiting where concealed carry license holders could legally exercise their right and almost eliminating a person’s ability to carry for self-defense. Thankfully, this part of the measure was amended and not included in the bill as it heads toward a Senate vote, however, it may be a little too late as it has become abundantly clear that these expansions have nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with eroding the rights of law-abiding Michigan taxpayers. 

In recent years the Capitol Commission banned both open and concealed carry in the Capitol with Democrat leadership restricting citizens, but not themselves, from carrying in legislative office buildings. SB 857 and SB 858 would expand and codify these restrictions, turning them into state law and making it almost impossible for citizens to restore their rights in the future. 

The NRA-ILA included this link for residents of Michigan to convey their opposition to SB 857 and SB 858 to their Senate representatives.

One day prior, the Michigan House of Representatives passed HB 4127 and HB 4128 along party lines, sending both to the Governor’s desk for consideration. These bills expand “gun-free” zones to include polling places and associated areas, “creating an arbitrary patchwork of so-called ‘gun-free’ zones,” according to the NRA-ILA. The issue with this, and make no mistake that it is intended by design, is that law-abiding gun owners could be subject to criminal penalties for crossing these arbitrary lines without any intent to commit a crime or disrupt the voting process.

As if Governor Gretchen Whitmer wasn’t already a bought and paid-for gun control Democrat hell-bent on the dismantling of the Constitution, the NRA-ILA has included a link for Michigan residents to let her know they oppose HB 4127 and HB 4128.

While the country remains divided, we have seen a considerable shift with the recent election outcome. One can only hope that the next four years, which will pass in the blink of an eye, will be spent aggressively, not just repairing the damage that has been caused, but taking apart the network of corruption and lawlessness that has been allowed to fester, and which continues to see states violate the individual liberties of their citizens as if we aren’t all Americans. 

36 thoughts on “Michigan Using Gun-Free Zones To Subvert The Right To Carry”

    • My advice to legal concealed gun carriers is the signs or gun laws have never stopped anyone from shooting up those places where guns are prohibited. So any place that bans guns without metal detectors to protect you on these premises, is where you must carry your legal firearm. Gun control signs or places restricted by laws without checking for guns are magnets that draw mass shooters like moths to a flame.

    • It was going to pass the moment Avi Rachelin pulled his autistic stunt at the hearing on the bill.

      The State Supreme Court went to the Dems because no one knew about Fink and O’Grady. So the chances of the “totally not a registration” license to purchase ending any time soon is next to nil.

  1. When it comes to Democrats planning to pass a law which infringes on our inalienable rights, I always chuckle when someone says, “Contact your politicians and tell them what you think.” Newsflash: Democrats don’t care what their voters think, especially voters who disagree with them.

    Democrats only care about increasing their power, wealth, and control. Unless you can connect your opposition to a guaranteed significant loss of those, they will ignore your “opinion”.

    • oh how wrong your are grasshopper…The democRat Party runs from their party history like dracula runs from sunshine. Of course nitwits such as yourself who giggle at bigoted labels like Chicongo, Chiraq surrender the moral high ground and provide the democRat Party with proof Gun owners are bigots.

      Now grasshopper unless you want me to rub your face in a cow patty direct your replies to the bigoted dumbfuks on this forum or save your breath.

    • Careful now you may get angry disagreement from misguided thoughts and assumptions…… meanwhile in realpolitik h ttps://www.washingtonexaminer.com/daily-memo/3231760/chuck-schumer-republicans-please-dont-do-to-us-what-we-were-going-to-do-to-you/

  2. MS law permits you to drive down the road, drinking a beer with your fully loaded pistol laying on the passenger seat or in a cup holder, etc., in addition to having one on your person and a rifle clipped to the dash. I love it here. 🙂

  3. Because the senate bills only impact a few hundred non-legislators who want to be armed while visiting the state Capitol building and two legislative office buildings, those bills will pass with nary a whimper of opposition.

    The house bills which will criminalize being armed for righteous self-defense at polling locations will also pass without any meaningful opposition.

    Even worse, if Republicans regain control of the state government, they will fail to repeal those laws because they will have higher priorities, like checking for lint in their navels.

    • It’s gotten to the point where legislators can make statements such as: “We will have to pass the bill to find out what’s in the bill” and no one questions them on such stupid statements. We are getting to the point that if the voters don’t stop electing such political criminals, those who are still determined to save this Republic and all of its freedoms, will have no other choice, but a revolt against such tyranny.

  4. One thing Trump needs to do, the congress needs to do, is get rid of this stupid 1,000 foot school zone thing. Limit it to school grounds, and exclude public streets and roads that pass by a school.

    Its one of the most stupid things ever. It has never ever stopped any ‘school shooter’ or ‘criminal’ from entering such a zone. It has never not once ‘saved’ any life or prevented any tragedy or crime. But its stupid to be frozen or restricted from normal travel to and from normal places (e.g. work, shopping, etc…) on public roads and streets or even stepping on to the sidewalk in front of your home or pulling out of your driveway or walking your dog – because it takes place within 1,000 feet of a school.

    Statistically the biggest threat to kids in a designated school zone where they are supposedly ‘safer’ by law, and on the streets going to and from school within 1,000 feet of the school, is getting hit by a car passing through the school zone or crossing areas within 1,000 feet of a school. Heck, an innocent person is 1,500 times more likely to be hit by a car than they are to be accidentally or intentionally shot by a law abiding person carrying a firearm.

    Get rid of this stupid 1,000 foot abomination that does absolutely zero to keep anyone safe, and is only used as a control mechanism to infringe the 2A.

    • Yeah I went to store in Homer Glen,ILL(since defunct) year ago where you had to buy a locked case after purchasing a gat.
      And they were surly. 1000 foot school bs🙄

    • Gun-free zones are killing zones and I believe that the gun-control leaders know that. They will never admit it, but I believe that they are trying to set-up more and more places for mass shootings. They know that mass shooters are their allies in helping them to disarm America so that they can force their tyranny on us.

      • gun free zones, defined:

        “gun (gŭn) free (frē) zone (zōn)

        * Trap in which people congregate and are falsely promised safety by a make believe force field of a ‘No Guns” prohibition.

        * A place where people are disarmed and not permitted self-defense with firearms.

        * Hunting grounds for predator criminals where defenseless prey is guaranteed by law.

        * Place where existing laws against violent crimes do not work to prevent violent crimes the laws are touted to be able to prevent.

        * Places designed to attract violently mentally ill predators.

        * Places where police forces cease to operate to protect before the fact of a violent crime as they are touted to be able to do by politicians implying.

  5. How can this NOT violate the ‘equal protection clause’ of the 14th amendment? How are these overly egotistical politicians above the law that applies to us??

  6. “the next four years, which will pass in the blink of an eye”
    I don’t know about that.
    Trump had(uhh, yeah, that’s the word)a Jan6 insurrection.
    Biden is starting WW3.
    Paybacks a bitch.

    • President-Elect Donald Trump has a very big job ahead for his Administration. The Deep-State Bureaucrats are so numerous that it will be almost impossible to root them all out. He will be under attack as never seen before. If he thinks those attacks in his first Administration were bad, he is in for a surprise. The FBI, the CIA, the IRS, the DOJ, and all of the Department management are so corrupt that I don’t think he will be able to do what wants to do. All we can do is pray to our Almighty God that he is able to carry out his plans. God help us all.

    • Those 27 words are the most powerful words in the entire Constitution. Those 27 words are the foundation of the Document. The teeth of the Document.

  7. a government that grants to its self or its ‘agents’ (which includes legislators or employees) exercise of a constitutional right while denying that right to the people is a tyranny.

    • Too many people in this country who know nothing about how fragile our freedoms are, will piss it all away one day. Mark my words.

  8. .40cal booger.
    And every weapon is an assault weapon if your tentative of being assaulted.
    I myself read the Second Amendment as the right to possess assualt weapons for the express purpose of defeating tyrannical governments.
    What is and isn’t an assault weapon is legalize for infringing a Right that explicitly states Shall Not Be Infringed.
    Is Freedom fear of your government.
    Is Freedom governments fear of its citizens.
    A government should not fear its citizens if its truly a government for the people, of the people, by the people.


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