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Larry Potterfield (courtesy

MidwayUSA is one of the largest online retailers of firearms gubbins. And not only does their customer service rock, but they put out a ton of great videos on various gunsmithing and shooting related topics to help their customers. Well, to get them to buy more products, but it’s more than Cheaper Than Dirt does. Anyway, this week they passed their 1 millionth customer in the last year. And, to celebrate, they dropped a $1 million check in the mail to the NRA. Make the jump for the presser . . .

One million is an attention-getting number, no matter what the circumstances. At MidwayUSA, Brenda and I – along with the MidwayUSA Employees – have celebrated a good many ‘one million’ milestones during the last 35+ years.

In 1983, our seventh year in business, we reached the milestone of one million dollars in business during a single calendar year. 2008 was the first year we filled one million orders for our Customers. In 2012 your NRA “Round-Up” contributions, through MidwayUSA, exceeded one million dollars during that single year. Please note that NRA “Round-Up” contributions come from you, our Customers, and each week since 1992 we have sent your contributions directly to the NRA/ILA National Endowment for the Protection of the 2nd Amendment. Our Customers should get all the credit for that, we just collect and remit your money. Now, in March of 2013 came another milestone to celebrate – one million active Customers – Customers who have ordered from MidwayUSA during the last twelve months. For a country kid from Missouri, that’s an amazing milestone.

I believe our vision to be the best-run, most-respected business in America, for the benefit of our Customers, our family values and our relentless pursuit of Customer Satisfaction are what brought us to this milestone of one million active Customers. Brenda and I, along with all the Employees at MidwayUSA, thank you very much for your support.

As you might imagine, we gave quite a bit of thought as to how we could celebrate. Should we choose our one millionth active Customer and give he or she a special gift? Well, we could have done that, but all of our Customers are equally important, not just the one who put us over the top. Then someone came up with the idea that we should donate $1 to the NRA for each of our active Customers. Well, let’s see, what is $1 times one million?

And so it was! On Monday morning about 10am, when we went over one million active Customers, MidwayUSA authorized our bank to send a wire transfer of one million dollars to the NRA/ILA National Endowment for the Protection of the 2nd Amendment; because we can and because we should.

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  1. MidwayUSA, fsck yeah. I wasn’t a regular customer before the latest madness, but I’m hooked. I have 8 (yes, eight) pages of stuff on inventory-alert with them now.

    I am a little irked that they oversold the Aguila 22LR they made available last week and cut my order in half… but they were so nice about it that I can hardly complain.

  2. It’s wonderful! I hope they spend it wisely, instead of towards some desert rich folk’s “total environment” shooting center, or towards some tepid, lackluster TV ads.

    We need to hit ’em with everything we’ve got, for as long as we can. I dread, more than anything I can imagine, a bloody conflict on the streets and in the suburbs of America. But my gut has known for over 30 years that it’s true.

  3. Yet another reason Midway will get my business instead of CtD. Midway is the kind of company I’m proud to give my business to.

  4. Midway is a great firm from whom I have purchased a ton of reloading components and firearms stuff. We need more stand-up companies like them in the USA….

    • Agreed TRP!

      Been a customer for a while now and have spent lots, not as much as I’d like to, with them. This makes me even more proud to be their customer!

      Thank you Mr. Potterfield and Midway! (conveniently located just down the road from me 😉 )

  5. Midway is my favorite…

    Certainly in part because of the philanthropy of Mr. and Mrs. Potterfield, not to mention great customer service.


  6. Midway stands for Integrity, Honor and freedom you can see this during the height of prices and gouging going on their prices remained firm and they stood strong with customers! I fully support Midway as I continue to order more parts from them I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for great service and great values!

  7. Couldnt they have donated some of that to the SAF? In the end they are the ones who are going to be doing most of the work to overturn all the incoming legislation I feel.

    Still though, hell yeah!!

  8. Larry just seems like an all around nice guy. I use midway from time to time and hope for continued success for him!

  9. So Midway doesn’t price gouge and donates $1M to the NRA, while CTD price gouges and gives $100K to the SAF. Which one will I do business with? (FYI, I have no issues with SAF, they are great).

  10. Class act. Thank God there are a few patriots left in this country. I’m off to buy something at Midway.

  11. Just cuz I like that Midway customers contributed, I’d like to mention again…

    The $1mil from Midway is in addition to the previous $1mil that Midway customers donated via the “Round Up” up campaign in 2012.

    So the Potterfields and Midway have been responsible for $2 Million dollars worth of 2nd Amendment legislative donations.

    • “Round Up” is still ongoing as of my last order a few weeks ago.

      As cheesy at it sounds, Mr Potterfield is the Mr. Rogers of the gun world. In real life almost nobody takes the whole customer service, give back to the community, be a good man, don’t get too greedy stuff seriously – it’s always a gimmick once you scratch the surface.

      But not the Potterfields. I have never heard anything from anyone to indicate that they are not, 100%, the real deal.

  12. “It was later found out that Mr. Potterfield was referring to his CEO, Nick Richards Attenbourough. A egregious PR boondoggle.”

    Just kidding!!

    I had a bad experience with Midway but it was through no fault of their own. I got pissy about it but this is just another reason I gotta give them credit. They certainly have my business back. Very cool….

  13. I love MidwayUSA, I’ve always had great experiences with them in the past, and will continue shopping there in the future.

  14. I ordered my first reloading tools from them 25 years ago and have kept the orders going every month since then. They are my go-to company even if once in a while a certain product may be a bit more than somewhere else. I like that I can bank on the fact I’ll get exactly what I ordered in good time with no problems.

  15. After getting this email, I went on the site and swore I would find something to buy as a way of saying thanks.

    As luck would have it, I stumbled on to some .224 heads that I haven’t been able to find in months!

    Thanks Midway!

  16. Proud to be a customer for decades. I might point out that their giant catalog is great read when sitting on the porcelain throne.

  17. Great job! Now I need to dig out the spare change, get on Midway, find something I dont even need and buy it. I cant wait until next payheck, they diserve my business now.

    My one and only hope (at no critisism against Midway) is the NRA take this money and make themselves a little more useful. Now that Im a life member I feel I have a right to say that.

  18. For the past few years……if I can get it from them I do. The first time that I ordered from them I was hooked. The reason? I ordered six 30 round magazines. I put the order in about 10 in the morning. By 3PM they were on the truck waiting to be shipped. It wasn’t BS either!!! Two days later they were at my home here in sunny Florida.

    Another reason? I bought the first six on sale. When I decided to order more I went to their website and the sale was no longer in effect. I went back and found the email from them that I used to get the sale price…….and voila!! Sale price honored!!Absolutely brillant!! Keep up the good work guys!!!

  19. I think that answers the question about supporting the NRA….only the Big Kahuna could draw a donation like that….lets face it, like it or not, they’re the big “gun rights gorilla” in the room….its like a football game (only much more serious)….let the smaller pro-2A be nimble, but we need the NRA “Refrigerator” to be the defensive lineman….who also happens to make a few touchdowns….and plenty of tackles.

    I hope they use it well, and other businesses pony up in a game of donation one-upmanship…it’d be great to see a company (even CTD) say…” I’ll see Midway’s $1M and raise you another $500,000….”

    Right now, we must all hang together…the enemy of my enemy is my friend…

  20. Midway rocks! They have always treated me well. The one time I had a complaint, I was dealing directly with Larry who quickly addressed my concerns. What other company of that size can make a similar claim for such an outstanding level of personal customer service?
    BTW, Midway is the Official Sponsor of the 2013 NRA convention in Houston. The wife and I already have our tickets & travel purchased.

  21. I used to be a Cheaper Than Dirt and MidwayUSA customer…but have since become an exclusive customer of Midway USA.

    They are just all around the real deal!

  22. Mr. Potterfield and Midway just can’t seem to do no wrong. You and your company sir, are our friend. And yes, proud to have bought from you. Will continue to do so. THIS is what a real supporter of the 2nd Amendment looks like. NOT Cheap and dirty…

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