Mikhail Kalashnikov, designer of the eponymous Kalashnikov assault rifle, is in an Izhevsk hospital with undisclosed health problems. The 94-year-old engineer has been hospitalized at least three times in the last year and spent most of the brief Russian summer in a Moscow clinic before being released in August . . .
Russian President Vladimir Putin is shown here meeting with Kalashnikov earlier this month just prior to the designer’s 94th birthday. When and if Mikhail Timofeyovich shuffles off to the Great Arms Factory In The Sky, we can expect a flood of misinformed media coverage. With that in mind, this would be a great time to read The Gun, C.J. Chivers’ excellent history of Kalashnikov and his invention, if you haven’t already.
I personally would like us to go back to British Rule. Perhaps if we hadn’t allowed these ‘ Colonial upstarts’ to get the upper hand, those ‘damn ‘ constitutionalists’, my family wouldn’t have been disenfranchised at the end of the Rev War and they wouldn’t have lost lands and money as a result. Margaret , you are why I decided not to go into Law. The only thing that you can do to draw attention to yourself and your second rate University , is to come to Connecticut, which is only one year out from the Sandy Hook Tragedy, and promote a repeal of the 2ND Amendment , something that would not have had any effect on that situation. Guns in the hands of any legitimate person, are a deterrent to crime and a deterrent to an abusive government , one whose actions lately have me more worried than ever that. The purpose of people like you is to sit in your academic towers, collecting out of proportion salaries and think of things to ‘do’ to your fellow citizens. You remind me of my local politicians who can’t sit still and who are constantly trying to think of other things to spend my tax on, always thinking up ‘new’ laws to make life ‘ better. Go back to your academic hole from where you came. And let me remind you, it was with a gun that one of my ancestors fought the Mexicans and got Texas as a part of this country. Without that gun , you would be speaking Spanish, smoking pot and living in a Mexican commune barefoot with eight kids. What a jerk.
With a current passport you’re free to fly there any time you want to for about 7 bills. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass!
Rawles…where the the baby eating cannibals come out to play. Who is heading to the new america when the SHTF? Oh yeah, only for God fearing people. Not those who are good natured…have to be a bible thumper.
I wish him well. If his time has come though, he has truly earned his rest. I’ll gladly take a sick day in his honor.
I think Mikhail may have gotten the old “May you live in interesting times” fortune cookie when he was young.
As far as I know, this gun was a G grade Parker, Damascus barrels as well as a hammer gun.
A similar Parker, in good shape, without this provenance might go… oh, I don’t know. Maybe $5K if the color casing is good on the lockwork and there’s still some pattern visible on the barrels.
What guns?
Lead (and other things) would be the response to the first letter.
I lusted forever and debated on which .22 handgun I wanted to put in my collection. I don’t care about the “fancy” or “exotics” – I like utilitarian. Built like a tank, dead-eyed accurate, and reliable as hell.
I picked one of these gems, and scored some well priced extra mags on eBay.
I paid $329.00 out the door for the UFX 5.5″ .
In this price range, there is not a better made .22 LR – PERIOD.
If you are on the fence, look intelligently at this plinker. It’s a fantastic tool!
He does know there are other reasons for tattoos right? The idea that a gun tattoo can lead to violence is ridiculous. I suppose he believes after school guitar lessons can help a gangbanger in Chicago suddenly get a job.
The chosen story about the 1911 for Mr. Lee was by far the most captivating of the entries I read. Good choice by TTAG.
I’d like this idea of registering printers to die a sudden and tragic death, as a concept. First off, the technology is such that you can use a 3D printer (registered or otherwise) to simply print the components for another 3D printer. Secondly, there is not way to tie a particular print to a particular printer. These two simple facts demonstrate how stupid this whole line of thinking is, and anyone proposing such legislative options is demonstrating an utter lack of imagination and knowledge of the medium.
I second the motion for b.s. and fail. Kept your biases in check in the class full of kids first encountering the subject in school? You can’t even keep biases in check in here before well educated adults who’ve lived these ideas and done serious thinking about them for decades.
Take the characterizations of the “pro-gun” kids: redneck and lazy, inattentive and intransigent, squirrely and conservative by parroting Fox-watching parents who allegedly cannot think for themselves (how would you know?) Redneck is a nasty racial and cultural slur. I notice nothing similar was used to describe the Italian or the pacifist who support further infringement.
The issues are rights and freedoms, so the position is pro-freedom, not “pro-gun.” The counter position is anti-freedom, not “pro-gun control.” Your biased labels couch the issues in terms of an inanimate object and obscure the inherent moral clarity involved.
Let’s look at those anti-freedom kids. They’re characterized as bright and polite, well spoken and well read, well versed and expressive. Funny how watching Fox News means one regurgitates conservatism, but reading CNN renders one well read. Funny how conservatism is merely “politics”, but liberalism is principled. Funny how the status of spree shooting sited as legally gun free zones shares credibility status as fact with the view that most Americans support expanded background checks. Most Americans cannot articulate what current background checks entail, let alone what nebulous proposals for expansion might look like. So that counterpoint hardly qualifies as a fact, for being incapable of any universal definition or identification.
I will give you one credit: at 23 and being a concealed carrier for 4+ years, you drove me to go look up minimum license ages. I expected it was 21 everywhere, except 18+ for military. Apparently it can be 18 across the board in a few states, including ones in the area where you grew up. So that’s an informational take-away. The rest, though, reveals a bias on your part that you have not begun to notice, let alone to
Give this guy an FN, and it’ll either end up in a gun “buy back” bin, or be used as a prop in a MAIG commercial bemoaning easy access to guns and titled “Close the Internet Essay Contest Loophole!”
I know a belly dancer around town who belly dances in a friend’s band, and she has DUAL revolver tattoos! She doesn’t need to tell someone ELSE to “DANCE!” 😉
The video game industry is clearly next on the hit list- nothing quite like seeing Gears of War and Call of Duty photographed like mags at a crime scene.
You’re going pheasant hunting with us and you brought a revolver?
A very entertaining cartoon that I saw recently is The Damn Few from
They have some awesome shirts also, one of the ones I got here –
The production value is kind of rough in the first few episodes, but the gun control episode is EPIC!!!!!!!! and like almost 30m long.
That PWS cartoon really does have an archer feel to it, could be funny, the darth vader accessories set cracked me up hard.