Joe Manchin West Virginia Shoots Bill Shotgun
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In the wake the assault on Paul Pelosi, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell and The Bulwark’s Charlie Sykes took time on the latter’s Tuesday show to ask “What the hell is wrong with these people.” “These people” referring to Republicans to highlight their “fetishization of violence,” which is MSNBC’s way of saying support for the Second Amendment in their campaign ads.

Mitchell began by crediting Sykes for the observation, “And Charlie, I just also want to shout out your piece, What the Hell is Wrong With These People, your Morning Shot on And I haven’t even raised the subject of some of the political ads where people are pulling out shotguns.”

The article contains no mention of ads with gun-wielding politicians, but Mitchell nevertheless continued, “You know, candidates, that the Republican head of the Republican campaign — Congressional Campaign Committee, in his re-election ad, pulling out guns and validating and exploiting violence in their ads against their opponents.”

Mitchell is referring to a tweet, not an ad, that as of Tuesday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports had less than 20,000 views, from Rep. Tom Emmer with a four second video with the caption, “Enjoyed exercising my Second Amendment rights with @KellyCooperAZ & General @JackBergman_MI1. 13 days to make history. Let’s #FirePelosi.”

That’s it. He didn’t shoot use a print out of Pelosi’s face as a target or even a piece of Democratic legislation. He didn’t say anything in the video. He simply tweeted “Fire Pelosi” while highlighting his support for the Second Amendment.

Using guns in ads is also something red state Democrats do to argue that they are a different sort of Democrat. The trend was so common in the last midterm that Business Insider ran a whole article on it.

— Alex Christy in MSNBC Asks ‘What the Hell Is Wrong With’ GOP, Alleges Violence Fetish

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    • It might be the best they can come up with for an October Surprise. The attacker was/is an illegal. Maybe that’s what they hired him for.

      • “The attacker was/is an illegal“

        Evidence to support your claim?

        Otherwise, it’s just empty speech propaganda.

        • Accused Paul Pelosi attacker was in US illegally on overstayed visa: sources

          The man accused of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer was in the country illegally, ICE sources told The Post Monday.
          An Immigrations and Customers Enforcement source told Fox News Monday that DePape is in the U.S. illegally after a “longtime” visa overstay.

    • An obvious deranged SF dwelling demtard/anarchist nudist the MSM attempt to morph into some kind of Conservative/Republican. Pathetic idiots.

      Andrea Mitchell must be at least 120yr old. RETIRE (and shut up) you irrelevant old marxist hag.

    • Poor poor DUI paul pelosi was at home alone with no means of self defense while nancy pelosi had an armed guard security detail at her disposal. And somehow with little known about the perp who attacked DUI paul every Republican in America is guilty of home invasion or planning on invading a democRat’s Nest. It’s nothing more than the desperate sleeezebag drama queen media attempting to save

    • “Lurch aka John Kerry“

      Ol’ Lurch there got a Silver Star, went back in under fire and rescued an SF trooper out of the drink, and got off the boat and killed some VC.

      Tell me keyboard commando, have you ever done any wet work for your country?

      Or is throwing same-sex insults from behind your sticky keyboard the extent of your combat experience?

      • Kerry put himself up for his “Silver Star” AND his Purple Hearts, the extent of the “HEROS” stay in country was a whole 4 months 12 days (a month of that was for training at Cam Rahn Bay) during which time he received three Hearts and requested to be stationed back in the states… I have done “wet work” as you put it, I spent 39 months in Vietnam, I was there at the same time Kerry was, I have a REAL Silver Star, a Bronze Star, Navy Comm w/v and three Purple Hearts, I chose to continue my service in Vietnam until I was no longer physically capable of continuing the fight… Kerry was such a HERO that he chose to cut and run leaving his boat crew behind.

        • It’s pointless to argue with that coward. He she or it isn’t capable of understanding what we went through. You forgot to mention that Kerry’s act of defiance, throwing medals across the fence, was that he threw someone else’s, not his own. Kerry was and is a g-d damned traitor.

        • Did not include the “act of defiance” because the scumbag requested a replacement of his “medals” and now proudly displays them as he runs the video he recorded of the area where his “heroic” activities occurred that HE recorded a week later. My only RECORDINGS of the fight that got me a Silver Star AND my first Purple Heart are in the movie “Full Metal Jacket”, I was too busy chasing/killing VC and NVA to go back and make a fucking video of the Citadel.

  1. This article reminds us of just how royally screwed-up some people’s minds are.

    Consider this quote where the author advances the false notion that Republican politicians are somehow encouraging their supporters to attack Democrat candidates:

    And I haven’t even raised the subject of some of the political ads where people are pulling out shotguns.

    In a rational person’s mind, a politician who exhibits a firearm in a campaign advertisement is conveying support for lawful use of that firearm in the hopes of winning the votes of people who like firearms. Nothing more and nothing less.

    Only an irrational and highly emotional person jumps to the baseless position that a politician who exhibits a firearm in their advertisement is encouraging supporters to attack political opponents.

    • “Only an irrational and highly emotional person [would believe anything these people say]. FIFY

      They aren’t trying to relay an honest analysis about anything. They wake up every morning and think, how are we going to attack the other side today? How are we going to push The Message today? They know their audience.

      • They wake up every morning and grab their “smart” phones to get their talking points and marching orders for the day, they don’t/can’t/are not permitted to “think” for themselves. That is why you hear the same garbage key words across all MSM all day long.

    • Oh the dims are pulling out the big gunz(🤪)in ILLannoy. There’s a myriad of ads whining at Republicans & showing them shooting America’s Rifle and handguns. All the while touting their baby butcher props. There’s hell to pay…I will NEVER give up my gunz!

      • I just saw Obama trying to get people to vote. He was talking to some feminine guy(?) TikTok influencer. He said, “you have to go vote because we have climate change legislation on the ballot. We’ve got gun safety, and…[elect us and we’ll] institute Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.”

        That’s how out of touch they are.

        • “institute Roe v. Wade as the law of the land.”

          That’s what the problem is, Roe v. Wade can’t constitutionally be the law of the land which is why SCOTUS over turned. Basically, the only reason it was instituted before was due to a very liberal ‘shoehorning’ to make it fit sort of in a ‘if you squint your eyes and the wind is blowing in the right direction’ creative argument way under the Fourteenth Amendment as an extension of a ‘right to privacy’ to say it was constitutionally protected.

          There was never actually a right to abortion that pro-abortion and now ‘Obama’ (indirectly) claims there was. It was just an extended fundamental ‘right to privacy’ that protected a pregnant woman’s liberty to abort her fetus that covered abortion due to the SCOTUS decision.

          The original Roe v. Wade SCOTUS decision held…

          “The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a fundamental “right to privacy” that protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to abort her fetus. This right is not absolute, and has to be balanced against the government’s interest in protecting women’s health and protecting prenatal life. Texas’s statutes making it a crime to procure an abortion violated this right.”

          “this right” was the right to privacy under the ‘Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment’

        • Sorry .40 cal, Roe v. Wade CAN be made the law of the land by appropriated federal legislation, just as it is legal in many states under state law. What SCOTUS said in overturning Roe is that it cannot be made the law of the land by judicial fiat. But just because it is not a constitutionally protected right does not mean that it cannot be a legislative granted privilege.

        • Sorry .40 cal, Roe v. Wade CAN be made the law of the land

          Yeah, they already took a shot at it, but it failed in the Senate in May… Braindead keeps talking his BS about an Executive Order but that would be challenged and immediately overturned by SCOTUS. Congress can make it a law but 60 votes in the Senate would be a major obstacle.

        • Obama is using ‘Roe v. Wade’ as a euphemism for abortion which is a euphemism for something else. He knows they have no chance of passing it (which means he’s being disingenuous). They just think that will rally the troops. By using a TikToker, he’s obviously trying to target a young audience.

        • @Mark N.

          I wasn’t saying its wasn’t law of the land by some method or reason. I was saying abortion its self is not a constitutional right.

          The decision did not make abortion a constitutional right. Its said..

          “The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides a fundamental “right to privacy” that protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to abort her fetus. …”

          Exercising a “liberty” does not mean its a constitutional right. All it did was say the exercise of that liberty was protected by a right to privacy clause in the constitution, not make abortion its self a constitutional right.

  2. So what else is new? Liberals are committing violence, their policies enable violent offenders to get out of jail to do it again. We talk about our 2 amendment rights and we are fetishizing violence? All you want is the low commoners to be defenseless you ignorant old hag.

    • The Democrats are masters of political violence. Ranging from good ol’ boys with shotguns loitering at or near voting places to deter “undesirables”, through the traditional white hoods and burning crosses, to “mostly peaceful protests” done by their antifa/blm stooges.

      • “The Democrats are masters of political violence. Ranging from good ol’ boys with shotguns loitering at or near voting places to deter “undesirables”

        I don’t think the gun toting intimidators in Arizona are Democrats:

        “Five recorded complaints obtained by ABC News occurred between Oct. 17 and Oct. 22, outside ballot drop boxes at 501 S. 3rd Ave. in Phoenix and at the Mesa Juvenile Court, both in Maricopa County. Most described an instance of groups of individuals loitering near the drop boxes, filming and photographing voters as they returned their ballots and in some cases, taking photographs of the voters’ license plates. One report described individuals dressed in “camo-clad gear” and photos from election officials show at least two armed individuals outside the Mesa drop box Friday.“

        So yes, it is conservative Republicans using the threat of gun violence to intimidate voters.

        • Sounds more like the they were using the “intimidation of discovery” to keep someone from “dumping” a shitload of phony ballots in a drop box, kind of like the Black Panthers “protecting” polling places in Philadelphia while brandishing clubs.

  3. Can we talk about “no justice no peace” or “make a crowd” or “civility will return when we win” yet? What about the Congressional Baseball Game Shooting?

  4. Andria Michael is just part of the Democrat state media propaganda group. They serve the Party like the political officers the KGB use to put on board Soviet ships and in other military positions. She serves no purpose other than to try to push the viewpoint of the Democrat party. Eventually she will find herself in the dust bin of history with Chris Cuomo and all the other useless Democrat party propaganda nitwits just like the old party officials of the Communist party.

  5. Republicans – I support the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights = Violent Racist Homophobes

    Democrats – I support Race Riots, Burning Cities, Murder and Letting Criminals go Free = Social Justice & Equality

    The Media – We do what it takes to help Democrats Gain and Maintain Power = Reality

  6. Don’t look at the leftists torching police cars and buildings, shooting up Republicans at baseball practice, stealing red hats from kids, running teenagers over, ambushing cops, making statements to your constituents like “you chase them down and tell them they don’t belong!”

    Instead look at this naked drug addled hippy adorned with rainbows and BLM symbolism because he’s emblematic of right-wing extremism run amok.

    That logic is flawless to all twelve of MSNBC’s viewers.

    Oh, and January 6. Always January 6. Shitting in a bureaucrats desk is a threat to democracy.

    • San Fran is MAGA country, just like Chicago. In San Fran, they tend to be nudist druggies. In Chicago, they’re usually MAGA hat wearing black dudes looking to beat up gay actors. The more you know…

      In completely unrelated news, Democrats continue insulting everyone’s intelligence.

  7. If this had been a Republican howling in public to go after homosexuals in restaurants or other public spaces? There would have been 200 well written opinion pieces, condemning the statements of those Christian Republicans. And yet nothing was written against congresswoman Waters by any Libertarian Liberal or Leftist.

    But they sure do speak up and support the Klu Klux Klan. They sure do speak up for the national socialists in Skokie Illinois.

    And this is why you have so many conservatives calling for a national divorce. And it doesn’t have to be a violent one. We just peacefully go our separate ways. They’re already working peacefully on that, in portions of eastern Oregon right now.

    “Rep. Waters on Trump administration: ‘Tell them they’re not welcome'” 1 min long

  8. I have mentioned it before and it bears repeating:

    Many people in the world operate on irrational and emotional brain processes. And the process is quite simple. Consider Nervous Nellie who crosses paths with Jane Doe:

    Nervous Nellie forms a very strong opinion of Jane Doe based on how much Jane Doe is like herself. If they are very similar, Nervous Nellie considers Jane Doe part of her “tribe”. If Jane Doe is different, then Nervous Nellie decides that Jane Doe is an “other”.

    The really destructive dynamic follows:
    If you are part of Nervous Nellie’s “tribe”, by definition virtually anything and everything that your “tribe” does to an “other” is okay. And, by definition, virtually anything and everything that an “other” does to your “tribe” is wrong.

    And that dynamic permeates everything in the lives of such irrational and emotional people. That is why the person in this article claims that Republican candidate advertisements where the candidate exhibits firearms are calls to violent attacks. Why? Because those Republican candidates are “others” and by definition virtually everything they do is “wrong”.

    • And we know what they plan to do to “those other people”. Dacian and Miner think liquidating a third of the nation’s population will bring social justice and equity to the masses.

  9. I’m a Republican who would have been glad to see Paul Pelosi smoke the whack job that broke into his home. Democrats cannot understand that you need a gun to fight off the bad guy until police arrive. Pelosi survived purely by dumb luck.

    • If the husband of Nancy Pelosi had shot a home invader? The result would have been a demand for Nancy Pelosi to resign from office. By the local liberal and left-wing crazies.

      The Liberals and the Left simply do not believe you have a right to use deadly force to defend yourself under any circumstances. Including inside your own home.

  10. Ever notice it’s only the far right nut case Republicans that are always advocating violence with guns against liberals, democrats and of course the government and even against fellow republicans like Mike Pence and the deceased war hero John McCain. The Trumpite Republican sycophants are truly low life filth.

    Notice the outright crass comments by the jack booted storm trooper Republicans when Nancy Pelosi’s husband was almost killed. It shows you what full blown jackbooted terrorists they all are.

    The Republican Party has become so crazed that if President Eisenhower were alive today they would call him a communist and try to lynch him.

    Look at what despicable behavior the sycophant Trumpite Republicans committed against John McCain, even after he had died. They are truly the low life scumbags of the U.S.

    • Did YOU ever notice that it’s always the far LEFT nutcases that actually DO carry out attacks against Republicans with guns and other weapons? From the assassinations and attempted assassinations of Presidents to the beating of a local kid just passing out flyers putting him in the hospital and the lunatic left wing illegal alien that attacked Paul Pelosi. The full story on the Pelosi matter is yet to be told and when it is (yes it will all come out) you might just look like an even bigger fool (if that is possible). Pence is a wishy-washy RINO and McCain was a phony, traitor sell-out as well as a RINO. Stay in your lane dacy-boy you are way out of your depth on this one.

      • to Mad Man

        quote———-McCain was a phony, traitor sell-out ——-quote

        You really need to see a psychiatrist.

        • You really need to see a psychiatrist.

          You really need to study “facts” before you attempt to impress your “truths” upon others… OBTW: My shrink says YOUR shrink is a quack…

      • “the lunatic left wing illegal alien that attacked Paul Pelosi“

        More lies to support your delusional narrative.

        Just making the conspiracy claim does not somehow imbue your assertion with validity, you wouldn’t know the truth if you were kneeling in front of it.

        • MADDMAXX November 3, 2022 At 09:10
          Your comment is awaiting moderation
          More lies to support your delusional narrative. Just making the conspiracy claim does not somehow imbue your assertion with validity

          I didn’t make ANY “conspiracy claim”, as for DePape being an illegal.
          The man accused of attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer was in the country illegally, ICE sources told The Post Monday

          Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin reported Monday afternoon: “Per ICE source, David DePape, the suspect accused of beating Paul Pelosi in his home with a hammer after breaking in, is currently in the U.S. illegally as a ‘longtime’ visa overstay.”
          “Lunatic/Left Wing? DePape supported BLM, Antifa, LGBTQRMJXYZ and he attacked an old man with a fucking hammer “IN FRONT OF THE COPS” sounds pretty much Left Wing AND lunatic to me…
          As for “kneeling in front of something/someone? You are probably way more experienced at that than I am,,, And YOU of all people should NEVER accuse someone else of lying.

          WOW, moderated? that almost NEVER happens…

    • And it was the far left who were conducting “mostly peaceful protests” with arson, looting, assault, and murder. The same who set up criminal sanctuary areas, err autonomous zones, and ambushed police. The same who will cry racism when businesses pack up and leave for safer locations.

      You need to get out of the basement, or Revolution Command Central, and see the real world. It may not meet your twisted vision.

      So what does your antifa troop plan to do after the midterms? Guaranteed either way it will be another “mostly peaceful protest”.

    • Ignore the fact he is BLM devotee and a supporter of the Alphabet groups!!!

      He attended BERKELY, hot bed of MARXISM!!!

      He was a “FRIEND” of the family!!!!

      He was an “ILLEGAL ALIEN”!!!

      • Even after the BLM leadership made a video (on YouTube) thanking George for his sacrifice and how much it enriched them personally and their lifestyles.

        No wonder more than 25 BLM chapters are suing the management about how funds are distributed.

        Pass the popcorn. Nothing life a good factional dispute.

    • “Ever notice it’s only the far right nut case Republicans that are always advocating violence with guns against liberals, democrats and of course the government and even against fellow republicans like Mike Pence and the deceased war hero John McCain. The Trumpite Republican sycophants are truly low life filth.”

      Who exactly advocating this violence? Are you taking statements in full context or partial context? Is this violence in a defensive or offensive role?

      Scalise may beg to differ, Mr Pelosi may as well. Maybe the words of leaders of the Democratic Party should also calm their rhetoric as well. Maxine Waters, Spkr Pelosi, the squad and several others have made more direct threats than a weak minded individuals perceived threat from an advertisement showing lawful uses of firearms. For sure he didn’t say to get in their face with a firearm and say they are not welcome anywhere.

      You do know McCain fought against communist’s and socialists when he was an aviator? He fought against your world view, and was tortured without remorse by those who think like you. You do not get to call him a hero, his military career was the anthesis to your beliefs. Your fake praise on him rings as hollow as your ideology.

      • “You do know McCain fought against communist’s and socialists when he was an aviator?“

        No, he fought against fascists, masquerading as communists and socialists.

        And it was a fascist who publicly attacked his meritorious wartime service, when Donald Trump said he was “only a hero because he had been captured”.

        John McCain was captured because he was flying the high-risk missions to downtown Hanoi, and he endured years of torture in the Hanoi Hilton.

        Unlike Donald Trump, who publicly stated that avoiding venereal disease in New York City in the 70s with his “personal Vietnam”.

        The fact that you folks revere this traitorous draft dodger as the greatest American president is quite revealing, ‘ye shall know them by the company they keep’.

        You wouldn’t know what patriotism was if you were kneeling before it.

        • Again with the gay sex references, miner. Kinda revealing of your mindset.

          Yes. Fascism won out. Communism and social-lism have not existed for generations now. Corporations bought them out. You and dacian serve your corporate masters with zeal.

          You’re a good employee, miner.

        • You wouldn’t know what patriotism was if you were kneeling before it.

          Getting real familiar with “kneeling before it” thing aren’t you?

        • “No, he fought against fascists, masquerading as communists and socialists.”

          Ho Chi Minh was a Marxist-Leninists. Are you equating that ideology as fascist’s?

          “And it was a fascist who publicly attacked his meritorious wartime service, when Donald Trump said he was “only a hero because he had been captured”.”

          When Trump said that I was opposed to his opinion. Trump was far from a Fascist. If you understood what that ideology involves you would understand your error.

          “John McCain was captured because he was flying the high-risk missions to downtown Hanoi, and he endured years of torture in the Hanoi Hilton.”

          I read the book, and parts of his ordeal were modules during the SERE course. I may have more of an understanding than you about what he endured.

          “Unlike Donald Trump, who publicly stated that avoiding venereal disease in New York City in the 70s with his “personal Vietnam”.”

          I don’t know how old you are. Were you of combat age during any of our wars? Did you serve or avoid service? I don’t excuse what Trump did during the draft, just as I don’t excuse those who went to Canada or did things to avoid the draft. If you have disdain for Trumps actions, do that disdain to extend to all the rest who did the same thing?

          “The fact that you folks revere this traitorous draft dodger as the greatest American president is quite revealing, ‘ye shall know them by the company they keep’.”

          You folks? Is that like saying “You people”?

          Treason is a capital offense. To make such an accusation is something not to do lightly. Do you have proof of the treason and do you have a witness to it?

          In all of my posts here I have never stated I revere the former POTUS. You are putting words in mouth I have never said. There are things I believe he did right and things he did wrong. I also know much of what he said was taken out of context intentionally by people who are blinded by irrational hatred. Of course many of them really loved Trump when he was giving campaign donations to them, people like HRC.

          “You wouldn’t know what patriotism was if you were kneeling before it.”

          I was 17 years and 5 days old when I took an Oath to serve and did so for 21 years. An Oath that to keep may have meant my death and I took it knowing this. What have you done for your Country beyond advocating for principles that are anti American? This is a Republic with Democratic practices. No a Marxists or a far left State. Have you ever done anything that could have meant grave bodily harm or death for your Country?

          Don’t preach to me about patriotism if you have never sacrificed for your fellow countrymen.

        • FormerParatrooper, miner is a stay-behind jody-puke who never lifted a finger for this country nor anyone but himself. He lounged around his mom’s basement, eating cheetos and beating his meat while some of us were fighting for our country and spouting bs about how he was “too good” to serve in the military. He wouldn’t know patriotism if it kicked him in the ass.

  11. I guess they were asleep when leftist in blue cities attacked everyone from innocent bystanders to political entities. They also forget the left were allowed to protest and try to intimidate Supreme Court justices for weeks before they finally sent help to disburse the protesters. One of the main tactics of the Left is to use what is a psychological term “projection”. People who project and the Democrats do it all the time, is that they ascribe to others the behaviors that they perform themselves. Cases in point, supporting violence during the blue city riots and not accepting help, telling you to wear a mask and isolate and then being caught blatantly doing exactly what they have told you not to do. People need to start to understand how dangerous these people really are. Those who listen to the main stream media and simply regurgitate what they are hearing have become totally misguided
    and have abrogated their ability to use their own common sense, logic, ethics and morals if they even had those things to start with. Stalin had it right when he referred to those who blindly followed him and believed what he said as “useful idiots”. We have far too many of them in our country today who continually respond to the Left with “yes masta”.

    • I guess they were asleep when leftist in blue cities attacked everyone from innocent bystanders to political entities.

      Nah, they call that Tuesday…


  13. Charlie Sykes’ opinion goes where the money is.

    He really is a Sykes, in the Alien Nation TV show sense.

  14. I am a supporter of the Four Boxes Diner, a Constitutional lawyer who has expertise in our rights

  15. When a democrat/communist touches a gun it is either to shoot someone he disagrees with, or pose for a photo op trying to convince the stupid people that he is an American. For me, the worst example was when Kerry was running and they had him walking around with a shotgun over his shoulder like he was hunting. The phoneyness was unbelievable.

  16. “For me, the worst example was when Kerry was running and they had him walking around with a shotgun over his shoulder like he was hunting. The phoneyness was unbelievable“

    It seems John Kerry actually is an experienced Hunter… Of the enemies of America.

    “Kerry earned his Silver Star later in February when he jumped onto the beach from his boat to chase and shoot a guerrilla who had a rocket launcher and who, Kerry thought, was about to fire a rocket at Kerry’s boat. According to the Boston Globe, another member of the crew on Kerry’s boat – Frederic Short, with whom Kerry had not talked for 34 years until being contacted by the Globe reporter – confirmed the account and said there was no doubt Kerry’s action saved the boat and crew.

    Republican Sen. John Warner, who was Under Secretary of the Navy at the time, said there was careful checking for the Silver Star award and “I think we best acknowledge that his heroism did gain that recognition.”

    A third Purple Heart and Bronze Star was awarded in March 1969 when Kerry’s boat took fire, sending a man overboard. Kerry, who said his injuries came from an underwater mine, returned to pull the man to safety and to assist another damaged boat. Jim Rassmann, the man who fell overboard, confirmed the account in a detailed article in the Wall Street Journal. But other sworn statements say there was no hostile fire and Kerry’s wounds came from his negligently throwing a grenade into a rice pile.“

    • Kerry would not be the first war hero to sell out. Won’t be the last. Why you praising someone from the nations military that you despise? You suddenly down with the whole Military Industrial Complex?

    • no hostile fire and Kerry’s wounds came from his negligently throwing a grenade into a rice pile.

      Commonly used by cowards to get out of combat, Kerry’s crew hated him and were scared to death that he would get them killed, they would say/do anything to get his “boot” ass away from them. As a member of a prominent Boston family NO newspaper in Massachusetts was going to bad mouth him. John Kerry is a liar, a phony, and an award-winning POS, just the kind of guy YOU would look up to… Kerry was put up as the “poster boy” Zumwalt needed to boost morale… Silver Star requires at least TWO eyewitness accounts and a corroborating “after action report” none of which existed in this case, so much for “thoroughly vetting” THAT Silver Star… Warner: “John, did that REALLY happen? Kerry: Why yes John, yes it did…

    • Kerry’s’ service does not make him a hunter. What Kerry did, the lies he told to Congress about what he “witnessed” in Country betray everything he may have done before that testimony.

      For a real hero look up Rocky Versace. That man was a hero, he embodied patriotism and leadership.

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