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Moms Demand Action Founder Shannon Watts Announces She’s Retiring

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Shannon Watts, the PR executive who disingenuously presented herself as just another midwestern mom who was OUTRAGED by gun violence, founded the infelicitously named Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America after the Sandy Hook shooting. She spun up the anti-gun rights advocacy org, thanks to endless tongue baths plenty of favorable coverage from the like-minded media.

The Hoplophobic Harridan in Chief then sold Moms Demand Action off in 2013 to gun control impresario Michael Bloomberg for an undisclosed amount. She’s been on Mayor Mike’s Everytown payroll ever since — frequently protected by men with guns — as a reliable, red-shirted sock puppet, talking up due-process-free red flag laws, gun bans, magazine capacity limits, confiscations, and any other abrogation of Second Amendment rights that popped into her telegenic head.

Shannon Watts

Until now. Bloomberg announced her departure with some tweets this afternoon . . .

He linked to a conveniently-timed WaPo hagiography announcing her departure . . .

Compare this pic to the one immediately above. Shannon’s used some of those Bloombucks to get some work done and it hasn’t really been a good thing.

From the WaPo article . . .

“I have asked myself, honestly, every year since I started this organization: Is it time for me to step back and let other people step forward?” Watts, 52, said in an exclusive interview with The Washington Post to announce her decision. “And I think this is the right time.”

Gosh, why do you suppose that is? Why now? Surely she could have gone on, collecting piles of Bloombucks, year after year. And the WaPo dutifully touts her advocacy prowess, claiming her influence has eclipsed that of the NRA’s over the last ten years.

Although she denies opposing the Second Amendment, gun-rights groups have long portrayed her as an enemy of the Constitution who wants legal weapons confiscated. In its many denunciations, the NRA has called her a “#2A-hating lobbyist,” accused her of promoting “nearly every gun control measure” and described her Twitter feed as a “fevered anti-gun stream-of-consciousness.”

So why quit then?

Maybe Watts, who isn’t stupid, has surveyed the gun control landscape and decided that now is actually a very good time to get the hell out of the gun control business. Being an advocate for limiting Americans’ Second Amendment rights in a post-Bruen world isn’t nearly as much fun as it used to be. Gun control laws are facing unprecedented challenges from all sides and adverse court opinions (see here, here, and here for just a few) are incoming at an almost head-spinning rate.

Or maybe she’s taken an honest look back over the last decade of her work as a prominent cog in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex and realized that in that span, constitutional carry has expanded from four to twenty-five states. It seems that Americans simply don’t agree with her and have moved decicively in the other direction.

With anti-gun advocacy as effective as that, maybe the pro-gun should think about pooling its resources to make her an offer she can’t refuse, just to keep doing what she’s been doing.

The WaPo, which clearly got an exclusive on the story, goes on and on (and on) singing her praises, but concludes with this:

In 2018, she traveled to Portland, Ore., for a gathering of Moms Demand volunteers, and when she walked into the meeting room in her red T-shirt, a woman at the front asked her to sign-in, so she did.

“Could you help us set up chairs?” the woman asked next.

“Sure,” Watts replied, and she did that, too.

The interaction, she said, was thrilling.

“She had no idea who I was,” Watts recalled. “And I thought, ‘This is what a healthy organization looks like.’ It isn’t about me. It is about them.”

Can you even believe that there’s anyone who didn’t know who Shannon Watts was?

For now, let’s all take a moment to bid her a fond farewell, though we’re sure she isn’t gone for good. She likely has a lucrative job in academia or fellowship at a lefty think tank lined up. Or maybe she has plans for a run for elected office. Whatever the future holds, we haven’t heard the last of Shannon Watts.

0 thoughts on “Moms Demand Action Founder Shannon Watts Announces She’s Retiring”

  1. Retiring from what, a weekly 10 minute fluff interview with an LSDNBC presstitute?

    Seems a pretty easy way to make 7 figures.

  2. lol
    so powerful and effective that more people own more guns legally than ever before in the history of this nation.

    All that money and effort…
    Half this country has permitless carry. I would certainly call that powerful and effective.

    Gun control laws and restrictions falling left and right (almost by the week).

    Then there is the national joke that is Beto.

    obviously worth her weight in gold

  3. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. She was retired by Bruen, just smart enough to realize it.

    • “She was retired by Bruen, just smart enough to realize it.”

      That’s my bet…. 🙂

  4. I bet someone explained to her in great detail what the ‘Bruen’ decision really means for her beloved ‘gun safety’ legislation, and wisely decided to jump off that sinking ship before her name got associated with that upcoming carnage.

    She will pop up somewhere, maybe at Dirk Diggler’s feet servicing him… 🙂

  5. Bloomie finally realized that all the money he paid her got exactly zero return on investment. He cut his losses.

    • i would strongly prefer her replacement to be massively ineffective and ten times as obnoxious and abrasive.

      And I’d rather the door NOT hit her where the Good Lord split her. I’ve got a size fourteeen logger’s caulk boot I think she deserves. Right there.

      I’m quite certain that at some point in her disgustong career she has “mis-spoken” a time or three when under oath. There is a word for that. takes seven letters to spell. It is also a crime, generally a felony.

  6. Here’s your hat, what’s your hurry? I think we can all agree she will be missed by Mom’s Demand Attention, and not many other places.

      • Oh no, you can’t defile the amazing Psycho Dad by lumping him in with this vapid goofball!

        Who’s that riding into the sun?
        Who’s the man with the itchy gun?
        Who’s the man who kills for fun?

        Psycho Dad,
        Psycho Dad,
        Psycho Dad.

        He sleeps with a gun
        but he loves his son
        Killed his wife ‘cos she weighed a ton.
        He’s Psycho Dad!

  7. Moms Demand Action was allegedly formed to help stop gun violence. You go to their site and it’s stated in big red letters: “Together, we will end gun violence.” They need to remove “violence” and just say – “Together, we will end guns.” Because that’s what they really want. They can’t even be honest about their stated mission. They are liars to the core.

    In 2020, which is the most recent year for gun deaths I can find, there was 43% increase for gun deaths vs a decade ago (i.e., when Moms Demand Action was formed.)

    Great job!

    She’ll fail upward to a seven-figure salary.

  8. Just the facts ma’am. New York, Chicago,LosAngeles, Philadelphia, all have the strictest gun control and the highest # of murders. Good job. President Xi will remember your service.

  9. It sounds similar to Tricia O’Neil going to a Star Trek convention after appearing as Captain Garrett in YESTERDAY’S ENTERPRISE. She was standing in line to buy tickets when someone recognized her. She promptly became guest of honor. Of course I liked her best as Angie in THE GUMBALL RALLY.

  10. Don’t you have to actually have done something in order to retire from it?
    Maybe she’ll be joining cry baby Kinzinger on CNN. They are direly short of leftists after all.
    Or, maybe now she’ll just be getting action, on her back.

  11. Why does she look like she was dropped on her head multiple times? Seriously, her head is mis-shapen. I see it every time I look at a photo of her. You can’t look like that anywhere other than a circus mirror. Maybe that’s it – the media uses a special lens filter to warp her like that.

    • She’s just trying to stay focus on the teleprompter so she knows what bloomberg wants her to say. So her head faces camera, but her eyes puts the word sounds into her head

  12. Vapid and somewhat dim to start with, she looks like someone recovering from having been slapped in the face by an airbag. Not as bad as Meg Ryan was but in the same way. Most women are better off not screwing around with their faces.

  13. The woman is a monster.

    While working for Monsanto:

    1. Killed and disabled and endangered thousands of children-women-men by pushing a Monsanto product in a South American country that caused death, birth defects, disability, and serious permanent disabling health injury, and knowing full well the danger and what was happening purposely defended and kept pushing the product making her directly responsible as well.

    2. Promoted glyphosate used in kids breakfast, knowing it was a dangerous known cancer causing agent.

    3. Defended Monsantos dangerous and deadly products knowing they were dangerous and deadly thus showed no consideration for the victims’ health, safety, or physical and emotional suffering in choosing to defend Monsanto.

    All while collecting a healthy paycheck and bonuses and promotions and gleefully smiling about it and rejoicing.

    The woman literally has a higher kill and injury victim count more than all the violent crime victims in the United States in the last 20 years, and more than 10,000 times the firearms accidents or suicides or child injury/death (often wrongly) attributed to law abiding gun owners firearms in the last 20 years.

    The woman is the very face of evil.

    Its been said that more people tend to die after they retire, lets hope its true in this case so the world will be rid of this evil incarnation of Josef Mengele.

    • correction: “…and more than 10,000 times the firearms accidents or suicides or child injury/death (often wrongly) attributed to law abiding gun owners firearms in the last 20 years.”

      should have been

      and more than 1,000 times (collectively) the firearms accidents and suicides and child injury/death (often wrongly and falsely) attributed to law abiding gun owners firearms in the last 20 years.

    • Clarification for: “…more than all the violent crime victims in the United States in the last 20 years…”

      victims of those criminals prosecuted AND convicted in court.

  14. “Maybe Watts, who isn’t stupid, has surveyed the gun control landscape and decided that now is actually a very good time to get the hell out of the gun control business.

    Or maybe she’s taken an honest look back over the last decade of her work as a prominent cog in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex and realized that in that span, constitutional carry has expanded from four to twenty-five states. It seems that Americans simply don’t agree with her and have moved decicively in the other direction.”

    Shes doing what she always does.

    Her past pre-anti-gun history shows the same pattern. Once the going gets tough she runs away to do something else. Shes a professional ‘con-man’ and agitator and liar and that’s what they do – they con and agitate and lie for the money and status it brings and once the tide starts changing they run away to do something else.

    • It was just another PR job. Build the brand, say whatever needed to be said, stay in the news cycle, get donations, get paid, etc. Maybe she does eat, sleep and dream gun control, or maybe she just took advantage of the opportunity.

      Gun control is basically just political lobbying, I think it’s hard to maintain passion and motivation among the real grass roots, you don’t really get anything back unless you get warm fuzzies from “saving the world with your superior ideals!” otherwise you need to be on the payroll or a politician getting power from it.

      Guns are still a tangible, enjoyable tool and a hobby, and something that can be used in a very broad number of hobbies and pursuits. You don’t even have to know or care about gun rights issues to enjoy and use guns. People mostly only get activated on gun rights when pushed by the threat of losing them. If there was no gun control push people would only focus on guns as a hobby and occasional self defense tool.

  15. “Can you even believe that there’s anyone who didn’t know who Shannon Watts was?”

    I would say dacian, Miner49er, Albert LJ Hall … but their own stupid and confirmation bias didn’t let them see that her and all the other anti-gun outspoken public figures have been lying to them with their words and studies and rhetoric.

  16. “The Hoplophobic Harridan in Chief then sold Moms Demand Action off in 2013 to gun control impresario Michael Bloomberg for an undisclosed amount. ”

    Of course she did. That’s what she does, and its a work career pattern with her. Shes a professional ‘con-man’, agitator, and liar. She cons and agitates and lies to push and build something for the money and status.

  17. Why the ‘capitalisation’ of OUTRAGE in the opening comment as if it’s out of order?? If I lived in the USA I’d be bloody ‘outraged’ by the level of Gun Crime as well and so would any sane person in the civilised world.
    Is nobody allowed to be outraged because they happen to disagree with you stance on Gun Control measures?

    • @Albert LJ Hall

      “Why the ‘capitalisation’ of OUTRAGE in the opening comment as if it’s out of order??”

      Its “OUTRAGE” in caps because that’s how she used to write it when she was screaming in writing. She was kinda known for that. You really have no idea who Watts is do you.

    • Prince Albert, the Fake-Limey, Fake-Military Wanking Poofter,

      “If I lived”???? AYFKMRN???? You live in your mommy’s basement, probably somewhere like Baltimore, and you’ve never handled a real firearm in your life, you f*** liar.

      Go expire in an excavation, lying s***weasel.

    • Well Albert, when you remove the top five Dem cities (99.9% shootings by blacks) the US is 179th for gun related homicides instead of 3rd. So if we deport all Blacks in those Dem infested cities, that would be the instant solution, correct? And neve mind the endless murders in Africa and the Middle East (like Yemen), all the non-firearm murders (mostly by edges weapons) in dozens of countries, including the UK. In Africa and the ME most murders are by Muslims against Christians. Recently there was another mass shooting in Russia. Chechen Muslims have killed hundreds in Russia with real AK47s (i.e. full auto, unlike what one may buy here in the US). You seem to be oblivious to actual facts.

    • Albert L J Hall. we are outraged that you and your Leftist duds, are not outraged about the real cause of “gun crime”. It is the violent criminal. When will you be willing to do something about them? And about the mental health crisis? Are you outraged about the stabbing death and multiple people wounded in the stabbings in Paris a couple of days ago?

  18. So, what exactly did she achieve?
    Or was it the realization that more and more women are buying guns for self-defense and the base she once counted on was drying up?

  19. However much of a lying, grifting piece of dog excrement Shannon Watts was (and she WAS), she was effective in generating column inches of ridiculous lies and endless minutes of “interviews” with compliant MSM lying “journalists”. Recognize her accomplishments, however evil they were.

    She was there as a convenient, SOMEWHAT ‘photogenic’, SOMEWHAT ‘relatable’ public face for “reasonable gun control”. And at that, she succeeded. Did she ever utter a word of truth in her entire, lying, grifting life?? NO. Did she ever hesitate a moment to lie on camera with a straight face? Nope. So, as much of a complete lying, grifting s***weasel as she was . . . she was a GOOD lying, grifting s***weasel.

    May she rot in peace, and silently. She will not be missed, by ANYONE (even the MSM will replace her tomorrow, probably with some other s***bag like David “Camera” Hogg.

    Shannon, how can we miss you if you won’t go away???

  20. Due to economic downturns in Bloombugs organization ,he had to lay her off . LOL
    Im thinkin dealth threats got the best of her . That and she knows she cant win against the 2A world.

    Still waiting for my retirement party invite !

  21. I honestly cannot think of a more despicable person than someone who makes millions violating someone’s constitutional rights. Maybe child molesters…but the left wants to normalize that as well. I would call her a pig, but that would be an insult to pigs. Just sayin’…


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