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Can’t you just feel the MOM-entum? If you’ve been busy having a life, you probably didn’t know that Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America held a big Bloomberg-funded “leadership bootcamp” and sleepover in Denver this weekend. That means that between the all the pillow fights, doing each other’s hair, making prank calls and playing light as a feather, stiff as a board, attendees spent most of their time lying to each other about how much influence the group really has. And, being the practiced PR flack that she is, Mayor Mike’s most telegenic employee, Shannon Watts, made sure to lie a lot to the local media, who dutifully spouted her spoon-fed falsehoods . . .

CBS Denver intro’d their report by saying the moms were “instrumental in passing sweeping gun control in Colorado.” Funny, the way we remember last year’s hijinks, it was the pre-Everytown Mayors Against Illegal Guns that sent its minions into the Centennial State to twist arms and pass out cash, both to get the gun control laws passed and then to try to save legislators’ jobs in the subsequent recall elections. The Moms were nowhere to be found.

And, uh, “two million supporters?” By what measure? The Moms don’t even have 200,000 Facebook likes, let alone one tenth that number of actual “members.”

As for “convincing national chains like Target, Starbucks, Chipotle and Chili’s to change their policies regarding guns in their establishments,” all any of those firms did was issue artfully-worded press releases politely suggesting that their customers might think about maybe leaving their guns at home before they shop.

Finally, here’s a heads up — don’t read the following quote from Shannon while drinking or eating anything:

“We’re not anti-gun. We support the Second Amendment, but we believe that with rights come responsibilities.”

Hey, we warned you….

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    • Except he wasn’t controlled opposition. Just exercising his rights, only to have them violated.

    • If MDA did pay that long-gun-open-carrying teen, then that was money poorly spent. “Poorly” as in the recent video of the unarmed woman vs. invading, homicidal ex.

      The Aurora teen (18) was doing nothing illegal. In fact, openly carrying a long gun was the only way that adult could lawfully carry a firearm for self defense in Colorado. Well, unless he could find a close family member who would supply him with a handgun.

      • Well, just to point it out, they do have an excellent track record with poorly spending money.

    • Pew found that 65% of American women think gun murder is up over the past 20 years, and 30% think it is “about the same.”

      Pew found only 5% of American women think gun murder is down (that is the the correct answer, gun murder has in fact plunged by 50%). Other studies show views on firearms law directly vary with the perception of threat of violence.

      Women are not generally dumber or less informed than men, but on firearms law and trends they hold many rigid views that are objectively false.

      I was a dinner two nights ago in DC. The hostess is an attorney with the DOJ (anti discrimination, not crime, but still an attorney at DOJ). Someone mentioned the nullification of DC carry law. I mentioned that gun murder had gone down nationally. She and the three other women at the table denied it and all asserted gun murder was up. In fact another woman, a professor economics at Georgetown, and presumably herself with a PHD that includes some background in statistics, social science, blurted:”That is just an NRA lie, just turn on the news, murder is rising ever since Reagan.”

      That is why they are targeted by Bloomberg. They have done their homework. They know 95% of Americans women, even educated ones, have a FLAT EARTH science denial view on the central core fact, risk, and are exploiting that.

      • I was [at] a dinner two nights ago in DC.

        I knew exactly what was coming as soon as I saw that. Surprising? No. The “cocktail crowd” of GSes and SESes have their ideas from college, and no amount of reality from outside the Beltway is going to change them. Ever. THAT’s why the Government is a dysfunctional, corrupt mess.

    • Why does no one ever ask Shannon Watts — and everyone else who proclaims, “I support the 2nd Amendment, but –” any follow-up questions?

      Questions like:
      – Exactly how do you support the 2nd Amendment?
      – What gun rights do you support, specifically?
      – In your view, what are the limits as to what type and number of guns a person can own under the 2nd Amendment?
      – In your view, what are the limits as to type, number, venue and circumstances in which a person may carry a legally owned gun?
      – In your view, who should not own a gun under the 2nd Amendment (or even under “reasonable regulation” as you see it)?
      – In your view, under what circumstances may a person’s legally owned guns be taken away? Under what circumstances may they be returned to their owner?
      – In your view, when, where, and under what circumstances may someone defend herself* with a gun?
      – What gun-control measures do you specifically not support?

      And finally, perhaps most important…

      – In your view, and considering your support of the 2nd Amendment, please provide a complete description of the “reasonable” and “common-sense” gun laws not currently on the books that you seek to enact, with supporting data for each. Please include an evidence-based rationale using acceptable sources and data formats (e.g., no 23-year-old felon gangbanger “‘child’ gun victims,” “school shootings” consisting of 2 a.m. drug murders several blocks from an urban community college annex, etc.). Please include projections of the positive impact on safety, reduction in deaths, crime, and injury, etc. Please also include in your calculations any loss of life, injury or financial loss related to any reduction in law-abiding citizens’ ability to defend themselves legally as a result of your proposals. Please also justify your proposals in light of the ongoing overall drop in gun-related deaths nationwide, as well as the ongoing overall drop in violent crime nationwide. Be sure to include everything you want, along with a binding promise that if your measures were to be accepted and not generate the results you desire, you will endorse their repeal with all of the zeal and pageantry with which you pursue your current agenda.

      * usage of feminine pronoun not indicative of sexism, misogyny, or any -ism or -gyny.

  1. Ouch uhh Dan buddy could you please throw a warnin in for those of us that dip chew or smoke next time? Please. That triggered the damnedest coughin fit.

    • “Finally, here’s a heads up — don’t read the following quote from Shannon while drinking or eating anything:”

      In fairness, he *did* warn you…

  2. I know what a mother is. I’ve got a good example. My mom. She’s not foolish enough to think that if her sons are disarmed that they will be somehow magically safe.

    These are not Moms. They are histrionic little girls in the bodies of grown women, being used by a jackass billionaire to stir up more fear and irrational panic among their easily frightened and cowed ilk.

    A real mom is a woman with iron in her soul, willing to wade through blood and shit and pain and misery and hardship to take care of her kids and show them love. She’s willing to do what it takes to keep them safe, and will not hesitate to lay down fire and thunder and death to protect them. This is the woman who took care of me, and I am saddened to look around and see her kind becoming harder and harder to find.

    • Yup. As a baby the family cat cut my face open pretty bad once. She took it out back and shot it in head the after she was done tending to me. That’s what a mother is supposed to do.

    • What you said is a can of good olde fashioned badass. Do you know what my oldest sister said to me after her first daughter was born? “Aaron, I never understood you joining the Marine Corps. I never understood having to kill someone. Now I have a baby daughter, and I love her and my husband more than anyone in the world. And if I had to, I’d kill to protect her.”

    • Oh, it might seem that way, but there’s LOTS of ladies out there that qualify. My mom would be one of them as well.
      Unfortunately, these types of moms don’t demean themselves by engaging women like the ones of MDA. They’ve got better things to do.

      But just so we’re crystal clear, Shannon, my mom could totally kick any of your moms’ asses. And she could do it with her SP101 in the holster.

      • Only cos my mom is better with a rifle than a pistol. She was zapping paintballs at a hundred yards with a little bolt action .17 Remington. She’d more likely invite your mom in for a cup of tea and a game of Yahtzee though.

  3. What a joke. Actually its not a joke, because its pathetic and sad. They can’t even lie right.

  4. “We’re not anti-gun. We support the Second Amendment, but we believe that with rights come responsibilities.”

    That’s why we have stiff penalties for the misuse of a firearm. If they really believed that there’d be no reason for there little group to exist.

  5. They keep lying, they keep getting caught. They can blather all they want about “changing policies”, until someone walks into a Starbucks and sees someone else with a holstered handgun on his hip drinking his latte’ undisturbed. If Texas goes handgun OC, I’ll probably do that myself just to spite the Moms and to reveal their lie. (Actually, I think the Moms themselves are kind of catching on as they are now talking about how Target, etc have “asked” people to leave their guns at home. But their media cheerleaders haven’t gotten the memo, still reporting about phantom “no guns” signs, etc.). They can yammer about “regular school shootings”, but the even the sheeple read the papers and see nothing about schools being shot up. They can only appeal to the terminally disengaged with their constant streams of ignorance, misinformation, and deception. And so they can’t get beyond their usual constituencies concentrated in hopelessly “progressive” venues like Chicago and NYC and California, and the occasions colonial outpost like Colorado.

    • “They can yammer about “regular school shootings”, but the even the sheeple read the papers and see nothing about schools being shot up.”

      I’m in education, and MANY MANY MANY of the 35-55yo women clamor weekly about any reported gun sighting in any town they heard about on the news or whatnot.

      Often the response they make in the staff lounge is “why don’t they just ban them (guns) alll?” or “people should have to be interviewed by a psychiatrist, judge and police officer before allowed to have anything, even ammo or clips [I shit you not].”

      Hysteria is more than real in some circles.

      • Oh, I definitely agree with that. It’s just that I don’t see them getting much traction beyond those already-hysterical circles.

      • I believe there is actually convincing evidence that women should be required to have a mental evaluation before being allowed to have children.

  6. Indoctrination at “boot camp?” hoocoodanode.

    Since they support the 2nd amendment they spent a time discussing how to repeal unconstitutional gun bans in NY, MD, CA, NJ, and CT, right? And, they spend time discussing the complete ban on carry in DC, right?

    totally. fer sure.

    • Not like I’m proud of it or anything, but why do people always leave Hawaii off the lists of worst gun law states? It’s rated very near the top by Brady, and the topper is: NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN THE ENTIRE STATE OF HAWAII HAS BEEN “GRANTED” A CCW PERMIT. NONE. ZERO. Let’s see another state even come close to that. Aloha and mahalo!

  7. I love the implication that those who do not support new laws are in fact unresponsible gun owners.

    • It’s part of their whole strategy. By incessantly and repeatedly calling their proposals “Reasonable” and “Common-Sense” they are by way of inference calling gun owners “Unreasonable” and “Imprudent”. We need to hit back whenever they use this characterization, and point out just how unreasonable their own proposals are.

    • That’s what I was thinking. Their “membership” is combined cumulative pageviews at their website, Facebook, Twitter, and other Bloomberg affiliate sites.

  8. TTAG, I kind of expected some sort of reminder of this beforehand. Time enough to buy stock in major chocolate and boxed wine companies. I could have made money on the sales spike there.

    • Only if you were the pot brownie caterer in the hotel. Why else would they choose Denver in the Summer to have their soiree?

  9. “We’re not against guns, we’re just against letting those filthy plebians have them.”

  10. In her sound bite/interview with CBS Denver, Mother Hysteria affirmed her intention to impact the upcoming elections by informing voters about politician’s voting records on gun issues. This is a good thing. It will not end with the result she wants. But, that does seem to be her trademark.

  11. Worst pillow fight ever. Just as they are about to get started, they’d start arguing about what kind of pillows they could use. Ugghhhh!

    • The 30″ and 20″ pillows were prompltly banned – no one needs a pillow that large in a friendly pillowfight. Everyone used pillows that were 10″ or less. Only synthetic materials were used to insure that no animals or dolphins were harmed during pillow construction.

      The New Yorkers, being more “evolved,” used 7″ pillows. Those from NYC used 5″ pillows. They bragged all night about how they lost their fights, and let everyone know how rare pillowfights have become these days. Better to lose with class than to win like a barbarian.

      It was going really well until someone from DC had no pillow at all and simply stood in the middle of the room getting lightly whacked by the 10″ pillows. That brave young lady lost the pillowfight worse than anyone in history, and will become the keynote speaker and tactical advisor for the next event.

      • “Only synthetic materials were used ”

        Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

        Synthetic materials make it impossible for others to detect that you’re carrying a pillow. Only natural materials are allowed: steel cotton and wood goose down.

      • Most heaily regulated would be the ‘assault’ pillow. It would look like military standard issue but would only be offered to civilians in semi auto. Of course, it would be black.

    • Then, in the middle of the pre-pillow-fight argument, someone would earn a standing ovation by pointing out, “Hey, everyone! I just thought of something! You know how it’s illegal to remove the tag from pillows? How about a new slogan saying pillows are more regulated than guns are? Don’t you love it?”

  12. It’s always been comical how they continually inflate their “membership” numbers. Beep your horn while driving by one of their 5 person “rallies”? You’re a supporter. Like them on facebook? Welcome new member! Put your name and e-mail into their website? Congratulations, you are a lifetime member of the Ring of Honor.

    Also, it’s just a bald-faced lie that they support the Second Amendment. While they have radically toned down their demands since getting laughed at and dismissed by congress last year (the everytown & MDA websites make no mention of assault weapon bans, mag limits etc, only background checks now) they still want all that and more. They won’t stop until we have the UK’s or Australia’s gun laws, regardless of their lame reassurances.

  13. CBS Denver intro’d their report by saying the moms were “instrumental in passing sweeping gun control in Colorado.” Funny, the way we remember last year’s hijinks, it was the pre-Everytown Mayors Against Illegal Guns that sent its minions into the Centennial State In reality, it is the same group. It is sort of like an octopus.

  14. “I support the Second Amendment, but…”

    The Second Amendment guarantees (at least) two rights, the right to keep arms and the right to bear arms. What I’d ask of people who say that is what measures do you propose to defend or expand the ability of people to obtain or carry guns? If there are none, and instead, all you support are proposals to restrict those rights, then let’s drop the pretense and admit you oppose the Second Amendment.

    • And therein is an argument that should be made!

      Number of murders by firearms per year (FBI): 8,500 in the last few years.
      Number of deaths attributed to alcohol (CDC): 75,000.

      Even if you don’t really advocate more control of alcohol, this argument forces the conversation into a logical trajectory.

      Pro: So, you think that more gun control will save lives, right?
      Anti: Yes, of course.
      Pro: And your objective is to prevent unnecessary deaths?”
      Anti: Yes.
      Pro: Do you drink alcohol sometimes?
      Anti: What does that have to do with anything? We’re talking about guns…
      Pro: I can talk about any kind of gun you’re interested in, but I thought we were talking about preventing unnecessary deaths.
      Anti: We are!
      Pro: Then do you drink alcohol sometimes?
      Anti: Sometimes, but…
      Pro: Alcohol consumption is unnecessary and it results in 75,000 unnecessary deaths per year, including many child victims, thousands more than die from gunshots. Alcohol consumption isn’t even guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Why do you support an industry of death? Why do you buy assault beverages? Why would anyone need an assault beverage?

      • “forces the conversation into a logical trajectory.”

        That’s where you went off the rails…you used the “L” word.

    • He probably got sick of all of the nagging from his wife so he had to show up, While he was there this was what he was thinking about.

      • Man, that white car is looking Tacticool, like something Bonnie and Clyde were sitting in when they met their maker!

  15. I’d rather watch beheading videos on Youtube than read ANYTHING about MDA, Shannon Twits, and Bloomturd. That’s all the thought and time I’m willing to put in to this.

  16. ever notice how we NEVER see Shannon’s hubby around? Ever. Never. Ever. Think about it. John Watts, Jr. (Sr. is retired in the Tampa/St. Pete area) is rich, having gotten a golden (shower) parachute. How come Shannon doesn’t trot him out???

  17. I “Liked” their FB long ago to be able to comment. First comment earned banishment. I guess I never removed that “Like”.

  18. The actual problem we have with MDA is simply the fact that National Media, aka CBS this time, amplifies their lies and disinformation to the general public, thereby making it “appear” they have membership and are accomplishing their agenda. It’s a “double-whammy” of sorts. IF MDA got no media attention, they would dry-up and blow away. As soon as they cannot get the National MSM to mouthpiece their propaganda, Bloomberg would pull the plug on their cash flow in the blink of an eye.
    In the meantime, we can criticize and ridicule them all we want, but they’ll be around like flies at a picnic…annoying as hell, but doing little real harm…

    • It’s strange – even though their “convention/boot camp” was a national event, in the DC area media: [crickets]. But how about them Nationals going against the Os…

      • As far as I can tell only CBS Denver actually reported on this event, this time…but I won’t go near MSNBC or CNN, so they might have said something about it that I am not aware of.

    • @DerryM

      You’ve just shone a very bright light on MDA, revealing it for what it is: A PR campaign, bought and paid for, nothing more. Perhaps Shannon Watts’ biggest lie ever is that she is a former PR professional.

      Once you realize that, Mike Bloomberg seems awfully cynical.

  19. After Starbucks “rolled over” I thought I’d have to go into one just to see what signage they were putting up. Surprise! They never made any real-world changes to their stores. Target? Nope! Chipotle? Like it never happened. If these are their victories -what they’ve poured so much time and treasure into – they can have as many as they want.

  20. That last comment about MDA being pro 2A was so ridiculous that both food and drink materialized in my mouth to be spit out all over my carpet. You warned me, but I wasn’t prepared for this insanity.

  21. I see a dude in the opening photo. There ain’t nothing short of a million dollars that would get me sitting at a table at this conference. What’s going on in his life that has him sitting there?

    Comments please!

    • You know damn well his wife made him go. He’s totally whipped as no male who cherishes his testicles would be caught dead with all those hens. There is as much chance of me going to one of those things as me being POTUS.

    • He’s getting royally drunk on free Bloomberg booze. Then he’s going to hit on Shannon. After that he’s slipping out to chase some skirt.

  22. Pew found that 65% of American women think gun murder is up over the past 20 years, and 30% think it is “about the same.”

    Pew found only 5% of American women think gun murder is down (that is the the correct answer, gun murder has in fact plunged by 50%). Other studies show views on firearms law directly vary with the perception of threat of violence.

    Women are not generally dumber or less informed than men, but on firearms law and trends they hold many rigid views that are objectively false.

    I was a dinner two nights ago in DC. The hostess is an attorney with the DOJ (anti discrimination, not crime, but still an attorney at DOJ). Someone mentioned the nullification of DC carry law. I mentioned that gun murder had gone down nationally. She and the three other women at the table denied it and all asserted gun murder was up. In fact another woman, a professor economics at Georgetown, and presumably herself with a PHD that includes some background in statistics, social science, blurted:”That is just an NRA lie, just turn on the news, murder is rising ever since Reagan.”

    That is why they are targeted by Bloomberg. They have done their homework. They know 95% of Americans women, even educated ones, have a FLAT EARTH science denial view on the central core fact, risk, and are exploiting that.

  23. “We’re not anti-gun. We support the Second Amendment, but we believe that with rights come responsibilities.”

    Shannon Watts, MDA
    Tweeted June 10th 2014 0928
    “I’ll be pretty clear on this. @MikeBloomberg and I want guns gone. Period. It doesn’t matter what it takes.”

  24. Oooo…A Mommies Demanding Attention sleep-over? Were there pillow-fights? Pajama-clad hair pulling?

  25. “We support the Second Amendment, but…”

    And that is your immediate warning that you are listening to a civilian-disarmament fanatic.

  26. The NRA has members, and those members contribute time & $$ in order that the association represent its membership to the best possible extent.

    In contrast the MDA has twitter & facebook followers while MDA claims to “advocate” on behalf of those followers.

    I always love to ask them how much time or $$ they donated to their cause in 2013 or 2014. They will do anything they can to avoid answering – if they know why you’re asking.

  27. And in an advance presser, MDA chooses San Francisco for their next annual booty camp.
    Leland Yee guest speaker, videocasting from his home arrest,
    with DiFi and BoxaRox wandering into the split screen CSPN feed from the Alzheimers row in the in the Senate Chambers.

  28. Starbucks, Target, Chipotle, and Chile’s don’t need to know, and won’t know, whether you are carrying or not if you are smart. Concealed means concealed.

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