A measure under consideration in the Montana legislature would financially help those who use a firearm for self-defense and are later charged for doing so.
According to an alert from Gun Owners of America (GOA), Republican State Sen. Theresa Manzella has brought back legislation that would reimburse citizens who are forced to defend themselves in court against criminal charges brought by politically motivated district attorneys who maliciously prosecute citizens for exercising their God-given right to preserve life with arms.
The measure is Senate Bill 127, and GOA strongly supports it, urging members in The Treasure State to contact their lawmakers and ask for their support. Unfortunately, both the Montana County Attorneys Association and the Montana Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association have expressed opposition to the bill.
“These corrupt, left-leaning political unions are putting significant pressure on legislators to kill S.B. 127,” GOA wrote in the alert. “We must let those weak legislators know that ‘We the People’ demand that they secure our rights against such usurpations.”
According to GOA, the changing nature of some courts as they relate to armed self-defense is a good reason for lawmakers to pass Senate Bill 127.
“The weaponization of the courts has reared its sullen face in self-defense cases across the nation,” GOA said. “Most notably, one can call to mind the recent high-profile cases that involved Kyle Rittenhouse and Daniel Penny.
“In the wake of these national cases, one is beginning to witness a disturbing trend within the Leftist-dominated judiciary and the enforcement agents of the executive branch. Urban areas within most states have now witnessed these types of malicious prosecutions.”
The measure states: “When a defendant successfully raises and argues the affirmative defense of justifiable use of force in the defense of a charge of a forcible felony in which the defendant is not convicted for any reason, the defendant is entitled to reimbursement of the defendant’s out-of-pocket costs, attorney fees and costs for the specific forcible felony that did not result in a conviction. Reimbursement under subsection (1)(a) must be paid out of the budget used by the prosecutor or the prosecutor’s employer to pay for the trial of the charge that did not result in a conviction.”
According to GOA, that’s exactly what is needed to protect those who are forced to defend themselves from weaponized prosecutors.
“Simply put, the bill strengthens the legal protection for individuals who are compelled, through no fault of their own, into a position of having to exercise their God-given right to defend their life, liberty and property with arms,” GOA concluded. “The passage of S.B. 127 will help to ensure that the citizens of Montana have the most robust protection for the right to defend life afforded under our positive law system, as well as a mechanism for judicial relief when that right is violated by a government official.”
If its malicious prosecution the solution is to pass a law with teeth that targets the prosecutors that are misbehaving.
As long as Gun Control enjoys standing the cat and mouse game to get the Second Amendment will continue. And with that said you can thank the likes of Gun talking blowbags who regularly bark at Defining Gun Control by its History…For some perverted reason the azzholes want to keep pertinent information under wrap which gets a standing ovation from Gun Control zealots. Information I provide here is not for barking blowbags it is for others who are under the impression Gun Control is sugar and spice and everything nice when History Says Otherwise. So to whom it may concern, if you cannot debunk the information I post and replace it with a sharper knife you can politely gfy.
Power control debunked see you next tuesday.
“God given” Ummmmmmmm, it is a CONSTITUTIONAL right. Not religion. Not god, that god, that other god, or the other made-up fairy tales. If you want “In The Easter Bunny We Trust” printed on money GET OUT of my country. YOU want a theocracy then move to Afghanistan where you belong.
You are welcome to build your atheist utopia elsewhere. I am sure the nation’s of East Asia will be much to your liking.
The United States is a secular nation and therefore an atheist utopia for people who are atheist. Relgion is not mandatory like you zealots would like……….as long as it’s YOUR religion that is. The word “god” is nowhere in the Constitution. Not everyone adheres to fairy tale ways of life. Religion is not mandatory here so take your holier than thou attitude to Afghanistan where church and state are mixed like it or not. I’ll stay right here.
“The United States is a secular nation…”
In other words, you know nothing of the history of this country. You aren’t forced to participate in religion. That doesn’t mean that America is not a Christian country, which it still is despite your best efforts to kill it.
That you Myner49r? Can’t coexist? That bumper sticker was always a lie. No religion can compete with the religion of the State. Ask anyone who has fled a communist country.
Lol no try again infidel.
No, the US is not a “secular nation”. Maybe it seemed we were heading that way, but then the fall of Roe v. Wade, followed by a complete rout of an election, should make that as plain as the nose on your face.
… we hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…
Hmmm, seem to recall that being scribbled on some piece of parchment somewhere…
I was created by my parents. Creators are real and verifiable so faith is not relevant.
are you sure? you canbe pretty sure of your mom but notsure of father without
dna/paterny test
life canbe a bitch and sometimes a basterd
Call them and request a retroactive full birth abortion.
You were birthed by your parents. Good for you!
Let’s follow Travis’ logic. If we were endowed with certain rights by our Creator, and the Constitution gave us our rights, then the Constitution is our Creator. It is real and verifiable.
Not. The Constitution does not give (grant) you your rights, it instead affirms them. We are “endowed” with those rights, meaning that they are a part of our being.
I feel like you missed the point.
Travis is his own creator so he has all rights or no rights. Depending on how the qty of pot.
If one believes in nothing, then it’s not a far walk to believe in anything. Or everything.
This is why so many people believe in man-made global warming, even as we approach a new ice age.
Do you think you have a right to live? Does the Constitution give you that right? Or are you born with that right? If a document gave it to you, then the totally not corrupt Powers That Be could amend the Constitution to take away your right to exist. Do you understand the problem with that? Call it natural rights if the word God triggers you. It has nothing to do with a theocracy. You don’t understand the implications of what you’re trying to push in the name of anti-Christian atheism.
Most of the time they do understand the implications but get pissy that God prevents their reshaping of the masses to their intended image. Angry atheists are best dismissed as the mentally ill with a God shaped hole in thier heart that they are as no productive conversation can be had. The honest and thoughtful ones are interesting to debate and often come to surprising conclusions.
I think angry atheists are angry because they cannot find any worldly way to satisfy that “something” missing in their lives. Of course the “something” which is missing is God.
Also contributing to their anger: Christians, by their very existence, constantly remind them (atheists) of their pain and how they are unable to alleviate it.
@SAFE Yes, it’s funny that most do understand. They understand that they don’t need any protections from a tyrannical right wing government because that isn’t going to happen.
If Obama thought Trump was Hitler, would he be caught dead sitting by him and laughing with him? Democrats don’t just love to lie. They love to be lied to. Imagine living like that.
The left has been yelling “Literally Hitler!” now for about 10 years. On everything, anything, and nothing at all.
The FOOL has said in his heart there Is no God.
former water walker,
I have several orders of magnitude more respect for a person who acknowledges unequivocally that God exists and they simply do not like God–rather than denying that God exists because they do not like God.
An all loving god who damns the human it created to eternal punishment.
Sounds like my kind of sadists.
You could just say you have absolutely no idea what the fuck you are talking about. But I guess if you are going to misrepresent some things you don’t like why not do it with everything.
Your all loving god could have cast Lucifer who supposedly seduced 1/3 of your gods angels into rebellion to Jupiter instead of Earth.
No your god sent him to you to test your faith because your god is all knowing.
Worship Me or burn for eternity.
Tough love sadists.
For starters the eternal punishment is just without his presence which if I am not mistaken was by personal choice of the damned. The pit of fire really does not come up much biblically.. The suffering is all of their making. For the rest ain’t pride a bitch. Even then I am able to admit I have way more to learn to begin to understand all of what went on. I am curious what edgy blogspot you read that gave you the sense you would understand it though. Those angst filled kids sure are smart after all.
You stated, “An all loving god who damns the human it created to eternal punishment.”
I have three simple details to enlighten you.
First of all, God gives all humans a choice to be humble and spend eternity with Him or be proud and spend eternity separated from Him. Thus God does not condemn any human to anything. Rather, humans choose–or “condemn” if you will–themselves.
Second, God is not punishing humans who choose to be proud and spend eternity separated from Him. Rather, it would be punishment if God forced humans–who do not like God and do not want to be with God–to spend eternity with Him.
Last but not least, God’s most prominent characteristic is seeking loving relationships. Note that loving relationships cannot occur without free-will. (You cannot have a loving relationship with a robot.) God, wanting loving relationships with His angels and humans, created them with free-will hoping that all angels and all humans would choose loving relationships with Him. Of course some angels and humans, exercising their free-will, have decided that existence separate from God is more fulfilling so God grants them their desire.
Montana Bill meet the Arkansas Kid.
Whatever happened to Tex?
President Trump Officially Imposes Tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China.
Trump slapped the tariffs on the three countries under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.
25% tariffs on all Mexico imports
25% tariffs on nearly all Canadian imports — 10% on Canadian energy resources
10% tariffs on all China imports
‘Today, I have implemented a 25% Tariff on Imports from Mexico and Canada (10% on Canadian Energy), and a 10% additional Tariff on China. This was done through the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) because of the major threat of illegal aliens and deadly drugs killing our Citizens, including fentanyl. We need to protect Americans, and it is my duty as President to ensure the safety of all. I made a promise on my Campaign to stop the flood of illegal aliens and drugs from pouring across our Borders, and Americans overwhelmingly voted in favor of it,’ President Trump said on Truth Social on Saturday.
h ttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/02/just-president-trump-officially-imposes-tariffs-canada-mexico/
Tighten your belts.
The USA can’t even keep toilet paper on the shelves without China.
You realize that largely ended after 3 months when we bothered to produce any right? Who am I kidding you are just another rename of a troll. Try for something that might be viable like can’t go x months without faking a pandemic and killing off multiple family farms driving up chicken prices. Put some effort in.