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Montana Rifle Company: $1,000 And Up, 100% American-Made

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Montana’s Flathead valley has become a beehive of custom gunsmiths and small manufacturers. The Montana Rifle Company builds custom rifles on its own Mauser based actions, in calibers from .243 to .505 Gibbs.

This gargantuan .505 Gibbs rifle is actually $2300, but most Montana Rifle Company rifles are priced between $1,000 and $1,300. Founder Keith Sipe (pictured) claims that the recoil isn’t too bad, but you’ll have to take his word for that. As lovely as it is, I’m certainly not testing that thing.

For the tactically minded, their .338 Lapua MTR (‘Montana Tactical Rifle’) is a much-spendier $3200.


0 thoughts on “Montana Rifle Company: $1,000 And Up, 100% American-Made”

  1. Bought a mid price Montanna rifle a few years ago in a .280 which isn’t well known here in Northeast Georgia, very glad I did, it’s a very well made rifle. I have a few that has been built here in our area but Montana arms stands ahead of them all with quality. Seems we don’t like change here in the South and have held strong to our 30.30 s, .270s , and 30.06s , Montana Arms could help us in changing our mines,,,,Thank You


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