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More Bruen Fallout: Switchblades Now Legal In Massachusetts

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After being banned for nearly seven decades, Massachusetts residents can now carry switchblades, thanks to the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.

On Tuesday, the Commonwealth’s Judicial Court, the highest court in the state, ruled that switchblades fall under the same Second Amendment protection as firearms do and cannot be banned by the state.

In the ruling concerning the law passed by the state legislature in 1967, Justice Serge Georges Jr. wrote: “Nothing about the physical qualities of switchblades suggests they are uniquely dangerous. Therefore, the carrying of switchblades is presumptively protected by the plain text of the Second Amendment.”

The case, Commonwealth v. Sanjura, involved the 2020 arrest of a man during a domestic dispute. David Sanjura had a spring-assisted knife in his possession, and prosecutors charged him with carrying a dangerous weapon. He was convicted, but later appealed the conviction on Second Amendment grounds.

The commonwealth argued before the court that the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to knives, only firearms. But the high court disagreed.

“The Commonwealth is incorrect,” the ruling started. “As discussed above, the Second Amendment extends to all bearable arms and is not limited to firearms.”

The court also considered the second Bruen standard—whether there were restrictions on such knives at the time of the nation’s founding—in making its ruling.

“In short, folding pocket knives not only fit within contemporaneous dictionary definitions of arms—which would encompass a broader category of knives that today includes switchblades—but they also were commonly possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes around the time of the founding.”

The court also took issue with the commonwealth’s definition of switchblade knives being “dangerous.”

“In the most basic sense, all weapons are ‘dangerous’ because they are designed for the purpose of bodily assault or defense,” the ruling stated. “As such, general dangerousness of a weapon is irrelevant where the weapon belongs to a class of arms commonly used for self-defense.”

Lastly, the court cited the 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller ruling, which stated that Americans have the right to own firearms for self-defense.

“While both Heller and Bruen involved handguns, Second Amendment protections subsume more than just firearms,” Tuesday’s ruling stated. “Indeed, [according to Heller] ‘the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.’”  

Of course, power-hungry bureaucrats in the commonwealth were not thrilled with the court’s decision. More likely to side with “common sense” than the actual U.S. Constitution, Massachusetts’ attorney general quickly voiced her displeasure.

“This case demonstrates the difficult position that the Supreme Court has put our state courts in with the Bruen decision, and I’m disappointed in today’s result,” AG Andrea Joy Campbell said in a statement after the ruling. “The fact is that switchblade knives are dangerous weapons and the Legislature made a commonsense decision to pass a law prohibiting people from carrying them.”

41 thoughts on “More Bruen Fallout: Switchblades Now Legal In Massachusetts”

      • Donald Trump’s greatest legacy will be his court appointments, just like Ronald Reagan.

        Also no new wars. Unlike the democrats who are working toward nuclear war with Russia. But don’t forget. At least you do get legal b.utt se.x and drugs and, forced s.ex change operations. With the democrats in charge.

        So the se.xually liber.ated ath.eists should be very happy.

        • with 400 million guns out there this ban is outdated and senseless…it dates back to the 50’s when it was deemed the weapon of choice of criminals and juvenile delinquents…a major issue at the time…

          • “…this ban is outdated and senseless…it dates back to the 50’s when it was deemed the weapon of choice of criminals and juvenile delinquents…a major issue at the time…”

            It is still a deadly, dangerous weapon. You hide your stilleto, then pull it, press the handle against the target, then the blade shoots out, blowing the lungs clean out of the body.

          • No. Spring-assisted blades have enough force to push a blade, not to break skin. You’ve watched too many movies.

            Also- there’s no such thing as a dangerous weapon. There are only dangerous men.

          • “Also- there’s no such thing as a dangerous weapon. There are only dangerous men.”

            It is settled science, regarding the psyich power weapons have; they turn the meek into dangerous people, just by existing. If weapons weren’t dangerous, we would have almost no crime, anywhere.

        • Meanwhile my advertised on TV Miracle Blades can slice a pineapple in half and remove a finger just as easily or quicker than some switchblade so where’s the beef?

          There’s always busy bodies who want to make it their business what objects others can possess. Like when it comes to firearms the busy body tries to justify their insanity with demonizing labels such as Weapons of War, etc. Not only do sensible people have to contend with violent criminals they also have to contend with insane busy bodies like the democRats harris/walz and their equally insane supporters.

          Bottom line…TRUMP/VANCE 2024.

          • So, Debbie Dimwit, are you FINALLY coming to the (obvious) conclusion that “arms control” (of any flavor – check it out, doll, switchblades were a preferred weapon among “people of color” gangs, because they couldn’t access/afford gats), so isn’t KNIFE CONTROL even MORE racist than gun control???) is all about CONTROL (OK, and what weapon the fascists fear most at the time)??

            Congrats on beginning to recognize the obvious. If this revelation finally percolates deeply enough into your brain (???) to actually become a full-fledged thought, perhaps we’ll be spared further re-posts of simplistic videos reducing a control problem to a single issue.

    • Every time I open and close my OTF blade weapon. I think just how wonderful freedom is. And I had to leave california to find it..

  1. Their AG crying about it at the end of the article. Can’t believe anybody would complain about a little 6” switchblade being legal. Whaaaa whaaaa whaaaa i swear it’s always something with these people. Cant they ever just stfu up about something for a minute?!?

  2. Removing POWER from politicians, such as the Attorney General and Governor of Massachusetts, is the REAL danger according to them. A free people, even in Massachusetts, makes the elite social(ist) engineers quiver in fear.

  3. Massachusetts, like most Northeastern states, is a prime example of government overreach, and why our brilliant Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment in the first place. Every intelligent, freedom-loving citizen has a duty to stand firmly against such tyranny, which is precisely what such draconian laws are. We must vote these would-be dictators out of office, starting with the upcoming November election. It will take every patriotic voter casting their ballots (preferably in person) to overcome the massive potential for fraud decades of eliminating basic voter security has brought to this nation. Then we must demand those we put into office reverse these haphazard paradigms and restore secure elections, as well as support our constitutional rights to the letter.

      • Rick,

        Good luck, Chief – the pattern of the Leftist/fascists is to immigrate to and pollute rational places . . . and then turn them into the “progressive” sh*tholes they just escaped (yes, Leftists are stupid). Hope NH doesn’t get ‘Californicated’, but that’s not how the smart money would bet. I’ve heard you guys are getting inundated with escaping Massholes (who will continue to vote for the same stupidity that made Mass unlivable).

  4. I can guarantee. There are more people who have been arrested because they were carrying a knife. Than they were arrested for carrying a gun.

    Because knives are cheaper and you don’t need a permission slip. Just to purchase one. Edged weapons are the primary defensive tool for the poor. Which is why rich people want to keep them illegal and the poor disarmed.

    Knives have always been part of the second amendment, along with blunt objects and firearms.

    • Yeah easier to explain to the cops if they do bother to search as well. God help you if you need to use it for all kinds of reasons starting with having to be that close to the attacker but better than nothing that seems to be the preference for much of the northern new england states.

      • From 2022.
        Active Self Protection video of a good guy who brought his knife to a strong arm robbery. This looks like the same knife I EDC.

        A glock survival knife. It’s the same size as the glock bayonet. It just has the saw teeth on one side. It’s a great knife for slashing weeds while I walk my dog.

        If you can’t carry a big gun. Then carry a big knife.

        South African self-defense with knife.. video 4 min long

  5. They’re really brain dead in Mass. No one seemed to know that spring assisted knives were developed to allow quick deployment of the blade but avoid classification as a switchblade because it requires human assistance to fully deploy the blade. If Mass defined a switchblade in their regs, a spring assisted knife might not have been covered.

  6. I don’t really care for automatic knives. Something else to break. Ask me how I know. However, there’s a Chris Reeves Sibenza in my pocket now. One of my favorite folders is my Emerson CQB. Own lots of Spyderco. They all open plenty fast. Never had a spring bust, because there’s not one.

  7. “This case demonstrates the difficult position that the Supreme Court has put our state courts in with the Bruen decision …” AG Andrea Joy Campbell

    Typical response from a Democrat run state to blame someone else when they (Massive2chits) put themselves in a difficult position for passing a bogus law which runs afoul of the U.S. Constitution.

  8. The AG said that the U.S. Supreme Court put her state in a difficult position. The actual truth is that her state (which I cannot type in any obfuscated manner whatsoever without going to moderation jail) put itself in a difficult position for passing a law in violation of the U.S. Const.

    Now let’s see if this comment sails on through.

    • “The AG said that the U.S. Supreme Court put her state in a difficult position. The actual truth is that her state….put itself in a difficult position for passing a law in violation of the U.S. Const.”

      Seems everyone is misunderstanding the AGs conclusion about Bruen. The message is better understood as, “We can’t allow law and SC decisions prevent us from doing what is right”.

      Why can’t we all just get along?

  9. Wonder if my government issued bright orange switchblade survival knife is included in the ban. Yes, the knife was issued in our survival pack along with things like fishing line, hooks, ferro rod, para cord, and several other items.
    Funny how things issued by 1 government entity are declared illegal by another.
    Another thing I always found both amusing and perplexing is the military says an 18y.o infantry soldier can carry a weapon, operate very expensive equipment, and be sent into very dangerous conditions, but can’t legally drink a beer in his or her off time.
    Or how about the government will train someone to use a variety of firearms but then says you aren’t allowed to own or access those same weapons once you are discharged or retired.

    • Who’d want a blaze orange knife anyways?… asks the guy that spent nearly a full afternoon trying to find his OD G10 scaled Benchmade, dislodged from pocket on riding mower.

  10. The whole discussion is objectively stupid. I carry AT LEAST one folding knife 24/7. I don’t own any “switchblades”, but my EDC knives (I vary them, depending on mood/circumstances) are all “quick deployment” models. I usually have at least two on my person (my Swiss Army knife, AND a decent folder).

    A knife is (say it with me, children) a TOOL – I use one or both of mine nearly every day – opening mail, opening packages, cutting cheese on a picnic (or, with my Swiss Army, opening wine bottles), and about a million other tasks. While I can SOMEWHAT recognize the Leftist/fascist idiot arguments in favor of limiting/prohibiting concealed carry (hey, I didn’t say I AGREED with them, I just said I can somewhat recognize the arguments) none of those apply to knives – my knife is a tool I use regularly, often daily, for uses that have NOTHING TO DO with inflicting damage on a fellow human. The fact that my Spyderco PM2 could gut a mugger like a trout is irrelevant to the fact that I can also open packages, or mail, or even cut salami for a nosh in the park.

    Leftists and legislators are stupid (ah, but ONCE AGAIN, I repeat myself).

  11. KnifeRights.org deserves 90+% of the credit for turning around the knife laws in dozens of states long before Bruen. If you want a “no compromise” RKB _Arms_ organization to support, sign up for a paid membership.

    We would not be where we are now without them, they have been proving the 2nd Amendment is not just about guns for decades.

  12. A SWISS ARMY KNIFE is not a bloody SWITCHBLAD. Only in AMERICA.
    What a switch blade has got to do with FIREARMS is beyond me. The indisputable fact is that if you allow FREE ACCESS to weaponry somebody o is going to use them. Surely to heavens the STATE has a responsibilty to reduce that happening


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