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Kansas Teacher [Not Shown] Arrested for Firearms Possession

Robert Farago - comments No comments


I’m old enough to remember when Kelly LeBrock was the world’s most beautiful woman. Actually, I’m older than that. I remember life during wartime. Specifically, growing up during the not-so-beautiful “police action” in Vietnam. The war in Southeast Asia amplified and radicalized America’s political and cultural bifurcation. It was Left vs. Right. Anti-Establishment vs. Establishment. The tension led to violence: Kent State, busted heads at the Chicago convention and deadly riots. I guess we didn’t learn from history. Two visions of America—Big Government vs. Small Government, Gun Control vs. Gun Rights—are competing for dominance. It’s like tectonic plates building up pressure; there will be a release and it won’t be pretty. Where? Odds are it’ll be . . .

in New York, where the SAFE Act is putting Empire State gun owners up against the wall (motherf*cker). Or Connecticut, where the current push for civilian disarmament was born. Or New Jersey, where anti-gun laws are well entrenched, and getting worse. Ditto California. But maybe . . . Kansas.

We’ve already seen Kansas vs. the Feds re: the Sunflower State’s Second Amendment Protection Act. But the breaking point could be between pro and anti-gun forces within Kansas. Check this from kansas.com:

A teacher at White Elementary was arrested Monday for having a gun on the school premises, police said Tuesday.

The 31-year-old man was seen with a gun by someone at the school, 5148 S. Kansas, which is south of Hydraulic and 47th Street South, Lt. Randy Reynolds said. Principal Marcia Shepler called police about 12:30 p.m., according to a police report.

When officers arrived, they found a gun on the teacher and arrested him on suspicion of misdemeanor concealed-carry weapon charges, Reynolds said.

The teacher is on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation, said Susan Arensman, a spokeswoman for the Wichita school district.

It’s not known whether the man had a concealed-carry permit. State law prevents identifying those with a concealed permit.

Could a Wichita teacher be a catalyst for the conflict to come? Probably not. Then again, it’s impossible to know where the socio-political fault line will fracture first. It could be anywhere where individual liberty is squashed by the jackboot of statists.

American gun owners are easily the most fervent of the small government activists. They can be pushed so far and no further. Some things, like Ms. LeBrock, change (and not always for the better). Some things, like gun owner’s dreams of individual liberty, don’t.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Kansas Teacher [Not Shown] Arrested for Firearms Possession”

  1. Even if there are only a couple invaders, and assuming you hit with every single shot, a highly dubious proposition, the likelihood of a one shot stop is extremely low. If the guys are determined for whatever reason, you could easily run out of ammo before they give up. Add in misses and a greater number of invaders and the odds you run dry before stopping the threat are much greater.

  2. I have no idea if/when things might get ugly, either. Ruby Ridge scenarios are more likely mass conflicts, at least initially I think.

    I still have an eye on California. There many people in the center of the state that will be very, very unhappy if some of the laws working their way through are passed, not to mention current laws.

    Let’s see how some of the CA militia groups react when Leland Yee tells them to hand over their arms. I just wish Mr. Yee and his Bay Area/LA colleagues would have the sack to do it in person. Either way, I’m glad to be out of CA for good.

  3. OK, I’m a little late to the party here. Time sort of got away from me. It was that kind of weekend.

    But we do have a winner. It was kalel666 with his cover of ‘A Bicyle Built for Two’:

    Billy, Billy, give me your answer true
    I love shooting, do you love it too?
    Pistol or rifle or shotgun,
    Throw lead, I’ll reload.
    The bullets fly by, as you and I
    Ride a killcycle built for two.
    A killcycle built for two.

  4. Definitely interesting. I love how everyone is freaking out. How about worrying about shaping future generations minds around the concepts of right and wrong (none of this “it’s all relative” BS). That will do more good for our future than any law can.

  5. It’s interesting, I don’t know about Kansas law, but the corresponding PA law states:

    It is unlawful to possess any firearm on school property but it shall be a defense that the weapon is possessed and used in conjunction with a lawful supervised school activity or course or is possessed for other lawful purpose…”

    As long as you are licensed, then self dense should fall under “other lawful purpose.” So, in theory, anyone with a LTCF should be able to carry on school grounds as long as they commit no crime (and, presumably, violate no school policies). As far as I know, this interpretation hasn’t had a test case yet. Frankly, I don’t intend for it to be me.

  6. My wife works for the YMCA child care system. She runs a before & after school day care center at an elementary school. One of the things she was asked to do by her boss, was to take down photos from her Facebook page of her shooting her AK and pistols. The argument was that some nosy parent might complain, and given the area that we live in (greater Seattle area), I wouldn’t be surprised. My wife simply set her Facebook page to 100% private, but it was ridiculous that it ever had to happen in the first place.

    Do all educators have to live their lives in absolute secret now, even when their hobbies and interests are perfectly legal, but politically incorrect?

  7. This looks bad no matter how you spin it, but it would also look bad if the FBI had strapped him down to a chair before questioning him, or brought the largest dozen agents they could find to stand around him in a circle, or anything else I can think of to keep a fight with an MMA fighter from possibly going sideways. Is there more to this than meets the eye? Perhaps. If, just if, it was as simple as the agent was attacked and was about to be disarmed, though… an easier way to avoid answering questions is to just not answer the damn questions.

    Remember, there are more rights than to bear arms, and more amendments than the second.

  8. Maybe the FBI offered the poor guy some water and he panicked. I can’t blame him. That Gitmo water tastes so bad it makes you gag.

  9. Ah, more peaceful Chechen refugees from families of noble freedom fighters expressing their gratitude to the gracious and welcoming American people for sheltering them.

  10. Interesting toy, I suppose, and I would be interested in buying one. However, as usual, a firearms manufacturer seems to want to lock in a permanent revenue stream with proprietary magazines. Or whomever’s mags their rifles take, they don’t appear to be Glock. And that’s pretty much the end of that story. Never mind.

  11. “The decision comes after what the company describes as an audit of recent trends in the gun industry, which I’m taking as CYA language for “scary black rifles are being demonized and we don’t want to take the heat.””

    Doubtful. These guys produce lots of AK’s, I don’t think they are going to stop making them because of soccer moms. More likely, their 5.56×45 AK line just can’t compete with AR-15s, and is not economically viable to continue producing.

    In other words, don’t bash these guys for a business move that is much more likely to be motivated by profit rather than political correctness.

  12. While I hope that this can all be settled in the courts, how long do we really have until the upstate New Yorkers start shooting these thugs? Government overreach without court slapdowns can get very dangerous. For the government, that is.


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