How about a little gun porn for the end of your day?


        • LOLOLOLOL!!
          Awesome sub-thread.
          BTW, we’ve had these for over a yr up north of the border. They are AWESOME!

        • @ Anon

          No, the Tavor is still with us. I believe you are thinking of the Norinco T97A bullpup, which was deemed a “prohibited” firearm. The RCMP seized those that got thru initially, and then the Canadian Border Services Agency snagged the other incoming shipments. At the appeal, upholding the “detainment” of the guns:

          “In actual fact, the firearms in issue never cease to be fully automatic firearms. They still contain the internal sears for fully automatic mode, as found in the original QBZ97 model. In other words, the firearms in issue contain a fully automatic firing mechanism, which can be easily re-engaged as described above. The notch selector mechanism in the firearms in issue can be easily and rapidly overridden so as to permit fully automatic firing, as it was originally designed to function.”

          The good news: a Canadian importer worked with Norinco, and a redesigned T97NSR should be on the shelves in Canada this spring.

  1. Kind of sad to be seeing all this great stuff on the eve of ridiculous gun grabbing.

    It’s like hanging out at a world class strip club the night before your castration.

  2. Looks nice, and probably shoots well, but if I need to go to off hand, I’m screwed. No thanks, I’ll buy a FS2000 when stock is replenished.

    • The Tavor has a brass deflector just aft of the ejection port. You can see it in the photo above. It should be just as easy to shoot off-hand as the FS2000.

  3. I’ve heard very good things about the Tavor. Wake me when it’s available in 6.8spc with a 5R barrel…

  4. i have been super interested and would will definitely acquier if/(hopefully) when that may be possible.

  5. “Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful?”

    Love the extra Tavor pics. Wish I could shoot one right now at my local range!

  6. After tomorrow I bet none of the Israeli-made Tavors will be importable. I hope there are some that have cleared customs, because if they haven’t I see a big Iron Curtain coming down on imports tomorrow. Until the US factory is set up and running these are going to be about as easy to find as Kel-Tec RFBs and Steyr AUGs.

    I’m interested and I’ll probably buy the first one I see…if I see one. Ever. Dunno if IWI will continue to even set up their factory until they see how the Congress handles the AWB bills. It may save them millions to wait a few months, and given how the GOP leadership rolled over like the Posiedon on the Sandy relief bill tonight, I am somewhat less than hopeful about their goaltending abilities.

    • Hey mang..
      Just sent out a deposit.. IWI has bumped up the release date and wants these
      guns out yesterday.. Check out great site!

      You may be able to convince someone to give up there pre-order HA!!
      Should have this lill honey sitting in my safe in a month..

      FWIW- you can shot offhand.. Im left eyed.. and shot Mr. K’s at a gun shoot a few months ago.. no issues, though I’d eat all the brass if I had to just to own this. Recoil??>. WOW! its almost like shooting an airsoft!

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