The Duck Commander guns feature a camouflage pattern and will come with an American flag bandana.

“The gunmaker Mossberg has teamed with Duck Commander, the company owned by ‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Robertson clan, to release nine different shotguns, as well as two semiautomatic rifles and a semiautomatic pistol,” reports. “Mossberg has begun shipping some of the shotguns to distributors, according to spokeswoman Linda Powell. She declined to name specific retailers that will carry them.” So what makes these guns different than all the others? Mossie’s Duck Commander guns will all be painted camo with the Duck Commander logo. The words “Faith, Family, Ducks” is etched into the shotgun’s receiver. They’ll all ship with an American flag bandana, as worn by (but not specifically worn by) Willie Robertson. And I do believe that’s it. Other than the fact that I told you the mainstream media loves, loves, loves the rednecks heart guns meme. This will get lots of play.


    • Chris you are correct. The Duck Dynasty brand name is an A&E brand. As these are duck commander they have no affiliation with A&E. It would be funny if they did, I mean the Civilian Disarmament crowd would have hissy fits all over the place!

        • Will your average, inanimate-object-fearing civilian actually care to even learn the difference?

          The answer to both of our questions is, quite frankly, no.

        • The average gun-fearing American won’t know the difference, but they aren’t going to be buying the guns anyway.

        • No, but they’ll be whining to mommy anyway. And maybe pouting too.

          Oh, and MJ called them “assault rifles” this morning, so it’s official now.

        • No and that is another stick in the eye of A&E/the leftist “entertainment” cabal which is a HUGE +100.

  1. Well I like Mossberg for a scatter gun, and well camo, yeah that is cool.
    Hope they do well… I mean really every time a Duck Dynasty gun goes boom, a gun grabber sheds a tear lol

  2. I might get one of the shotguns if they were to inscribe 1 Timothy 5:8 instead of “Faith, Family, Ducks.” No fan of cammo, though, but better than black.

    • Yeah, Ralph… but they don’t just up and shoot people; they HIDE IN THE BUSHES and shoot people!

  3. I just bought my hunting shotgun, a mossberg 500 20 ga. Standard wood furniture and finish. My son has a mossberg with the real tree camo scheme in 12 ga. He has tentative plans to include turkey in his plans, I do not. He got his mossberg after a complete lack of faith in his Freedom Group 870 developed. It had all sorts of issues and he finally took my advice and went mossberg.

    I already had a mossberg 12. If I decided to hunt with it all I need do is switch out the short barrel on it for the 28 inch in the safe and put the mag block back in. Take maybe 2 minutes to do that.

    Mossberg is one of those companies that make a product you can count on. If this Duck stuff will help more people buy guns, I’m all for it.

      • Best we can figure was a QC issue. Continous problems with feeding and ejecting. Replaced magazine spring and follower. Finally converted it from the extended tube security model it started as to a 5 shot standard model. Spent so much time, effort and money on it that now that it’s finally starting to act right he wants nothing more to do with it. Bought it new and has practically bought enough new parts for it to make a second gun.

        Got a new mossberg and hasn’t had a hitch with it.

        • My son bought the gun new. Best of my memory says 350-400 bucks. It was an extended mag security gun then. Now it’s a standard 5 shot 870. Freedom group sucks.

          • Thanks. Wasn’t even aware FG had a version of the 870. Don’t hang around at gun stores much. It makes me happy, then not having them makes me sad.

  4. Never bought Mossberg before, the duck guys who I have no idea who they are nor do I care to know as I don’t watch tv let alone reality tv, won’t get me to buy a Mossberg now.
    You are part of the problem if you watch this show or any other reality tv show. You are no different than some liberal goof who watches Survivor or Dancing with the Stars. Go buy your stupid duck a&e brand shotgun and pay a premium price for a name. Our country is becoming a joke.

    • I don’t really watch DD either, but to correct your point these Mossbergs are for Duck Commander not Duck Dynasty. So it is NOT A&E’s product.
      I don’t foresee them tacking on a big price tag, now if everyone wants one, well then shops will mark them up for what it will sell for.
      Nothing wrong with that. I just wish they would include a duck call in the box too. That would actually be pretty cool.

    • @Lars, I haven’t checked but I’m pretty sure that the Duck Dynasty family doesn’t give a rat’s hat about you either. Which actually makes me feel better about America.

      • So, Ralphie, you’re mad that Lars is promoting doing something productive or educational with your time instead of being obsessed with some inbred hillbilly on TV? You are just as much a part of what’s wrong with this once-great nation as Kim Kardashian is.

        • What built this “once great nation”? A bunch of hill Billy’s committed to G-d, family, country, freedom that was well trained in the use of guns; like the hill billys that a whole bunch of people like to watch on TV.

          Which is really why the Robertson clan is being attacked by the liberal/progressive forces in the print and broad cast news; liberal/progressives are dedicated in destroying all that made America a free and Christian nation. You can’t have a people believe that there is an other god than government. It makes the statist job harder in trying to rule the “useless eaters and breeders”.their words, not mine.

          • There is now circulating a 2009 video of Phil Robertson preaching to a congregation (I surmise), “You have to marry girls when they’re 14 or 15; then they’ll pluck your birds for you (paraphrasing). And get them to cook a meal before you marry, so you’ll know if they can cook.” Seek and ye shall find it.

            That one there changed my view of him 180 degrees. Arrogant “hillbilly preppy”. That was, to my way of thinking, MUCH more indicative of his lack of character than the harmless, sad perplexity regarding homosexuality.

        • Well William Burke, I went to see the video you spoke about. and once again, I picked up something entirely different; Phil spoke about marrying 15 to 16 year old women; but asking permission from the parents first; ( he married his wife Kay, when she was 16 and he was 20;) I saw a man speaking from a place of humor but practicality as well; getting married this young was considered the norm for most of history; the extended childhood that most teens live today is an aberration and ultimately very unhealthy for all involved; but ultimately, the proof is in the pudding.

          He and his wife with a great deal of challenges are still married over forty years later with a number of grown children running a very successful business trying to live Christian values while still being imperfect human beings. How many people, regardless of how old they got married, if they even ARE married, could say the same.

          I see something to be admired.

          • Ralph, I didn’t intend for that to sound as critical of the man as it seems to have come out. But you’re right, and I should have paid more attention to what I said, and how I said it. You have inspired me to try harder!

            In all honesty, I actually didn’t watch the video, but just summarized several pieces I read about it. And that’s not how I like to roll.

        • “Testing” the gal to see if she can cook or not is a damn good litmus test on her character and general usefullyness. The modern chic skill of whipping out a ccard and buying a pile of hooker clothes at the mall doesn’t count for much when life (or future events) happen.

          If you swing that way perhaps see if she can change the sparkplugs in her car or properly wire an electrical outlet.

          • I dunno, mine can cook, clean, garden, clean fish, etc…..and shoot. She’s a keeper. She knows enough about tools to hand me the right ones when I’m working on a vehicle or around the house.

    • I don’t watch the show, but at 8 P.M. after I have been productive all day long, what I watch on TV doesn’t really matter to you or anyone else. Pound Sand!

    • I think it’s wonderful you eschew television; I find it not so endearing that you have to be all high-and-mighty about it.

      You sound like a “reformed” TV watcher. Y’know, like “reformed” whores and “reformed” alcoholics?

    • Lars,

      I’m sure our Founding Fathers would have harsh words for these God-fearing, gun owning men who run a successful business and fail to pander to the PC crowd. Riiiiiiight.

    • That doesn’t look like a pistol….that adjustable stock screams “carbine”….in 22lr of course. I guess they posted the wrong picture…oops.

  5. My complaint with Mossberg is their Warranty and Customer Service. I have had a shotgun in their warranty abyss for 4 months, 8 days. Go figure, right before hunting season and holiday season – they don’t return calls or emails for status updates, they give you the ‘we’ll have that to you in 2 weeks’ runaround. I heard ‘just 2 weeks’ for the last 3 months.

    I had another warranty issue that resulted in Bersa having to replace a pistol (Thunder 40 Pro full size was horrid with FTE’s – it was probably a lemon – I opted to trade for a Thunder 9 Pro UC which is the one to get by them, by the way!) Bersa is faster for warranty / exchange, and they handled my problem for a replacement during the Hurricane Sandy thing (their US office is in New Jersey), and the pistol had to come up from Argentina – then they got me 3 extra magazines for my wait *during* the opening weeks of the Sandy Hook massacre. So despite power outages, flooding, and one of, if not the worst gun-buy rush in U.S. history, Bersa made good, and did so VERY well.

    Mossberg? Good if it don’t break. Don’t break.

  6. I am more interested in what the first Mossberg/DD PISTOL will look like. And shoot like!

  7. The only Mossberg I own is a 60 year old, bolt action, .22 WMR. It’s taken it’s fair share of varmints and squirrels. My only shot gun is a 30 year old 870 Express. I’ve shot everything from skeet to deer with it.

    I like the Robertsons. DD is one of the few shows I can watch with my kids. I admire a guy who can turn a homemade duck call into a multimillion dollar company and still live in the swamp and hunt every day.

    Having said that… I don’t like cammo guns, I have all the .22’s I need and I can’t get ammo for those, and I have the only shotgun I need.

  8. wow so these guns shoot better/ faster than my 140 dollar mossberg does? No? oh i guess i’ll stick to owning one that wasn’t designed by and designed for a guy sipping on a starbucks Cafe Americano driving his Eddie Buaer edition ford explorer.

    Also i know the Roberstons are born again but could anyone make one that says “Family, Pasta, Guns”

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