“Using technology developed by a company called Musical Targets in Colorado, this marksman hits a number of metal plates, each of which is designed to play a specific musical note,” mtv.com‘s undercapitalized Tess Barker reports. “The result of careful engineering, the melodious plates are lined up to form an entire octave — and can be purchased with additional octaves for the rifle-musician seeking extra range.” So to speak. “Even if you’re not a fan of firearms, you have to admit that’s impressive.” She just had to put that in didn’t she? Still one false note does not a travesty make. And the headline says it all.


  1. Have to admit, as a hobby musician, I like the targets. Color code them and ship with a book of practice ‘tunes’. Hours of fun. Lol

  2. Nice! With the culture war that Bloomberg and Watts has started, we need more stuff like this out there.

  3. Wow. That is bitchen. Off the charts cool.
    Makes me want to develop a belt fed .22 with a silencer and a 3 shot trigger group for making trill notes.
    Beautiful noise.
    Richie Havens song “Freedom” comes to mind.

  4. We just got a new weapon in the fight for the RKBA…

    “You can’t play the national anthem without ‘high capacity’ magazines. Do you hate the national anthem?”

      • MTV Unplugged was amazing, from the music lover point of view. The Nirvana and Alice in Chains sessions are some of the best unplugged live stuff I dun ever saw )

        • I really liked Nirvana and grunge. Hey, suburban white dude. There’s nothing like the music of disgruntled white teens who grew up in a great neighborhood, went to good schools, and had parents who loved them.

          Altough the way that Kurt Cobain’s suicide was romanticized set a very poor example for those struggling with depression.

      • You whipper-snappers!

        I watched MTV when they actually had music videos! Like 1982…

        Crap, I feel old…

    • MTV for the past 15+ years is like having the outlet of a sewer pipe hooked to the back of your TV.

  5. That was fantastic. Too bad it cost about $8 in .22 L.R. ammunition to play that tune!

    Now if only someone would attempt Dueling Banjos!!!

  6. Very cool, but what I love most about this video is the thought of any FUDD who views it; certain to drive them batty!!

  7. Good thing that he wasn’t in a slave state (like MA) as he would have had to change mags much more often. This was fun, though.

    • I was thinking of the World Series.Then and only then will I ever be seen in a Major League Baseball park again.

  8. Very nice! Something to show those asses that claim there isn’t anything good you can do with a firearm.

  9. It’d be great if they could use this in schools to merge band and marksmanship classes. Better yet, have them do it from a moving vehicle and get driver’s ed in there while you’re at it.

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