Back in March, the National Association of gun rights announced the nominees for their first Second Amendment Traitor of the Year award. As NAGR’s President Dudley Brown noted at the time, “Every year, self-proclaimed pro-gun Republicans throw their gun owning constituents under the bus by voting for gun control and gutting pro-gun legislation.”
Those are the kinds of politicians who deserve special recognition for their achievements and NAGR’s nominees were truly an illustrious group who had thrown their support behind a range of gun control industry proposals such as mandatory “safe storage” laws, aftermarket trigger bans, universal registration background checks, and due-process-free “red flag” gun confiscation laws.
If you’d been paying much attention in recent weeks, you could probably tell where the smart money was landing as to the eventual winner. One particular pol had been going above and beyond in his efforts to try to force his anti-gun proposal on a legislature that’s clearly shown no appetite whatsoever for kowtowing to him.
So without further ado, here’s NAGR’s announcement of the winner of their first TOTY award . . .
Over the weekend, the National Association for Gun Rights announced the winner of their first annual Traitor of the Year award at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee was named the winner, earning the award following his calling of a special legislative session to try and pass “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation laws.
Governor Bill Lee has been a vocal supporter of “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation in 2023. “Red Flag” bills call for legally owned firearms to be forcibly confiscated from law-abiding Americans without due process, based on unsubstantiated accusations from disgruntled family members, neighbors, co-workers, and/or current or ex-romantic partners, or roommates.
“There is nothing more traitorous you can do than bend the knee to the gun grabbers by pushing bills to confiscate firearms without due process,” said Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights. “I cannot think of anyone more deserving to be named Traitor of the Year than Governor Bill Lee after he sold out pro-gun Tennesseans.”
The National Association for Gun Rights is mobilizing to be ready to fight any and all gun control attempts filed in Tennessee during the Special Legislative Session, called to start August 21st.
The National Association for Gun Rights expects all pro-gun members of the Tennessee House and Senate to join us in opposing this type of gun confiscation.