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Name That Gun: And Who Owned It Edition

Robert Farago - comments No comments

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IDing the make and model of this revolver isn’t going to present TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia with much of a challenge. It’s hardly an exotic firearms. The mystery here: who owned it? And once you’ve got that sorted, what other guns did he own?

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Name That Gun: And Who Owned It Edition”

  1. I said it before and I’ll say it again. Our fundamental, inalienable right to keep and bear arms cannot depend on a government agency which can be defunded.

    I know, some people will say that only “NFA” items are affected and those are not essential. That argument aside, while defunding only affects those items this time, it could affect all items next time.

  2. Maybe I’m missing something… Didn’t Mr. Ambranski actually buy the gun? Maybe the question should be phrased differently. Something like: will you be the final owner of the gun?

  3. Given the realities of religious prejudice in the world, I would expect Rabbis have probably had to give the issue more thought than your average Episcopalian Minister. They might be good sources for suggestions based on local issues and conditions.

    For myself, I haven’t set foot in a church in at least fifty years, and have no plans to “get religion” any time soon.

    In my opinion, organized religion is just one more excuse to hate somebody perceived as different, whether there is any real difference or not. How different would human history be without pogroms, persecutions, crusades, inquisitions, compulsory conversions, burnings at the stake, ethnic cleansing, jihad, indices of forbidden books, and on, and on, and on? People in the Third World die of starvation in the mud, while their priests and imams are surrounded by gold, incense, silk robes and servants. The whole thing is a crime and a horror, and I’ll have none of it.

  4. That’s a “When did you stop beating your wife?” type of question. I take the fifth and respectfully decline to play unarmed.

  5. Robert , how about making your post printer friendly , so we could print and give to friends etc… Thanks Church and office security badly needed today’s world.

  6. An early model Armalite used by Alexander Hamilton in the charge up Pikes Peak against the Spanish. In full auto mode it provided devastating fire at the squad level. Currently classified as a crew served Class 4 device by the ATF.

  7. The Lord helps those who help themselves. In that situation, I’m GTFO Dodge. And if you’re a shooter, don’t get in my way.

  8. Is this the revolver Lee Harvey Oswald owned and shot the Dallas Police man with?

    Edit: Nope. I looked it up. He had a snub nosed revolver

  9. Of all the petty little things that have to get reported to NICS, name changes are not among them? You get a ticket out of state and it goes to a warrant, reported.
    You catch a DUI in some states, reported. Your girlfriend claims you threatened her, reported. You try to kill a cop, spend years in prison, convert to islam, and change your name; GOOD TO GO!?!?

  10. It might very well have gone off in the purse if it were placed there without a holster, and a pen/keys/lipstick/whatever found its way inside the trigger guard. Not that it absolves the owner of their responsibility to be safe – but it’s a perfectly plausible explanation that fits the facts provided so far.

    • That was my thinking as well, Typically there is enough crap in a woman’s purse to stock a small convenience store and it is very believable that something got into the trigger guard of an unholstered Glock and made it go bang. Sorry that she was injured, but hopefully a lesson was learned. As to the gun disappearing, could have been anyone at the scene, from a bystander to an EMT or one of her fellow officers seeing an ignored weapon laying on the ground and decided it needed a better home, where it would be loved, holstered and cared for.

  11. $50 for an account of what really happened? Okay, here goes: Deputy arrives home early from graveyard shift, catches baby daddy in bed with new girlfriend. Deputy goes ballistic (pun most definitely intended), begins punching on baby daddy & new girlfriend, reaches for gun, prompting baby daddy to grab Deputy gun, whereupon Deputy & baby daddy wrestle (rassle?) over gun, causing baby daddy to shoot Deputy. Baby daddy (still holding gun) & girlfriend split, leaving Deputy to call 911 for herself. Deputy uses back up gun to shoot hole in purse to match concocted story she tells boss. Friend of baby daddy girlfriend surfaces in a few days with Glock, thus collecting $1000, plus Get Out of Jail Free Card.

    You’re welcome. You may send the $50 to my favorite charity . . . . me.

  12. The in-fighting “my way is better than your way”, “my training is better than your training”, “my carry method is better than your carry method” stuff needs to stop.

    We have enough enemies without fighting with each other over such useless points. If women choose to carry then more power to them. Period. Who cares what method they use? Who cares the downside or hesitation or what if A happens then B would be the result BS.

    We need all the numbers we can get, alienating an entire section of our population because they carry off-body (the blasphemy of it all!!!) is how you lose supporters. Just like how the hunters used to talk down to people who shot “assault rifles” and how some of you look down on open carriers. How stupid can you get? You’re killing your own cause at this point.


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