gunsmith armorer work bench
By Larry Lamb, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

To make stocks faster and more uniformly, Thomas Blanchard invented fourteen different machine tools. Each machine would be set up for one particular cut. As the stock was cut, it would be moved from machine to machine. By mounting the stock to the machine tools with jigs and fixtures, a manufacturer could ensure that each stock would be placed in precisely the same position in the machine as the previous stock. The mounting was in relation to a bearing — a particular place on the stock that was used as a reference point. To check that the various parts of the firearm, and the machine tools themselves, were consistent, many new gauges were invented. Felicia Johnson Deyrup, Arms Makers of the Connecticut Valley: A Regional Study of the Economic Development of the Small Arms Industry, 1798-1870, at 97-98 (1948); Thomson at 56–57.

What Blanchard did for stocks, John H. Hall, of the Harpers Ferry Armory, did for
other firearms parts. 
Hall shipped some of his machine tools to Simeon North, in Connecticut. In 1834, Hall and North made interchangeable firearms. This was the first time that geographically separate factories had made interchangeable parts. Id. at 58; Merritt Roe Smith, Harpers Ferry Armory and the New Technology: The Challenge of Change 212 (1977).

Because Hall “established the efficacy” of machine tools, he “bolstered the confidence among arms makers that one day they would achieve in a larger, more efficient manner, what he had done on a limited scale. In this sense, Hall’s work represented an important extension of the industrial revolution in America, a mechanical synthesis so different in degree as to constitute a difference in kind.” Id. at 249.

The technological advances from the federal armories were widely shared among American manufacturers. The Springfield Armory built up a large network of cooperating private entrepreneurs and insisted that advances in manufacturing techniques be widely shared. By mid-century, what had begun as the mass production of firearms from interchangeable parts had become globally known as “the American system of manufacture”—a system that encompassed sewing machines, and, eventually typewriters, bicycles, and automobiles. See, e.g., David R. Meyer, Networked Machinists: High-Technology Industries In Antebellum America 81-84, 252-62, 279-80 (2006).

Springfield, in western Massachusetts on the Connecticut River, had been chosen for the federal armory in part because of its abundance of waterpower and for the nearby iron ore mines. Many private entrepreneurs, including Colt and Smith & Wesson, made the same choice. The Connecticut River Valley became known as the Gun Valley. It was the Silicon Valley of its times, the center of industrial revolution. Id. at 73–103, 229–80.

In short, the Founding generation was familiar with tremendous advances in firearms technology. In the American colonial experience, the rate of fire for an ordinary firearm had quintupled. As of 1791, repeating firearms capable of firing 16 or 22 shots had been demonstrated, but they were much too expensive for ordinary citizens. The Madison-Monroe administration’s wise industrial policy, continued under future administrations, led the way towards the mass production of high quality firearms at low prices. No one in 1791 or 1815 could have foreseen all the firearms innovations in the 19th century. We do know that the American federal government did all it could to make those innovations possible.

— David Kopel in The Founders were well aware of continuing advances in arms technology


  1. Well, there go; more interesting facts related to firearms in the United States.

    Sadly, irrelevant to the gun-grabbers. Facts have no influence over those who believe in truth over fact. Those who believe the FBI is free of politics deny the accuracy of the FBI count of “mass shootings”. The gun violence archive claims over 400 “mass shootings” so far this calendar year; FBI claims 30.

    The “truthers” claim the FBI is incompetent regarding “gun violence”. (the gun violence archive also includes people 18yrs-20yrs in the count of “children” in stats regarding the horror of “gun violence” victims).

    Keep up with events, but get over the idea that a sufficient number of “undecideds” can be won over by range visits, facts, and statistics: numbers sufficient to amass an overwhelming majority of POTG and 2A defenders.

    • Ooo, a perfect place for yet another tidbit from Bernays.

      “The only way to combat such unethical methods is for ethical members of the industry to use the weapon [of] propaganda in order to bring out basic truths of the situation”.

      And let’s throw in another one for good measure since I’m still, apparently, in the habit of doing the Right’s homework for it.

      “The systematic study of mass psychology revealed to students the potentialities of invisible government of society by manipulation of motives which actuate men in the group”.

      You know, that shit I’ve been prattling on about for years because it’s been working on the US public for business and government since the end of WWI and stupid people still want to argue they’re magically unaffected by it because they possess a one-of-a-kind brain that’s fundamentally built differently from any other brain on the planet?

      Anyone figured out that whole shipping thing and how it applies to your 2A rights? Here, have a hint:

      • Thanx for the link.

        The document is about climate change, so I disregard such things as fantasy, not worth reading.

        Any method used to promote controlling climate change is an outright fraud, one that completely ignores the history of climate change on this planet.

        The arrogance that humans can alter the titanic forces that created, and sustain, the planet is simply laughable. “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

        Instructions on how to dishonestly manipulate the emotions of the populace is quite dangerous.

        • Since you skipped reading it, allow me to give you the bullet points and perhaps you’ll understand where I’m going.

          From their own site: “UK Fires is a collaboration between the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and Imperial College London.

          We are funded by EPSRC. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council is the main funding body for engineering and physical sciences research in the UK.”

          Now, if you bother to download and read the paper you’ll find that this is all being done because there’s a law in the UK that requires this, which is sorta interesting but not the actual point.

          The point is what they intend to do, which really isn’t up for debate because they tell you in that document.

          They intend to use the force of government to completely eliminate the airline, oceanic shipping, tourism, building materials, oil and other industries. They openly say no more aircraft (except for important people). No more ships. No more coal, oil or gas. Only electricity, monitored by a smart system. No more steel or other metals unless they’re recycled “properly”. No more concrete. No more farm animals. Nothing that creates the dreaded “emissions”, and this ain’t net zero, so no credits or offsets either.

          Ultimately they openly say that the population must drop and then the survivors will have a 40% reduction in living standards. Oh, lovely.

          Now you might think that’s crazy as fuck. You might even be right about that. But I’d ask you why you’ve ever worked and why you were paid for that work?

          You were paid because “work” could also be described as the “monetization of specialized knowledge applied over time”.

          Which should lead you to wonder what specialized knowledge all these people think they have and how the hell they think they’re going to live long enough to to use it. Which might just lead you to wondering about where the 2A fits into that.

          And you might wonder why this shit from the UK matters at all here.

          You think the Biden Administration isn’t doing this same thing via Executive Agencies and that they’re not in cahoots with the financial sector which is all ESG/DEI these days regardless of what the blind might have to say about it? Wanna buy a bridge?

          Maybe just consider the recent excitement in banking and realize that it’s just getting started. Then ask yourself if Yellen is stupid, lying or bother and what JayPow thinks about her.

          And when you’re thinking about this, here’s a question to put in the back of your mind:

          I’ve spent a great many years right here on TTAG speaking out AGAINST generational warfare and I’m about to say something that should therefore, by rights, shock you because it sounds overly inflammatory given my past statements: The Boomers are set to go into a financial woodchipper, “We HaZ MoNiEZ” Boomers first and mostly, they have zero idea they’ve been led right to the slaughterhouse threshold.

        • Humans can’t alter climate?


          At current rates of use, every molecule of earth’s atmosphere will have passed through an internal combustion engine in less than 2000 years. Note that current rates are accelerating rapidly.

          Do you really think that won’t affect conditions in the thin layer of air we exist in?


        • xzx…I thought azzhats like you were concerned about cow flatulence and not Horsesht? Fact is the earth runs on poop and flatuence that comes from all living things and deceased, rotting living things. Speaking of things rotting that includes the mush you have for brains…I mean the air and water you consume today is the same air and water it was billions and billions carl sagen years ago even after all the sea creature poop, dinosaur flatuence, meteors, volcanoes, fires, floods, vegetation, etc…Get a life or waste it on money grubbing junk science

        • Strych still catching up with previous readings but the cliff notes for the UK program is a fast forward version of the green initiatives we are seeing here in NY and yeah for the initial boomer remover one need only look at how we handled Covid up here objectively. Once the monied elderly are removed the population that remembered a better time is less relevant and the existing underclass can be expanded by pressuring the already stressed middle class and importing yet more underclass. While it is on the surface amusing to hear sanctuary city NYC complain about too many illegals it is well scripted to provide a pretext to ship them elsewhere to increase the strain more evenly across the state.

        • {The literal ‘Net Zero’ fascists}

          “Ultimately they openly say that the population must drop and then the survivors will have a 40% reduction in living standards. Oh, lovely.”

          I’ve noticed a concerning issue of what they say and what they actually *do*.

          Case in point – The utter panic the fascist Leftists had over the whole Virus-19 scare. In a raw panic, they shut the world’s economy down, insisted everyone mask up, and “flatten the curve” so hospitals don’t get slammed.

          If they were really that fucking worried about over-population, I would think they would *welcome* a once-a-century pandemic that cuts the planetary population a few percent. No, they were horrified.

          The point I’m clumsily trying to make is, there’s all kinds of big talk that somehow gets ignored when the rubber hits the road and reality slaps you in the face.

          And, have you heard what happened in Holland in the last election? Their zero-nitrogen fertilizer lobby got their asses handed to them after they instituted massive emissions cuts on the farmers. You might have seen their protests, where they clogged major roads with their tractors. They no longer control the national legislature.

          Push too hard, too fast, at your own risk, Leftist Scum ™…

        • Obviously lying to the public is their job. If Yellen was stupid, and we actually had a serious government, like some people apparently assume we do, then she would have already been fired.

        • @XYZ

          I think that your argument is a Motte-and-Bailey based on a red herring and I also think you know this, so fuck you.

          In fact, go fuck yourself with a rusty bottle brush and then die of tetanus while the rest of us point and laugh as you slowly dehydrate. If we’re nice we’ll give you the coup de grace with a steel-toe boot party rather than letting you die over the course of weeks. LOL, no we won’t. We’ll enjoy watching your suffering.

          I also think that recent papers show clearly that humans have created 12% of the CO2 released to atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution, so our impact is minimal.

          I further think that nothing any of you morons say addresses plant life or biology in general, so again, fuck you and also fuck your cult bullshit masquerading as “science”.


          I doubt it’s about what they remember. It’s about the fact that they statistically vote in higher numbers and that they hold assets that are illiquid. Forcing them into liquidity, while they’re living or dead doesn’t much matter, exposes the underlying capital to taxes.

          Run the arithmetic on Boomer generation real-estate and keep your figures VERY, VERY conservative and you figure that just the Feds can scoop up ~$6.8 trillion in cap gains taxes just from primary domicles, nevermind secondary houses or real estate investments in just the first five to ten years of letting inflation run while keeping Social Security COLAs low. More than 1 in 3 Boomers is 100% reliant on SS and 90% are 50% reliant or more.

          And they statistically own a lot of real estate. And the biggest problem facing capital markets in the next few years is liquidity, so how do you get a big injection of liquidity while helping crony corporations and massively increasing tax returns? Screw the Boomers on Social Security.

          And as a bonus we know that major stresses like this late in life tend to reduce life expectancy so we can statistically project a drop in the cost of SS but also, and saving much more money, Medicare.

          Damn, that’s cold, huh? And it is quite obviously happening, planned or not.


          I’ve noticed. I would point out several things about it.

          1. Constantly repeating this and creating the situation they have “normalizes” the conversation, which is half the reason they do it. They’re “preparing the table” as it were. I’ll cover it more in depth later as I’m essentially doing a series here on the propaganda I’ve talked about for years since I actually sort of have a format for it now. But this is part of a strategy that even when it loses sets up a media environment that’s friendly by planting seeds in people’s minds that they’ve “heard of the crisis” before.

          2. The Dutch got lucky insofar as their election cycle was concerned (as well as their Parliamentary system) however it’s important to realize that in many regards Amsterdam will find itself constrained by EU rules out of Brussels, as the UK is finding itself constrained. The law I reference is actually a pre-Brexit law that brings the UK “into compliance with EU standards”. It no longer has reason to exist but you don’t exactly see the Conservative Party rushing to repeal it, do you? The Netherlands will have a similar issue going forward.

          This is a multipronged attack on each country. Even if the Netherlands fixes this they will find themselves on the wrong end of EU regulations for non-compliance. Supra-national government’s a PITA to deal with. Fortunately the EU’s future is doubtful.

          Now, the question you raise is a good one about pushing too far too fast but the other side should be somewhat carefully treading that ground. Alinsky’s rules come into play here, “your real action is your enemy’s reaction”. I’ve posted links to ‘s page on this under a different name.

          We should be careful not to push back too far, too fast ourselves. You can see that with what you call “virus-19” where dozens of Nuremberg violations can be quite easily shown. Last time you had even a few a there was a “Doctor’s Trial” that ended with gallows. But today? Just mentioning the name “Nuremberg” is “extreme” at this point in time. Will it be in a year? Dunno, depends who the media landscape to a great degree but for now, pushing to give Fauci a long drop and a short stop is a bridge too far, even though in the historical context he’d be lucky to get measured drop instead of a cart and a crossbeam.

        • Oh, and @Dude:

          It’s obvious that Yellen is stupid. You can just look at her history, she’s a “Yes” woman, a true team player, not a leader or very smart.

          But like Mayor Pete, she was probably selected for this attribute. It’s a feature, not a bug.

        • It’s easy to confuse stupid with evil. If you judge her on her ability to perform her job to the American people, then of course she looks stupid. But that isn’t her job. Her job is to serve the Regime. Her job is to be a professional liar. If that’s her job (and it is), then she can’t be that stupid because she’s still employed. I throw up a little in my mouth every time I hear her grating voice.

          I said we would have inflation back in 2020 before Biden even won the election. I don’t even work in the financial sector. I doubt I was the only one who saw that. Of course, the incoming administration knew that as well. I also said from day one, they didn’t put the Puppet in office to pursue these ideological fights they use to keep the sheep voting for them. I said they’re putting him in office so they can control the treasury. Their number one goal, from day one, was to get as much money in circulation as possible. In order to achieve that goal, they needed the “experts” to assure the American people that we weren’t going to have inflation. That’s where Yellen comes in. She didn’t believe a word she said. She’s a professional liar. That’s how she gets paid. She’s evil.

          Jerome Powell is as well. The government pretends like the only way they can control inflation is by raising the interest rate. That isn’t true. They could spend less. You will never hear them say that. Spending less means paying their cronies less, and expanding the government at a slower rate. We can’t have that! Raising the rates means the American people suffer. That’s a much better alternative!

          We now have conclusive proof that the Federal Reserve works for the Regime. They kept raising rates in 2018 while the economy was taking off. They overshot it so much, they had to quickly lower the rates multiple times. I suspected then they wanted to make sure Trump never achieved 4% growth in a quarter because Obama never did that in eight years. If we use the same standards of raising the rate from 2018, and apply it to 2021, we can see that the Fed was holding off on raising the rates so the American people wouldn’t be alarmed, and the Regime would have a better chance to pass their insane, completely unnecessary spending proposals. They’re all evil.

        • @Dude:

          Generally speaking I don’t think Yellen is evil. She shows too many signs of dementia for that. Easily controlled by people who are evil and too stupid to resist? Sure, I’ll bite on that. Ditto Biden, who’s also a hopelessly corrupt racist and has been for decades. Pretty good puppet, really.

          I also pointed out the inflation thing, particularly in a commodity market known as “copper” which is how I knew ammo prices wouldn’t drop the way many people claimed they would in 2021.

          IMHO, JawPow’s an interesting case.

          The Fed has two jobs that are at opposite ends of a balance beam. Low inflation and full employment. That’s silly but it is what it is. Powell’s written papers in the past slamming Bernanke and arguing that what you see today has been baked in since ~2008.

          Post 2020 he’s faced with an interesting set of dilemmas. Nationally he can save the dollar or the financial system, not both. He seems to have picked the dollar at the expense of the financial sector. This is pretty clear because he’s written in the past about how a rapid fed-rate hike would cause exactly what happened to SVB, Signature and First Republic (along with a few others).

          He therefore knows that this will happen due to the combination of Dodd-Frank, current debt levels and the other factors making this occur. He’s known it for over a decade. He also knows that if he goes to the other end of the balance beam, the dollar dies really, really fast.

          Add to this the fact that the US has had zero real growth since 2009. Just subtract the deficit spending from the whole thing and GDP growth is 0 or negative for the past 14 years. Ouch!

          Which is to say that we’ve been using credit cards and calling the money “income”. The result is that inflation bit hard at the lower levels of the work hierarchy early, which was sold as “lazy kids demanding too much money” but which was really just wage inflation at the lower end which the “talking heads” didn’t admit because they’re the real regime stooges.

          And again, JawPow actually predicted this. Of course, it’s easier to complain when you’re not in charge than it is to fix things when you are in charge…

          But if you look at international FX markets this all seems like a big deal in terms of BRICS+ and “dedollarization”, “the Global South” reorganizing etc. However, that’s 95% bullshit. Powell’s probably been watching the PBOC, BOJ and several other national banks as well (Argentina’s just a joke and has been for decades).

          As such he knows something. That something is that these currencies are all triply screwed worse than we are, and this include the Euro. PBOC and BOJ as well as all other currencies in the upper quintile “quantitatively ease” at multiples of how fast we do it. In fact, they’re still doing it while we’re tightening while trying to claim some sort of moral high ground. For example, the Chinese print something like 800% more RMB per year than we print dollars and they’ve been doing it for 20 years. That’s how they blew a $72 Trillion real estate bubble that they’re struggling to hide from the world, but check their charts and it’s obvious the effects this is having on their production capacity because the coverup siphons off the capital they need to keep other things running, hence no growth.
          On paper China has enough currency to displace the dollar as the world-reserve currency in pure numbers terms. What they don’t have is anyone who really wants RMB because of how China controls its currency, which is some of what I covered above.

          BOJ has a slightly different problem in that everyone who’s watched Japan since the 1980’s knows what they’re doing, preparing for demographic shifts that are not in their favor and lubricating the transition with printing Yen. That’s a legit move nationally but it hamstrings them in international FX because they limit their own growth, having maxed it out for real projects in the early 1990’s to build what they needed when they had the labor to do it. But they possess the world’s, easily, second best Navy and they’re an island so… they’re actually in a pretty smart position nationally but not internationally in finance terms.

          That basically leaves the EU, which is more fucked than most people can imagine because the various governments there print their sovereign debt and then force it to be purchased by requiring large amounts of it to be purchased by retirement funds which are also required to meet ESG requirements. And they do this with two sets of books to boot because the Euro is a common currency that doesn’t have common sets of books to track the red side of the ledger. (What a game they’ve played, lol, but the Stoxx shows the reality and the markets are moving money to the Dow and NASDAQ already) The result is that these funds can’t withstand any of several shocks, all of which are inevitable in the next few years (my bet is the credit freeze the USD is creating gets them first, probably next year).

          The result is a house of cards far worse than ours. Their pension systems are inextricably linked to debt that can’t be paid without economic growth their population and natural resource systems don’t allow for. Add in the *accident* with the Nord Stream pipeline and the tallest midget in the field (Germany) got chopped off at the knees, which is why major companies like BASF are literally taking factories apart in Germany and moving them to Louisiana. The writing’s on the wall, the EU is so screwed it’s not funny. Hilariously the Continent probably ends up run by the French within a decade.

          So, is JawPow evil? I doubt it. From where I sit he’s a fairly shrewd player who’s been handed a shit hand and also has to deal with the fact that he can’t control Biden or Congress but must patch up the holes they punch in the Fed’s balance sheet, hence his current *use* of the Reverse Repo Facility to keep the financial system afloat and buy time for an influx of international liquidity.

          Which is all a long way of saying that where I see evil, it’s elsewhere. Controlling the world’s reserve currency is a odd thing to have to do and in some regards buying the alliance that hastened the demise of the USSR cost more over time than many reckoned it would. But it need leave us in the least-bad position in comparison to… well, the rest of the world.

        • That doesn’t cover the fact that he waited past the “very last second” to begin raising rates. That means he had to play catch up. The Fed has been raising rates faster than anyone ever in modern history. The fact that he knew what would happen (banks failing, etc.) if he did that either makes him evil, or the world’s biggest coward. The question is, why did he wait so long? The obvious answer is because he works for the Regime. He was waiting on them to pass their insane, completely unnecessary spending bills. If he began raising rates when he should have, the ignorant public would be clued in that maybe we don’t need these bills to pass right now, if ever. He’s working for the machine. Whether that’s willingly or out of fear doesn’t matter because the end result is the same.

          Maybe he’s evil, maybe he isn’t. It’s a distinction without a difference. He’s definitely a coward. He was questioned under oath by Congress if there was another way to limit inflation outside of raising the rate. He refused to say spending less money would ease inflation.

        • It’s easy to say that his timing sucked but you have to remember that anything he does in either direction takes about 18 months to fully filter through, this applies to past actions too. This is well known but not often discussed in fiscal policy circles that the public is often… exposed to, I’ll say, via media.

          Which, in some cases, means you cannot know what you should do for a year and a half because any action before that would be too quick for you to have any data with which to make the decision. If, for example you know that inflation will peak around month 12 and come down from there to a new nominal around month 18 how do you determine the interest rate for month 20, based on the new nominal, at month 13?

          You don’t because you’re adjusting for a baseline you don’t yet have and cannot know. This, historically, is where the Fed has made major “policy errors” in the past. Things that caused little bumps in the road like The Great Depression. Do that today and things are a lot worse than in the 1930’s.

          Imagine trying to drive a car where all your inputs have a five minute delay before the car does what you told it to do. That’s not going to be very easy. Unfortunately this is not an area of life where incorrect action is better than no action. Incorrect action will, mostly, have worse effects than inaction.

          You have to consider that JawPows (yes, I’m using Jaw for funzies since everyone accuses him of “jawboning”, but you probably already caught that) is running the world’s reserve currency. The next best is the Euro at ~20% of world FX reserve status followed by the RMB at around 5% if we’re being serious. You have to consider what that means. We think of a bad recession or even a depression. ’08 all over again. He doesn’t.

          He knows that if he screws this up the consequences overseas are insane. Two billion people die in six months sort of insane, and that’s for starters. Oh, and to fix it takes 18 months. The chances another currency can step in is 0.0%. So, he’s literally playing with the grease for the system that feeds half (or more) of the planet. Hate to tell you this, but your retirement fund is in competition with an ally who could, no shit, end up losing a third or more of their population before Christmas because JawPow makes a policy error.

          That right there starts a war many times larger than WWII faster than most people can imagine. Take for example, Egypt and China. It mostly grows cotton and exports that for money to buy various foodstuffs, mostly wheat, for its population. In a crisis, even if they could instantly switch to growing nothing but wheat they’re still about 30% short on food. That’s bad. But China’s worse because of the specific inputs it needs for domestic rice production and its reliance on imports to cover the difference, including at this point the majority of its main meat supply, pork, which it gets from the US. Now China and Egypt are both competing to import food as a matter of government survival.

          If the USD isn’t the object of trade what do they have other than their own currencies that, really, no one wants? Honestly? Nothing. In that world the only thing that matters with no USD is security guarantees for overwater trade routes and only two countries in the world, the US and Japan could provide those and neither has an incentive to do so. Combined they can’t impose the level of order required in such a widespread crisis. Narrowing the example, Egypt therefore has to go on bended knee to Israel for Eastern Med guarantees while trying to find ways to get stuff into that area or… go to war with Israel again. And that’s just the local problem. And we haven’t considered Turkey yet. Or the rest of the ME…

          How does that go for 80% of countries worldwide? Uh, they go the way of Sri Lanka in a few months flat but worse because they start wars for food in the meantime. Notable outliers being the US, Canada, France, New Zealand, Australian, Berma (I won’t use the name they prefer to be called these days, fuck them), Mexico, Argentina and Brazil. Everyone else pretty much goes back to 1600’s food supply with 2020’s population in 60-90 days and it’s downhill from there.

          The cold, hard reality is that we’re setting ourselves up for the obvious, which is that the world is going to head back to a historical norm. The reversion to mean in this regard means we’re going back to the standard geo-politics of 1500-1900. Which fucking sucks for everyone except… well, us and some of our friends plus the Bermese who won’t know the difference.

          But it’s going to come at a cost, and that cost is financial. As I’ve said, why do people get paid to work? To monetize specialized knowledge over time.

          So, is JawPow really that dumb? Or does he have a situation much more complicated than 99.9% of people realize?

          I mean, consider the gold bug’s solution for a second. There’s nothing wrong with PMs as a hedge, I do the same actually, but as a currency? LOL! 244,000 tons mined in all of history, 10% locked up in historical artifacts and now you’re going to split that over the entire lifetime of 8 billion people with the average person’s entire life worth 31.5 grams of gold, less than a troy ounce and that’s only if you destroy every known artifact to do it? Dream-the-fuck-on goldbugs.

          We’ve got ourselves a good, old fashioned predicament here that’s shockingly similar to the one faced by the Spanish Empire just before 1600. They chose wrong and lost it all. The only thing that kept them going for a bit was Potosí and even that couldn’t cover the cost of that mistake.

          Powell’s got, IMHO, one of the worst jobs on the planet. Most people don’t get that and hate him just on principle. I’d never have taken the position. It’s no wonder Polzar left the Fed.

        • In the sentence “It mostly grows cotton and exports that for money to buy various foodstuffs…” “It” refers to Egypt.

          My pisspoor editing. Sorry about that.

        • That still doesn’t explain the stark contrast between the rate hikes under Trump and the rate hikes under the Puppet. Maybe I’m missing something, but hear me out. Yellen began cranking up the rate as soon as Trump was elected. The inflation rate was well below 2% at that time. I think it was 1%. When Powell assumed the Fed Chair, he continued cranking up the rate in 2018. It affected the economy in 2018. I remember them intentionally slowing things down. Because I tend to be cynical when it comes to the government, I was highly suspicious of their motivations.

          What I’m doing is comparing the rates of 2017-2018 with 2020-2021. Everyone knew we were about to get some serious inflation by the end of 2020. If they were truly preparing for 18 months down the road, then why didn’t they begin raising the rate? If an outsider like me is on the record in 2020 saying we’re going to have inflation, then of course the experts knew it as well. That begs the question: why did they wait so long? I have my theory, as stated above. They all serve the machine.

        • The inputs China *requires* to grow food are the lever the world holds over China.

          Or not, even as China seems to put on a show about how reactive they are over public protests, even those have a limit, as 1989 showed in Tienanmen square.

          They absolutely would seal off a region and exterminate everyone in it if they thinks it will keep the rest of the population from complaining.

          The massive volume of soybeans they buy isn’t for human consumption, it’s pig food to feed the masses. Phosphate and soluble nitrogen they cannot do without.

          Have you been following any of Peter Zehan’s videos? You and he are on similar wavelengths…

        • @Dude:

          When you look at the relatively small rate hikes under Trump you can see why they were probably done. Trump “started a trade war with China” and that was his “shot across the bow”.

          International shipping isn’t done on a cash basis. It’s credit. Credit for the stuff, credit for the ship, credit for the insurance on that ship, credit for the fuel. It’s all credit until the stuff gets sold at its final point of sale, really. Even with commodities this is true.

          As I said, the Fed Funds rate is the rate on the world’s currency in several regards. Which means that the Fed Funds rate affects prices in everything.

          Which makes it a very, very serious button to hover your finger over and say “I’ll fucking do it”. But assume for a second that it’s not a on/off switch but more like a volume switch you can hold to keep the action repeating and the volume going up. Tapping it gets a point across real well but doesn’t cause *major* problems because the world can absorb a bit of an increase at a time as long as it doesn’t go too high.

    • Like other narratives used by the operation mockingbird press , it seeks to distract and pull you off-point. Do not let them control the language , or center of the issue.

      ” Shall not be infringed ” , the right pre-exists the nation. Period.

    • Are you looking for a job of your choice??? Can’t find the job you want even after visiting different websites? Considering your needs, we have organized our website with all categories of jobs, visit this link now…..

    • Six months prior I misplaced my work and after that I was blessed sufficient to falter upon a extraordinary site which truly spared me. I begun working for them online and in a brief time after I’ve begun averaging 15k a month… The finest thing was that cause I am not that computer smart all I required was a few essential writing aptitudes and web get to to begin.
      ) AND Great Luckiness.:

  2. Where’s the “fail”?

    A story (narrative) with wide reach does not succeed or fail on truthfulness, it has already succeeded by having wide reach. A true story that doesn’t have wide reach has, by definition, failed because stories are meant to be told and retold.

    The facts about this era are well known to a small number of people and that group of people has not significantly enlarged in decades. The “narrative fail” is on our side.

    The development of public opinion for a cause or line of socially constructive action may very often be the result of a desire on the party [sic] of the propagandist to successfully meet his own problem which the socially constructive cause would further.”

    -Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

    The same is true of socially corrosive actions.

    • “The “narrative fail” is on our side.”

      Straight up, dude.

      (good to see you commenting again)

      • RE: “A true story that doesn’t have wide reach has, by definition, failed because stories are meant to be told and retold.”

        To whom it may concern…The History of Gun Control falls into the category of untold True Stories. And when you tell the tale you get barked at by pathetic mealy mouth pompous gun owning gutless wonders…you know who you are.

        • For all your talk you seem to do even less than the ones you seek to insult. LOL you truly are desperate for relevance.

      • If you’re looking for inspiration (I say, given your OP up top) try Anabasis (The Persian Expedition) by Xenophon.

        It’s short, like 170 pages, and will hit the jugular. A copy might be $10.

        • “It’s short, like 170 pages,”

          Isn’t that an account broken into seven books? Are the combined 7 books only 170 pages?

        • It’s broken up into seven “books” that we’d call “chapters” each with sections, basically corresponding to the scrolls he wrote on.

          Each “book” being what fit on a scroll of papyrus. So, you can have something like Book VII, Section III, denoted as VII.III which tells you which scroll to pick up and then what section to go to. It’s a similar but less complicated notation system than the Bible uses because it’s not meant to help you find very specific lines for singing or oration purposes.

          You see the same thing with all the ancient writers who wrote history or philosophy or some other prose and it can make it seem like the work is much longer than it really is until you get your hands on it.

          The DigiReads unabridged copy of Anabasis is 183 pages in a 8″x5″ paperback and that’s with footnotes (some of which are really quite large) and translator’s notes. I just picked it up and looked.

        • “The Gutenberg project has it for download”

          While I’m all about tech, at this point in time I do not support only having digital copies of books, especially important historical ones.

          Like gold or crypto, if you don’t hold it, you don’t own it. Digital copies can be stealth edited or deleted when they become inconvenient. They’ve done it to The Simpsons you think they won’t do it to books they deem problematic?

          Besides, paper in your hands is a different experience. This isn’t a tech manual.

        • “Besides, paper in your hands is a different experience.”


          It is a totally different, much more literal experience when reading it. The digital media I save stays off the computer I downloaded it from, that makes their work a little more inconvenient…

    • Where have you been hiding? Welcome back. Someone mentioned your absence just the other day. Isn’t it good to know that you were missed?

      • Here and there. Being missed or not is neither here nor there, honestly, when there’s fuckery afoot and work to be done (and if I’m within 1000 miles there’s definitely fuckery afoot because if I don’t find it I will make it).

        Also, I never really left. Just restricted myself to using other handles here while I was testing some “social engineering” tactics on other sites.

        Oh, and generating a full seven legal tablets of notes on the mechanisms being used by the Left to sell their bullshit and how to short circuit that while building a way to share about a bazillion links in ways that WordPress won’t censor because I’m sick of it.

        Who wants to talk about propaganda, social engineering, ESG, finance and, of course, international shipping?

        I don’t wanna be hostile…

        • “Oh, and generating a full seven legal tablets of notes on the mechanisms being used by the Left to sell their bullshit and how to short circuit that while building a way to share about a bazillion links in ways that WordPress won’t censor because I’m sick of it.”

          I’d be very interested in reading it after you organize it…

      • “Well if I told your handles to fuck off my bad there.”

        You didn’t. They didn’t post anything other than either links or quotes and when that was done the items were solo.

        Not that I’d be offended if you did tell them to fuck off, but I wouldn’t give you a reason. I test social engineering elsewhere for a variety of reasons ranging from ethical to practical. [And also because I don’t care if I get banned from a Lefty message board.]

    • “A story (narrative) with wide reach does not succeed or fail on truthfulness, it has already succeeded by having wide reach.”

      Yes and no.

      Noticed how the mass media broadcast companies viewership is continuing to tank? We stopped watching that crap 15-20 years back, and now even their own have no interest in watching it. The big-uns at the top are now even more firmly ensconced in their little ‘bubble’ then they were a decade back.

      Things aren’t good, no doubt. I posit things may not be as bad as it may seem.


      • I think it will matter how forcefully we push back when opportunities arise. The Anheuser Busch to target dramas are one thing but rejecting and attacking (legally) those who seek to castrate largely autistic kids groomed to a gender dysphoria obsession is a bigger one.

        • I was done with Target years ago when they said men were welcome to use women’s restrooms. It’s crazy how that didn’t receive more backlash. I think most people thought it was some silliness that would eventually blow over. Now look at the country. I’d forever be done with A-B, but I don’t drink.

          Corporations have been put on notice. People are finally sick of it. I wonder if there will be anymore corporate casualties considering that we’re heading into the sacred (corporate sponsored) month of June? Are people here okay with TTAG flying the Progressive battle flag, as they often do, like it’s some sort of neutral symbol of goodwill?

      • There’s a trick to this Geoff.

        On the one hand you don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, OTOH, counting victories in minor skirmishes as major theater level victories is the pinnacle of foolishness, and unfortunately, something of a Right wing calling card.

        I’ll take what I can get but I also suspect that the Harley Davidson thing shows that they’re not going to simply go out with a whimper. Going after Harley was a deft move in several regards. Let’s be real, old guys with a Harley passion are in a serious bind on that one and that’s not an accident.

    • strych9,

      I know I have frequently taken issue with you on this forum, but on this one, I will both heartily agree, but suggest a slight nuance to the narrative that is more important than it seems.

      There were con men around before Bernays studied and catalogued their methods (and the methods continue to be revised/refined), and there will be as long as humans are flawed creatures. The ultimate responsibility falls on the consumer – caveat emptor is a real thing. You can talk until you’re blue in the face, but if others don’t LEARN what you are trying to tell them, no matter how ‘correct’ it is? Sorta like a tree falling in the forest, if no one is around.

      The only “protection” we have is our ability to learn and think. Unfortunately, some are unable (dacian the demented, MajorLiar), and some are unwilling. “You can’t fix stupid”, said Ron White.

      • I’m not the type to have hard feelings, so don’t worry about whatever.

        I’ll get to the nuance, trust me, deeper than you’re going to like. The problem here is that this isn’t about conmen. Bernays was no conman. He was a US government trained propagandist who went private after he put himself out of business with .gov.

        As I’ve noted before, this is weaponized psychology and neurobiology. If you are not aware of it you cannot resist it, which is the point of it.

        Bernays himself was a nephew of Sigmund Freud. Freud’s insights are powerful, to be sure, but at this point I’m only taking the history of this up to 1928. Later this will be combined with the work of the Pavlovians. Their early capacities are chronicled by Joost Meerloo in his book The Rape of the Mind. And that’s their early stuff, like cutting edge in 1925 but not available to the West until we see POWs come back from Korea in the 1950’s. It gets much, much darker.

        Also something I’ve noted before. Aldous Huxley, whatever his family might have been into, was very well read on these topics in the 1920’s. He was so alarmed by it that he wrote his famous Brave New World (1932) based on where he thought the manipulative capacities of governments would reach by 2050.

        29 years later, a few years before he died, he gave a large but mostly unknown speaking tour in 1961. He hit the Ivys, other major colleges and other major speaking venues. In his old age he was even more concerned because, and he went into some detail about it, by 1961 the manipulative capacity of governments to control the population behind the scenes with what Bernays would have called “directing Democracy”.

        To quote the man “Ours must be a leadership democracy administered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses”.

        But he didn’t come up with that idea. He’s essentially paraphrasing Walter Lippmann, which is another thread in this whole shitshow of a story, one that has some loose ties to George Gallup and the entire concept of scientific polling.

        Most of these people were not evil, they built a set of tools that can be used for good or for ill. When they fell into the hands of .gov they were used almost exclusively for ill.

        The man who sung Bernays’ praises the loudest, for example, was none other than Joseph Goebbels, and he sang those praises for some very, very good (and dark) reasons.

  3. Let’s give up.

    I have a new philosophy — I’m looking forward to dying. It’s the next great adventure of this life that hasn’t seen many adventures. With regards to this world that I’ll leave behind — I want to see how everything turns out, but I don’t want to experience it. Because it isn’t going to turn out well.

    • You’re right to worry but I’d recommend you worry a bit less.

      Believe it or not, the plan arrayed against you contains fatal errors. The trick is to not get caught in the collateral damage. Which, happily enough, isn’t actually that hard to avoid with some basic steps which, given your past comments here, you’ve already taken most of whether you know it or not.

      • Can’t remember his own name,

        Wow, that was PROFOUND!! NOT!

        If you have an intelligent comment, make it. If not, go away and let the adults talk.

        • “If you have an intelligent comment, make it. If not, go away and let the adults talk.”

          Lamp, I have a theory :

          All these one-shot-wonder, new, made-up-name jerkoffs, are the same person, who was run off from TTAG, totally humiliated.

          Know what I mean? *wink* 🙂

        • Geoff,

          “. . . who was run off from TTAG . . . “.

          Nah, dacian the demented, MajorLiar, and Prince Albert the Fake-Limey Ponce are all still around. Or did you have some other brain-dead loser in mind?

    • “With regards to this world that I’ll leave behind — I want to see how everything turns out, but I don’t want to experience it.”

      I’m doing the little I can do in educating the next generation of my family of what’s coming, and providing each a toolset for dealing with it.

      For the haters, I still have 30 years left… 🙂

    • Huck Obri:
      “The only thing I’ll regret about being dead is not being able to make every SOB around me as miserable as I am.”

  4. Since Gun Control zealots had a cow over printer firearms, printer plans, 80% receivers, braces, etc. one can imagine their reaction to a Phaser, etc. Wise not to paint The Second Amendment into a corner by narrowing down the meaning of, “Arms.”

    • Exactly Debbie! This term “In Common Use” is absolute bullshit. The Founding Fathers wanted the populace to be able to secure their State and hold government accountable. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t want us walking around with thermonuclear briefcases but the intent to protect our freedoms is there.

  5. Innovations and advances in firearms happened before 1791 too. Yes, the founders knew that advances in firearms were taking place and expected them to and even embraced it. Heck, by 1785 there were repeating firearms for sale which were the forerunner concept of today’s semi-auto firearms.

    The anti-gun arguments that ‘technological advancements’ in fire arms were not envisioned by the founders is simply false. Not only were they envisioned, they were embraced and if one could afford it back then firearms with all sorts of technological and evolving improvements from the flint lock to ‘repeating firearms’ and ‘multi-shot forearms’ were available before 1791. Heck, the revolution was fought with a technological and evolving improvement firearm called the flint lock which was a technological advancement over the match lock.

    • “The anti-gun arguments…”

      It’s always Opposite Day in Leftist Land. The hand is quicker than the eye, and they are masters of deflection. Prior, we could win simply by laughing and not playing the game, but that strategy is becoming less viable, especially on the grand scale. Better to learn the game well enough to beat them at it. Also, converts can make good strategists.

  6. The people who propose the framers couldn’t see any of what was coming are the same people today who can’t see what tomorrow will bring.

    Extrapolation and the field of “futurism” are not magical. They’re quite logical and anyone without their head up their ass can participate.

    • “The people who propose the framers couldn’t see any of what was coming are the same people today who can’t see what tomorrow will bring.”

      I like throwing in their faces something along the lines of “Then you won’t have a problem unlocking your smartphone on demand from a cop pulling you over so he can inspect the photos and videos you have there, right? After all, if you aren’t doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.”


      • His tag reader will scan your phone for him before he exits his car. If he bothers to exit…

        Tech is moving so fast, paranoia can’t catch up… 🙂

  7. It is absolutely true the authors of the Constitution and BOR knew of repeating firearms, and other innovations and developments in firearms. Just as they knew of inventions and innovations in many other industries. And, it is highly likely they would have marveled at some of the things we take for granted today.
    Think on this. When I was a kid we had manual typewriters and rotary phones. Space exploration and man on the moon was in the realm of fantasy. There were still a few steam trains on regular scheduled use.
    Also think on this. The scary semi automatic weapons the idiots want to ban were already either available, or in development. Stoner was already developing his designs in the 1950’s.
    The UZI pistol was being used by the Israeli’s. Semi automatic hand guns were commonly available at reasonable prices. And there were already complaints about government over reach and known problems with federal agencies not acting in the best interest of the people but in the interests of selected politicians.
    Now, would the founder fathers, or the founding sons been horrified by what we now have for weapons? I doubt it. Nor would they demand restrictions on them. Most would have purchased them and been proud to have effective and easy to use weapons over the cumbersome muskets and pistols of the day.
    What would have horrified them is the lack of honor, self discipline and morality we see today.

  8. Very expensive repeating arms is the goal for the elites. They want the gun, they just don’t want you to have one too.

    • Well repeating air guns are making a big comeback. SEE: Lewis & Clark🙄😀

      • I kind of want one! They have seriously evolved since my pump action Benjamin pistol (meaning pump and pump) and CO2 Benjamin rifle circa 1971. Which I am happy to still own.

      • Alas, my air-gun of choice is a break action single shot pistol that I use to take out the critters who want to eat a bit of this tomato and a bit of that squash and a bit of that pepper in my garden. BUT, it is equipped with a tidy little red dot that makes it quite the efficient device.

    • Interesting that you think any private citizen will be allowed to have a gun.

      Have they not made themselves clear about packing the SCOTUS so that they can have a rubber stamp for anything and everything they want to do?

      • When they catch on that Bruen and originalism are going nowhere they will resort to this argument; yes technologic advancements were understood as inevitable BUT only if you had the money to pay for it, the founders NEVER could have conceived of a $359 AR-15 that anyone could own. Mark my words, you will see it soon.

        • Brodirt, Considering that a gun at the time of our Founding Fathers was a pittance compared to today, your argument is about as hollow as your head. Mark my words, you will see that your gun control laws now being passed to counter Bruen will be overturned as UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Our Founding Fathers did not think that technology would stand still.
          Originalism is what brought about Heller, McDonald and Bruen.

      • “Have they not made themselves clear about packing the SCOTUS…”

        Continuing the theme I espoused on above, them saying and doing are two different things.

        That will split the nation, and the results will be ugly… 🙁

        • They cut your kid’s dicks off behind your backs, you’d think there would be some nice lamppost decorations.

          Instead there’s a boycott of AB InBev and Target.

          And they’re trying to manufacture “violence” against Target stores in the South. You might ponder why. (Alinsky said it, “your real action is your target’s reaction).

  9. @strych9
    “It’s broken up into seven “books” that we’d call “chapters” each with sections, basically corresponding to the scrolls he wrote on.”

    Thanx for that.

  10. @XZX
    “Humans can’t alter climate? Horseshit.”

    The geology says otherwise.

    What little effect humans can have is not enough to cause dramatic, permanent, accelerating, long lasting change. (we are still recovering from the last ice age…which wasn’t caused by humans). The entire climate change hoax is based on computer models; models presumed to capture every possible variable that can happen over a single year, much less 30yrs.

    The purpose of the climate change hoax is to justify reverting to subsistence living, lowering expectations of human future, and controlling the entire population of the earth.

    While the climate change fraudsters are all about wealth redistribution, and shutting down modern societies, China* and India are the worst polluters in the world, with no intention of committing national suicide. Completely close down the US, and the impact on the environment would be negligible.

    *China is currently on a binge to build a host of “fossil fuel” power plants, as fast as they can.

    • It looks like the facade of the “Voluntary Human Extinction Movement” has decided to drop the mask and openly admit it is “straight up” genocide.

      For the environment of course.

      • Southern,

        Always found that to be fascinating “logic” – “We humans all have to go extinct, to save the environment!”. For WHAT? And why should I give a dry fart, if I’m going to be dead, anyway? So stupid . . . but, then, they are either watermelons (‘green’ on the outside; Red on the inside), or straight-up Marxists, so what do you expect?

    • @sam

      Factually incorrect. Geology sez no such thing.

      Anyone who claims that CO2 from fossil fuel use is not accumulating in the air is not into science. Ditto the claim that CO2 isn’t a greenhouse gas.

      Human activity did not cause the last Ice Age, or any previous one. It might have ended the last one, though.

      The politics and science of what needs to be done about it all is highly debatable – but the claim that humans can’t alter climate is bombastic folderol.

      • I don’t see anywhere that Sam was claiming that CO2 is not accumulating, or that CO2 isn’t a “greenhouse gas.” His argument is that the claim that humans have any significant effect on climate change, specifically global warming, is overblown and specious, if not flat out fraudulent. Increasing levels of CO2 is actually a good thing, from the perspective of plant life. Water vapor has a more dramatic effect on temperature than CO2–just ask your local meteorologist if you don’t believe me. They may not admit it on the record because of the leftists’ climate change and fossil fuels gambit, but once loosened up with a few beers…

        • The one seems to like the standard Lefty method of arguing known as “concept swapping” or “Motte-and-Bailey”.

          There is a 0.0% chance that this is an accident and therefore there is no reason to treat people who use this kind of argumentative tactic with any level of respect.

          Replies should be some variation of “Fuck you, no” and nothing else.

        • “the claim that humans have any significant effect on climate change, specifically global warming, is overblown and specious”

          ^^^ That ^^^ is the specious argument…

          Do you care to address the *fact* that in a relatively short period of time (2000 years, give or take), every molecule of the Earth’s atmosphere will have passed thru an internal combustion engine?

          Do you really think that won’t affect surface conditions?

          And do you wear wool clothes in August?

        • XZX, Oh please, that claim is as stupid as the whole idea of “climate change”.

      • Geology, perhaps not, atmospherics OTOH…

        “After 1750 and the onset of the industrial revolution, the anthropogenic fossil component and the non-fossil component in the total atmospheric CO2 concentration, C(t), began to increase. Despite the lack of knowledge of these two components, claims that all or most of the increase in C(t) since 1800 has been due to the anthropogenic fossil component have continued since they began in 1960 with “Keeling Curve: Increase in CO2 from burning fossil fuel.” Data and plots of annual anthropogenic fossil CO2 emissions and concentrations, C(t), published by the Energy Information Administration, are expanded in this paper. Additions include annual mean values in 1750 through 2018 of the 14C specific activity, concentrations of the two components, and their changes from values in 1750. The specific activity of 14C in the atmosphere gets reduced by a dilution effect when fossil CO2, which is devoid of 14C, enters the atmosphere. We have used the results of this effect to quantify the two components. All results covering the period from 1750 through 2018 are listed in a table and plotted in figures. These results negate claims that the increase in C(t) since 1800 has been dominated by the increase of the anthropogenic fossil component. We determined that in 2018, atmospheric anthropogenic fossil CO2 represented 23% of the total emissions since 1750 with the remaining 77% in the exchange reservoirs. Our results show that the percentage of the total CO2 due to the use of fossil fuels from 1750 to 2018 increased from 0% in 1750 to 12% in 2018, much too low to be the cause of global warming.

        World Atmospheric CO2, Its 14C Specific Activity, Non-fossil Component, Anthropogenic Fossil Component, and Emissions (1750–2018)

        Skrable, et all, 2022.

        But I’m sure those folks at the major radio safety and radiological gas journal don’t know shit about science, right?,_Its_14C_Specific_Activity,.2.aspx

        • Skrable is not “at” the journal.

          Further, that work, even if correct, is not relevant to the ludicrous thesis that “insignificant” man cannot affect climate.

          Do your own work. Mars is out there and so is the Moon – all the data required is public knowledge – tell the world why the dark side of the Moon is colder than the dark side of Mars – even though Mars receives *much* less energy from the Sun…

        • XZX, Please, the “data” you claim to “support” “climate change” is skewed to fit your agenda.

    • @sam

      It would be nice if you were right. You are wrong. That said, the fraudsters will (and are) exploiting the situation.

      • XZX, Yep, and you “climate change” activists are the greatest fraudsters of them all.

  11. If we were really serious about “climate change” and fixing it, we, as a country and leader of the Western world, would refuse to import any goods that were manufactured in irresponsible ways.

  12. “They intend to use the force of government to completely eliminate the airline, oceanic shipping, tourism, building materials, oil and other industries.”

    Indeed. Hasn’t been a secret for some time (which is why I noted govts intend to return nations to nonindustrial status ).

    I did download and skim the document, but didn’t read it closely. The coming conflict was predicted long, long ago. Guess that is why I don’t get wrought up about it; the world is one, one world government.

  13. It’s not an accident that when history books discuss the Industrial Revolution they never include, how that helped in the development of firearms of that time. They prefer to discuss the development of the automobile assembly line, which happened over a hundred years later.

    They discussed the use of water wheels used to grind wheat. But they do not discuss the use of water wheels to power the various machines in tool shops. That were used to work and create wood stocks for guns.
    There are actual video documentary examples of this old history. That were done before we became so politically correct. They’re out there on the internet somewhere.

    I remember being taught in school how important the development of the “screw” was to human advancement. But it was associated to the printing press. Not to the development of firearms.

  14. As we honor the fallen this Memorial Day , the did not die for this bullsh*t.

    Connecticut: Democrat-Controlled House Votes to Add Grandfathered Guns to ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

    I’ll bet those that registered theirs are happy.

  15. The mere fact that they wrote “arms” and not “muskets” is all anyone needs to in order to understand that the founding fathers knew that guns (like everything else) advances. I find this entire argument to be completely ridiculous.

    Now, the thing they likely never anticipated was that half the country would forget what a woman is.

  16. The whole point of the article is to give the false impression that the people who founded the U.S. would not have banned modern assault rifles. Well guess again.

    Colonial America had laws against leaving loaded guns in the house because so many children were being accidentally killed. If the founders were alive today they would be horrified at the number of children being slaughtered in our schools by maniacs with assault rifles and would have banned them faster than a cat can scratch his ass.

    • dacian the demented dips**t,

      So, tell me, dacian the demented, EXACTLY how many children are being “slaughtered in our schools” by “maniacs with assault rifles”????????? Give me a time period, and a number (oh, and make sure you exclude those killed OUTSIDE of schools, those killed with handguns, shotguns, or other weapons, and FOOTNOTE the fact that actual assault rifles aren’t available to civilians).

      Do you have to practice to be that much of a moron, or is it a natural talent?????

    • “Well guess again.”

      We don’t have to guess, asshole — we have what they wrote. Ever hear of the federalist papers?

      And the technology was current then:
      In 1777, Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to George Washington recommending the then-president commission the creation of rapid-fire muskets, also known as repeating arms, invented by Philadelphia resident Joseph Belton. Franklin wrote that the new muskets — which Belton called the Belton Flintlock — could be used by the military to destroy enemy war ships.

      And Washington agreed to it. In May 1777, he authorized Belton to make 100 of his rapid-fire muskets — but the plan fell apart before it even began, when Belton asked for what was deemed “unreasonable compensation” for his work.

    • How many young children are being beaten, bludgeoned, burned, strangled and stabbed to death? About four times the number that are killed with guns.

      You imbecile!

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Here is a RED HOT NEWS FLASH for you. the Founding Fathers were a heck of a lot smarter than you and your Leftist masters and lemmings. You see even back then technology was working on ways to improved firearms. While they may not have foreseen all that advances of today, they certainly were not stupid enough to think that the work would continue to use muskets for eternity.
      What “colonial laws against leaving loaded firearms?” Can you tell us which colonies they were and cite the exact wording? You see DUNDERHEAD, back in those days, it took as long as a minute for someone to load musket or even a Kentucky (or Pennsylvania) Rifle. Here is another new flash for you. A musket was a smooth bored rifle which was not very accurate at even 30 yds. American ingenuity improved on the musket by the invention of lands and groves being “carved out of the barrel”. A Kentucky rifle in the hands of an expert marksman shot and killed a British General at Saratoga at a distance of about 200 yds. Gee by the Civil War, they had invented the cartridge and the breech loading rifle. I’ll bet if you were around then you would have yelled about “gun control” over even these advances…
      “We’ve come a long way, baby”.

    • @dacian

      “The whole point of the article is…”

      As usual you missed the whole point. Maybe try reading it without confirmation bias and using context.

      Learn to read.

  17. The founders had no idea that cartridges would give way to bullets that could be fired at rates far beyond the human ability to pull a trigger.

    To put it another way, the had no idea that two or three soldiers with fully automatic rifles could destory an entire battle line in seconds.

    • The founders had no idea that cartridges would give way to bullets that could be fired at rates far beyond the human ability to pull a trigger.

      To put it another way, the had no idea that two or three soldiers with fully automatic rifles could destory an entire battle line in seconds.”

      sure they did and even tried to have a version of that with rifles that could fire multiple rounds quickly, a repeater, and there was a rifle like that but it was so expensive the government, at the time, could not afford to equip troops with it. The fouders dreamed of the day that ‘technology’ was to the point where such rifles existed mass produced for a reasonable price to arm the standing army and the citizens because the citizens not in the standing army were the militia.

      • 40 cal. I have some news for you. It seems that a cartridge is composed of a casing, powder charge, primer and a bullet.
        In 1847 a Paris gunsmith, B. Houllier, patented the first cartridge, capable of being fired by the blow of the gun’s hammer. In one type, a pin was driven into the cartridge by the hammer action; in the other, a primer charge of fulminate of mercury was exploded in the cartridge rim.

        • “seems that a cartridge is composed of a casing, powder charge, primer and a bullet.”

          of course it is, now and when it was invented that way. but its still a ‘container’ for the gun powder too. and as a container it existed in the gun powder flask. the only difference is back then they had to bring it all together manually to fire a flint lock. all the invention did was bring the ‘container’ together with the bullet and gun powder and primer it in a contained ‘package’

        • 40 cal., Didn’t you say cartridges gave way to bullets? A powder flask is NOT a “cartridge” no matter who you try to use logic. Big difference between a cartridge and a powder flask.

        • “40 cal., Didn’t you say cartridges gave way to bullets?”

          No, he was quoting Oh Please.

          “Big difference between a cartridge and a powder flask.”

          And big similarities as well. What do you call a cartridge that contains no propellant or projectile? What is its purpose? What is the purpose of a flask?

        • Man, Horse pucky! The only “similarity” between a power flask and a cartridge is they both contain a propellant.
          It is not what I call a “cartridge”; it is what a cartridge is. A cartridge is single, complete round of ammunition that is made up of four components: casing, primer, powder, and projectile.
          A powder flask has no primer, or projectile. But of course if you set it on fire, the holder of the flask will be propelled to oblivion.

    • Oh Please,

      Tell us you’re an ignorant, ahistorical moron, without SAYING you’re an ignorant, ahistorical moron.

      Oh, that’s right, you just did. Nice job!!!

    • “The founders had no idea that cartridges would give way to bullets that could be fired at rates far beyond the human ability to pull a trigger.”

      Civil rights follow advances in technology, so suck on it, fascist… 🙂

      • Lol, the oplease OP likely thinks they didn’t have rockets, either.

        “Bombs bursting in air, rockets red glare…”

    • “The founders had no idea that cartridges would give way to bullets that…”me,

      Are you seriously that ignorant as to how guns work?

      Why yes, you are. Bullets came first, the cartridge later :

      “In 1847 a Paris gunsmith, B. Houllier, patented the first cartridge, capable of being fired by the blow of the gun’s hammer. In one type, a pin was driven into the cartridge by the hammer action; in the other, a primer charge of fulminate of mercury was exploded in the cartridge rim.”

    • The founders had cannon that could be loaded with hundreds of grapeshot projectiles.

    • “Oh Please” is an idiot. Hes like the thousands of other anti-gun people that ignore context and are ignorant on the subject of firearms and choose their own interpretation and creation of their own ‘facts’ in relation to the Second Amendment. They make these stupid arguments, which to the simple-minded confirmation biased sound ‘reasonable’ but in in reality actual facts do not support their arguments.

      Take a close look at the statements:

      “The founders had no idea that cartridges would give way to bullets that could be fired at rates far beyond the human ability to pull a trigger.”

      Well, that’s a bit of ignorance BS right there. Bullets came first, the cartridge later. In other words ‘bullets’ existed before the Second Amendment existed – the cartridge is simply, basically, a ‘container’ for the gun-powder which existed long before the Second Amendment existed and the form of that ‘cartridge’ was the ‘powder flask’ (the gun powder container) used for flint locks which also existed before the Second Amendment existed. In other words, the founders were well aware that, in terms of the ignorant comment made, that ‘bullets’ and ‘cartridges’ existed.

      Next, this stupid “that could be fired at rates far beyond the human ability to pull a trigger.”” part.”

      First of all, there is no such thing as a ‘bullet’ that can be fired from a firearm “at rates far beyond the human ability to pull a trigger” because even on an fully auto fire firearm the fire rate begins with a trigger pull well within the ability of “the human ability to pull a trigger”. On semi-auto firearms and single shot firearms its one round fired per trigger pull, meaning even there a trigger pull well within the ability of “the human ability to pull a trigger” a bullet has not been “fired at rates far beyond the human ability to pull a trigger”.

      Then there is this self-serving ignorant BS – “To put it another way, the had no idea that two or three soldiers with fully automatic rifles could destory an entire battle line in seconds.”

      The founders envisioned this very thing in practice and desire and want, and even tied to make it a reality within the capability of technology at the time. They had cannon that could fire grape shot to “destory an entire battle line in seconds.”. Then they envisioned a rifle that could do the same basic thing in the concept of lots of targets in a rapid manner, and one existed. The founders tried to have a version of that with rifles that could fire multiple rounds quickly, a repeater, and there was a rifle like that but it was so expensive the government, at the time, could not afford to equip troops with it. The founders dreamed of the day that ‘technology’ was to the point where such rifles existed mass produced for a reasonable price to arm the standing army and the citizens because the citizens not in the standing army were the militia.

      The founders were very aware aware of, and wanted, firearms of the type “Oh Please” claims they could not envision. They wanted these for the standing army – AND the citizens not in the standing army because the citizens not in the standing formal army were the ‘militia’ and they also envisioned firearms of the same types for the citizens for self/home defense as well. The founders were well aware that to stop or defend against a threat to life and liberty that resistive or proportional or overwhelming force had to be bought to bear and powerful close range or standoff weaponry was the best way to do that and that powerful firearms were the tool that fit the need.

      The founders envisioned everything “Oh Please” claims they did not. Its only been refinements in technology (that they envisioned and hoped one day would exist) in what they had in their time that made their desired vision look like it does today but in reality its still the same thing they had in their day only more advanced than what they were able to do in their day.

  18. The founding fathers were also acutely aware of extremely powerful firearms that could be lethal to large numbers of people. Only one example is the Blunderbuss. With a bore diameter of 1&1/2 to 2 inches, these handheld cannon could be loaded with a pound of shot. That is equivalent to a dozen or two rounds from a 12 gauge shotgun. When employed against a densely packed crowd at intermediate range, a Blunderbuss could kill dozens of people with every shotgun.

  19. @Dude
    “They could spend less. You will never hear them say that.”

    There is no need that mustn’t be addressed by government spending.

    Bribing an entire nation is an expensive venture.

  20. @Geoff
    “Have you been following any of Peter Zehan’s videos?”

    Not familiar with the name. Thanx for the recommendation.

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