Bodycam footage of police responding to an active shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn., on Monday, March 27, 2023. (Metropolitan Nashville Police Department via AP)

From the CCRKBA . . .

As more alarming details emerge about the transgender woman responsible for Monday’s horrific school shooting in Nashville, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says the facts support only one conclusion: America has a mental health crisis, not a firearms crisis.

“Firearms don’t have a brain to hate with, or a finger to pull their own trigger,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb.

“What happened Monday in Nashville should serve as a reminder that while the gun prohibition lobby and its allies in Congress want to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens,” Gottlieb said, “they are perfectly happy to let people such as the perpetrator of this rampage fall through the cracks. Now it’s being reported she was under a doctor’s care for some sort of emotional disorder.

“Our background check system is a mess,” he continued, “bad data in, bad results out, and Joe Biden wants to keep it that way. There are thousands of people in the system who don’t belong there, while someone like Audrey Hale probably should have been. Even her parents reportedly believe she couldn’t be trusted with a firearm.”

Audrey Hale

Hale was killed by police after murdering three children and three adults. Nashville police involved in stopping the rampage are being hailed as heroes.

“The country owes these courageous officers a debt of gratitude,” Gottlieb said. “They didn’t hesitate. From the time they entered the school building to the time they took down the shooter, less than four minutes elapsed. Nashville police did an outstanding job, and we are certain many more lives were saved as a result.

“But this tragedy also reminds us of the need to make schools a hard target,” he added. “Those on the left do not want school resources officers on the job. They argue for reducing police manpower overall while dangerous, violent people wait to prey on our most vulnerable citizens; school children and older Americans. And then they demand honest people give up their guns.

“The reason most Americans own firearms is to protect themselves against mentally unstable, violent people and evil, dangerous criminals,” he observed.

Biden angry
President Joe Biden talks about the mass shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

“It is abundantly clear,” Gottlieb said, “that they don’t care about safety, they just want to abridge our constitutional rights. It is a formula for disaster and repeated tragedies like Nashville. We can do better, but we won’t do it by trampling on the rights of law-abiding citizens. Millions of American gun owners are also parents, and they can be part of the solution. But Biden and the gun ban lobby deliberately never want us at the table.”


  1. How dare you say that a homosexual has a mental illness. You are a homophobe. Change my mind.

    • I’m sure the homosexuals that you know in your life would appreciate that you think they have a mental illness.

      • I’m glad to hear that mental illness is not being used to explain away the massacre committed by the h0m0sexu@l.

        Now perhaps you can explain to me why this h0m0sexu@l wants to deny the Civil Rights to children, when they grow into adulthood??? Why is he against teaching children about their civil rights and their responsibilities???

        “Ammiano was instrumental in getting rid of San Francisco’s High School competitive .22 cal rifle teams, and worked to put an end to the junior ROTC program in San Francisco’s High Schools. Ammiano supported the ban on allowing gun owners to carry an unloaded gun in public. “Whether a gun is loaded or not, it’s still an act of intimidation and bullying,” Ammiano said.”

        I’ve been saying the 2A is for everyone. But it’s pretty obvious that there are h0m0sexu@ls who don’t believe that.

        • Centuries ago from the getgo The Second Amendment clearly states, “Right of The People.” That’s until Gun Control came along and if you did not fit the mold your 2A Right was denied…by bigots.

          Today a criminal shoots up a school, etc. and the response is sell, sell, sell Gun Control like there is no tomorrow. What happens when people say the 2A is for everyone and fail to define Gun Control according to its History of Rot. People who do not know the roots of Gun Control are in racism and genocide makes Gun Control an easy sale.

          You’ll hear Gun Control zealots do a lot of fast talking about everything under the sun except The History of Their Beloved Gun Control.

        • and yet there are also homosexuals who love guns and strongly support the second amendment. just like there are no n-homosexual people who hate guns and despise the second amendment. and vice versa.

      • LOL every single one I have ever known has self professed having a mental health issue independent of their sexual orientation. Whether one is the result of another is open to argument but I have yet to meet one not in therapy

        • to fppf

          Being treated like sh!t is no excuse to commit Mass murder. It only shows you are a very weak person. And apparently don’t have it in yourself, to be strong and work to overcome the difficulties in life. That everyone has to face.

          Homosexuality is weakness. They were quite comfortable not owning guns and relying on the state to protect them. Taking control of your own security is a sign of strength.

        • to fppf

          Being treated like sh!t is no excuse to commit mass murder. It only shows you are a very weak person. And apparently don’t have it in yourself, to be strong and work to overcome the difficulties in life. That everyone has to face.

          H 0 m 0 s e x u @ l I t y is weakness. They were quite comfortable not owning guns and relying on the state to protect them. Taking control of your own security is a sign of strength.

        • The 80’s called they want their trope back. The rainbow coalition hasn’t had serious adversity in the US in 30 years and has been celebrated the last 20 and continues to have the same rates of mental illness, sexually transmitted disease, and substance abuse observed in their subculture back in the 70’s so no don’t think it’s anything others are doing to them guess they are just born that way.

      • OOH!! It’s our old friend, jsled the dumbass Leftist/fascist! No, all “homosexuals” are not mentally ill. All “transgender” people, however, are. A person with a penis and testes is a man. A person with a vagina and ovaries is a woman. There are these little things called “chromosomes”; if you have an “XX”, you are a woman, if you have an “XY” you are a man. True for all mammalian species. Some of us learned it in basic biology . . . apparently, not enough of us.

        Literally up until like, basically, last week, “gender dysphoria” was a recognized, listed mental condition. Highest suicide rate of ANY demographic group in the country. Nice hearing from the stupid people; gives us something to chuckle at. Taking body-altering medications and performing body-mutilating surgeries because you “think” you are something that you objectively are NOT?? Pretty much the definition of ‘crazy as a s***-house rat’. But nothing is too stupid for “progressives” to believe.

        • couple of things. first, trans used to be almost exclusively men who thought they were women. it was strongly connected with autgynophilia, sexual arousal at imagining oneself with a va jj.

          second, the current bumper crop of trans is largely female, and seem to be the same cohort of girls that in previous generations were anorexic, cutters, or lesbians (those are now all married to men and have kids).

  2. How dare you say that h0m0sexu@ls have a ment@l illness. You are a h0m0ph0be!!!!
    Change my mind.

    • Anyone, How is a butch lesbo any different than a tranny pretending be a guy? Same level of insane.

      • I’ll take a stab at it. A masculine lez is different because she isn’t taking opposite sex hormones, lopping off her breasts, and/or she isn’t running around telling everyone to call her a man. You don’t even have to be gay to be a masculine female or a feminine male. It isn’t super common, but it happens. There’s a pretty large spectrum of traits.

        • Dude,

          Nailed it!! No problem with “gay” people, nor do I think they are (necessarily) crazy. “Transgender” people are, by ANY rational evaluation, out of their damn minds. I pity them, I do not wish them harm, but . . . thinking you are something you objectively are NOT, a roughly 40% suicidality ideation, and taking hugely body-altering drugs and even doing surgical body mutilation? Yeah, that’s kinda the definition of “bug-f*** nuts”.

  3. Another nut case kills, and the left blames guns. Here we have a very weird case, a female,
    dissatisfied with her life wants to be a man, and decides the best way is to dress like a man while murdering innocent children with a firearm. That inits self is strange because women usually murder with knives or poison. So this sick, twisted individual played out her fantasy at the expense of others, the same way many of the activists do, with senseless violence. We wait her “manifesto” if it ever released. I doubt it will, because it may say things about the trans agenda leftist don’t want reveled, that’s why they will make this another “assault weapons” issue.

    • Yes, female she was. Hale was a biological female who identified as a male and used he/him pronouns. Still a female no matter how she identified. Since 2013 there have been 101 female mass shooters.

      • And her parents refused the follow the delusion.

        Probably contributed to her declining mental state.

        • Southern,

          Knowing you, I think I know the answer, but . . . you are surely not suggesting that the “right answer” to delusional ideation is FOLLOWING their delusion? Not how you treat a mentally-ill person, effectively.

  4. Background checks (for gun & gun related purchases) are an infringement on the 2A and a violation of the 4A. Change my mind.

    • Changing the subject, slightly, all the news reports I’ve seen indication that SHE (and I will NOT entertain her delusion) bought all her guns legally, at LGSs, AFTER NICS checks. “Universal background checks” would have done DIDDLY SQUAT.

  5. 1950 to date (including the Nashville shooting)

    1. 73% of mass shooters had a known history of childhood trauma

    2. 85% of mass shooters showed signs of a crisis in the days and weeks leading up to the shooting

    3. 92% of mass shooters were suicidal prior to the shooting or committed suicide during the shooting.

    4. 93% of mass shooters communicated their plans ahead of time to someone else.

    5. 86% of mass shooters showed a high degree of planning before the shooting

    6. 94% of mass shooters showed an interest in previous mass shootings and studied them or knew about them and wanted to emulate them in some manner, due to media coverage and anti-gun groups and pro-gun-control activists highlighting them.

    All have shown signs of mental illness.

    In the Journal of Threat Assessment and Management. (Lankford, A., & Cowan, R. G. (2020)) ( )

    … Cowan writes of their research they “…closely analyzed public mass shooters who attacked in the United States from 1966 to 2019 and found that correlates of mental illness were approximately equally common among perpetrators, whether they had been coded as mentally ill or not.”

    Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass shooters, summed it up for the issue for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass shooters do have mental illness driving them but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community basically has no treatment.

    • The “problem” your “stats” is the likely 10x as many individuals would fall into your various categories but never shot at anyone. This is why in the free world of the Constitution we don’t arrest people that have not actually, physically, committed a crime (except when demtard thugs are at war on conservatives).

      • this was just mass/school shooters who have done it. not people who don’t do mass/school shootings so your 10x don’t count.

        • You didn’t say mass school shooter’s to be fair. And I think there may be 10x school aged that had the thoughts but had a modicum of decency or morality? Fortunately there are more people who aren’t psychopaths than are so until that changes the numbers will remain statistically rare.

        • @muckraker

          mass school shootings are mass shootings. the only actual difference is they are conducted at schools.

          my numbers include mass shootings which also encompasses those that happen at schools.

        • .40 cal,

          To be fair, I think (hope?) neiowa’s point was that, while your statistics may be true for the target sample (mass shooters), they are also true for MANY others in society, who do not choose to act out by . . . shooting up a school. Which means they are of limited utility as a predictive tool. EVERY kid who may have suicidal ideation, depression, etc. is not going to shoot up a school.

          I THINK that was his point. OTOH, they sure as hell are signs to watch for. Not every kid who has thoughts of suicide is a school shooter . . . but, apparently, damn near EVERY school shooter has suicidal ideation, depression, etc. Not a predictive tool, but certainly a good list of warning signs.

          And it is now so common that it is a meme – “They were on our radar”. WTF???? What does “on your radar” even MEAN???? Apparently not “on your radar” enough to take any action, until it was too late.

    • And how many of them were on some chemical cocktail, courtesy of Big Pharma?
      Far too many are on something for depression or mental issues, yet this very seldom seems to get mentioned.
      Just like with the clot shot, we can’t talk about what Big Pharma is doing to our citizens.

      • chicken or the egg? are you saying depression drugs cause people to kill and not the underlying mental illness itself? wouldn’t it make a little more sense that high blood pressure caused the heart attack rather than the medication taken for high blood pressure? anyway i’m sure you have solid sources for this big pharma conspiracy theory so do go ahead and share more. i haven’t been able to find any real source of evidence for the theory.

  6. Yes. We have a mental health crisis in America. What further proof is needed than dacian?

    • Pretty clear that he/she/pronoun is mental. Can it be a “redflag” test case (if is of legal age)? Or just take the Obama smartphone away.

      • I remember going through resumes a few months ago for a position that was going to be fairly math/analytic/critical thinking heavy and for some reason I did not end up with a single resume that had pronouns with the education/experience/professed abilities requirements I was looking for.

  7. Ignoring mental illness is a problem.
    Actively encouraging and applauding mental illness is a fiasco.

    The way the Western world handles it you’d think the only options available are execution, letting them wander the streets semi-conscious and self-medicated until they die or praising their ailment as the next stage of human evolution until they eventually suicide.

    There are other options and the party of “everything is brave and stronk!” and the party of “we ain’t paying fo’ shit” need to get their heads out of their asses.

    • This evil female(yeah e v i l)killed the young daughter of the man who counseled HER. Reportedly. But it’s all of us 2nd Amendment supporters who get blamed🙄🙁

    • Iowa still has 4 huge nut houses that have been sitting empty since the courts/ACLU turned the nuts out on the streets (with a bottle of pills).

    • The sin of pride. The sin of rejecting God….
      Trans people are not JUST mentally ill, they are spiritually ill. This is demonic.

      Our society MUST stop tolerating, supporting, and celebrating the self-destructive behavior.
      Pretending LGBQT??? behavior is anything other than a grave perversion and self-destructive, we will never be able to help these people.

      Same-sex attraction might be a natural cross some people bear. To celebrate it to the point of empowering evil to take over is helping NO ONE.

  8. Democrats claim the reason America has more mass shootings than other nations (particularly Europe and Japan) is that we have more guns.
    More likely the reason America has more mass shootings is because America is the only nation in the civilized world that doesn’t have free universal health care, including mental health care to take care of mentally ill people like the Nashville shooter.

    Also, “red flag laws” are going to cause more mass shootings, not less. Why? Because with “red flag laws,” people suffering from a mental health crisis or mental illness will know that if they go to a doctor seeking help, the doctor will “red flag” them and get all their guns taken away. So red flag laws make them afraid to to seek help for their mental illness, because they don’t want to lose their guns, and then their mental health gets worse, and then we’ll get more mass shooters thanks to idiotic “red flag” laws.

    • ” mental health care to take care of mentally ill people like the Nashville shooter.”

      she had mental health care, on going.

      • Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass shooters, summed it up for the issue for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder, “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’” – in other words, mass shooters do have mental illness driving them but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community basically has no treatment.

        the mental health community has no treatment of clear diagnosis for the mental illness mass/school shooter. until they do, ‘free’ or not is not going to help. but, the anti-gun are so busy trying to redirect resources to taking away constitutional rights there is very little available for actual research that can lead to help identifying these people.

        • They’ll never discover the issue because they don’t want to determine why some people don’t value all life.

    • No such thing as “free” health care, or free anything else.
      What don’t you get about that?

      • I think it would meet the definition of free if a person went to a doctor and got treated and the bill was $0. Not sure what I’m missing. Do share!

  9. So… We know who she/he was/is and that she/he was under psychiatric care. We know more about she/he in 48 hours than we know about the Las Vegas shooter in years. Given that, why can’t we see she/he’s “manifesto”?

    • It’s an on going investigation into the blatantly obvious domestic terrorism of a group of people using the rhetoric of the bomb-planting ‘70s radicals. You’ll get to read it when the investigation is over.

      This is not a mental illness thing, it’s terrorism.

  10. The Libertarians liberals and the left are not interested in forcing people into Mental Health care treatment. I know they blame Governor Reagan. But it was actually Jerry Brown senior, governor Moon beams father. Governor Jerry Brown senior started releasing all the mentally ill patients out of the state hospitals in California.

    Unless you’re willing to talk about, compulsory mental health care. With a strictly enforced HIPAA act. This exercise is just a waste of time.

    And let me say up front the government really has no say so in this issue. Because they violated the civil rights of religious people who refuse to take “the needle”. During the “plan-demic”. They violated the Professional Medical Care advice to patients, who were told by their doctors, not to take “the needle”. Because of conflicting their Medical conditions.

    • stop hogging all the ice cream and shine your dentures you dementia ridden dried out husk.

  11. After the events of the last three years, I’m not surprised that many just can’t handle it. Our leaders are acting like lunatics and there are serious drug issues out there. With the MSM constantly ginning up fear within the population and other nations around the globe going nuts…well yeah.

    But we never had a gun problem outside of too few of them in the hands of the law abiding citizenry.

  12. The election of progressives around the country demonstrates that the US has a mental health problem. Howabout Senile Joe?

  13. The NWO will be brought in by deception…Watch the Nashville video closely…No students were present…No bodies on the floor..Most room lights off….No school supplies on the desk… one of the cops fired his handgun prematurely, and would’ve shot one of his partners in the back (if the gun would’ve been armed with real ammo)…An active shooter drill run a week or two earlier just like Uvalde and Sandy Hook …HMMMMMMMMM… LIEden in a joking mode afterwards…The war is upon us already…false flag after false flag to wear us down…

    • why was she wearing pumas at one point
      then vans when she was shot
      why was there no blood
      she was hit 3x by 5.56 rounds and 4x by 9mm or .40 cal rounds
      there should have been some blood somewhere
      it just doesnt add up
      and hardly anybody wants to talk about it

  14. “ Same-sex attraction might be a natural cross some people bear. To celebrate it to the point of empowering evil to take over is helping NO ONE.”

    Well put

  15. Anyone who can purposely go out and murder children, or cook up a scheme to commit mass murder absolutely is mentally ill. As are those who can’t bring themselves to place the blame on the human committing the crime and not on their choice of implement.

  16. The question is how do you identify mentally ill people and get them to observation and treatment without turning the entire country into a police state?

    Our founders (smartly) opted for dangerous freedom over secure tyranny.

    • “get them to observation and treatment”

      We need to get over this way of thinking that the “experts” know how to properly treat these people. If you look at most of these killers, they’ve already had some form of “treatment.” The “treatments” obviously don’t work.

  17. Read an article yesterday showing exercise can help reduce mental illness significantly.
    Looking at how much time American’s spend in front of a screen, lack of exercise especially younger children, teens, those in their 20-30s, could explain a lot to nation wide mental illness.

    • How can humans be sane when their brains are being hit with all the lectros flying around?
      Radar waves everywhere, zaps from satellites measuring dirt, zaps from lectros magic cars.
      Our bodies run on lectros and humans got way to many flying around.

  18. What are you going to do if it’s shown, in her own words, that this was at targeted assassination attempt against a Christian pastor? And a targeted assassination against the pastor’s children. And in fact she was hunting for those children and the pastor.

    The rumor is out there.

    “Nashville School Shooter VIDEO Released And IDENTITY Revealed”

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