The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the firearms industry’s lobby group. The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI) sets the industry’s technical standards. The NSSF and SAMMI issued the following joint statement, pretty much calling on the ATF to restrict the sale of bump fire stocks under the National Firearms Act. Reading it, I can only conclude . . .
that the firearms industry as a whole is happy to have the ATF violate the letter of federal law in a misguided, not-to-say doomed attempt to prevent future spree killings and/or appease gun control advocates. True? We report, you deride.
Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the families and loved ones of all those killed and injured in the criminal attack in Las Vegas. The manufacture, distribution and sale of automatic firearms and their components has been stringently regulated by federal laws since 1934.
We believe the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) should interpret and enforce existing laws and regulations.
We call upon ATF to conduct a prompt review and evaluation of aftermarket trigger activation devices such as bump stocks to determine whether they are lawful to install and use on a firearm under the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA), or whether, if they have no function or purpose other than to convert a conventional firearm into an automatic firearm, they are regulated items under the NFA.
We urge Congress to allow ATF to complete its review before considering any legislation so that any policy decisions can be informed by the facts and ATF’s analysis.
These people obviously believe that when the leftist bear begins to chase, all NSSF needs to do is outrun you.
Perhaps the brand name gun advocates are convinced the tide is against them, and the best they can hope for is to sacrifice slowly, to put off the end as long as possible.
Knowing who not to give my money to just keeps getting easier.
I’d just like to know which of the alphabet soup of 2nd amendment lobby groups actually DOES represent us.
NRA = No, not really
NSSF = No, not really.
oh…ps i’m from California, where gun rights go to die.
Sounds like they’re throwing one of their own under the bus preemptively. NSSF just wants this to go away before the feds start in with wide ranging regulations.
So it should be the “National Shooting Slowly Foundation” then…
All these .org groups are terrified of Congressional Republicans because almost all of them are week kneed worthless wimps who will sell out at the drop of the least hint of them having to stand on principle. We need to carry the fight because this won’t stop with those worthless bump stocks.
Under this legislation, a lighter trigger could fall under this. Having a 3# trigger pull vs. a 9# trigger pull could certainly assist in ‘increasing the rate of fire’ (albeit only slightly), even though it is generally changed for personal preference, for comfort and accuracy. Once a law is enacted, they look for any way to highjack it and abuse it.
It’s time like these where you find out who your friends are (and are not).
“It’s time like these where you find out who your friends are (and are not).”
You find out who your friends are if you are buried on a rainy day. But it is a bit late, at that point.
In the name of political expediency all these “gun rights organizations” will US (the actual law abiding gun owners) and the constitution right down the river in the blink of an eye.
Neville Chamerain, the Prime Minister of Britain, tried appeasing Nazi Germany in the late 1930’s. He got World War 2. I hope this is a clever move rather than just appeasement.
This reminds me of the legal brief video on the new California magazine ban getting overturned, the main thing that overturned it was undue harm. If you make a citizen that did something legal one day and then the next just by owning something they have now committed a crime that is undue harm in US court of law.
So now they need to redo their logo and remove “protect” and “preserve”
Effing traitors!
From the article: “No one needs an automatic rifle to hunt deer. To uphold the argument that automatic rifles are necessary for hunting reasons is ignorant and false.”
Who in the world is making this argument? I have heard a few (not too many, but a few) people argue that machine gun regulations should be loosened. Never heard a single one of them claim they need it for hunting. The strawman is strong with this one.
Well that’s sad to read. The NSSF had officially gone full Fudd.
Well, once more we have another reason to start curni9ng out homemade untraceable hardware that can’t regulate to begin with. There’s already 3D print files to make your own Slide Fire knock off. Best to get them while you can.
OK, so when a domestic terrorist decides to use a legally purchased silencer and kills “sniper-style” more than 59 people and wounding others who are watching a night concert or game at a stadium, will the politicians, the NRA and NSSF/SAAMI all join together to try to ban the sale and/or possession of silencers too?
Thousands of gun owners have bought bump fire stocks and binary triggers AND have NOT used them for criminal purposes, but they are going to be punished because of one psychopath? I hope the NRA loses members like the NFL is losing viewers.
I don’t give a rat’s azz about LaRue. Sometimes it’s better to STFU…
Granted, an unlikely scenario. Though I am getting more serious about always having a first aid kit on me, not just with me in my bag. Best solution I’ve found are two neoprene ankle holsters (about $10 on Amazon). I can have a tourniquet, quikclot, chest seals, CPR mask, gloves, and Benchmade rescue hook.
Tim is right, Mark is left, uhm I mean wrong. LaRue, good luck selling more rifles on your 2 year waiting list, which will soon be empty waiting list.
Sounds like his employees might’ve had a slight mutiny or he saw such a severe backlash it scared him or both.
I care not. He made his bed, same as with tactical firearms.
I just feel sorry for his employees though.
I find the comment about working to reform the NRA a bit difficult.
We could get a whole big bunch of people to join up so that a new set of voices could be heard. But…. the NRA would take the increase in membership numbers as support of its current direction away from the Rights of its members.
Or…. we could continue to encourage people to quit their membership so that we put the pain in their pocket book at which point maybe they will be a bit more willing to listen to its members and quit giving in on things like bump-fire stocks.
Other than that….. Did LaRue ‘clarify’ his opinion because he was misunderstood? Or because he got a lot of pushback?
According to some “gun people” you don’t have the human right to own: rubber bands, wood, nails, pants, etc. Because it’s not written on the Constitution, therefore the government didn’t give you that human right. Since you happen to be born in the US, you don’t get to have any human rights unless it’s written in the Bill of Rights, you must get a permission slip or work for the government to get privileges.
This is the exact response Paddock wanted. It was his motive for what he did, his actions clearly show that. His brother also appears to be helping him after his death, just like he helped him move to Mesquite.
How can people be so blind? Does he have to write it down like Christopher Dorner?
I don’t expect the government investigators to announce his motive. They should already know what it is, but it won’t help them to inform the populace. They will likely pretend that it’s impossible to figure out and use the attack for the effort to repeal the second amendment.
Honestly, if you still believe polls after 2016 and the election that took place during that year you may be terminally naive.
Really? Almost 60 people are dead in the worst mass shooting in modern history, gun-grabbers are out en masse urging all sorts of new gun control measures, and you’re going to make this about Mark LaRue?
Second Amendment rights currently enjoy strong public support in most places in our country (Democrat-controlled states and cities and federal courts excepted). One of the quickest ways I know to lose that support is to go “absolutist” on the Second Amendment.
We have laws regulating guns, so the we lost the “shall not be infringed” argument a long time ago. Some of those laws are sensible (you can’t sell guns to criminals, mentally deranged, children, etc), some impose minor inconveniences (CC licenses), and some are bad (bans on public carry and “assault weapons”) and need to be changed.
No constitutional right is absolute. You have the right to free speech, but that doesn’t mean you can defame me or lie under oath. You have the right to religious freedom, but that doesn’t mean you can sacrifice your first born to your deity. Going absolutist on the 2A will do nothing but make you look like a crazy, and nobody wants to support crazies.
Here’s what will happen if gun owners lose public support: legislatures will pass MORE restrictive gun laws and courts will UPHOLD them, further diminishing 2A rights in the one forum where it really counts. We already have enough problems with federal judges ignoring the 2A and Heller—don’t give them more laws to uphold.
Tell me WHY bump stocks should not be regulated. Make coherent arguments. But think about this: Do we really want gun rights to die on the hill of bump stocks???
And leave Mark LaRue alone.
boycott em dont boycott em…who cares…theyre too expensive anyway
$1300 for an upper…please…
“it has to be 1 moa or less at 100 yards before it leaves our factory”
ive never paid more than $400 for an upper and ive never had one that shot over 1 moa at 100 yards
the least accurate upper i ever bought was a 16″ mid length heavy barrel 1/7 carbine from PSA that shoots right about 1 moa at 100 yards with a $100 2 moa primary arms red dot and stock single stage mil spec trigger and cheap ammo
the other two are HARDENED ARMS 16″ carbine lengths one 1/9 the other 1/7 that both shoot groups with all holes touching at 100 yards with a $200 2-8 power vortex scope a single stage mil spec trigger and cheap ammo
never been in the military…never took a training class
with the money i saved by not buying larue tactical i have enough to build at least 3 more rifles
they can keep their opinions ill keep my money
Man, LaRue has some good kit…
I have 3 of their rear sights for M4 rifles
and some other stuff….It’s going to hurt not buying from them anymore..and I already ended my NRA membership..
I truly hope more of my favorite items and associations don’t have to be terminated….
Trade bump stocks for suppressors, knowing that triggers such as the fostech echo, and franklin armory binary triggers now make these bumpfire stocks obsolete. They are far easier to control, and the early versions of the franklin armory trigger could actually go faster than the gun could run. Simply make sure that the bill ONLY bans stocks and not triggers.
It was just ‘reported’ ? that the Jesus Campos Mandalay security guard wasn’t a registered guard in the state of NV. What kind of F’d up on purpose 1984 Cr_p is this?
Glocks are junk. Just google “glocks kaboom” and that will tell you all you need to know about glocks. Garbage.
[1st, 2nd, ,3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 14th amendments…]
2).What part of “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” DON’T these LibTard and RINOs not understand!
4). Murder is a “Capital Crime”.It is already against the LAW!