Bula? Bula? I’ve never heard of Bula Defense of Cleveland, Ohio before today. But today I saw something evil. Something sinister. A left-handed M14 . . .

Bula claims lefties have been waiting for this rifle for forty years. They must be very patient. And old.

Last year, I sold my beloved National Match Springfield M1A. So I’m interested in this ballistic Bubba — I mean Bula –even though I’m correct hand dominant. Depending on which politicians they support.

Bula owns a little corner of the internet. Click here to visit.


    • Yikes! $2395 MSRP!?
      Lefty or not, too rich for me (and I need my right arm when reloading my revolvers).

      • Don’t panic! I found that MSRP to be just a wee bit high, so I asked. Here’s the reply:

        Hello John. Thank you for the message. We have to establish an MSRP on these rifles. Unfortunately because of the nature of the industry, they are typically VERY high. The left handed M14 is currently selling for $1695 retail through Classic Firearms or direct from us. You’ll note that is actually very competitive with the right handed variations of this rifle in the market. It is $100 more than our standard RH service rifles, but I feel that is justified with the significant tooling and development costs of the lefty. Our goal was for this rifle to be affordable and I think we’ve hit the mark for this style rifle. Feel free to share the $1695 pricing through Classic as you wish.

        Jeff Miller
        Bula Defense Systems
        3001 West 121 Street
        Cleveland, OH 44111
        P: 216.252.7600
        [email protected]


  1. Conflicted – I prefer to shoot left-handed (as does wife), but would want a classic like this to be “correct”.

    • This is not a ‘classic’. It’s a newly made civilian version of a ‘classic’.

      Just like an Italian made repro of a 73 Winchester is not a ‘classic’.

      • Actually James River uses a lot of original M14 parts. Obviously not the receiver, since the M14 is a select-fire gun, so no, not that.

  2. Um, it’s left handed so they took the charging handle from the right side, where it’s perfect for off hand manipulation for a lefty, and moved it to the left side where you have you use your firing hand. Is anyone at this company actually left handed?

    • As a lefty, I like the charging handle on the right side (like my AK,SKS, Marlin60/795).
      Having a gun eject on the left side would be nice, as would a left-handed safety.

      I do intend to pick up a left-handed boot action one of these days.

    • It’s a front heavy rifle. Unless it’s on a bipod, you’re probably not going to want to drop your support hand to manipulate the bolt or swap the mag. Also, completely different grip to avoid getting your fingers pinched.

      As an aside, when not keeping the muzzle on target or down range, I use my left hand to clear the chamber on M14s and derivatives (I’m a righty). Six months of base honor guard over ten years ago, and I don’t even own one, but old habits, etc.

      • Thank you. I have no experience with M14 pattern rifles (I don’t think shooting Mini14 or M1 carbine count).

        Maybe someday.

  3. I’m a lefty. This is a stupid idea. The direction it ejects only matters on a bullpup. Ambi safeties are the only thing that matter.

  4. I’m a lefty and for the most part left handed guns are stupid. Us left handed people are smart enough to figure out how to use just about any weapon in our own way. We don’t need your right hand world pity.

    • I have to disagree with you. I’m left handed and left eye dominant. First, shell casings ejecting across my field of view have always been distracting, especially the one out of ten that comes at my nose. I didn’t realize just how much I’d had to adapt to this until I acquired a Browning BPS, and found it to be much more enjoyable than my other repeating long arms.

      Second, with the possible exceptions of a few top ejecting designs, and a few downward ejectors like the BPS, even seemingly ambidextrous designs were created with the expectation that they would be used from the right shoulder. Because of that they present a safety issue for lefties. In the event of a case head failure, a very rare event to be sure but it does happen, that supersonic jet of 5,000 degree gases and debris has to go somewhere. Usually most of it will follow the path of ejected cases, which means that a lot of it will be coming right at a lefty’s face and eyes. The only designs that are truly safe for southpaws are the ones that were made for us.

      At any rate, everyone is different, and it’s nice to have more options.

  5. Back in ye goode olde days I knew a number of lefties using M14s and M1As. The controls were never reported to be an issue back then.

  6. As another lefty, I’ll also say no thanks. The original design is just right for lefties. And for those mentioning it, the mag release and safety is already ambi.

  7. Carried an M14 for 18 months while with the 503CBT/173rd ABN in Okinawa, jungle warfare training on island and off. (this was back in the dark ages, we moved in the dark without night-vision) I’m left handed, as many were, never had a problem in that respect. It is nice to have a choice. May take me some time to learn to use a left handed version tho.

    • Speaking as a civilian competitive shooter, left eye dominant, I have always fired long guns from the left shoulder. That said, my first target rifle was a Winchester made Garand, that I shot in competition for a number of years. Never had the slightest problem reloading in rapid fire stages. When I switched to bolt action rifles, mostly the Model 70 post 1964 Standard Target Rifle as they were described, never had the least problem with rapid fire reloads, using stripper clips that the rifles were designed for. I always thought that it was a case of mind over matter, i.e. making up,one’s mind that one could do this, then simply doing it.

    • The M14 has the selector switch to be fully automatic..the M1A is only semiauto,So yes they can sell it.

      • Re this selective fire business, originally the M-14 rifle was selective fire capable, controllability in full automatic mode being another question entirely. The selective fire capability was modified, post production re parts replacement and welding, though there might have been a few that were maintained as selective fire capable. From what I’ve been told and read, most infantrymen carrying the M–14 rifle carried a semiautomatic only version. While Garands were sold via the DCM, the M-14 wasn’t as the bureaucrats, Treasury Dept./ATF decreed Once Selective Fire, Always Selective Fire, the facts of the matter notwithstanding. If the bureaucrats ever decreed that the earth was flat, they would soon solicit bids for fencing off the edge of the earth, lest people fall off.

  8. As a left handed / shouldered shooter I’ve been looking for a left handed semi-auto in .308 for some time… thanks for the option. Most of my long guns are either semi auto or lever guns and that serves the purpose but it will be nice to have a rifle better suited to a lefty.

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