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New From FightLite Industries: SCR Pistol

Jeremy S. - comments No comments

FightLite Industries has teased this pistol version of their SCR Rifle on their Instagram page. Chambered in 5.56 or 300 BLK, the SCR pistol accepts standard AR-15 magazines, weighs a scant 3.9 lbs and is 21 inches long with a 7.5-inch barrel. Shockwave Technologies’ Remington 870 Raptor Grip rounds out the package. More details are expected next week during the NASGW Expo.

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Jeremy S.

Jeremy is TTAG's Deputy Editor, working mostly behind the scenes but, when he attempts to write, he focuses on comprehensive gun & gear reviews. Jeremy strives to collect objective data whenever possible, and looks to write accurate reviews that reflect the true user experience. He lives outside of Austin, TX.

0 thoughts on “New From FightLite Industries: SCR Pistol”

  1. Creating laws just for the sake of creating laws makes no sense to me. All of the above is based n the erroneous global statement that nobody needs more than 2 guns. Guns are tools and there are infinite purposes to own various guns.

  2. Anh, I don’t know

    What’s that optic going to be good for? A holo / reflex would make more sense (unless they’re thinking you’ll holter it [then I would recommend a shoulder holster]).

  3. I had to have been about 5 when I got my first gun, a Savage 22/.410 over/under. Used to shoot that in the mountains outside Salt Lake City. Good fun.

    My son started shooting 22’s at age about 7. We would go to the Fox Valley Rifle Range near Carpentersville, IL. They had the best plinking pond there. Toss marshmallows or soft wood chunks into the pond and shoot at them. The winner was the person who could get it to jump the highest! Too bad that closed. It was a great place!

  4. No mention of the fact that such a law would have ZERO effect on shooters like the Vegas gunman, a millionaire with a clean background,
    But that is not the intent is it. We all know the end game and refuse to allow the camel’s nose under the tent.

  5. Well 2 guns person citizen would still put us at about 660 million guns here in America.

    Leave it to some disgusting leftist troglodyte to try to apply Marxist redistribution theory to the very thing that keeps Marxism really taking root here in the US.

  6. I am all for this BUT ONLY under the following circumstances: The same applies to voting. You must undergo a political quiz, be able to clearly state why you’re voting for the candidate for whom you’re voting, will be prohibited from voting if you confuse your candidate’s position with the opposition, you will undergo a mental health check before voting, you must own property, you must pay taxes, you must have a criminal background check before you vote, you will have two forms of photo ID including a government issued ID, and it will cost you $500 to cast your vote. And this: The same goes for writing newspaper articles. You can only write X number of articles per month and they must be approved by a government official before you can publish them.

  7. Many of the comments here are plainly ignorant. Those complaining about the price of the Dan Wesson obvioudly have no appreciation for a 1911 of this quality. Of course for their own personal passion, money is no object. These people are simply hypocrits.

    Dan Wesson is not at the top end of 1911 pricing. Far from it. There are more expensive 1911s – Ed Brown, Wilson Combat, Nightbird, and various solo custom gunsmiths – that are far more expensive and offer greater attention to detail and unique styling. Where Dan Wesson shines is offering the best possible value in a precision 1911 of great quality and accuracy.

    There are many less expensive 1911s that are made from cast, MIM or foreign parts. I have many such 1911s and enjoy them. But none of the offer the accuracy, durability and quality of materials and assembly of Dan Wesson. Colt “Custom Shop” guns are not even up to Dan Wesson standards.

    Yes, in terms of pure utility, when the zombie apocalypse arrives, three Glock 19s might be more useful than a single Dan Wesson. You can buy a Rock Island 1911 for $500 for shooting enjoyment. And a $275 Kel-Tec P32 works very well for self-defense for 98% of what the vast majority of internet commandos will face. But the Dan Wesson offers something those pistol don’t – old school attention to detail, traditional materials and methods, and unusual accuracy.

    Panache. Something haters just gotta hate.

  8. Ok, Someone has been in the sun too long. A firearm is an object used for many things; recreation, feeding your family, self defense, and some people called criminals use them for crime. Those same criminals also use bats, knives, pipe wrenches, cars, trucks, fists, feet…you get the point. Lets pretend you take all the guns away. You know who will still get guns? The criminals that don’t follow the laws. Items used to kill and commit crimes are not the problem, its the criminal mind that is the problem, as long as there are people intent on committing crime, I will keep all means of self defense I can, guns, cars, knives, bats, sticks, chains, whatever it takes to stop the threat.

  9. Miking issue (or is it?): Robert’s voice was quite a bit louder than Dan’s voice.
    OK, maybe Dan just talks quietly; but I had to turn the volume up to hear Dan clearly, and that was much louder than the volume needed to hear Robert clearly.
    Can you maybe get it remixed post-production so the same listener volume setting works equally well for both voices?

  10. Two Words: Autistic Screeching

    And that’s sadly not even me being flip-pit. I’ve had so many conversations that do really devolve into that. I had one long thread on a Facebook post involving a ammunition vending machine at a gun range. The one guy there just kept loosing his mind over it and no mater how much I tried to talk him down he kept making up more BS. All the while he was getting more and more belligerent in his words until he just started openly insulting me. And even worse, I’ve had the same conversation on other platforms.

    There’s some people out there that are just ideologically bent out of shape about guns no matter how you try to talk to them about it.

  11. I corrected a diehard liberal on the talking point lies he was spouting about surpressors after Las Vegas, and he started sputtering and threw a bit of a temper tantrum.

  12. I hope my wife doesn’t see this article. After Vegas, she told me I don’t need to buy any more guns, that I have enough. I didn’t tell her that I’ve got a list, and that I’ve barely gotten started. The short list has six rifles (mostly historic military) and four handguns on it.

  13. Jeremy, have you done a review of the Shield SIS red dot sight? If not, can you do one? I’m very interested in it.

    A video review would be greatly appreciated as well. I’ve searched the net, and there’s nothing really of quality out there.

  14. Seriously I deal with this BS all the time. Stop using the term “african American” for starters. Algerian? Egyptian? Libyan? RF? BTW this is FAR from the worst I’ve seen and heard. I don’t give a rat’s azz what white folks invented and my gorgeous brown wife doesn’t give a damn what black folks invented…”YOU didn’t BUILD THAT!”

  15. Has anyone done a calendar showing actors using guns with their anti gun statements underneath, I mean live by the gun and die by the gun?

  16. I’d regard those polls with a jaundiced eye. Don’t forget how, with supposedly 90% of Americans in favor, ballot initiatives for universal background checks have failed in several states and narrowly passed in others. Those darned voters just can’t seem to vote the way the pollsters say they should.

  17. Lefties have already screwed up parts of Idaho, Boise. Most of the immigrant morons come from California and they are not illegal immigrants. This ass is from Illinois, an equal shit hole as Cali. Run him out on a rail before it is too late, Texas. I am a resident of Commifornia, soon to be getting out. I will not be dragging Commi filth with me in my slip stream.

  18. Staten Island holds many deer and some slob bucks . That park is in the Southern most part of the island and at 300 acres is way larger then most farms guys hunt in the state .

    He’s not the first poacher to set up,there , and frankly pretty soon they’re going to have to do,something about the deer . There are areas suited to bow hunting .

  19. To sit back and do nothing guarantees the Right Wing Neanderthals will end up losing everything. No society can tolerate mass shootings as a way of life so common people tune into the news to see how high the body count went today. Its insane to everyone but the Lunatics of the Far Right and their leader the NRA “Gun Father” who wants less control not more. Its about like pouring gasoline on a fire and hoping against all logic it will put the fire out.

    The real facts are that unless we pass some no nonsense laws now that you are going to lose everything and far sooner than you think. Herr Drumpf and the Republicans have made such a mess of things that the majority of voters are praying that at least the Government gets rid of Herr Drumpf before he destroys the country and starts by accident a nuclear holocaust. And the looming 2018 elections almost guarantee a Democratic landslide and they are going to take back at least the House and if they manage to take back the Senate as well its going to be tough on gun owners and if they manage to get a Democratic President 2 years later then it really is buy, buy to your guns and it will be a slam dunk.

    Lets face facts the corrupt Courts have already declared all the outrageous East Coast gun bans and restrictions Constitutional. California is now set to confiscate all assault rifles and you can be damn sure the corrupt courts will ok that to. California has already declared carrying a weapon concealed or unconcealed Constitutional as well despite the Scalia Decision that has already been swept under the rug and buried with Scalia’s rotting corpse.

    The NRA is to frightened to promote measures that would reduce crime without confiscating guns because they would lose too much revenue from their Far Right Fanatical followers who can not see the coming reality if reality walked up and shot them in the foot. And that is to do nothing means you will lose everything and fast.

    To reduce crime without confiscating firearms better vetting and more vetting, especially on second hand gun sales is a must as States with lax gun laws funnel thousands of guns into Cities and States with tough gun laws. Chicago being a prime dumping ground for them. Police tracings prove it beyond any doubt. We already have the Brady Bill and extending it to second hand gun sales cost absolutely nothing and it has already proven that it blocks tens of thousands of new gun purchase and would block 10 times as many second hand sales to nut cases and criminals.

    Stolen guns are another problem and just like second hand guns also get sent to big cities where they sell faster than hamburgers fresh off the grill at McDonald’s. The mandatory use of gun safes would cut way down on stolen guns as its proven that the average street punk is an unsophisticated smash and grab nincompoop that knows he can knock off gun stores and private homes at will. Gun safes would also prevent the 10,000 yearly deaths and crippling’s of so many innocent children because of loaded guns left lying around the house.

    Mandatory security alarms systems again go hand in hand with gun safes to prevent theft.

    A gun I.D. card proving you have passed a psychological test that determines you are not another Steven Paddock is another mandatory tool and one used by just about every civilized nation out there to make sure the nut cases are not given free reign to buy a gun anytime they want one as is true in the Wild West of the U.S. that still wants to live in the Dodge City or Tucson cites of yesteryear.

    As you can see none of the above laws have anything to do with confiscation but the Far Right is so dumb they cannot see what is coming when they refuse to act like responsible gun owners.

    Lets face cold hard facts the Courts rule and always have sided with public opinion whether it was incarcerating 100,000 innocent Japanese Americans during WWII or banning guns as has happened at the East and West Coasts in the U.S. And with only 35 per cent of the people owning guns these days and the younger generation abandoning the hobbies of hunting and target shooting in favor of the world of Computers the gun owners are a dying breed of soon to be extinct Neanderthals. All one has to do is go to the average gun show or shooting meet or shooting range and you see only old dying grey bearded men. At my own shooting club that has 1,200 members we have trained hundreds of “junior shooters” and we see absolutely “zero” I repeat “zero” of them ever take up the hobby of competition or even show up to plink at targets on a Saturday afternoon. We have already made the predication that in anther very short 10 years the club that has been there now for almost 100 years will be bulldozed over to create another shopping mall or bingo hall.

  20. Well, they ain’t wrong with their chant. She just schooled you with a logical argument to which you had no response, and you went down in flames within the marketplace of ideas. “This is what democracy looks like!”

  21. You need an AK 47 and an AR15
    Also an AK 74 and an AR 10
    A concealed carry pistol
    A full size pistol
    A pistol caliber carbine
    A shotgun
    That’s 8 guns right there
    And that does not count your “fun guns” like a bull pup rifle or a reproduction M 1 carbine
    And you should at least 2 concealed carry guns in case you ever use one and the police impound it
    Then you carry the backup

  22. Having lived in Nevada for many years, I think the OP has it wrong. It is Mandalay bay that is covering up for the LVMPD. Millions of dollars pour into the coffers of the LVMPD. Some of it legit some of it questionable. The ties between the casinos and the LVMPD are legendary. Neither side can afford any legal discrepancies. Someone F___ed up in the LVMPD. The casino is just doing their “duty”.


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