There are times when you’re hunting that you may not have that confident, fresh feeling. You may be wondering if you’re packing enough punch with your compound or crossbow to bring that big beast down. For those times when even a Carbon Express PileDriver may not be enough, the inventive minds at Rac-Em-Bac now give you a way to add a little more bang to your bolt…with the Bow-Mag . . .
Simply secure your .38 or .357 Magnum round into the Bow-Mag Arrowhead cylinder, turn until the casing threads lock in place, then attach to your standard arrow shaft or crossbow bolt.
But before you drop $39.99 for a six pack, it’s a good idea to check your local hunting regulations. Texans, note: “While hunting game animals and game birds, a projectile may not be poisoned, drugged, or explosive.”
How do you drug a projectile? Anyway, feral hogs aren’t considered game animals. Do you really want to see this tested by TTAG?
What will they think of next?
As one who recently made the trip from PA to ME and back with several firearms in a Chevy Tahoe, I can tell you it is not possible to make this trip without passing through several slave states. I was a bit better prepared for my trip than this fellow, though. Just before crossing into NY, I unloaded my carry piece and stowed it (in a case) with my long guns in the back, filled up on fuel, and did not stop until I was in NH where my CCW is honored again. It makes you feel like a criminal just for passing through NY, CN, and MA, but I’m guessing thats what these lawmakers want. Thank the spagetti monster that I didn’t run into trouble. (bad guy or LE trouble) It was a long 6 hours to feel defensless, or actually be defensless in my case as I am still recoveing after being hit head on by a semi.
As for this fellow, I agree that he did it wrong. His first mistake was where he stopped. I’d like to think that if he hadnt had the loaded pistol, that this would have been a non-issue, but we all know thats not true. NJ and NY especially are making examples out of gun owners to make a point right now. They are flexing thier legal muscles and admiring how strong they look in the mirror.
I understand he did break the law. An unjust, unconstitutional law, but still, a law. But, FIVE YEARS in prison for it? You can get drunk and kill people with your car in NJ , NY and MA and get less time than that….. Unless your a pol, then you can do it for free….
If he’d just had his handgun unloaded he probably would’ve been okay. If the rest had been in padlocked hard cases, he absolutely would’ve gotten by on FOPA’s transport clause. Not stopping for the night in a parking lot in a slave state would’ve been the smartest thing.
Yeah, the charges are stupid, and I think NJ’s firearms laws should get reamed out in court, but in this case it was all totally avoidable with a few more minutes of planning on Reininger’s part.
Yeah, this is probably true. I’ve been to New Jersey many times, and to NY several times, and never had any contact with the police. I wasn’t armed, but I could have been if I had it stashed. The rule, “use your head and don’t do anything stupid” goes a long way toward avoiding contact with the police. Granted, this isn’t always true. Sometimes they’ll seek you out for stupid or immoral reasons. But it’s not a bad rule of thumb.
Even if this guy picked a bad place to sneak a snooze, if he didn’t have any hardware showing the cops probably would have been perfectly satisfied with the explanation that he was driving long distance and needed a nap to continue driving safely. They might even have directed him to a rest stop or something instead of throwing him in jail. Unless they were dicks, but by and large John Law just wants peace and quiet on his beat.
I don’t get it. Whats the point of using a bow with bullet, other than to fulfill our comic book fantasies (no problem with that)? Aren’t you kind of defeating the purpose of hunting with a bow? It seems to me that you might as well just use your .357 revolver and save yourself the trouble. Granted, I don’t bow hunt, so maybe I am missing something.
Totally agree with everyone that this guy was an idiot, but it does sort of point up the silliness of the transportation laws. If he’d stopped at a hotel like everyone else, instead of cheaping out and trying to sleep in his car for free, chances are he’d have passed quietly through the state and reached his destination without issue. So what’s the point?
As a bigger archery nut than gun nut, I approve of this message. People have been making these for decades, this is the first “marketed” version. I’m not saying it’s necessarily a useful device, but it’s cool that it exists!
I’ve given defensive ammo to a couple of friends who purchased new firearms during the shortage. Around here ranges still have FMJ, but any brand of quality hollowpoints is hard to come by.
Seems you might as well use a gun. What is supposed to be happening on impact? The primer goes off and since it’s not encased the cartridge blows apart and that’s about it. It won’t have the effect that a bullet launched from a gun at velocity would have.
This is a gimmick.
Too many jurists seem to have taken the ‘any’ in “a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose” to mean “at least one” rather than “all imaginable ones”. The totality of the decision quite clearly indicates it was meant to indicate the former. The fact that Heller didn’t shut the door on all gun control laws should not be taken to mean that no gun control law is off-limits under the constitution.
While it seems that this is just a way of downplaying a negligent discharge, it is possible to make a gun fire using a retention holster: You just need to use the wrong holster for your gun. If you have a retention holster that hooks into the trigger guard, you just need enough wiggle room to push that hook against the trigger.
That works especially well with short, light triggers and types of guns that vary a lot between models – 1911s first and foremost: The difference between the classic tapered A1 front and a heavy, blocky rail gives you some room to move the gun fore and aft, the difference between a round trigger guard and one with a finger grove gives some room to move up and down.
Maybe someone bought the wrong holster, plain an simple (maybe mixing up the Mark 23 and the HK 45)? Not admitting a mistake is as probable for the shooter as for the quartermaster.
Engrish funny.
How long until California adds compound bows to their “assault weapons” list?
“…a projectile may not be drugged…”
The entertaining, and correct, way to read this, is that you are not allowed to drug your projectiles; no getting them lit or stoned or high or otherwise chemically enhanced.
We all know about poison dart frogs; apparently some people don’t know about the English language or a sense of humor.
Gave 2,000 + rounds (22lr and 223/5.56) to our nephew and am holding 1,330 22lr for my brother in law. Neither took the 2008 draught as a wake up call. I did. Am good for over 5 years of shooting. Just started reloading so that will stretch it more. Buy 2 and shoot 1.
Back in the 70s a rabbit-hunting friend of mine (west central Missouri – after a couple of days of snow we would go out in the fields with beagles to flush the bunnies) had a 28-gauge Remington 1100. MUCH better than a .410 for 20-yard running targets, without as much meat damage as my 20-gauge double barrell.
It seems to go way beyond “whatsoever” and “whatever”:
According to the above, “the court said that the Second Amendment does not confer a right to carry weapons beyond the home”. I guess we should wait for more detailed reports on this ruling, but the right to carry in general seems to be under plenty of squeeze from the federal courts.
sweet, the best thing about this is it will solve the issue of the back where the buffer tube screws in cracking in standard lower designs.
Needs a bayonet launcher.
I want this but I want it in a metal frame and an adjustable length of pull. This looks freakin cool.
Can I get one in evil assault weapon black? Oh wait…. Can I get two? One for me and one for the kid.
You can make as many as you want, providing you never sell them.
I see a lot of people stating it’s ineffectiveness due to lack of a barrel or any means for the projectile to gain any real velocity. Think beyond the bullet guys, it’s the gasses entering the body that are doing most of the damage here. Don’t believe me put a blank gun to you’re head and fire it (please don’t actually do this) the gasses are enough to kill you or do some serious damage at close ranges.
Pity the poor hog being stabbed and shot simultaneously. Now if we can figure out how to strangle the hog, run him over and shove him down a flight of stairs all at the same time, we can cover all the leading causes of violent death at once.
This is going to be big.
Either somebody pranked the crap out of Perazzi, or Roberta Perazzi is going all Baghdad Bob on us.
That’s a neat little thumbhole stock lower design!
I’d like to see a bullpup kit executed on lower like this!
I would not mint having one to play with
Is it not true New Jersey law mandates that any bill not actively vetoed by the governor automatically becomes law after 45 days ?
If so,Christie can stand aside and say during a future presidential campaign that he never signed a single gun control bill-and he’d be technically correct.
I thought Nick would be bumbed out, a bill banning 3 gun.
Oh wait.
How is this not an AOW?
OMG! The first gun writer I’ve ever read who quoted Neil Young. This site is simple the coolest, ever. Yeah, shallow comment, but WTF, everyone else delivered the substance.
Nice…thanks for that!
No gun grabber or grabber enabler will ever get my support for high office of any type!
As a dealer, my personal favorite is There are a bunch of features that streamline the auction process, from the listing through to checking a buyer’s FFL before shipping. The site is pretty new but very user-friendly. And I was assured by the admin that there are new feature launches on the way.
HALT! The Retinal Scan Matrix (RETSCaM) has determined you are armed and forbidden entry to the EduZone! HALT!! HALT!!! STOP RIGHT THERE… HALT. ENTRY DENIED! HALT!!! HALT!!!!!……
Is that an easy button?
“A few days ago a ruthless street gang moved into town. You’re working at Staples, when suddenly they burst through the door…”
This looks particularly robust with fewer weak points than other printable lowers. Good job, kommando.
Can anyone tell me briefly why a few commenters say Military police shootings with 9mm FMJ’s would skew the statistics in 9mm’s favor? Other than the category would have more ‘professional’ shooter’s than the others?
I’m a novice but I’d think it would do the opposite.
Here’s a story about how a 3D printer saved a little girl, they can’t be evil!
Ok I shot 2 of these things today and they are indeed plastic. I shot one into a piece of wood and the arrow did not shoot back it fell to the ground, and yes the round did indeed split transferring most of the energy sideways into thin air. The .357 bullet went in approximately 3/4 of an inch. As a test to see how a regular field point would react I shot another arrow right next to it and it went in the distance of the insert. his was from a 60# Mathews bow and carbon arrows. Next we shot one onto a “soft ” target to see if it would blow and it did not, it just broke the stem off the head. and the “soft ” target used was the end of a pretty compacted hay bail with a plastic lexan sheet covering it. Taking it apart it did hit the primer a bit but not enough to pop the round off….
To be more affective the head of the projectile should be made of Titanium to force the round out the front and into the intended target, and not just blow up to make noise. Take it for what its worth..
For me it was just one of those I gotta see what it does type of things..
I’m really having a difficult time understanding their argument. I’m seriously trying to wrap my brain around it.
I’m supposed to try and run away, or get my rear kicked across town rather than fight back?
I’ve got to just turn this off. I don’t get it.
Regardless of the reason of use, Id buy them just for the pure cool factor… I have spent way more for dumber shooting stuff I still have…. still fun to talk about.