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New From Ruger: Diamond Gray Mark IV 22/45 Lite

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Leghorn’s Law of Product Announcements: a new paint job or tweaked feature on an existing model does not a new gun make. Fair enough. That said, Ruger would like you to know that they’re now offering the Mark IV 22/45 Lite in a Diamond Gray anodized finish. But hey, they’re offering the gray gun in a non-threaded version which almost like a new model. Anyway, the diamond gray finish goes along with the other colors of the rainbow they offer such as black, red, fuscia and OD.

As Ruger’s email blast notes:

The popular Mark IV™ 22/45™ Lite now features a new anodized finish for 2018 – Diamond Gray. Additional features of the Lite model include a lightweight, ventilated, aerospace-grade aluminum receiver, and a comfortable, precision-molded polymer grip frame. This model is now also available with a non-threaded barrel. Find yours today!

Want one?


0 thoughts on “New From Ruger: Diamond Gray Mark IV 22/45 Lite”

    • Agreed. I was very pleasantly surprised when I shot one for the first time a few weeks ago. I’m seriously considering one for a silencer host now.

      • The Mark IV takes away the one gripe I had about the pistol: takedown was miserable and reassembly needed video references up until now. Glad I hesitated long enough for the “click-and-it’s-stripped” Mark IV. Accurate, easy to learn, reliable, and EASY TO CLEAN.

    • There is a quota? Oh my God, I am falling behind! First those one gun a month rules, now a quota by manufacturer! Next thing they will be demanding I buy 1000 rounds a month, where am I going to get the money? Then there will be holsters and slings and EDC gear! My wife isn’t gonna be happy about this, not one bit.

      • All of that said a .22 pistol would be cool to have and threaded so it will support a silencer which I could use on my .22 rifle. Oh, I am in trouble now!

      • My Ru ger quota is one per year. I’m sure S,R&Co would love me to raise that quota, but they’d have to offer me a job with a significant raise and a great discount on their products. Until then, one per year.

        I also reserve the right to sell Rugers I own to fund new R uger purchases.

  1. I’ve had a 22/45 Mark III for about five years. Changed the trigger to a Volquartsen (sp) and can shoot ten steel plates in about nine seconds. Others at the club can do way better, in the five second range.

    That as a preamble, the Mark III generally takes me an afternoon to strip down and clean. A half hour to strip down and clean and sometimes two hours to get back together so it functions properly. Even with a youTube video on stop action! That design is atrocious!

    Last year when the Mark IV came out, one of the new guys at the club got one. What a dream to take apart and put back together! I will definitely be getting one of these before our plate season starts again in December. Not sure which flavor, but it is a great target pistol. Got a simple Tasco red dot because it is only 50 feet to the steel plates.

  2. I would have been all over a Mk IV if they had taken the opportunity offered by a completely different barrel mounting system to move the serial number from the receiver/barrel to the frame. Since they didn’t, my Mk II will suffice.


  3. I’m not sure but I don’t think you can buy the threaded barrel in New Yorkistan. Too many evil possibilities. So this version would be available to them.

  4. Ordered a 22/45 last week and it shipped yesterday. Just waiting to hear from my FFL. It’s black on black, the way it should be.

    Now I’m going to be saving up for a Q Erector.

  5. I love my 22/45 Mark IV. It has the rail on top and is that burgundy color. Shoots like a dream with a Bushnell and a can on it.

    I also like that it isn’t black & boring.

  6. I deliberated for a long time about getting the Red Mark IV Lite, but ended up with the Bronze. Love it! My dad owns an original Mark I, and I’ll be tickled if my Mark IV holds up as well as his Mark I has for the past 40 years. While his sports nothing but the original iron sights, I’ve put a Burris FastFire on mine. Saving up for a Q El Camino to finish the setup.


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