Sharps Bros. are known for AR type receivers designed to piss off antis, as well as a milled AK receiver (which we have for review). Gun owners having a Bromance with the manufacturer’s millinery (I know that refers to hats, RF made me put it in) can now choose from three new, equally non-PC 80% lower receivers, as above. As you may have noticed, these 7075-T6 billet paperweights are not cheap. Here’s why . . .
That’s a lot of AMERICAN labor, folks. And, as Aqua pronounced, imagination, that is your creation.
Note: I don’t think these receivers will fit in any jig that I’ve ever seen. While you don’t need a jig to finish an 80% lower doing so without one’s bound to annoy the Irish.
Could you see yourself carrying an AR that’s so not kindler gentler? Or is discretion the better part of valor?
It’s not like they let people in SF have CC permits anyhow, so they law doesn’t really do anything but virtue signal.
“The ban would not apply to law enforcement, military or licensed security guards”
I knew the elites would have an exception.
Some people will get their moneys worth of satisfaction from these. The market is large enough for all of us to find what we like. No, I won’t be buying one though.
I absolutely love my FNX 45, and everyone that shoots it loves it as well. I got a great deal on it because it’s the stainless slide model and apparently was hard to move so, brand new, it cost me about $610. I even prefer shooting it over my 1911!
Haven’t bothered with 9mm FNs because my Glocks, Kahr, and CZ do everything I want them to do. The 5.7 is a cool gimmick but I’ve got a lot of other “cool gimmick” purchases to go before I make it to that one!
if you can find one.
all 4 of my carbine uppers with bcg cost about the same as these lowers
btw all 4 uppers have shot 1 hole or all rounds touching groups with the right ammo for that price
cant justify it
I could say the same thing about all of my guns as well. Probability will do that for three shot groups or even five shot groups occasionally. The ‘circular area of probability’ with twenty plus shots is a much more accurate measure of precision. “Flyers” count. I am not saying your uppers are not precise or that you are exaggerating (I have no way of knowing that), but rather that your statement doesn’t tell us much about their precision.
I, too, like the notion of using them with a red dot. The rear sight looks kind of long, front-to-back, which could make it difficult to sandwich it in along with the RDS in the limited space between the ejection port and the back of the slide, though.
I will buy this sight and put it on my Silver Ford Escape as a hood ornament
it doesn’t matter. it doesn’t matter what the actual contents, message, moral, or intent was. it will be construed into a quagmire of stereotypes and cliche’s to keep the dividing factors in this country active. the government is doing a AMAZING job keeping its citizens divided so we can’t fight the real enemy of the people of this country, THEIR GOVERNMENT.
Yup just caught the turd alive too.
Now that they have the perp, rendition him to Gitmo and give him lots of “enhanced interrogation”.
It’s what the progressives want to do us with the added stage of being “herded into the showers for delousing”.