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There are many things I enjoy about my P226, but the trigger isn’t always one of them. The double action functionality does something that makes the single action mode less satisfying, and while its fixed on their X-Five handgun the issue is that it costs exactly one firstborn child. It turns out that SIG has heard our cries, and released a cheaper single action only P226 that has an excellent and crisp trigger. The SAO version will retail for a little more than the standard P226, but for those who need a perfect trigger its worth the price.

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  1. “It turns out that SIG has heard our cries, and released a *cheaper single action only P226* that has an excellent and crisp trigger. The SAO version *will retail for a little more than the standard P226*, but for those who need a perfect trigger its worth the price.”

    So it’s going to be more expensive?

  2. Or, you know, you could ….I don’t know….GO TO THE FKIN RANGE !

    Seriously, im tired of all the hate on DA/SA pistols. I get it people. Its a lot harder to make an accurate shot with a 10lb pull then with a 5lb pull. That said I reached a turning point last year with my Beretta 92-I could continue to bitch about my DA pull, or I could buy a box of 9mm ammo and fix the weakest link in the gun-shooter system:ME.

    500 rounds later , I’m no longer afraid of the DA/SA pull. You too can be free of the disease called “DoubleActionphobia” . If old timers could make accurate shots with DA .357 magnum revolvers, I think a Sig P226s DA pull is very manageable with decent practice.

    While Sig should be commended for listening to their customer base, perhaps practicing with your hardware is smarter then spending $1000+ to compensate for poor trigger technique.

    Just sayin’.

    • I think Nick is trying to say he prefers SAO triggers to DA/SAs even when shooting in SA. I dunno — I’ve never found 1911 triggers to be any more shootable than SIG triggers, which are definitely better than standard HP and Glock triggers. But to each his own. The factory Glock trigger is my least favorite of the bunch, but that’s what I practice with. Ergo, it’s what I shoot best.

    • Or I could get a time machine and prevent my ten-year-old self from cutting his right index finger to the bone. Surgery saved the finger and preserved function, but it’s been permanently weakened ever since. A five or six pound pull is just fine, but ten or twelve is unmanageable. That means striker-fired and single action, yes; double action, no.

  3. I’m surprised it has taken Sig this long. They’ve offered the P220 in SAO for years. I have the “Carry Elite”, and it is a great shooter. I’m sure the new double stack SAO p226 will be as well.

    The trigger isn’t quite perfect, though. The pull is fine, especially after a thousand rounds or so. A little take-up, and a decent break. The reset, however, leaves a bit more to be desired. It is pretty long. Long enough that if you are used to the reset on a Glock, or even a 1911, you can find yourself “outrunning” the trigger if you try to shoot them as you would those. It’s not horrible, just takes some getting used to.

  4. If you are not combat accurate with the first shot on a DA/SA pistol the problem is with you. Not the gun.

  5. Wow – Sig really is an innovator. How much R&D did it take to create the cheaper more expensive pistol?

  6. I wish I could understand the incessant whining over the supposed SA vs. DA dispute. Talk about your basic, not to mention, tiresome and completely inane, non-issue? I want this, I want that!!! Wahhhhhhhh! Stow it!!!! The SA complainers waste more Internet bandwidth than 9/11 truther’s. And for what? Your pooh widdle finger is too weak and untwained? Do you ever listen to yourselves?
    Get a life.

    Uncomfortable transparency: My gun arm was disabled in a motorcycle accident 6 years ago. It is now frozen in place at the elbow, and I my fingers can no longer curl to make a fist. Yet I don’t seem to have a problem operating my Sig 226, 228, or 229 in SA or DA.

    • I think for many people it’s a consistency issue. They like the same trigger pull every single time. For example, I shoot revolvers and 1911s very well in double action and single action respectively, but the reason I don’t like the da/sa guns is because I don’t like the transition. Does this mean it’s a bad design? No, but it’s not for everybody. I’ve shot da/sa pistols, but I just don’t shoot them as well as I shoot a pistol with one or the other and not both.

  7. Once, when I was posted in W. Africa, we had a Jameson’s Viper stuck in the rafters of one of our shop buildings. You don’t mess with these things unless you enjoy pain. We saw it slithering around up there and at one point only a small section of it was visible as it moved, right behind the head. So I got my Sig 228 and lined up the sights. I got about as close as I could without getting directly under it, probably 15 feet way. I could not afford to miss as it probably would disappear or worse, be very angry with me for trying to kill it. My 228 is SA/DA so considering the fact that I didn’t want to miss, I moved the hammer back to SA. BANG! Dead viper.

    If you want accuracy, practice pulling the hammer back into SA. It’s no more complicated than removing the safety. If you want speed and accuracy practice like ST until you are fast and accurate. I don’t think there is a substitute for practice, especially the kind you buy (practice ammo excepted of course). P.S. I know I said practice 4x in this paragraph, I was trying to make a point.

  8. I haven’t read any incessant whining…I simply prefer SAO trigger pulls, or more accurately, firearms that have the same trigger pull, no matter if its the 1st, or 7th round fired.

    I like the LEM triggers from HK, I like DAO triggers on revolvers, etc.
    There is nothing wrong with someone having a preference, and approving when a manufacturer releases something in that preferred configuration.

    Cheer up people, it’s Friday.

  9. I handled these SAO Sigs today, and my gripe is that the slide release is almost completely blocked by the size and position of the manual safety.

  10. If it’s anything like the P220 SAO (and it looks the same), the thumb safety is too high to keep the thumb on it while shooting. It also appears to be too narrow. I had to adjust my shooting style and would slide my thumb off the safety to a comfortable position. Accuracy was as expected for any SIG fired from single action.

    I ended up selling my P220 SAO and going back to the standard double action version. They’re great shooters if your hand works with the safety.

  11. “SIG has … released a cheaper single action only P226 that … will retail for a little more than the standard P226”.

    Waht???? Explain that to me again! The SAO version is cheaper than the DA/SA, but costs a little bit more than the DA/SA????

    Sorry, buddy. I like my DA/SA P226 just fine.



    • There seems to be a serious reading comprehension problem among commenters here about the price.

      The new P226 SAO costs LESS than the similar featured P226 X-Five.

      The new P226 SAO costs MORE than the standard DA/SA P226.

  12. What a bunch of wussies worrying about what other shooters pefer. All you little pretend experts need to get off your high horses, you are a joke.

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