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New from Smith & Wesson: M&P 10 in .308

Foghorn - comments No comments

S&W has gotten some great sales out of their S&W M&P-15 rifles, and this year it looks like they’re expanding into the AR-10 area as well. Their new M&P 10 features an 18″ barrel that is not free floating, and apparently comes with no sights (yet has a railed front sight base for flip-ups if so desired). No word on MSRP, as I couldn’t get one of their reps to stand still long enough. Comes in .308 Winchester, and appears to take standard PMAGs. Which is great, since they just upped the round count on those to 25. More info in this here post.

0 thoughts on “New from Smith & Wesson: M&P 10 in .308”

  1. These people may not even own guns. If I were out of work and had a family to support I would consider reselling anything gun, especially ammo. 99% were probably gun owners but I’m sure the hungriest were resellers. There isn’t much work out there and you have to keep circulating cash.

  2. The cop got some really good deals, he should have kept the guns and kept his mouth shut.
    I have no qualms about a non violent felons having a gun, but, I do have a problem with people with violent histories having guns.

  3. The picture where I’m kneeling, shooting through an opening, I had 4 targets to engage, at somewhere between 7 and 10 yards. Two steel, two clay pigeons. The steel was about 36″ off the ground, while the clay pigeons were maybe 18″ off the ground.

    • I am wondering that same question. I got the UTG mid length quad rail mtu007. It doesn’t fit. It says it takes the MTU007R, but I can’t find one. Any Ideas?

  4. I purchased an M&P 10 and used some Hornady rounds and all i was getting was key hole shots on all my rounds. I then switched ammo and the key holing had stopped but the rifle was shooting way too low.I put some Iron sites on and the rifle is still shooting low. Can someone give me some advise as to whether the rifle is bad. I have also bought a Vortex scope and have bottomed out the adjustments. I have used up way too much ammo just trying to sight it in. Is it the rifle, the ammo or the scope ?????

    • If you are aiming for the same spot every time and all the rounds are hitting the same area every time then it isn’t the barrel. More than likely the sights need to be adjusted or replaced.

  5. I bought one of the SW MP10 in CA.
    The buttstock seems to have a tiny pin that keeps it from adjusting or being removed. Does anyone know how to solve this?

  6. I got my M&P 10 about 4 months ago in California and the stock wasn’t pinned, but I immediately changed all the furniture to magpul in foliage, looks sweet !!!!


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