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This year’s SHOT Show, as always, featured virtually everything the most ardent gun guy or gal could want where things that go bang are concerned. And maybe it’s just us, but it certainly seemed that suppressors were more prominently featured at this year’s show. Just check out Tyler’s silencer-centric coverage and see for yourself. One in-the-know friend of ours figures that the ATF dropping the CLEO sign-off requirement will probably result in 250,000 more suppressors being sold. Never ones to let grass grow under their feet, Winchester’s now out with a subsonic .22LR round specifically marketed to take advantage of the trend . . .

New M-22 Subsonic™ Ideal for Suppressed, Unsuppressed Semi-Autos

EAST ALTON, Ill. – Winchester Ammunition delivered one of the most significant innovations to hit the rimfire world in 2013 with the introduction of the 17 Winchester Super Magnum, but where new rimfire loads are concerned, the company is far from over. In 2016, Winchester Ammunition continues to invest in its rimfire product line with the development of a new M-22 Subsonic .22 LR round.

The M-22 is designed specifically to function in semi-automatic firearms, while remaining subsonic from both pistol and rifle length barrels. The new M-22 Subsonic features a 45-grain black-plated lead round nose bullet that has the equivalent energy of full velocity 36-grain rimfire products. In addition, the M-22 Subsonic utilizes non-corrosive priming and clean burning powder for reduced muzzle flash.

The M-22 Subsonic was also created with suppressed firearms in mind, but performs just as well in unsuppressed rifles and handguns. During Winchester testing, M-22 Subsonic rounds measured 129 dB from an unsuppressed rifle. That is significantly quieter than a full velocity .22 LR fired from a suppressed rifle, which typically measures around 138 db. With the addition of a suppressor, M-22 Subsonic achieves a remarkably quiet 116 db.

M-22 Subsonic will be available in 100-round plastic packs and 800-round bulk packs.

“Suppressed firearms are growing in popularity. This is the perfect round for shooters looking to reduce the noise of each shot even more,” said Brett Flaugher, Winchester Ammunition vice president of marketing, sales and strategy.

About Winchester Ammunition
The iconic Winchester brand celebrates 150 years of legendary excellence in 2016—a historic milestone representing a steadfast commitment to the hunting and shooting sports traditions and future generations of sportsmen. A world leader in delivering innovative products, Winchester is The American Legend, a brand built on integrity, hard work and a deep focus on its loyal customers. Learn more about the history of Winchester by visiting or connect with us on Facebook at

Winchester Ammunition is a proud supporter of the NSSF’s Project ChildSafe. For more information on the Own It? Respect It. Secure It.SM Initiative, please log on to:


  1. Until we get federal preemption on NFA items it’s rather pointless. You can bet that most anti-gun states will rather quickly pass bills handing the denial authority back to themselves.

    That’s why I love the Hearing Protection Act. The latest version includes a federal preemption clause.

    • yeah until they require them on everything that goes boom. I can just see it now a $400 single shot cricket rifle. 12 gauges with a 3 foot can on them etc..

      • Please tell me how states would be able to get around that anyway. Regulation of NFA items or even firearms should be preempted at the federal level. Period. That way, we don’t wind up fighting this battle over and over in every state. If we lose at the federal level, it won’t matter anyway.

        • I have full faith that the slave states will find some way to fudge it up IF it passes.

          I mean, look what they did to the 2nd Amendment, thats about federal preemption as it gets, yet here we are.

      • I was thinking this as well. I’d rather see regular .22 production up. I can’t tell you the last time I saw a brick of .22. I can’t even tell you the last time I shot my .22.

      • Gentlemen, or is your friend. I have routinely been able to find .22LR for $0.07 to $0.08 per round, and I now have more .22lr than I’ll probably ever need, all this after Newtown. Is it hard to find in bricks & mortar stores? Sure. But this is 2015, and the internet is your friend.

        • I have already crunched those numbers in the other news story that we had a few days ago. Basically, you can still get it at ~9c/round for the cheapest stuff, even with shipping. Or ~11c for CCI Standard.

        • Yeah- doesn’t help some of us. Nobody will ship to Anituvik, and the last time I saw a box of .22 was last December.
          I pretty much only shoot centerfire these days because I can reload, and powder/ primers are available in the big towns, and brass/bullets can be shipped out here

        • $.05-.06 per round is about the max I’m willing to pay for 22 plinking ammo, shipped. Manufacturers are ignoring the demand for what the public wants- federal 550 and Winchester 555 bulk packs and the like- period! They keep dreaming up all this BS niche ammo that no one is going to use just to declair they “did something” to the press- just like our feckless president. Here’s an idea, make 22,cheap and plentiful as an introductory cartridge for all the millions of new gun owners out there. They will get hooked and upgrade to bigger calibers with better margins. Duh!!

    • I am reminded, for some reason of the old joke they told in the Soviet Union… A guy walks into a shop and says, “You wouldn’t happen to have any meat, would you?”

      “Comrade, this is the bakery. We wouldn’t happen to have any bread. Go across the street to the meat shop. They wouldn’t happen to have any meat.”

      I’m not sure what made me think of this.

      Say, you wouldn’t happen to have any .22 LR, would you?

    • I have come here to plink cans, and chew bubblegum. And the store only has bubblegum.
      – Roddy “Sadface” Piper

  2. M-22 is the worst 22lr I have ever used. Back in the darkest days of the shortage a 2000 round can showed up at the local Dick’s so I bought some. My 1911-22, which eats everything else , won’t eat it. It even jams in my Savage MK II bolt fun.

  3. How much energy does a 45 grain sub-sonic bullet even have? And whats the drop and wind look like on that?

      • You like rainbow trajectories, you might like trying a box of Aguila 69-grain subsonics. Not recommended for silencer use though, since they drop a bunch before they clear the baffles….

        • “You like rainbow trajectories, you might like trying a box of Aguila 69-grain subsonics. Not recommended for silencer use though, since they drop a bunch before they clear the baffles….”

          …. This is the worst site in the world if you want anything true. But excellent for subjective nonsense.

          The 69gr rounds are FINE through a suppressor, the issue is that most 22s have a 1:16 twist, which is entirely wrong for Aguila SSS rounds. You need a 1:7-1:9 or so twist to stabilize them.

          The issue is NOT that they are “drop a bunch” into the suppressor baffles, it’s they aren’t leaving most 1:16 22lr barrels with any degree of stability. THAT is why they aren’t recommended for suppressors, basically the only thing they are good at is being fired from 22lr AR15 conversions.

    • The article says it’s muzzle velocity is a little over 1000 FPS. I think I’ll buy some and see how they do. It should be kind of interesting. I have a Henry AR-7 that I purchased not too long ago, and when I fired it I was slightly surprised at how quiet it was. But then I am used to firing really large boom sticks so maybe I’m not used to the smaller cal. Still it seems the loudest part of the rifle is the bolt action when it comes back. So I am curious to see how quiet it is with the subsonic rnd. 45grn is heavy for a .22 so it should hit really hard, I’ll put up targets at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yds. aimed at center X, 5 rounds each bagged off the bench That should tell me the kind of drop and what kind of accuracy it will give. Slower rounds tend to be more accurate, well see how well this does. While I am at it I’ll do a punch test. Paperback books work really good for this. A standard paperback is about 400 pages and a 35grn .22 will go through two pretty easy. I came in here expressly to find some information on it but it looks as if the moron squad is out and all I am reading is idiot comments.

  4. Your headline might as well have read: “New from Winchester: Jack’s Magic Beans”. Tell me another fairy tale….

  5. I found out that Winchester’s 40gr sub-sonic truncated hollow-point will cycle
    the action of my 10/22 – 8 out of 10 times.

  6. The only problem I had w m22 is that I’m out of m22.

    Cycles fine in Mark 3 22/45 and ar22 (tac Sol)

    45 grains should allow it to have more powder and cycle more semi autos in subsonic.

    • I would love to have the regular m-22. I worked well in all of my guns. Shot very clean. No leading problems. No dead rounds. Haven’t seen any for sale locally in two years.

  7. Picked up a brick of 500 rounds of CCI Quiet for $28.00 at local Academy for my Ruger LCR 22lr
    It was behind the counter but they had it.

  8. Last time I shot normal M22 out of my 10/22 within 20 rounds my rifle wouldn’t hit within 2 feet of where I aimed, the soft lead smeared down the barrel, I’m assuming from getting scarred while being chambered… No more straight lead .22 for me…. Sad panda

  9. I’ve never had problems with M-22. Sure, it isn’t the most accurate stuff, but it runs fine in my S&W 15-22, and groups at around 1″ at 50 yards from my Savage MKII. It even runs ok in my P226 .22 conversion, so if I could find any more I would definitely buy it.

  10. Winchester 22 has a reputation for being dirty shooting and often hard to chamber. Aguila looks like a much better deal since hv and sv bricks are easily found fr $39.95 on line. Even better, my lgs occasionally has CCI sv on the shelf for the same price.

  11. Just a point to folks out there. I live in Europe and although we are hassled to death with stupid laws and restrictions on our guns, one thing we do have much easier is buying ‘sound moderators’ (as I like to call them. They cost from about $50-$150 for rimfire types to about $400 and upwards for centre fire weapons – no taxes to pay and no paperwork in most cases.

    So the point I wanted to make is that I tested a range of 22LR ammo. The so-called subsonic rounds (that cost more) and various other (no super speed stuff) 22LR rounds. Conclusion, just buy regular CCI standard. It’s 1070fps and the speed of sound is 1125fps (yes I know air density and temperature can change this a bit). Using CCI standard is already subsonic.

    There are of course lots of other similar range of speed 22LRs out there. I have quite a few sound moderators and they all work just fine on pistols and rifles. Sound is never silent but good enough to shoot without disturbing anyone close by.

    I hope my American friends get this long term pain-in-thee-ass ‘silencer’ issue sorted out. Having to complete paperwork and pay a unwarranted tax is really not right. You’ll see the whole market open up with great models and prices if this becomes the case.

    Regards to you all and remember to keep fighting for your rights – registered weapons lead to confiscated weapons – don’t ever be misled or fooled by politicians.

    • Have you ever fired Henry’s AR-7 survival rifle? I bought one not too long ago, picked up a box of standard 35grn .22 LR. Took it out into the desert and murdered a small barrel cactus that was about 50 meters away. It was accurate for a semi auto, but it also was super quiet, the noisiest part being the bolt action. So I am kind of curious what the M-22 will do. I’m not a big silencer buff, could care less one way or the other but for a survival rifle if it hits hard, and is quiet it might be a really good round.

  12. I’ve been waiting for an order of regular M-22 for about three years. I’d prefer Winchester focus on taking care of existing backlog.

  13. Come on, if your an executive at winchester you would make and market premium 22, not the cheap stuff, profit margin is way way higher, especially these days, where if a box of 22 gets to a store shelf, someone will buy it almost irregardless of price. At 10 cents a round 22 is so over priced, I can get subsonic 9mm reloads for 18 cents a round, would much rather have it…..

  14. I’ve used plenty of the regular Winchester M-22 and I like it just fine.
    If we actually see the 800 round bulk packs of the M-22 SubSonic then I will be very happy!

  15. We should not equate this new product to the M22 of old. This is a entirely new product from Winchester. The name is only shared. If borrow tech from the only 2 other 45 grain 22lr ammo I know of then it going to be a great product. From the reading it sure sounds like the tech is borrowed or very similar.

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