You’re looking at a “Unique soft-touch Concealed Carry Ammo Compact hosting ultimate self-defense ammo combining Shell Shock’s case technology with Full Stop expanding solid Copper Hollow-Point Cartridges.” Huh? While hidden gun sh*t is inherently cool, and those Shell Shock cartridges are pretty as a picture, why would you want to hide your ammo in the first place? And if you did need to hide your ammo, wouldn’t you want to hide it in a magazine that takes a second or two to insert into your gun? Anyway, the CCAC’s brought to you by the same people who thought girlSHOT is a good name for a brand. Here’s the presser . . .
Shell Shock Technologies’ NAS3 Casings Featured in girlSHOT’s Concealed Carry Ammo Compact and 20-Round Refill Signature Product Release
Shell Shock Technologies, LLC., an early stage technology and manufacturing company focused on developing innovative case technologies for the ammunition industry, announces that girlSHOT has launched its Concealed Carry Ammo Compact, which hides 10 personal defense rounds featuring Shell Shock Technologies’ revolutionary NAS3 casings in a secret compartment.
girlSHOT, LLC is a woman owned, managed and operated company focused on providing high-quality products for women shooters, advocating personal safety and family protection. With that in mind, its first product is the Concealed Carry Ammo Compact. The unique, soft-touch concealed carry compact case includes a mirror inside the lid; however, when the inner lid is opened a hidden inner compartment is revealed.
This compartment holds 10 personal protection 9mm Luger rounds that combine NAS3 case technology with Full Stop expanding solid-copper hollow-point bullets. The case heads have been anodized a beautiful “Santa Fe” blue exclusively for girlSHOT. The MSRP is $49.95. The girlSHOT themed Personal Protection 9mm Luger rounds are also available in a box of 20 from Shell Shock Technologies for $24.95.
I have three carry .45s
Range Officer Compact – 4″ bull barrel, 6 rounds, 28 ounces
Sig Sauer RCS – 4.25″ barrel, 7 rounds, 29.5 ounces
Glock 30 – 3.77″ barrel, 10 rounds (9 with flush mag), 26.3 ounces
The Glock is smaller, has more capacity, shoots softer, and carries more ammunition. But I still love my 1911s.
Allowing your children to walk around with a fake firearm is beyond stupid. You people who allow your kids to walk around with fake rifles and fake pistols deserve the dead kids you get. Did you ever even think, what if someone thinks they’re a threat and shoots at them?
That’s why I give my kids real guns so that if that happens, they can at least fire back. If it saves just one life….
TTAG has a pic of those NAS³ mega-reloadable shell casings in their Instagram feed.
Will there be a review on them in the future?
For a revolver maybe. Semi autos keep their rounds in magazines.
Yeah, loose pistol cartridges make no sense whatsoever. Kinda reminds me of the debate we’ve all heard regarding pistols vs revolvers: “pistols are faster to reload!”, to which I respond by handing the pistolero an empty gun, magazine and loose ammo – “Okay, GO!”
The problem is not with the guns in collections or even in citizen’s holsters. The problem is all the guns illegally in the hands of criminals who cause the overwhelming majority of firearms homicides.
Every time I read an article like this my first thoughts are, ‘and these people think they are experts?’
There is only ONE thing that matters about the firearm you carry. ARE YOU COMFORTABLE with it. PERIOD.
This idea that one cal is better than another, one size fits all, this feature over that is all BULL****.
The right weapon for you, is the one YOU are comfortable with, have learned and trained with to use properly and that ‘feels’ right when you are using it. While larger calibers can do more damage and I do recommend at least a 9mm for personal defense, if you are comfortable with your firearm and it feels right to you, do not let someone else tell you any different.
For me, depending on what I am wearing, I carry a Beretta PX-4 Storm 9mm, Ruger SR-9c 9mm or FN 5.7mm
but they were only imitation guns, so clearly new yorks gun control laws worked to prevent a mas shooting
Shouldn’t a rhinoceros have a horn on its forehead?
Well the po-leece were late. Probably prevented more being shot…you’re truly on your own!